Vb08 Progress Bar (making It Increment As The User Adds In Data)?

Mar 24, 2009

basically i fot a form with 5 questions u could say and i got a toolstrip with a progrss bar wat i want to do is as each question is ansered in reality by the user i want the progress bar to go up.

min value is 0 max value is 100 as ther is 5 questions as each questiion is ansered the bar shoul go up by 20
so they anser Q1 it goes up to 20 they answr Q2 it goes up to 40 until they anser the last questyion and the bar is full

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BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress - Get The Progress Bar To Increment In Tandem With The Data Flow?

Feb 2, 2009

I have finally figured out how to download a file with background worker and downloader. Now the form does not freeze.. I have only one problem left now... How do I get the progress bar to increment in tandem with the data flow? I have listed my full code below. Towards the bottom where the DoWork() sub resides, I am just a few lines short of this year long goal.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1


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VS 2008 Progress Bar Increment - Doesn't Start

Apr 22, 2009

so im running a program, that when a button is clicked, it will increment a progress bar, and loops a code i have, until the progress bar is done. The problem is i want the bar to go slower, i have it incrementing like


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VS 2008 Slowly Increment A Progress Bar To 100 And Then Return The Value Back To Zero?

Aug 17, 2010

Is it possible to slowly Increment a progress bar to 100 and then return the value back to zero. I was thinking of using a timer but i'm not sure were to start.

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Why Datagridview Adds Additional 2 Blank Rows When The Bounded Datatable Only Adds 1 Row

Sep 20, 2011

I am using vb.net 2010. I have a datagridview whose data source is a data table. I dynamically add rows to the data table.


After adding the new row, m_table is correct. However, DVGCusClient not only adds this row, but also adds two additional blank rows at the bottom. I have no idea where these two blank rows come from. Why I use above code is as follows: Use a data grid view to display data. When a user clicks a row, another form is opened which allows user to search/input some data.When the user closes the form, all data is saved to a data table and shown on the data grid view.

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Listbox To Display Where User Adds Certain Serials?

May 19, 2012

I have a listbox to display where user adds certain serials(let say A) to listbox or can remove serials from listbox. Now along with that serial "A" I want to store data like this "A,B,C" (from textbox) and pass it on the data to procedure but I don't want to show data to user like "A,B,C" , I just want to show "A".

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Close The Form Unless The User Adds Text In Txtprojend?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a Save() function as shown below;

Public Function Save() As Boolean
Dim valid As Boolean = True
Dim Message As String = String.Empty


What I want to do is when The toolbarbutton1 is clicked it checks for the
Save () - if txtprojend.Text = "" then it displays the message. So far, it does that but then it closes the form. I don't want it to close the form unless the user adds text in txtprojend, as it is a mandatory field.

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VS 2010 User Enters Number And Adds That Many Numbers And Totals

Apr 29, 2012

I am wanting to allow a user to enter a number and depending on what number is entered, it will allow that many entries. For example, if 5 is entered, the user has to enter 5 numbers. Those 5 numbers will then be added together.I 6 is entered, 6 total numbers will be added.I was trying to do this with a for next loop but I wasn't getting anywhere.

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Custom Config File Entries Generated When User Adds Reference To Dll?

Jun 5, 2009

Don't know if this is possible, but I'd like a config section to be generated when another developer adds my dll to their project. This way they don't have to look up in code or a doc as to what they need to put in their config file.

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Make A User Control That Draws A Line And Adds Transparency Over A Form

Nov 12, 2010

I am an intern at a company doing Drawing Tools for their program. My supervisor is currently having me just make a user control that draws a line and adds transparency over a form. (I started this internship very early, so my knowledge is very limited compared to what it should be for a standard intern)

This is what I have so far:

Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
If MyBG Is Nothing Then
MyBG = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)


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User Selects Number Of Products From Datagrid / Adds Them To A Basket Using Array List

Jun 8, 2012

I am making a minor basket system which the user selects a number of products from a datagrid and it adds them to a basket using an array list (arrItemID).However on the ViewBasket form I want another datagrid however a query is formed listing the selected products. Though the datagrid seems to be empty (though the query when outputted to a text box is ideal. [code]

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AddNew Adds Blank Row Instead Of Adding Data?

May 15, 2011

I'm trying add a new row to my databaseTo add a new record a pop up form opens (form2) with a textbox for the user to input their name, they then click the save button and the popup form closes and the main form (form1) is still showing and the added row seems to updated in combobox although it is blank!.This causes a new blank row to be added to the database - the data in the textbox is never saved to the database

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click


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.NET Multi User With Auto Increment Table?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a teradata backend that uses auto increment. The form is databound i.e dragged a column to the form which gave me the navigation header etc.The problem I'm having is when user 1 opens a record the auto increment goes +1, let's say we're at 45 now, then user 2 opens a new record and it also goes to 45 as user 1 has not saved. Why is the databinding not locking 45 when the first user opens it

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Datatable Column Value - Adds An Arraylist To It As The Data Source?

Oct 6, 2010

I am struggling with a simple datatable issue. The following takes a data table that is on the form and adds an arraylist to it as the data source. The data that shows up in the datatable is the length of the value of the element in the arrayList.


How do I control what is displayed in the columns? What I am ultimately trying to do is have a datatable that the operator can edit and the changes reflect in the underlying data structure.

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Passing Data From Database And Increment Data?

Mar 15, 2012

I have 2 question to ask about vb.net. Now i'm using Visual Studio 2005 with connection MySql...

1. how if I want to passing the data from database to the textbox by SEARCH button. I Have 1 SEARCH button and 3 textbox [txtname],[txtage],[txtaddress] and to pass it also on datagrid...

2. I have a id_Student starting with S001 in database...and I want the id is increment when new data is added. The id_Student is display using lblID_stud

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Increment Row In Data Table?

May 3, 2011

How to increment to the next row and add a new member if the if condition is not met.[code]...

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2003 : Manually Increment A Data Column?

May 14, 2009

What i am doing is trying to manually increment a data column with a range of my choice. Say i have a range from 1 - 10. Now with my update query i want to update a column with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 UPDATE TABLE SET Type = [min_range] to [max_range] WHERE Po = 'A' AND Loc = 'F'; WHERE Po = 'A' AND Loc = 'F' will return 10 records but i want type to be 1 - 10 for those records couple of days trying to get this work and i am using VB 2008 .NET.

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Use Post Increment And Pre Increment Operators

Mar 17, 2008

Do we have increment operators in VB.Net? I want to use post increment and Pre increment operators in VB.Net.I want touse the statement like, i++ and ++i.

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Cannot Get List Box To Display Each Increment And Cannot Get Data To Save Correctly?

Mar 15, 2012

Public Class Projectile_Motion

02 Dim initialHeight As Double ' Holds beginning height
03 Dim initialVelocity As Double ' holds velocity
04 Dim time As Double ' holds time
05 Dim heightVal As Double ' holds height at different intrvals in time


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How To Unhide VB08

Dec 17, 2009

okey look i made a ''hide button''on my form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Me.Hide()End Subwhen i press the buton it goes hide it self only can be deleted with ctrl+alt+delete then process list.but is it possible to reactivate it agian? becouse i cant reopen it when i use the hide button

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Create A Bit Of Code That Informs The User That The Progress Bar Is Full?

Jun 22, 2009

I've created a progress bar and it works fine but I'm trying to create a bit of code that informs the user that the progress bar is full and the operation is complete:


This is the code for my progress bar, which works fine, but due to the Maximum condition not being a simple 100 value im having problems creating a timer that can display a msgbox when the progress bar is full.

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VLC Media Player With Progress Bar - Refreshing User Control

Jan 17, 2010

I'm writing a program that relies on an underlying VLC media player. I want to run a progress bar to show how much of the track has been played. How should I update the control? Should I use a timer firing at 1ms and update values when it ticks, or is there a better way?

Intel Quad Q9450
4Gb Ram
3x500GB Hard Drives
NVidia 8800GT
Marian Marc 8
VB Express 2008

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Access Progress Bar On Main Form From Thread On User Control?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a windows application with a main form, on which a user control is added dynamically when a device connects trough USB.

On a user control, there is a thread wich is getting data from the device trough USB and when it is finished, I want to change a progressbar that is located on the main windows form where user control reside.

This is the code that is I call on the user control thread to change the progress bar value:

Frm_Main.UpdateProgressBar(CInt((AllBytesReceived / MaxBytesInFlash) * 100))
and this is a code that is called on the main form:
Private Delegate Sub UpdateProgressBarDelegate(ByVal value As Integer)


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Running Aplications Created In VB08?

Nov 1, 2008

i'm new to the VB programing world, actually to programming world in general, so before i start i have a question. I've heard that to run programs created in VB you need to have NET Framework on your comp, is this true?Cause i found somewhere on the web that you have a exe in your Debugging folder, and i tried running it on my friends comp which is without framework and it worked. Don't know if this was some error or something, and if there will be problems if i run them like this, so i wanted to ask professionals,

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Vb08 Checkboxes Starting Codes?

Mar 14, 2009

currently i am working in vb08 and sattred using checkboxes for the 1st time and im a bit confused in some ares of the coding basically what i have is : form1- with the checkbox and wheer i have put in the code form2 where i have the labels wat i want to do is if the checkboxed becomes ticked i want the label to= (an integer) * a previous label on form 2 by an integer i mean any value i will use 5 as an example
etc:label1=val(form1.textbox1.text) * 500 label2= form1.checkbox1.text= if checked = 5* label1<<<<this is where i need help i do not know the code how to specify if it is checked to times 5 by label1

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VB08 Make An Application Using Vb2008?

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to make an application using vb2008, and I'm facing a problem. I have a command button, and I want it to generate a new groupbox each time it's clicked. So here's the problem: when the user clicks the button, the previous groupbox disappears, which is sth I don't want to happen. Also, I wonder how I can use each of the controls included in the groupbox, while I can't name them or something...

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Making A Value As A Default Which Can Be Changed To Another By User

Aug 9, 2010

In my program I've a list of "Time Zone" and I want to make one of that as the default Time Zone when an end user uses the program - ie: everytime he starts the program that Time Zone should be selected ( Of course, he should be able to select another Time Zone temporarily, but his default selection shouldn't be changed unless he wants to do so by changing the default one).

And another user should be able to make another Time Zone as his default Time Zone.

In my program, I give the Time Zones in a ComboBox as follows:

TimeZone = CDbl


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VS 2008 Making A User Control?

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to make a user control for information received from a database but i get:The class WFUserControl can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again.

Do i make the user control directly and add the code? Because thats what i did.. Or are there steps to do first before creating it?

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Press A Button In An Internet Page With Vb08?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm looking for a code that allows me to click on the send button in a web thru vb button.

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Vb08 Make Users Choose A Location?

May 10, 2010

I wanna make a program wich starts a .exe I know the code for starting the program : (EXAMPLE)

Process.Start("C:UsersPublicGamesWorld of Warcraftwow.exe")But the program only opens the file when its placed there, is there a way to start it else way?Maby make them choose the file derection ?I know u can make a text box so they have to type it them selve, but can u make it so they have to go through a menu with it ?

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