VB08 Rounding Up Values/numbers In A Label Or Textbox?

Apr 1, 2009

i know this may soiund a bit of a n00bish question or 1 that pops out every now and then, but i am havin trouble trying to round off nubers.basically i ahev this label where a value i s inputted by the system after it goes thruogh user inputting so:1)user inputs somehting (* by somethingh)2) user input (* by something )etc etc.val(label1.text) = the additon of all those user inputs---to make life easier lets ust say user input1 = user input 2 k sometimes the val of label1 becomes a decimal point like 3453453.666777 etc when this happens i just want to round up to 2 decimal places i have looked on msdn for help which gave me:


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Rounding Up Whole Numbers?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a number like 6511 and I want to round it up to 7000. How do I tell the computer to round the numbers to the thousands place. I know how to round decimals but not whole numbers.

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Rounding Numbers In A Text Box?

Jul 8, 2009

Lets say my number in text box is 0.376 (3 numbers after decimal) how to round it in a same text box to 0.38 (2 numbers after decimal). Basically any number to x.xx form . Can I have a code for that please

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Avoid Rounding Off Numbers?

Apr 20, 2011

how to avoid rounding off numbers

Code below

Dim acc = 0
Dim i
Dim x() = {699.68, 632.70}


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Rounding Whole Numbers (Integers)

Mar 17, 2010

I'm a college student, working on a small project, and I'm having some trouble understanding the Round command on VB. The project is very simple and straight forward, just a simple Bail Bonds program to calculate the bail plus a 10% fee. However, i want to integrate a kind of "promotion", where for every $1000 of the bail cost, $5 would be deducted. I know the formula for this, which is reasonable simple, i just need to know how to round the Bail variable to the nearest 1000 so i can do this calculation.

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Stop Rounding The Numbers?

Jun 16, 2009

Private Sub calc2_Click()
Dim t As Long
Dim V As Long
Dim w As Long


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Excel 2003 VBA IFTHEN ELSE Keeps Rounding Numbers?

Jun 24, 2009

I haven't used VBA in a very very long time. So, go easy on me. I'm trying to do an IF THEN ELSE function where whatever the pVal cell says, Excel will input the correct currency value in the next cell. I have the cell format in the Excel workbook set to currency with 2 decimal places. However, when I add the UDF, it rounds up! I basically copied and pasted this code from an online website, but theirs did not have any decimals. I've tried calcvalue = Format("48.95","Currency") but it still rounds. I'm sure I'm leaving out something simple. Here's my function formula so far.


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Rounding Numbers In A Text Box To One Decimal Place?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a series of text boxes with numbers. They are an array called txtBF(0 to 16). I am trying to take the value that is to be displayed in the text box and make it have only one decimal place. I have tried using this code below but I keep getting an error message Run Time Error 13: Type Mismatch.

txtBF(11).text = Round(txtBF(11).text, 1)
and I have also tried this
txtBF(11).text = Math.Round(txtBF(11).text, 1)

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Drawing A Figure - Display Something In A Label And Taking Some Values From A Textbox

Aug 8, 2009

I would like to draw a figure like this. But i do not know how to start drawing it. What i could do is simple mathematics calculation, display something in a label and taking some values from a textbox.

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Rounding Numeric Values Up?

Mar 8, 2011

I need to round a single variable up to the nearest integer no matter what the decimal points are, weather it be 74.1 or 74.4 I always need it to round up to 75.ere is a sample of the code i am using

Dim sngLength As Single
Dim sngWidth As Single


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Calculating Values On A Form And Rounding?

Aug 6, 2009

With the application i'm building i have to do some calculating, ive so far not had to do anything like this so i could use some pointers. Here's the simplist of calculation i have to do, if i could get some help pointing me in the right direction i could probabaly figure the rest out.

It would be Box1value * box2value / 144 = box3 But if box 3 returns a value of less than 2.5 it rounds up. The rounding function is very important to subsequent calculations i will have to make.

So the this simple form would work where the user inputs a number into box one and two and the calulation appears in box 3. Attached is a mockup of the form design.

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VS 2008 Rounding Values Of Textboxes

Aug 20, 2010

I have two text boxes that i divide together and i get a answer of 0.434931506 i want it to be 43 as a whole number or say 43.49.[code]

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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Sum Numbers In Listbox - Add All Numbers Together And Display The Result In A Label

Jan 10, 2010

I'm using VB08. I've populated a listbox with numbers and I want to add all those numbers together and display the result in a Label. I've heard about using parse but I don't understand exactly how it works.

This is the code that I have that i think should work.

Dim lblTotal As Decimal
Dim sum As Double
For Each decAdded As Decimal In Me.lstRunningTotal.Items
sum += Double.Parse(decAdded)
lblTotal = FormatCurrency(sum)

When I run it, nothing happens. My "For Each" statement I'm not sure if it's doing what I think it's doing. I can't believe I spent 6 hours banging my head against the wall but I finally got it figured out.

This is my revised code:

Dim sum As Decimal
For Each decAdded As Decimal In Me.lstRunningTotal.Items
sum += Decimal.Parse(decAdded)
lbl_Total.Text = sum

Just some suttle changes made the difference

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Rounding Textbox Number Value?

Apr 2, 2011

I am trying to make a *simple* calculator. I have everything I need but I want it to always round up if there is a decimal to the nearest whole number.

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Project - Average Numbers, Maximum And Minimum Values, Range Of The Numbers

Apr 7, 2009

Im trying to write a program that will do:

1.The average of the four numbers. This answer will be placed into a text box reserved for that value. This text box cannot be changed by the user.

2.The maximum and minimum values. These will be denoted by changing the color of the largest number green and the smallest number red.

3.The range of the numbers. The range is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest numbers. The range will be placed into its own text box, labeled as such. This text box cannot be changed by the user."

Im using visual studio 2008 and it has to be written in VB

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Rounding Up Decimal Numbers To The Nearest 2 Decimal Places?

Apr 17, 2010

How would I go about rounding up decimal numbers to the nearest 2 decimal places? For example $7.0000032 would be $7.01 In theory, VB would make it $7.00 but if it is > $7.00, I want it to reflect that to the nearest penny... so $3.0000001 would be $3.01

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Limit Textbox Input To Numbers And Range Of Numbers

Apr 4, 2012

i have one more issues, and hope is the last for now. How can I limit a textboxe's input to only numerical with certain range of values (eg -10 to 10) and with that happening while I type in the values?

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Inputting Numbers Into A Textbox And Formating The Numbers?

Jul 30, 2009

I just D/L VB express 8, and I'm trying to learn how to use it. what I'm trying to do is write some code that:takes a number into a text box (textbox1.text)do some simple calculations with that number when I press a button (button1)display the results in a second text box 9textbox2.textThe first problem I am having:The numbers are in the "milli" range, meaning to the power of negative three, so 10^-3 = 0.01 I do not want to enter 10^-3 or any other exponent into the textbox, I am simply entering in 10 because all my units will be in milli. I've tried using exponent and scientific notation but it doesn't calculate correctly. I've done a "work around" to get it to do what I want, but there has to be a simpler way to achieve the above results without. for example, the user enters 10 into the textbox, the button multiplies 10^-3 *30, as a crude example, and stroes that value (say, B=10^-3*30) and B is DIM B as Double.

Problem number two:Error checking. I need to validate that only numbers can be entered into the textbox, or else the program will display an error message (messagebox). I can achieve this to some degree with sample code from here and other places, but, some of the code does not take into account that some numbers have decimal places (I have foud code that does, and it does work), but if a users enters, say the letter "E", it crashes the program. If the user enters "10.3Z", it crashes the program. I cannot seem to code for the last case, a mixture of numbers and letters to get an error message box.

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Format A Label To Show Numbers In A Certain Way?

Dec 8, 2011

I need to format a Label to show numbers in a certain way. I had asked this before about textboxes so I looked into that first but it didn't do what I wanted.


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Printing Lotto Numbers On A Label?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm relatively new to programming and VB on a whole and iwith the following. I'm supposed to do a program that will generate 6 random numbers and display them on a label from an array of 53 numbers. When i press the "Gamble" button the numbers in each of the 6 labels on my form should change.

Public Class Lotto
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim arrNumber(0 To 5) As Integer


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Generate Random Numbers And Display Them In The Label Box

Apr 17, 2012

I have created a form that generates random numbers and displays them in the label box. my requirement is to show the numbers in ascending order, so i created a button for each number to be displayed in a each list box. how do i get i to display in the listbox?? Also how do i get it to check and display msg to say whether its in asscending order??

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VS 2008 One Collection 10 Textboxes Odd Numbers To 1 Label

Feb 5, 2010

a collection of 10 textboxes to take the odd numbers and drive them to label1

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Click On The Button And It Shows EVEN NUMBERS On The Label At Random?

May 9, 2009

is there anyway i can randomly call up even numbers like i have a label (label1) and button (button1) i want to click on the button and it shows EVEN NUMBERS on the label at random?

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Display Multiple Lines In A Label, Counting Numbers?

Feb 24, 2010

Im just trying to get a simple multi line label box counting numbers using vbCrLf.

Dim startNumber As Integer
For startNumber = 1 To 4
lblCount.text = "Number = " & startNumber & vbCrLf
Next startNumber

I just want something to display like this in a multi line label, not a textbox:

Number = 1
Number = 2
Number = 3
Number = 4
But... I keep getting something like:
Number = 4

I already turned auto size off and expanded the label.

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Make Validations For Textbox Allow Numbers Only Or Textbox Allow Letters Only?

Sep 9, 2010

How to make validations for textbox allow numbers only or textbox allow letters only?

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How To Unhide VB08

Dec 17, 2009

okey look i made a ''hide button''on my form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Me.Hide()End Subwhen i press the buton it goes hide it self only can be deleted with ctrl+alt+delete then process list.but is it possible to reactivate it agian? becouse i cant reopen it when i use the hide button

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Running Aplications Created In VB08?

Nov 1, 2008

i'm new to the VB programing world, actually to programming world in general, so before i start i have a question. I've heard that to run programs created in VB you need to have NET Framework on your comp, is this true?Cause i found somewhere on the web that you have a exe in your Debugging folder, and i tried running it on my friends comp which is without framework and it worked. Don't know if this was some error or something, and if there will be problems if i run them like this, so i wanted to ask professionals,

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Vb08 Checkboxes Starting Codes?

Mar 14, 2009

currently i am working in vb08 and sattred using checkboxes for the 1st time and im a bit confused in some ares of the coding basically what i have is : form1- with the checkbox and wheer i have put in the code form2 where i have the labels wat i want to do is if the checkboxed becomes ticked i want the label to= (an integer) * a previous label on form 2 by an integer i mean any value i will use 5 as an example
etc:label1=val(form1.textbox1.text) * 500 label2= form1.checkbox1.text= if checked = 5* label1<<<<this is where i need help i do not know the code how to specify if it is checked to times 5 by label1

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VB08 Make An Application Using Vb2008?

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to make an application using vb2008, and I'm facing a problem. I have a command button, and I want it to generate a new groupbox each time it's clicked. So here's the problem: when the user clicks the button, the previous groupbox disappears, which is sth I don't want to happen. Also, I wonder how I can use each of the controls included in the groupbox, while I can't name them or something...

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