How To Unhide VB08

Dec 17, 2009

okey look i made a ''hide button''on my form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Me.Hide()End Subwhen i press the buton it goes hide it self only can be deleted with ctrl+alt+delete then process list.but is it possible to reactivate it agian? becouse i cant reopen it when i use the hide button

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Unhide Application Via API?

Aug 26, 2010

I managed again to hide the application using api but don't know how to unhide it.

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Nested Panel Hide / Unhide

Mar 15, 2009

I have a panel that Iv added some groups to dynamically. Inside this same panel I have another panel that is NOT visible. I also added some groups to this panel. I placed a button "btnMoreLess" that sets the nested/hidden panel .visible = true however I never see it appear. If I unnest the panels it seems to work, but does not have the effect I am looking for. I want all these groups to be inside the main panel, and have scrolling enabled. The hidden panel is set to autosize so it wont scroll. My thought is that when the click "btnMoreLess" the additional groups will become unhidden and cause the scrollbar on the main panel to appear with all the additional groups. Perhaps there is another method to do this?

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VS 2005 : Hide And Unhide A Tab In A Tab Control?

Mar 26, 2009

Is it possible to either hide and unhide a tab in a tab control?If not how can I add a tab and all the controls on it a run time? Reason i'm wanting this is that a application i'm looking at making will use tabs, the left menu will have options on various parts of the business when it comes to news it will open a tab for news... list the news if i click one and edit tab will show it i click a button for new it will open a tab to write new news..

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Buttton Click Hide Or Unhide Rows In The Gridview?

Nov 8, 2010

I am working on Datagridview control.When Click on a Button in the ButtonColumn then few rows in the datagridview should be unhide or Hide. i.e. For one click Rows are Hide.For Second click Rows are Unhide.Assume the below table contains my present Datagirdview table.

ButtonClick Category A B C D E
Button 3101 - - - - -
Button 3102 - - - - -


If i click 3101 Button then the corresponding "31" rows should be display.If again click same Button the corresponding "31" rows should be Hide.

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Hide/Unhide Notification Area - System Icons?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to write a very basic program in VS 2008 (VB.NET 2.0) that will help me to quickly set up new servers. One of the things I want the program to do is hide the "Volume" and "Network" system icons. I cannot find where that setting is or a way to programmically change it.

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Running Aplications Created In VB08?

Nov 1, 2008

i'm new to the VB programing world, actually to programming world in general, so before i start i have a question. I've heard that to run programs created in VB you need to have NET Framework on your comp, is this true?Cause i found somewhere on the web that you have a exe in your Debugging folder, and i tried running it on my friends comp which is without framework and it worked. Don't know if this was some error or something, and if there will be problems if i run them like this, so i wanted to ask professionals,

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Vb08 Checkboxes Starting Codes?

Mar 14, 2009

currently i am working in vb08 and sattred using checkboxes for the 1st time and im a bit confused in some ares of the coding basically what i have is : form1- with the checkbox and wheer i have put in the code form2 where i have the labels wat i want to do is if the checkboxed becomes ticked i want the label to= (an integer) * a previous label on form 2 by an integer i mean any value i will use 5 as an example
etc:label1=val(form1.textbox1.text) * 500 label2= form1.checkbox1.text= if checked = 5* label1<<<<this is where i need help i do not know the code how to specify if it is checked to times 5 by label1

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VB08 Make An Application Using Vb2008?

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to make an application using vb2008, and I'm facing a problem. I have a command button, and I want it to generate a new groupbox each time it's clicked. So here's the problem: when the user clicks the button, the previous groupbox disappears, which is sth I don't want to happen. Also, I wonder how I can use each of the controls included in the groupbox, while I can't name them or something...

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Press A Button In An Internet Page With Vb08?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm looking for a code that allows me to click on the send button in a web thru vb button.

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Vb08 Make Users Choose A Location?

May 10, 2010

I wanna make a program wich starts a .exe I know the code for starting the program : (EXAMPLE)

Process.Start("C:UsersPublicGamesWorld of Warcraftwow.exe")But the program only opens the file when its placed there, is there a way to start it else way?Maby make them choose the file derection ?I know u can make a text box so they have to type it them selve, but can u make it so they have to go through a menu with it ?

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Vb08 Web Application How To Send Text From 1 Form To Other

Apr 6, 2011

i want to send data from abc.aspx textbox1.text to cde.aspx.textbox1.text.I try to use same method in what i done in windows application.. but i can't success but i can't make it..

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
cde.textbox1.text = abc.TextBox1.Text


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Office Automation :: Excel And VB08 Read And Update?

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to create a program which loads a Excel file (03) with various worksheets, and the user can update them.I think it should use the Tab system on vb (08 express) and have each worksheet on each tab.On the tab, it should list the first 8 cells.

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VB08 Rounding Up Values/numbers In A Label Or Textbox?

Apr 1, 2009

i know this may soiund a bit of a n00bish question or 1 that pops out every now and then, but i am havin trouble trying to round off nubers.basically i ahev this label where a value i s inputted by the system after it goes thruogh user inputting so:1)user inputs somehting (* by somethingh)2) user input (* by something )etc etc.val(label1.text) = the additon of all those user inputs---to make life easier lets ust say user input1 = user input 2 k sometimes the val of label1 becomes a decimal point like 3453453.666777 etc when this happens i just want to round up to 2 decimal places i have looked on msdn for help which gave me:


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VS 2008 Create At ActiveX Control Using VB08 Xpress?

Jul 21, 2009

Im trying to build an activeX control to be used in excel using VB08 Xpress addition. I have found instructions to create a Class Library Project, then add a user control. Under Build there is only one option, Build "Project Name", no options, no nothing. The build creates a .dll file not an ocx (which I was expecting?)

The problem is that when I compile the control I get a .dll file that I cant register as a activeX control, therefore I cant use it in excel. Ive tried to create stupidly simple activeX controls, ie one label that says "Hello World", still no luck. When I try and register the .dll file, it doest work, therefore no dice with excel.

The strange thing is that within VB08 Xpress I can use the control in any Windows Form Application I create.

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DB/Reporting :: [VB08 + SQL Serv 2005] - Order Columns In Datagridview?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a datagridview that I'm populating from a SProc. The data coms back fine and is presenting in the DGV without any trouble, but I don't like the order the data is being returned in.A long solution might be to modify the SProc to return the data in a different order, but I prefer to handle this on the UI for simplicity. Also, I know the user can re-order but that presents a specific poblem in the way the columns are structured.Is there a way to programmatically change the order at runtime?Here's the ode I have on the UI. If you need to see the adapter class also, please let me know and I'll present it, too.

Private Sub UpcomingInspections()
AddHandler mAdapter.ErrorOccured, AddressOf HandleDataError


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Vb08 Progress Bar (making It Increment As The User Adds In Data)?

Mar 24, 2009

basically i fot a form with 5 questions u could say and i got a toolstrip with a progrss bar wat i want to do is as each question is ansered in reality by the user i want the progress bar to go up.

min value is 0 max value is 100 as ther is 5 questions as each questiion is ansered the bar shoul go up by 20
so they anser Q1 it goes up to 20 they answr Q2 it goes up to 40 until they anser the last questyion and the bar is full

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Search A Text File Line By Line - VB08

Apr 8, 2010

I just joined this forum as I've been looking for a nice and serious VB forum for a long time

I'm having troubles making a program to search a text file line by line for a specific string.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader("C: est.txt")


as you can see in the code its supposed to read a text file and if the line contains the same string as in the textbox then its gonna make a messagebox.

now the problem, if the line does not contain the specific string but the next or any line other line does, then it should automatically read the next line on "Else" and that's where I'm lost

for a "Readnextline" command or something like that?

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