[2008] Slowly Read A Txt File?

Jan 18, 2009

i have a .txt file containing 27,607 words, 1 per line, and i need my program to slowly read through and put it into a textbox/label. It only needs to read in order, not randomly or anything. It needs 2 be slow enough that I can read every word being shown, and if possible it would be nice to be able to change the speed but it is not needed.

Public Class Form1
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:My DocumentsWordList.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)


This is what i tried and all this does is displays 2 words in the middle of the file, then form goes white for about 5 seconds and then the last word in the file shows up and the program remains white. When i try with a txtbox only the last word is displayed.

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2008 Run More Slowly In Windows 7 64 Bit?

Dec 25, 2009

I've create my program before in Windowx XP ir required 1:37 seconds to finish the Genetic Algorithm but after I moved to Windows 7 64 bit and trying to used the 64 bits compiled version it runs much more slowly, it could take 5 minutes more, I've tried to change to 32 bit compiled version it run more faster than 64 bits but still slower than Windows XP it takes about 2:01. Is there something I missed in the compiling for 64 bits, or maybe the VS 2008 still not compatible with Windows 7.

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VS 2008 Slowly Increment A Progress Bar To 100 And Then Return The Value Back To Zero?

Aug 17, 2010

Is it possible to slowly Increment a progress bar to 100 and then return the value back to zero. I was thinking of using a timer but i'm not sure were to start.

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VS 2008 - .txt File - Write The File Path So That Someone Else Can Download My Program And File And Read The File

Feb 27, 2012

Reading a .txt file in VB.net. My file path is C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt.

This is my line of Dim LoanOptionsFile As String = "C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt"

I can read the file when I run the program, but how do I write the file path so that someone else can download my program and file and read the file on their system?

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Streamreader - Text File - To Read Into A Listview - Read From A Specific Line In That File

Mar 11, 2010

I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Below is a sample of the txt file to read,

TOTAL GPM= 6400 HWT= 95.5 CWT= 84.0 IWBT= 76.6 ALTITUDE= 0


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VB 2008 - How To Read INI File

Feb 2, 2009

We are working with vb 2008 and we made script for reading a INI file. Is there a more simple way for reading a INI file? In vb60 we used a dll for reading.

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VS 2008 Read .dat File?

Sep 26, 2009

VS 2008 Read .dat file

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VS 2008 Read End Of File?

May 26, 2009

I want to read 4 lines OR 400 chars from the end of a log file.The log file will be huge so im seaching a way to not read the whole file into the memory.

Dim filel As Long = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(logfile).Length
Dim buf(400) As Char
Dim fs As New IO.StreamReader(logfile)
fs.Read(buf, filel - 400, 400)

I've also tried with FileStream but i keep getting this error:"Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection."But why doesn't it work with filel - 400 as index? It works if i just switch it with 0?

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VS 2008 Read XML File?

Sep 4, 2010

I am looking to read the xml file according to the block i have in the file.for the example i have 2 Support and Operator, i need some code where i can only read the support or operator nodes.Here is my xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>


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VS 2008 How Can The Program Read File

Sep 7, 2009

how can i make the program read the name of a file in the same direction i want to make a program that when the user write the name of the file the program make search in the same directory and the open it

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VS 2008 How To Read A Text File

Jul 2, 2009

I am learning Visual Basic and I have learned alot of it from the learning section included in Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 but I don't think I have learned alot. I am actually trying to make an extractor and importer for a game. I have the file called Frontened.MNG and I want to make a program that can open the file. Someone else had made the rxtractor but he doesn't have it now. The Frontened.MNG file contains bunch of .DDS files and I want to view them in the program and then be able to replace the .DDS files in the >MNG file and be able to Extract the files out of the .MNG file. I don't just want anyone to do it for me but teach me how to do it step by step. First I want to know is how to view the .MNG file in VB? It should be viewed in a listbox but I don't know how to read this file in VB. I know how to read a text file but I think this is a binary file and it is viewed differently.

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VS 2008 Read A Txt File After Commas?

May 22, 2009

I want to read a text file that has multiple lines and commas on every line, every comma represents a value, like an integer or boolean. here is an example

50, 100, 50, 50, True, "C:WINDOWSWhatever.jpg"

I want to read each individual line from the text file and read the values after the comma's.

So the first value would be a picturebox height, the value after the second comma would be the width, the value after the third would be the top, after that the left, and then stretch image, and the location of the image. How could I do this?

Here is a simpler version.

Height, Width, Top, Left, Stretch?, ImageLocation

how to read individual lines in text files.

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VS 2008 Read An Xml File Into A Program

Apr 20, 2011

I want to read an xml file into a program and i am getting confused as to which commands to use. [code]my ultimate aim is to convert the xml files into an sql database file

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VS 2008 Read Data From Xml File

Feb 7, 2010

how I access it (aside from the ComboBox display method shown) in a way that will allow me to process it.What I want to do is read the data, store each of the values, then do some work on it. Can anyone give me a clue how I can access the information contained in 'DataSource'? [code]

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VS 2008 Read Sections Of A File?

Feb 13, 2010

I'm making a program in C#, but I want to test out part of the program I'm going to integrate into it in VB, and what I want to do is divide a file into sections. The files range from 60mb to around 180mb, and I know that it is really hard to open files of that size, so for my app I want it to divide the file into smaller sections and put files in a folder temporarily so It could just read them from there. And I want to break it down to about, 5-10mb per file.

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VS 2008 Read Some File That Is Encoded With UTF-8?

Nov 6, 2009

I was trying to read some file that is encoded with UTF-8 and save it as UTF-16 (Unicode) but it seems not to be fully working as all accents seem to vanish or are encoded to something that can not be read.

Here is the code that i am using:

Public Function GetFileContents(ByVal FullPath As String, Optional ByRef ErrInfo As String = "") As Object
Dim strContents As String


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VS 2008 Read The Log File Without Locking It?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm writing a log parser which is reading a log created by a game. This log can be written to many times a second. My problem is that my program is preventing the writing of the log at times. Is there anyway I can read the log file without locking it?

Sub readLog()
If readyToRead Then
If FileInUse(fileName) Then Return
readyToRead = False


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[2008] Read/Write From An INI File?

Sep 17, 2008

I have an INI file built like this:

key=<key goes here>
passkey=<passkey here>

and using a registration system (found in codebank here), I'd validate it like that. I just need to know how to read and write from it. All the ones on google are too vague, or focus on the wrong part.

View 9 Replies

Richtextbox Scroll Down Slowly?

Dec 16, 2010

what i want to do is have a richtextbox lets say this is the text



and i what i want to do is have a timer and have it scroll down line by line so each letter gets show and some letters go off the richtextbox cuz its small

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Wmi Query Returning VERY Slowly?

Apr 25, 2009

I'm trying to query a remote machine and get the cpu percentage similar to task manager.. I have the following code:

im wmiK As New WMI
Private objMgmt As ManagementObject


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VS 2008 - Read Only File Creation Time

Jun 22, 2011

I have a ERP system which create a PDF file and write it to the disk when the invoice is beeing created. On the other side a have an .NET app, which every 10 minutes read data in that folder and automatically send an e-mail to my customer with the invoice attached.The problem is that sometimes, when .NET app try to read a file which currently is beeing created -> The file is damaged. How to avoid such a situation? Is there a way to e.g. read only file creation time, and if it's "younger" than 5 seconds order app to wait a while?

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VS 2008 Performance File Read/Compare?

Sep 15, 2009

this time im looking for a faster-than-fast way to read binary files into a string/buffer/whatever, like Delphi's BlockRead does.i need this for an application that checks a list of folders/files and looks for multiple files, and handles them according to specific criteria.

I know there are standard solutions for this, like DuplicateFileRemover (gotta love that sheep! ), but i need something custommade, coz i want to handle the duplicates automatically too, and im talking about GigaBytes of data i have to periodically clean out this way..So far, the algorithm i use to determine if 2 files are equal is this:


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VS 2008 Read File Not Reading Fully?

Nov 6, 2010

I have several files that I am reading in and 'scrubbing'. The scrubbing is simply taking certain HTML tags and changing them - no big deal.When I read in the files (one at a time), they read and then I scrub them.The files stop reading mid-way *no matter what* the encoding type There is no stop character or anything, it is simple HTML and I do not see any reason why the file isn't being read I have attached one of files that is having a problem and the code is quite simple:

Dim oRead As New System.IO.StreamReader(Dir & "" & FN, Encoding.ASCII)
EntireFile = oRead.ReadToEnd()


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VS 2008 Read Specific Lines From Txt File?

Jul 1, 2009

VS 2008 Read specific lines from txt file?

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.NET 3.5 Chart Control Loads Slowly?

Jul 1, 2010

So in this program that I've made, I have 5 tabs. One of them uses this chart control for .NET ver 3.5 that I downloaded from the Microsoft website. The issue is, though, that when I start the program, everything is fine until I click on the tab with the 3 charts on it. The tab freezes a little bit, and it takes a few seconds to load the charts. After this initial hiccup everything is fine, but I've tested this on three computers now and it happens to all of them. Anyone know what I can do to make these charts load faster or smoother? This is quite a roadblock.because otherwise I'd be done I've been working on this project in VB.NET for the past 3 weeks and it's my first time using the language. So far every single one of my questions on here has been answered and all within a day or two

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Getting Data Very Slowly And Sometimes Getting MemoryOutofRange Exception?

Dec 17, 2009

I am working with serial port communications. I have very fast and continuous data on my serial port. I have a program to read data from serial port. I have comport.Datareceived event in my program to receive data. Now, the problem is there is data going every 100ms to comport. Will my comport.DataReceived event will receive also with that fast? Now,let's say there is data on comport and if I don't read it what happens to the data? The problem I'm facing is my dataReceived event is getting very slow after some time.If I stop sending data to my com, still my datareceiving program is receiving. That means it is not as fast as sending data.If I keep sending data from 4 to 5 days and coz my datareceived event is not that fast as sending, I am getting data very slowly and some times I am getting MemoryOutofRange Exception.

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Possible To Fade Out A Picturebox Slowly After It Has Been Clicked?

Sep 12, 2011

just wondering if its possible to fade out a picturebox slowly after it has been clicked?

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Why Does C# Execute Math.Sqrt() More Slowly Than .NET

Jun 11, 2010

Background :While running benchmark tests this morning, my colleagues and I discovered some strange things concerning performance of C# code vs. VB.NET code.We started out comparing C# vs. Delphi Prism calculating prime numbers, and found that Prism was about 30% faster. I figured CodeGear optimized code more when generating IL (the exe was about twice as big as C#'s and had all sorts of different IL in it.)

I decided to write a test in VB.NET as well, assuming that Microsoft's compilers would end up writing essentially the same IL for each language. However, the result there was more shocking: the code ran more than three times slower on C# than VB with the same operation! The generated IL was different, but not extremely so, and I'm not good enough at reading it to understand the differences.

Benchmarks I've included the code for each below. On my machine, VB finds 348513 primes in about 6.36 seconds. C# finds the same number of primes in 21.76 seconds.

Computer Specs and Notes

Intel Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4Ghz

Every machine I've tested on there is a noticeable difference in the benchmark results between C# and VB.NET.Both of the console applications were compiled in Release mode, but otherwise no project settings were changed from the defaults generated by Visual Studio 2008.

VB.NET code

Imports System.Diagnostics
Module Module1
Private temp As List(Of Int32)
Private sw As Stopwatch


Why is C#'s execution of Math.Sqrt() slower than VB.NET?

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Make VB 2008 Read A Text File Of Digits?

May 8, 2009

is there a way to make VB 2008 read a text file of digits eg:


and import it into vb, splitting it into four digits and putting each set of four digits into a different text box.

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Read/write A Simple Text File In Net 2008?

May 9, 2010

I am trying to read/write a simple text file in net 2008 but can't, as yet, get it to work. This is how I use to do it in VB6

MyStr = App.Path & "DataData.txt"
Open MtyStr For Input As #1


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