VS 2008 Slowly Increment A Progress Bar To 100 And Then Return The Value Back To Zero?

Aug 17, 2010

Is it possible to slowly Increment a progress bar to 100 and then return the value back to zero. I was thinking of using a timer but i'm not sure were to start.

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VS 2008 Progress Bar Increment - Doesn't Start

Apr 22, 2009

so im running a program, that when a button is clicked, it will increment a progress bar, and loops a code i have, until the progress bar is done. The problem is i want the bar to go slower, i have it incrementing like


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BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress - Get The Progress Bar To Increment In Tandem With The Data Flow?

Feb 2, 2009

I have finally figured out how to download a file with background worker and downloader. Now the form does not freeze.. I have only one problem left now... How do I get the progress bar to increment in tandem with the data flow? I have listed my full code below. Towards the bottom where the DoWork() sub resides, I am just a few lines short of this year long goal.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1


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Vb08 Progress Bar (making It Increment As The User Adds In Data)?

Mar 24, 2009

basically i fot a form with 5 questions u could say and i got a toolstrip with a progrss bar wat i want to do is as each question is ansered in reality by the user i want the progress bar to go up.

min value is 0 max value is 100 as ther is 5 questions as each questiion is ansered the bar shoul go up by 20
so they anser Q1 it goes up to 20 they answr Q2 it goes up to 40 until they anser the last questyion and the bar is full

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2008 Run More Slowly In Windows 7 64 Bit?

Dec 25, 2009

I've create my program before in Windowx XP ir required 1:37 seconds to finish the Genetic Algorithm but after I moved to Windows 7 64 bit and trying to used the 64 bits compiled version it runs much more slowly, it could take 5 minutes more, I've tried to change to 32 bit compiled version it run more faster than 64 bits but still slower than Windows XP it takes about 2:01. Is there something I missed in the compiling for 64 bits, or maybe the VS 2008 still not compatible with Windows 7.

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Return Progress From DLL?

May 26, 2009

I have written a dll in vb.net that does a lot of number crunching and iteration and takes about 2 1/2 minutes to complete, so I would like to make the progress available to the calling application.

At present I have created a couple of public variables in the dll called sngProgress and intIteration and update them in various loops in the dll.

In my calling applications I have a text box and a progess bar on a form but I cant see a logical way of updating them during the lifetime of the instance of the dll.

The call to the public fucnction in the dll cannot be in a loop otherwise it would be called multiple times so a doEvents call does not seem feasible.

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[2008] Slowly Read A Txt File?

Jan 18, 2009

i have a .txt file containing 27,607 words, 1 per line, and i need my program to slowly read through and put it into a textbox/label. It only needs to read in order, not randomly or anything. It needs 2 be slow enough that I can read every word being shown, and if possible it would be nice to be able to change the speed but it is not needed.

Public Class Form1
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:My DocumentsWordList.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)


This is what i tried and all this does is displays 2 words in the middle of the file, then form goes white for about 5 seconds and then the last word in the file shows up and the program remains white. When i try with a txtbox only the last word is displayed.

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Understanding When To Use Classes - Return The Information Back To Form1?

Aug 16, 2010

I have such a bad habbit of cramming all my code into one form. But i dont know when i should write a class. or dont really understand how to return the information back to form1. when should i even use a class? for example i have some code here


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VS 2008 Implement A BGW And Want To Report Progress To A Progress Bar For TextFieldParser Program?

Feb 14, 2012

I am trying to implement a BGW and want to report progress to a progress bar for my TextFieldParser program, sometimes if your opening very large files it takes a while and I would like the user to be able to see the progress and have some interaction so they know the program is still running I am a little hung up on what to in the reportprogress

I have:

worker.ReportProgress(0, myReader.ReadFields())

and its not doing anything, I didnt expect it too since ReadFields is an array

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Dim worker As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker = DirectCast(sender, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker)


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Pass / Submit The Data To The WebService And Return Back The Results

Jul 9, 2011

Trying to find some code to assist with accessing a web service. I am a newbie when it comes to web services and don't quite get the whole how to submit the request and then read the results. I know from searches that people request a copy of the WSDL file so I have attached (SystemManagementService.wsdl)


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VS 2008 Progress Bar - Run FrmProcess - Shows Progress Of Their Selection

Jan 4, 2012

frmMain - Allows user to pick process or combination of processes they want to run frmProcess - Shows progress of their selection I have three modules. Each runs a specific process. The frmMain allows the user to run any one of the three modules individually or all together in a single process (basically, runs the one after the other until done).


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Use Post Increment And Pre Increment Operators

Mar 17, 2008

Do we have increment operators in VB.Net? I want to use post increment and Pre increment operators in VB.Net.I want touse the statement like, i++ and ++i.

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VS 2008 Button Starts Progress Bar And Then Once The Progress Bar Is Full It Enables Button?

Aug 21, 2011

SOrry for long title i've forgotten how to do this so please may i have a code im new to VB 2008

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Thread Communication - Return The Information Back To The UI Thread?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm using webclient to download a webpage but obviously since it's on the UI thread it freezes.How can i change my class to be multi threaded using DownloadStringAsync? i can do this normally but since i am needing to return the information back to the UI thread i am a bit stuck

Public Class RequestExecutableInformation

Public Function FileReport(ByVal executable As String, ByVal ParameterStart As String, ByVal ParameterFinish As String) As String

Dim Source As String = String.Empty[code]...

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 - Increment A Label X1 Each Time?

Jan 16, 2010

Im using this to increment a lable x1 each time i click a "picturebox" , it increments the first time i click it but thenm it wont go any further.


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VS 2008 Auto-increment ListView In .NET?

Apr 16, 2011

I am using the following code to number the listview in vb.net.

While myListData.Read ' using ExecuteReader Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To lvList.Items.Count - 1 lvList.Items(i).Text = CStr(CInt(i) + 1).ToString() Next i lvList.Items.Add(Trim(CStr(CInt(i) + 1).ToString)) 'col no. 1 ' adding sub items from database (mysql) ' ........End While

The output problem is as follows

Col 1


There is some problem with the code. Should i try the padleft or the "D2" ?

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Increment An Alphanumeric String?

May 17, 2010

how can i increment an alphanumeric string? ex : ABC0001 and increment it to ABC0002

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VS 2008 Increment Date With Value In TextBox?

Apr 16, 2010

i want to Increment the Date in textbox3 by the value in textbox1and the incremented value should get displayed in textbox2

if i enter values


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Auto Increment Value To Textbox In Ms Access 2003, Vs 2008

Nov 4, 2011

I have a form and some controls as dropdown and textboxes..

The situation is that when the form loads, i want the value in textbox to be incremented, everytime it loads..

This is something i tried.. I get the value '1' everytime !! It shows no sign of increment..

However, i also want it in the format 0001,0002 if possible..I tried something like this..

Private Sub Order_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
textBox1.ReadOnly = True


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Auto-Increment Value To Textbox In Ms Access 2003, Vs 2008?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a form and some controls as dropdown and textboxes..The situation is that when the form loads, i want the value in textbox to be incremented, everytime it loads..This is something i tried.. I get the value '1' everytime !! It shows no sign of increment..However, i also want it in the format 0001,0002 if possible.

Private Sub Order_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
textBox1.ReadOnly = True


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VS 2008 : Increment The Month In Datetimepicker Using A Command Button?

Mar 7, 2011

Im trying to change or increment the month value of the datetimepicker using a command button. I tried to use the sample code from MSDN site but I was only able to increment once. I want to increment the value of the month everytime you click the command button. Do I need to use a loop statement? If so, how do I do that? I used this code below which can only increment or change the month value once but when you click the button again, no changes will be shown.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'DateTimePicker2.Value = New DateTime(2001, 10, 20)
DateTimePicker2.Value = New DateTime(DateTimePicker2.Value.Year, DateTimePicker1.Value.Month + 1, DateTimePicker2.Value.Day)
End Sub

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Richtextbox Scroll Down Slowly?

Dec 16, 2010

what i want to do is have a richtextbox lets say this is the text



and i what i want to do is have a timer and have it scroll down line by line so each letter gets show and some letters go off the richtextbox cuz its small

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Wmi Query Returning VERY Slowly?

Apr 25, 2009

I'm trying to query a remote machine and get the cpu percentage similar to task manager.. I have the following code:

im wmiK As New WMI
Private objMgmt As ManagementObject


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.NET 3.5 Chart Control Loads Slowly?

Jul 1, 2010

So in this program that I've made, I have 5 tabs. One of them uses this chart control for .NET ver 3.5 that I downloaded from the Microsoft website. The issue is, though, that when I start the program, everything is fine until I click on the tab with the 3 charts on it. The tab freezes a little bit, and it takes a few seconds to load the charts. After this initial hiccup everything is fine, but I've tested this on three computers now and it happens to all of them. Anyone know what I can do to make these charts load faster or smoother? This is quite a roadblock.because otherwise I'd be done I've been working on this project in VB.NET for the past 3 weeks and it's my first time using the language. So far every single one of my questions on here has been answered and all within a day or two

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Getting Data Very Slowly And Sometimes Getting MemoryOutofRange Exception?

Dec 17, 2009

I am working with serial port communications. I have very fast and continuous data on my serial port. I have a program to read data from serial port. I have comport.Datareceived event in my program to receive data. Now, the problem is there is data going every 100ms to comport. Will my comport.DataReceived event will receive also with that fast? Now,let's say there is data on comport and if I don't read it what happens to the data? The problem I'm facing is my dataReceived event is getting very slow after some time.If I stop sending data to my com, still my datareceiving program is receiving. That means it is not as fast as sending data.If I keep sending data from 4 to 5 days and coz my datareceived event is not that fast as sending, I am getting data very slowly and some times I am getting MemoryOutofRange Exception.

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Possible To Fade Out A Picturebox Slowly After It Has Been Clicked?

Sep 12, 2011

just wondering if its possible to fade out a picturebox slowly after it has been clicked?

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Why Does C# Execute Math.Sqrt() More Slowly Than .NET

Jun 11, 2010

Background :While running benchmark tests this morning, my colleagues and I discovered some strange things concerning performance of C# code vs. VB.NET code.We started out comparing C# vs. Delphi Prism calculating prime numbers, and found that Prism was about 30% faster. I figured CodeGear optimized code more when generating IL (the exe was about twice as big as C#'s and had all sorts of different IL in it.)

I decided to write a test in VB.NET as well, assuming that Microsoft's compilers would end up writing essentially the same IL for each language. However, the result there was more shocking: the code ran more than three times slower on C# than VB with the same operation! The generated IL was different, but not extremely so, and I'm not good enough at reading it to understand the differences.

Benchmarks I've included the code for each below. On my machine, VB finds 348513 primes in about 6.36 seconds. C# finds the same number of primes in 21.76 seconds.

Computer Specs and Notes

Intel Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4Ghz

Every machine I've tested on there is a noticeable difference in the benchmark results between C# and VB.NET.Both of the console applications were compiled in Release mode, but otherwise no project settings were changed from the defaults generated by Visual Studio 2008.

VB.NET code

Imports System.Diagnostics
Module Module1
Private temp As List(Of Int32)
Private sw As Stopwatch


Why is C#'s execution of Math.Sqrt() slower than VB.NET?

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Asp.net - SSRS Reporting Loads Slowly The 1st Report

Apr 30, 2012

I have a website(asp.net) which displays ssrs reports. Howevery everytime that I try to run the report from the website it takes about 2 min to load, but if I click on the report again , it will load up in seconds. I have tried to run a query that is used by the report and I get the results in second as well.

Is there any configuaration that I need to change or any tsql code that I need to add?

I have gone through to solutions provided here on stackoverflow but still had no luck.

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Program Runs Slowly After About An Hour And A Half Or So

Jun 29, 2011

I created a program that has 11 threads running simultaneously.Each thread runs a stopwatch and measures the amount of time that passes between the Start and Stop.There is no code between the start and stop, so most often, the result is 0 milliseconds.I noticed that INITIALLY, after a few minutes, the program would slow and the output to the RichTextBox would become disjointed.So, every two minutes, I have a timer execute and end the threads and restart them all.This seemed to help, however, after about an hour and a half, the program becomes more sluggish, evident in the stopwatches recording more instances over 0 milliseconds.Does this have to do with 'garbage collection' and is that even possible in VB .NET (I thought C only had that), or perhaps memory management?

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Small Window Comes Out Slowly From Windows Status Bar?

May 4, 2010

I need to have a small window to appear slowly from the bottom of windows.is it a windows manipulation or it can be done in VB.net too.

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