[2008] Show Data Source Not Possible?

Jan 16, 2009

The code below works well to load an Excel file into a DataGridView. The menu 'Show Data Source' reveals there is no data source available. Is there a way to set up a data source much in the same way as is possible with a .mdb which I would normally add with the menu 'Add New Data'? Several ways to confugure the DataGridView are not options without a known data source.

Public Class Form1
Private da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Private ds As New DataSet


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VS 2008 Getting Controls To Show Data Source Selection?

May 26, 2010

I want to include the ability for the end user to create connections to different databases using the same (or similar) dialogs that are available at design time, such as the Connection String builder, Selection Data Source (ODBC) screen, etc. Is this something built into .NET or only available via third party/custom controls?

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Show Header / Footer Of Gridview With Empty Data Source?

Apr 26, 2010

How I can show header/footer of Asp.Net Gridview with empty data source?

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VS 2008 : Can Data Reader Be Used As A Data Source For A Grid Control

Mar 21, 2010

can data reader be used as a data source for a grid control?

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Display Data In Datagridview By Using Data Source In Vs 2008?

Jun 2, 2010

i'm got this sql query code in dataset designer

SELECT pkt.fldPackageID, pkt.fldPSID, pkt.fldQuantity, pkt.fldQuantityUsed, pkt.fldRetail, pkt.fldPK, ps.fldName
FROM tblPaketRow AS pkt INNER JOIN
tblProdukDanService AS ps ON ps.fldID = pkt.fldPSID
WHERE (pkt.fldPSID = @param)

I'm trying to display the results in datagridview,i drag from the data source in vs 2008..I can't figure out to do that.I use this code to set the @param on form_load event.

Me.TblPaketRowTableAdapter.JoinTable(SalonDataSet.tblPaketRow, modCommon.s)

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IDE :: Data Source Disappeared - Recreate My Data Source From The Entry That Is In App?

Feb 10, 2012

I refreshed my data sources to include additional items from the SQL Server databases and it appears that my entire data source from my VB.NET project disappeared.I am using Entity Framework. I may have clicked on something wrong, not quite sure. Unfortunately I can't recreate the Data Source without creating a new Entity and Data Model.I can delete the entry in the App.Config file and recreated it, however things aren't quite right.Is there a way that I can recreate my Data Source from the entry that is in my App.Config file...since that appears to have remained intact.BTW, I can go to my Data Model and successfully refresh from there, however my project isn't connecting to the database so I have quite a number of errors until I can get reconnected.

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VS 2008 Add Data Source Using The Wizard

Jul 28, 2009

I have a program on my machine that uses a local SQL Express 2005 database to store information in when the program is running. I want to use some data within said database in my program but for the life of me I cannot seem to get started by adding it as a new data source using the add data source wizard... If I type in the database name it throws an error that it cannot find the database, although I can quite clearly see it using the SQL Express 2005 SQL Server Management Tool.

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.NET 2008 Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Jun 21, 2010

I am currently working on a project that involves the use of data base sources, namely ODBC. The problem is I have designed a form using the Data Source Configuration Wizard that doesn't update. I've ensured that I have a primary key in my data and that the Copy to output is set to "Copy Always". The code generated by the wizard, is as follows: Public Class Form1


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Add A Data Source To Visual Studio 2008?

Jun 27, 2009

I have downloaded and run the mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5-win32.msi. The wizard goes through the process but when I go to vs 2008 and try to Add a Data Source or Show Data Sources I get a blank. NOTHING! Just like I had not clicked on the command. There are simply no data sources available in this virgin copy of Visual Studio 2008. I cannot even access an access db!

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First Time Using VB 2008 IDE Creating Data Source Of AN?

Feb 14, 2011

Error: "An Error Occured while retieving information fron the database: Selecting Objects of type 'Procedure' is not supported." This is the first time I have used this install of Vista Visual Studi 2008 VB

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VS 2008 - How To Change Data Source When Add New Event

Mar 25, 2011

I had built an application such like items management, I used two table in two different database in two different engine server, the stack is, when I want to make event for add new data, how I can make the event for the combobox ID for switching it's datasource from before.. for the knowledge, the first table is Xtable, database is Xdatabase and the machine is Xmachine; and for the second one is : table is Ytable, database is Ydatabase and the server machine is Ymachine...

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Binding Source Filter In Access Data Source?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an Access database and I want to view on a datagridview specific rows. For that I used the following :

CasesBindingSource.Filter =
"OfferDate Between #1/1/1997# And #12/31/1997#"
Cases is the table, OfferDate a field of the table wich is DateTime type.

When I use Between operator I get the following error :The expression contains unsupported operator 'Between'.

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VS 2008 - Choose Data Source - User To Easily Create A Connection To Any Installed Data Types They Have Installed

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying for days now how to create a process to the user to easily create a connection to any installed data types they have installed. I have found an example right inside vb2008. I never use this because I code my own connections, but this would be real nice if I could include it or duplicate it.

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VS 2008 : Strip Out The Data Source From The Connection String?

Aug 28, 2010

How do I strip out the data source from the connection string so that I only have the directory path and file name.

My connection string is thus:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsMartinMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsRestelRestel IIRestel IIRestel.mdb

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VS 2008 Crystal Report Data Source Location?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there any way to set the crystal report data source location to the application.startup-path?
have a nice day

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[2008] Sorting Listbox Data From External Source?

Jan 7, 2009

sort the listbox that is being populated by data from an exteranl hard drive. The DB's on the Hard drive are contained in folders with a naming format as follows (Jan94 - Dec08)The issue is that on the HD all the folders(yrs) for Apr are listed together and then the rest listed the same way, just sorted based on 1st alpha character. The format I want to show in the list box is as follows:



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VS 2008 Binding Source/Data Adapters/Table Adpters?

Apr 14, 2009

I have inherited an application at work that someone else started creating, right now about 1/2 of it is functional and is in use. My problem is that it is all done in 2.5 ?? and I am trying to step through it all to figure out how it works. I have always created my own binding sources, adapters and data tables.

One of the things I need to do is add a field to the fm_fieldman_master data table. I add the field in the db (SQL Server 2005)table, I come into VS and refresh the datasource, I then add the field to the fm_fieldman_master data table and the Fill,GetDAta() query I go into the designer and create all the attributes for the combo box


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VS 2008 Get Webpage Data Hidden Text In Source Code?

Aug 21, 2010

I wanted to ask you something which is bugging me for a while. I work an IT dept at a local bank and I got instructions to make an application which should retrieve some financial info from a financial banking stats page.

The webpage can be accessed through [URL].. and the info can be seen in the web browser but I cannot extract them because the info is not available in the source code of the page.It seems it's generating the info dynamically using a jsquery.js file.

I was wondering if it's possible to make an app which uses some cache or something (I guess the the page is saved temporary somewhere on the disk for the current session) to retrieve that data in vb.net?

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VS 2008 Reading Webpage Source And Filtering String Data?

Oct 28, 2009

My program so far reads a certain webpage's source code and places it in a textbox. This much has already been accomplished.

Now I need to pick certain strings out of the rather large amount of text data and have the lines stored in variables, but the trick of it is, the exact string is unknown. The exact function should be, that the code finds certain tags from the source code, say <td> and </td> and takes the string data in between those tags, what ever it may be.

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VS 2008 SP1 Adding Data Source From MS Access 2000 And 2007

Jun 21, 2009

I will start off here by asking the question. How do I make the data from a database be bound to my project? I keep trying to add a new data source so that I can drag and drop things to my form, but I am unable to. I follow the steps, choosing an OLE DB, the file's location (D:Data Connected Applicationsfile name) The conecting string looks like: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="D:Data Connected ApplicationsItem_Database_A.accdb". I choose the objects that I want (In this case, the entire tables option) and then it returns a message to me stating that: An error occurred while creating the new data source: Could not get information for 'WindowsApplication1.Item_Database_A.accdbDataSet3'


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Asp.net - Without Data Source Assign In Crystal Report With Visual Studio 2008?

Apr 22, 2011

I am studying crystal report with visual studio 2008. I knew OLEDB, ADO.Net And ADO connections etc. But whatever connection that we must assign data sources. I want to non-configured and assign data sources as like data-grid. In the data-grid, we can configure data field name and generate data assignation in runtime. Can I do this for report or not. If I can this, tell me how can I do this.

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Linking A Data Source (Access 2007 Database) To A VB 2008 Project

Feb 1, 2011

After trawling around the net for a good few days, i decided to post something here.

Basically, i've got a problem linking a data source (Access 2007 database) to a VB 2008 project.

I've broken it down to having a problem dragging a table onto my form, when it generates the nav bar, it says "0 of {0}", and the table is empty (despite the actual database containing values)

However, this happens only at home, at college it works totally fine. The only difference that's obvious is that i'm using Windows 7 at home, and Windows XP at college.

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VS 2008 Bound - Source Data Of Drop Down Lists Be Separate Queries / Datatables?

Jun 2, 2009

I've got a couple of drop down lists for languages. I bind them to a language list that comes from a query. Then the fields are also bound to the row in the DB they relate to. I have several panels with the language drop down - each "tied" to a different table in my DB. When I call up different records on the same panel the drop downs immediately "set to the position" of that rows language in the list. But when I call up another panel - tied to another database table - I see that language in the drop down.


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VS 2008 Connection (MS Access - Crystal Reports) - Set A New Path For Data Source During Runtime?

Jan 8, 2010

I have created a data source connection to an access db by using the wizard in vs2008. I have then used this as a data source for crystal reports. My user would like to put the database on a network and reference it there. Is there a way to set a new path for this data source during runtime?

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Show Rss Feed From Other Source On Page?

Jul 1, 2011

i am collecting a lot of information from different websites and putting them together for personal use.there is a rss feed link.


How can i use it? in case of html i just take them and assign them to literals .But how can i display this .

Here is my code..

Dim rssFeed As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/all?alt=rss&kind=photo&access=public&filter=1&q=waldorf+hilton&hl=en_US"), HttpWebRequest)
Dim rssData As DataSet = New DataSet()


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Web Browser Show Source And Find

Feb 11, 2010

i got a web browser the code was:


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Binding Source - Show Field Information

May 3, 2009

I am using bindingsource.find to quirie information, its working so nice but I have a problem when the bindingsource cannot find the information I want it to show me the information that is inside the field, even knowing that the information that am looking for is not there:

I have something like this:
dim findinformatio as string
inputbox=(type the name)
dim findme as intenger=me.bindingsource.find("LastName", FindName)
if bindingsource.position=findme then
msgbox(me.bindingsource.find("LastName", findName)

I am doing it because if the information that am looking for is not in the record field. I want the bindingsource show me the information that is inside the recordset field(LastName). I used to do it with odbc and works fine but with bindingsource I cannot, Why? And I have a compact database, sdf. I loaded the tables on my project.

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VS 2008 Show Data In A Table?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a DLL of classes. The first one stores an ArrayList of numbers. A method from the second class takes the ArrayList and must show the numbers in a table . I should not use windows control library. How can I make it show the data in a table?

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Express 2008 And Access 2007 - Source Database Not Updating From The Local DataSet Via Data Adapter/DataConnection?

Aug 22, 2010

Only my local dataset updates when adding, deleting or editing records.The Source Database is supposed to update on issuing DataAdapter. Update(dataset )However, when I check my source database after running the operations it remains the same as the original.

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VS 2008 Getting Database Data To Show In Textboxes

Nov 10, 2009

Alright it's been awhile since I messed with this project, so here goes. It's an appointment scheduler and everything works except two things: I can't edit existing appointments and it only records the current time, not the timeslot I click on when I add a new appointment. If I try to edit an existing appointment it doesn't get the row data, just shows me blank text boxes. I assume I have to have those text boxes read the info from the database, but I don't know how to do that. This is how it looks:


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