VS 2008 - Grab All Handles Of Window By Caption And Put In ListBox?

Feb 6, 2011

So I need to grab all the handles and there captions of a window with the Caption "goman" and add them to a listbox

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VS 2008 Window Handles ,SetWindowPos API And ShowWindow API -Updated

Aug 5, 2009

1. I have an array of windows handles (list of window handles) which are windows I want to minimize when I call the ShowWindow API. But when I call it it sometimes minimizes other windows which aren't the windows I had before. I'm guessing that window handles are changed when other windows are being opened, is there is any option to detect a window in other way? like identity or something like that?

2. I'm trying to change a window size by using the SetWindowPos, but the problem is that I'm using this API while I'm dragging a window which causes the window to change the size for a sec and then go back to the same size, how can I change the window size while I'm dragging it?

3. When a left mouse button is up I want to maximize a window, but when I'm using the ShowWindow API right after the left mose button is up it causes the window to maximize for a sec and then go back I could fix that adding a delay:[code...]

4. Another question, can anyone give me an example on how to put a window right behind other window? (I guess changing something in the Z order?) I already got the two windows handles.

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Find The Caption Of The Active Window?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm trying to be able to get the caption of the currently active window. I've figured out that I should be using GetForegroundWindow, but when I use it I'm just getting a long string of numbers, which I think is the handle. How do I go from that to the actual caption?

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FindWindow - Change Caption Of The Window?

Mar 19, 2010

If i use this, it will give me the handle of the window "Test Window 1.0"


but what if the caption of the window changes? how do you find it? If it change to "Test Window 2.0" ? Program like Explorer caption always changes.

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Give Coordinates Of A Window By Caption?

May 10, 2012

give me a working example of "GetWindowRect" or something similar that would give me coordinates of a window by caption?The bold and underline won't come off so I'll just keep typing. I have googled and tried over 10 pieces of codes now. All of them are old and do not work. I found 1 tht works but thaat is for the topmost window only and I cannot make it work with caption.


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Show Window Caption Form Window_hWnd In Label?

Dec 5, 2010

I want to show the Window caption form the Window_hWnd in


But just can't get it to work

Please add the code line and any declare

The code is working and do get the hWnd so everything is declared and right it is just if there is any other declarations[code]...

View 10 Replies

VS 2010 Open Window Handles?

Jun 18, 2012

get a listing of all current open windows, with their captions and have the option to close these windows via code.

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Grab, And Lists All Into A Listbox?

Aug 27, 2011

<a href="http://www.websitename.com/Name" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=100054545">Name</a>

how to grab, and lists all into a listbox?

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Loop A Listbox And Grab Text Value If Each Item?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a listbox that contains a bunch of email addresses from a SQL database.I have some code that I use to send an email with some values from my app.How can I loop through my list box and grab the email address to use as my mail.to.add(emailaddress) string I have this and it loops twice because Thats how many addresses I have in my test listbox.

For i = 0 To Me.lstbxEmailListR.Items.Count - 1

Looking for a line of code that I can use to set a string to the listbox text


I don't need to use a listbox, But I figured it was easy to use to grab the email addresses from my DB.

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VS 2008 : Get Label Caption/text From Another Application?

Mar 6, 2010

I've been tasked to create one automation program that needs to read SysListview32, Listbox and Label content of another application [this was written by previous employee, but the source code didn't preserve]. I'm now successfully reading the content of ListBox and ListView, however I haven't been able to read the Label content....I've somewhere even read this might not be possible, which is what I wouldn't like to hear here as well )))The target application was written probably in C++ and when I get over the target label with tools such as Spy++ or Winspector, it doesn't draw the red rectangle around the label...

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VS 2008 Changing Font Of GroupBox Caption

Oct 30, 2009

I'm trying to change the font size of a GroupBox caption (text). The problem is that if I change it, all the controls inside the box are changed accordingly. I want to change only the GroupBox font size. How to do it?

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VS 2008 - How To Make Just Group Box Caption Text Bold

Jul 14, 2009

How come when I make a group box "caption" text bold it also makes everything in the group box bold? How do I do this from the IDE - change just the font characteristics of the group box itself and not it's contents?

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VS 2008 - How To Get Handles Of Process

Feb 15, 2012

(How to get The Handles Of process?)

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VS 2008 Handles For Controls?

Jul 1, 2009

If I have two instances of the same form open, and one is on top of the other and I want to go to the one on the bottom, I have to click the form to bring it to the front.. I changed this so that if i click the panel(which represents the forms background) I have it bring it to the front.. But now I am having the issue where I click a control in that panel it wont bring it to the front.. So i know how to do this.. I can make a procedure handle all the controls onclick events by typing each controls name.click event

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VS 2008 Get Handles Of Two Windows With Same Class And Title

Sep 8, 2009

I need to make program that gets handles of two opened windows that have Same Class and Title. Only difference between them is its positions. And, after I get handles I want to SetForegroundWindow to make windows active when I need to.

My problems are:

a How to get handles of thouse windows (is it possible to do it by WindowFromPoint, since I know positions)?

b How to make thouse handles global after they are determined or pass it to the next Sub?

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VS 2008 Grab From Webbrowse

Aug 4, 2011

i have a webbrowser. listbox and button.

I need it to get info from the website and pop it into the listbox when i click the button.

But im not sure on how to get this info :/


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VS 2008 Grab URL From Textbox?

Oct 23, 2009

In a textbox, someone puts www.websitehere.whatever along with more text and then clicks a button.. in the Button_Click, I want some code which if www. is in the textbox then it grabs the whole url and replaces it with another url

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VS 2008 Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable?

Dec 5, 2011

I get the error on this line on [ListBox1]

[code] Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged



Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

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VS 2008 Grab Information From The Site?

Jun 15, 2010

Have code

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("value", TextBox1.Text)
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("pass").SetAttribute("value", TextBox2.Text)

How do I make that when login to the site, name and lastname written in Label1.Text.

And if the password is not correct, written in Label1.Text "Wrong password"

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VS 2008 Grab Text Fom Website?

Oct 25, 2011

TextBox2.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("msgplace").InnerTextBy the ID "msgplace" has multilple texts with that ID but I dont want it to return all of them. The source code is

<div class="msgcontents">
Text here...


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VS 2008 : Button To Disable /enable The Handles Button1.Click?

Feb 6, 2010

one button on/off disable, enable any button like Handles Button1.Click i want to disable or enable part of the program?

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VS 2008 Program To Grab Any Image On The Site?

Mar 26, 2010

I want my program to grab any image on the site that the url starts with like lets say can I use wildcards on vb.net?[URL] like [a-z|A-Z|0-9] or something like that? The full url for a image smaple would be [URL]

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 How To Grab Submit Button And Simulate A Click

Apr 2, 2010

I need code for getting the Submit button to click on this website.url...i checked the page source and have been able to get the username/password to enter on my Webbrowser. However, I cannot figure out how to grab the Submit button and simulate a click.I managed a work around in which I set the focus on the "password" element and used SendKeys to send ENTER, however I don't want to use this method.

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VS 2008 Looping Through Txt File To Grab Case Numbers?

Feb 18, 2011

I have code to automize the creation of medical record charts in a data tree structure. I need to loop through a basic .txt to get relevant current case numbers and automate their chart creation structure. hat's wrong here... Msgbox(s) is returning my file name - not the first line in the file.

Dim myRootpath As String = "\backupcenterPDF_Archives$MedRecords"
Dim myTemplatePath As String = "\rbase$EMRTemplates"


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VS 2008 Grab Question From SQL Then Array Then Display, Updating Values?

Jul 28, 2010

(The following code cant work , it just wont update.. my bar default max is 80 and its still shooting over 80, its not dividing)

Sub displayprogress(ByVal amount As Integer, ByVal progress As ProgressBar)
progress.Value = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To amount


i did try replace the question with SQLLquestion(0) but the result given was 0 and not the question from database i tried calling function sqlquestion() from one of the form but it just cant work i think tis wrong...

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[2008] For Each Loop To Grab A Piece Of Data From A Regex & Variable

Feb 28, 2009

I use a simple for each loop toi grab a piece of data from a regex like:


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VS 2008 ListBox Opening Links From ListBox Returning Max List In Listbox?

Feb 13, 2010

1 when my listbox returns resaults it only brings back 10 how do I set it to return lets say 500

and question 2 is when I click on my links in listbox it's not opening webpage as I would expect it...

This is my code


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Window Title Listbox Add?

May 19, 2009

I Want to Make A Keylogger ..

1.) timer1 e actively want to take the window name listboxa ..

2.) ASCII 13 events if you appreciate the help I could not do ...

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VS 2008 When Logon Window Is Run The Splashscreen Still Open Like Maximized Window

Mar 29, 2011

When I run project splashscreen is popup and then Logon window is run. But unfortunately when Logon window is run the splashscreen still open like maximized window and I cannot see Logon window. How to fix that problem?

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VS 2008 Button_Click Error:Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types

May 11, 2009

Just upgraded a VS 2005 ASP.NET 2.0 website to VS 2008 ASP.NET 3.5. There was an error on the Sub Button_Click. It seemed to be a minor error, the website and the button worked just fine, as usual. What does the error mean?

Protected Sub btnDEreports_Click(ByVal
sender As


Error 20 Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

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