[2005] Databinding Headaches With New Form

Feb 27, 2009

I'll try to explain as best I can. I have a Datasource linked to an SQL table (called Products) containing the following fields


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Pull The Table In Without Headaches

May 28, 2012

Back again... getting into the next issue. My question is regarding a simple way to pull the table in without headaches. Right now I open the website, navigate to the page and am ready to pull in the needed info. It's Paypal, I'm trying to automate getting new sales customer addresses/orders downloaded into a spreadsheet.


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VS 2005 Databinding With Labels?

Nov 9, 2009

I have a form where I bind the Text property of several labels to various columns in a datatable. A couple of the labels get updated as a result of user selections, so for those labels I set the UpdateMode of the databinding object to 'OnPropertyChanged'. When the user makes their selections, I change the text property of the label - and indeed I can see where the text property changes.

However, when it comes time to save the data, I do a GetChanges on the datatable looking for rows that are Modified - and I get back nothing. I've tried explicitly calling the WriteValue method of the databinding object after I update the text property of the label. Still nothing.

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VS 2005 DataGrid DataBinding?

Nov 18, 2009

In ASP.Net we do the binding in the foll. way


wats wrong with the first method,Can i know that ,cz in ASP.net,it works but in VB.Net,it doesn't.

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VS 2005 - Perfect Databinding With ComboBox And Textbox

Oct 7, 2009

What wrong with my databinding? How to correct the perfect binding with combobox and texbox.. When I select Projectname the other are changing except the email... Why the email is not changing?

commemails = New OleDbCommand
daemails = New OleDbDataAdapter
dsemails = New DataSet
dtemails = New DataTable
myconn = New OleDbConnection(("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=") + My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "SMRPsource.mdb")
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 : Stop Combobox Event Firing During Databinding?

Mar 29, 2010

I have the following code that populates a combobox:

With Me.ClassSelector
.DataSource = DataAccess.Utilities.ReferenceDataUtils.GetLookupTableData("Category_code_classes")
.DisplayMember = "Category_text"
.ValueMember = "category_class"
End With

However, the SelectedValueChanged event fires once when I set the datasource and again when I set the valuemember. In both instances there is a selected value, although that value was not selected by any user action, but rather because of the loading of the combo box.I don't think there's a 'SurpressEventFiring' property for the combobox, so how to you check to see if the change in the selection was a result of user action and not data loading?Perhaps I'm populating my combobox wrong?

edit: changed 'displaymember' to 'valuemember'

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Form Populate Through Databinding

Oct 22, 2009

I have this form Customer which is designed with labels, textboxes and comboboxes. I want to populate them by way of databinding. How can i do this??

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Databinding To Hidden Form Fields?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using simple data binding and have in total 3 fields on my Form and 2 of them are hidden. The two hidden fields are calculated by filling in the first one. bellow you find the code I'm using, when the update is done only the first field that is fill in is written to the Database. How can I change the code to get all 3 of them written to the Database

Public Class frmLicenseKey
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim dsLicenseKeyInfo As DataSet


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Updating Two Tables Using A Databinding From Within A Form?

May 16, 2011

I have three tables Tasks, Notes & CallTypes Each item in Tasks and Notes has a relationship to CallTypes and my form edits work fine. However: Notes only belong to tasks, and when i update the note record we will need to change the CallType for the Task as well as for the Note and they could both be different.

I have the Notes working fine, but i cannot update the tasks. I have created a databindng on to a form from the datasources window. All the notes fields are ok and are working I then add the calltype field from the tasks, draged from the data sources window (i dont want all of the tasks fields, just the calltype).

The code does not through up errors, but when i save the form it only updates the notes and not the tasks.

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Databinding Windows Form Controls To XML File?

May 19, 2010

I have a form that with a list of text boxes. My target is simply binding these controls to an XML file so that whenever the file contents are changed externally, the text box values change dynamically. I will have an external application edit the XML file and overwrite the existing one.

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Windows Form - Missing Something Simple - Object Databinding?

Nov 26, 2011

I am missing something simple. I know how to bind asp.net datagrids and webforms, but this is my first time trying to bind to an object list of T in a windows form. (I am use to using datasets with datatables and im trying to get away from doing that).I have a simple object list that gets populated on the form load. However if I click a button to add a dummy record the datagridview does not display the new record added. The bindingNavigator (if clicked nextrecord) and "debug stops" all show that the new record I just added to the object list is there.

Even adding the datasource object in the watch list shows the new records are there. They are just not displaying.

I cannot seem to figure out as to why the new record is not being displayed in the datagridview when I can see the record got clearly added to the datasource.


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Store PDF File Into Sql Server 2005 And Display In A Picture Box On VB 2005 Window Form?

Mar 13, 2009

I am using memorystream to get and store images into sqlserver 2005 table image field. This process is working and I am able to display image in picture box. I need to be able to store PDF files into the same field and be able to display in a picture box.

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VS 2005 Copy Form Within VB 2005 Project?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm attempting to copy a rather complex form from one part of my project and use it (modified) within another part (ie, depending on whether it's maintenance or an outage, you'll get a slightly different email screen).

My first attempt failed miserably, as I had simply right-clicked and pasted the form within the project, assuming renaming the controls would work. nope, I didn't realise that there was stuff in the original form that was renamed as well, and that created a monstrous pile of errors.My second through fourth attempts also failed, generating errors in forms that (I thought) weren't related or connected. Once I deleted the copied form, all was fine.

So, short of trying to rebuild the form from scratch (using a different naming convention for my controls etc.), is there a simple way of doing this? This seems to be such a simple task, but alas I was wrong....(or, at least it's not easy with the information I have right now.

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VB 2005 - Register Form - Store The Added Username And Pasword To The Login Form?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password ..and a button Confirm

i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work...

what must i do? also where would this data be stored...

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VS 2005 Child Form Remain Enabled While Modal Form Displayed?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a VB. Net App where I want the user to open a modeless form which contains reference information about items in a select box. If the user double clicks the item selected in the list box a modal form is opened to edit the item.I want the previously opened reference form to remain active/enabled, that is, I want the user to be able to click on it, move it, etc.I was able to get the form to at least show up on the task bar by setting it's "ShowInTaskBar" property to true, however, when it comes to the front the user can still not move it to the side to view all of the Edit Forms information.

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Forms :: [2005] Form-To-Form ComboBox Item Defaulting?

Jan 18, 2011

I have been creating a call management application and I am having a problem with something that I have spent weeks on trying to get working and nothing I try is working for me. My application is an MDI application written in VB.NET 2005 Professional, using .NET Framework 2.0. It uses a back end database using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.When the MDI application launches, a form is displayed to the end user asking for phone number (MaskedTextBox) and a partner name. The partner names are within a ComboBox.

When the end user types in the phone number and selects a value from within the ComboBox, s/he clicks on the start button. This then opens a second form. The phone number from the MaskedTextBox is to default in a second MaskedTextBox (this I am able to get working without issue.) The partner name selected from the ComboBox is to default on the second ComboBox. This is the part where I have been working on it for weeks and not able to get it to function.

The second form has many ComboBoxes, all of which pull down items from a particular table within the database. Some of them are editable and some are not. The ones that are editable are also auto complete Suggest/Append on the ListItems.I wrote a sub to handle the population of these ComboBoxes and also to handle if they are editable or not. All of this is working. However, my main issue is that I can't get the value on the second form to default to what ever was selected on the first form. I do not get any errors but regardless of what I do, the second form always stays as the first item in the list regardless.

The code I am using is as follows:

<CLSCompliant(True)> Public Sub PopulateDropDownListFromDB(ByVal cboName As Elegant.Ui.ComboBox, _
ByVal TableName As String, ByVal ColumnName As String, _
ByVal UseAutoComplete As Boolean, _
ByVal UseSQLDistinct As Boolean)


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VS 2005 Moving Rich Text Box String From Form To Form?

Apr 15, 2009

simple problem Basically in form1 i have a line of SQL code in a rich text box called rtb_select

what i would like..This code to run under a connection string called strSQLSelectQuery in form2

I have been told someting like strSQLselectQuery = rtb_select.text would work however because rtb_select is in a different form in the same project it does not recognise rtb_Select

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VS 2005 - Generate Form Code - Put The Buttons On The Form

Oct 30, 2009

I'm making a game maker, and I just need to know how to put the buttons on the form. where to add the button code in the Form1.Designer.vb file? I just need to know what the syntax of InitializeComponent is.

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VS 2005 Event Is Lost When A Second Form Is Called From The First Form

Dec 31, 2009

I have two forms. Form1 and Form2. The user is supposed to fill out some information in form2 which then will be used to compute some data in form1. However when I used the code, Form2.Show, within a function in form1, the form2 is diplayed but when the user fills the data and submits them using the ok button, the code does not return back to the function in Form1.

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VS 2005 Form Load Vs Form Shown Events?

Aug 25, 2010

aside from the difference mentioned below, what are other difference the two events might have and how will affect the application as a whole? What is more preferred to use and why?

Form Load:
*Do stuff*
Form shows up on monitor
Form Shown:
Form shows up on monitor
*Do stuff*

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VS 2005 Pass A Value From An Independent Form To A Child Form?

Nov 24, 2009

how to pass a value from an Independent form to a Child form...

here whis is the data from..

the indenpendent data is selected from the datagridview by just double clicking the cell the selected data will pass into the combox of child form (Note: this is combobox not textbox)...

i'm done with textbox it work fine..


Independent form when user duble click the datagridview

Private BoxToUpdate As TextBox
Public Sub Start(ByRef DescItem As TextBox)
' Me.Close()


how could i able the value into combobox from independent form into child form...

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[2005] How To Use Bindingsources From Main Form On Dialog Form?

Mar 2, 2009

My project has a single dataset with about 6 datatables. Each of those datatables has a TableAdapater and a Bindingsource on the main form (due to various databound controls).

Now, I want to have a second form for adding a new record. If I bind the controls to the datasource it creates new TableAdapaters and new Bindingsources on that form. I was wondering if it's possible to simply use the ones from the main form instead like this


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Databinding 101 - How To Do It In .Net

Sep 8, 2011

I have a list of strings. How do I bind it to a listbox so that the listbox updates as the data of the list changes? I'm using vb.net.I've tried this so far. I've manage to display the data, but not change it:

Public Class Form1
Private mycountries As New List(Of String)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I've also tried this:

ListBox1.DataBindings.Add("items", mycountries, "Item")

But items is readonly, so it doesn't work.Also, if I want to bind the enabled property of a button to a boolean, how can I do that?I've tried this but I don't know what to add for the last parameter.

Dim b As Boolean = True
Button3.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", b, "")

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Asp.net Databinding Without FormView?

May 15, 2011

I have an ASP.NET page with a Wizard control containing several steps and about 80 form fields. The data is collected and inserted to a database from the code behind page. I need to set this form up so you can not only insert, but edit a record as well. So I want to databind the fields. I'd rather not use a FormView because then I would have to revise my existing code, since you can't access controls inside a FormView directly. Is there a way to databind the fields without using a FormView?

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C# - WPF Databinding Converter .NET?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a button that i basically want to either show or hide it based on if a certain string has a value or not. I create the buttons in code so i was trying to used databindings with a converter but i can't seem to get the converter on the binding after the value changes. I'm not sure if I'm going after this correctly or not... Here is what i have for creating the button and the binding and the converter. "sFileLocation" is a string inside my class "QuestionsFile". This works for initialization but its just when the value of the string changes, this binding doesn't see the change and doesn't run the converter and all that for me...

Dim btn2 As New Button
Dim b2 As New Binding("sFileLocation")
b2.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay


The thing I don't understand too is that the binding works fine if i just binding the property to the Button.Content. So the property is updating correctly when it gets changed, and the buttons content changes accordingly.

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Databinding Between Controls?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm trying to do something with databinding between 2 controls...Here is a sample code (that doesnt work - and that is my wonder):

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Me.TextboxPlus2.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.TextboxPlus1, "Text")


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Databinding To Checkedlist Box

Jan 8, 2010

Is there a way to fill a checked list box with data from a sql table and then use the checked items as parameters or a stored procedure?

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Databinding Without FormView?

Jun 8, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page with a Wizard control containing several steps and about 80 form fields. The data is collected and inserted to a database from the code behind page. I need to set this form up so you can not only insert, but edit a record as well. So I want to databind the fields. I'd rather not use a FormView because then I would have to revise my existing code, since you can't access controls inside a FormView directly. Is there a way to databind the fields without using a FormView? I'm new at this by the way so sorry if the answer should be obvi

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DropDownList Databinding?

Jun 2, 2009

I want to databind my catagory table to a dropdown list but thecategories aren't going to be in order like:

categoryID Name---------------------1-----------apple2-----------wiper blades3-----------band aids4-----------pear5-----------raisons6-----------tiresHow would I be able to make the list look like:


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How To Add Sql Statement In Databinding

Jul 6, 2009

how to add sql statement in my code..here's my code for the form load..[code] want those textboxes to displayed only data for a particular person something like "Select * from Staffapplication where MID ='" & frmLeave.txtUser.Text & "'")how to add the sql statement in my code??

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