Printing Lotto Numbers On A Label?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm relatively new to programming and VB on a whole and iwith the following. I'm supposed to do a program that will generate 6 random numbers and display them on a label from an array of 53 numbers. When i press the "Gamble" button the numbers in each of the 6 labels on my form should change.

Public Class Lotto
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim arrNumber(0 To 5) As Integer


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Lotto Programming - Have Some Input In App To Possibly Entering Previous Lotto Winning Combinations?

Nov 15, 2011

This idea of mine is basically more of an experiment ive wanted to play around with so here are some features im after.Firstly some of the conditions i would like to have are to give me total amount of combinations possible for a 1-45 number game. I would like to have some input in this app in regards to possibly entering previous lotto winning combinations and the app to remember what i've previously entered and to eliminate them from total overall combinations left as well update odds at the same time.another condition i would like would be to be able to retrieve a list of all combinations of a required sum i.e a required sum being all 6 numbers added up together, also to be able to remember odds and combinations left To be able to eliminate all even or all odd combinations or even say 5 even or 5 odd combinations basically a filter with these sorts of conditions and of course to update odds and combinations left meanwhile retaining all other possible, or id like to possibly be able to apply filter after filter where i feel the need too i also have a few more conditions id like to have though see what happens if some people can help me out or not guess i might discuss the other conditions id like.

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Lotto Game Mouse Hover Wait To Display Label After All 6 Boxes Have Been Hovered?

Feb 21, 2010

I have a slight issue on my program. I have everything in working order except for displaying "You Win!" or "Try Again!" after all text boxes have been hovered. Currently it displays the answer on the first hover because all boxes are already populated with random numbers from an Array and it knows the answer. I want the label to display at the end of the game on the last hover event.

Public Class Form1
'Declare variables we want to use on more than one sub or function.
Private randObj As New Random(1)
Private LottoArray(5) As Integer


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Sum Numbers In Listbox - Add All Numbers Together And Display The Result In A Label

Jan 10, 2010

I'm using VB08. I've populated a listbox with numbers and I want to add all those numbers together and display the result in a Label. I've heard about using parse but I don't understand exactly how it works.

This is the code that I have that i think should work.

Dim lblTotal As Decimal
Dim sum As Double
For Each decAdded As Decimal In Me.lstRunningTotal.Items
sum += Double.Parse(decAdded)
lblTotal = FormatCurrency(sum)

When I run it, nothing happens. My "For Each" statement I'm not sure if it's doing what I think it's doing. I can't believe I spent 6 hours banging my head against the wall but I finally got it figured out.

This is my revised code:

Dim sum As Decimal
For Each decAdded As Decimal In Me.lstRunningTotal.Items
sum += Decimal.Parse(decAdded)
lbl_Total.Text = sum

Just some suttle changes made the difference

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Printing, Current & Total Page Numbers?

May 2, 2011

I can print the current page number with the use of a static variable. How do I find out the total number of pages? Is there any particular variable in which this number is saved and can be replaced automatically later on just before printing commences by some internal procedure?

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Printing From VB To A Zebra Label Printer

Sep 6, 2011

I am having an issue printing labels from a form in visual studio. I have looked at all of the links concerning this, and tried to adpt the code in my project to print labels/barcodes and can't seem to get it to work. I have a Zebra TLP 2844 label printer and when I send the ZPL Code to the label printer, it prints out the text of the code.


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Printing Label On Dymo Labelprinter?

Mar 11, 2010

Use visual basic 8.0 Dymo labelwriter 400 Installed Dymo labelwriter 400 Software Development Kit (SDK).My problem is that there is a label is printed, but the mylabel. SetField are not included in the barcode label. The default values are printed.The object name in the label are correct (OText1 and OText2).The objects are OText1 and OText2 Variable text object.


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Sending Text To A DYMO Label For Printing

Mar 15, 2012

The code will check for available DYMO printers and print the label. You are to create a template label and I saved mine as template.label. In that template label I have a text field referenced as TEXT1. [Code] It sends the print job to the DYMO printer, but the label advances with no text on it. [Code]

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Printing A Serialized Barcode Label To A Zebra Printer?

Jun 15, 2011

trying to create a WPF application that will allow users to print a barcode label written in ZPL that is saved to a text file on the C: drive. I am able to print the barcode with the WPF Application except it prints the same serial # without incrementing to the next one. I would like have the application:Open the test.txt file and read the last serial # that was printed. Print the next serial #. Write the last serial # it printed to the file for the next it is printed so that if I printed 1,2,3 this time, the next time it would print 4,5,6. Below is my code for the test.txt file and my code.



The printing process doesn't look pretty, but I was unable to get it to print with PrintDocument.Print() and I could by using a Process. I am guessing the issue is with intSN declaration not appending the serial # back to the test.txt file, instead, it adds
the barcode back to the file.

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Printing To A Label From A Combo Box Makes VB Form Freeze?

Feb 24, 2011

am developing a basic "stock tracking system" in VB.Net with an Access Database for my final year project, and I am in need of help with some issues that I am still facing.System:The user basically selects a customer, selects the product, batch number, quantity, and date that the customer has chosen, and gives a summary of the transaction.I am then generating a summary report via the report wizard tool to show stock levels, and info on which customers bought what product.My Database contains 3 tables: Customer, Product, TransactionI can currently write to both the customer and product tables, bit i havnt figured out how to save a transaction record yet?, also, I am saving to the product table from a "Deliveries Form" that I have for entering incoming products. But I have not yet figureed out how to subtract the quantity values in the product table from the "Purchasing Form"? This is a major issue)en the user selects a customer from the dropdown box, that customers details is displayed in a label on the next form for the users benefit. This works when I hard-code the customer ID to be 2 for example, but it doesnt seem to recognise the "gCustomerID" (I have gCustomerID declared Global Variables module file)I think that this is the problem?

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Create A Lotto Number Generator?

Dec 13, 2009

I'm trying to create a Lotto Number Generator.

My Form has a 3 numeric up down's 2 for the Range "Min & Max" 1 for the Nuber of Numbers that are supposed to be displayed in my TextBox "Mumber" 1 TextBox"tbNumbers" 2 Buttons The first just generates a single Number in the Range.

Dim SingleNumber As New Random
Dim NumberRange As Integer = SingleNumber.Next(CInt(Min.Value), CInt(Max.Value))
tbNumbers.Text = NumberRange.ToString


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Create A Macro To Enter Data In A Label Printing Application For Hundreds Of Labels?

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to create a macro to enter data in a label printing application for hundreds of labels- I use an external third party software that's not very user friendly. It has several fields that accept text. The problem is, manually entering the data and clicking "print" each time is very time consuming. Can anyone suggest a way to put a line of text in the field, printing, and repeating the process?

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Format A Label To Show Numbers In A Certain Way?

Dec 8, 2011

I need to format a Label to show numbers in a certain way. I had asked this before about textboxes so I looked into that first but it didn't do what I wanted.


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Generate Random Numbers And Display Them In The Label Box

Apr 17, 2012

I have created a form that generates random numbers and displays them in the label box. my requirement is to show the numbers in ascending order, so i created a button for each number to be displayed in a each list box. how do i get i to display in the listbox?? Also how do i get it to check and display msg to say whether its in asscending order??

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VS 2008 One Collection 10 Textboxes Odd Numbers To 1 Label

Feb 5, 2010

a collection of 10 textboxes to take the odd numbers and drive them to label1

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Click On The Button And It Shows EVEN NUMBERS On The Label At Random?

May 9, 2009

is there anyway i can randomly call up even numbers like i have a label (label1) and button (button1) i want to click on the button and it shows EVEN NUMBERS on the label at random?

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Display Multiple Lines In A Label, Counting Numbers?

Feb 24, 2010

Im just trying to get a simple multi line label box counting numbers using vbCrLf.

Dim startNumber As Integer
For startNumber = 1 To 4
lblCount.text = "Number = " & startNumber & vbCrLf
Next startNumber

I just want something to display like this in a multi line label, not a textbox:

Number = 1
Number = 2
Number = 3
Number = 4
But... I keep getting something like:
Number = 4

I already turned auto size off and expanded the label.

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VB08 Rounding Up Values/numbers In A Label Or Textbox?

Apr 1, 2009

i know this may soiund a bit of a n00bish question or 1 that pops out every now and then, but i am havin trouble trying to round off nubers.basically i ahev this label where a value i s inputted by the system after it goes thruogh user inputting so:1)user inputs somehting (* by somethingh)2) user input (* by something )etc etc.val(label1.text) = the additon of all those user inputs---to make life easier lets ust say user input1 = user input 2 k sometimes the val of label1 becomes a decimal point like 3453453.666777 etc when this happens i just want to round up to 2 decimal places i have looked on msdn for help which gave me:


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Random Number Lotto Match With User Number Picks?

Nov 4, 2008

I am trying to create a lotto simulation, but don't know how to continue.I am using numericupdowns to allow users to select 6 lotto numbers. and labels to display what they have chosen, but i'm not sure how to prevent duplicates without creating a large number of If statementsMy question is, is there an easier way to prevent duplicates without writing a bunch of if statements?here is my code:

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Lotto1, Lotto2, Lotto3, Lotto4, Lotto5, Lotto6 As Single Lotto1 = Val(NumericUpDown1.Text) lblLotto1.Text = Lotto1 Lotto2 = Val(NumericUpDown2.Text) lblLotto2.Text = Lotto2 Lotto3 = Val(NumericUpDown3.Text)


I don't understand how to save the user selected numbers, let the computer generate 6 random numbers, and match the two sets of numbers together to see how many matches there are. As far as I understand the numbers should be stored in 2 separate arrays and then matched together to find any matches.

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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Stop Printing And Paper Feeding In The Middle Of Printing In Dot Matrix Printer?

Jul 1, 2010

I need stop printing and paper feeding in the middle of printing in dot matrix printer.(Like a POS Printer - When wrote 'End Doc' on POS printer can stop paper feeding)

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Printing On DotMatrix Printer (Ascii Printing) - Print Wont Come Right

Dec 6, 2010

I am using VB 2008 & Access Databases for creating WinForm Applications. Also i am using Crystal Reports for Report solution. my question is How do i created reports such a way that they can be printed in faster Ascii Format on any DotMatrix printer. The default true type fonts make printing very slower.

I tried to use "Draft 10 cpi" font which come to available me after i installed a correct driver for my Epson printer. which also helped me overcome this problem. however it wont be the scenario with all my clients i.e. they might have different printers having different Make with different drivers installed. i have tried to open such project on there PC but the printing wont come in Draft instead the fonts get expanded too much & the print wont come right.

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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Schedule Printing And Check First If There Is Pending Job Before Printing?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm creating an application which has an scheduler to print and it checks if there is a pending job on the print queue before it prints the next file. I use a timer which checks if there is any file to be printed on my database. Example, the timer ticks and selected 10 files to be printed, it should print the 10 files 1 at a time, if there's no print queue, that's the only time the next file should print. I think another timer is required which will keeps on checking if print queue is done. How will i do this?

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VS 2010 Printing A New Line While Printing?

Jun 11, 2011

I am setting up printing (to a printer or file) in my application, and it doesn't seem to print out any new lines that I specify. Here's some of my printing

' Loop through all of the text in the array
For i = 0 To 9
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then


When I print the output to a PDF file using PDFCreator, it stacks all of the letters onto each other rather than creating new lines at the places I've specified. I've also tried using vbNewLine instead of vbCrLf, but I haven't had any luck. I searched the web for this but couldn't find anything about it.

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Create Another Six Textboxes / Same Time Allocate These Numbers In Ascending / Descending Numbers.

Jun 21, 2010

I have six textboxes, and upon button press it randomly generates six numbers, one in eact text box e.g. [43] [85] [93] [1] [0] [17]..i create another six textboxes and at the same time allocate these numbers in ascending/descending numbers.I am not looking for any codes whatsoever, as i love the challenge of VB.Net.

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Project - Average Numbers, Maximum And Minimum Values, Range Of The Numbers

Apr 7, 2009

Im trying to write a program that will do:

1.The average of the four numbers. This answer will be placed into a text box reserved for that value. This text box cannot be changed by the user.

2.The maximum and minimum values. These will be denoted by changing the color of the largest number green and the smallest number red.

3.The range of the numbers. The range is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest numbers. The range will be placed into its own text box, labeled as such. This text box cannot be changed by the user."

Im using visual studio 2008 and it has to be written in VB

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Use .next (random Numbers) To Randomly Select Something From A List Of Numbers But It Can't Repeat The Number?

Aug 16, 2009

So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:

dim num as integer
dim r as new random
num =,5)
if num = 1 then
elseif num = 2 then

That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.

Example:This is in a label.

Dim number as Integer
number = 0

Then in the button do

Label.number = 0

How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.

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User To Input Numbers From An Inputbox And It Displays The Total Numbers Entered?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a program that allows a user to input numbers from an inputbox and it displays the Total numbers entered, the sum of the numbers entered, and the average of the numbers entered. What I can not seem to find it how to have it display the largest number entered. The code I have so far is,


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VS 2008 - Add Two Excel Sheets With Numbers And The Equal (similar) Numbers To Save Once

Mar 28, 2010

how can i add two excel sheets with numbers and the equal (similar)numbers to save once

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