Printing To A Label From A Combo Box Makes VB Form Freeze?

Feb 24, 2011

am developing a basic "stock tracking system" in VB.Net with an Access Database for my final year project, and I am in need of help with some issues that I am still facing.System:The user basically selects a customer, selects the product, batch number, quantity, and date that the customer has chosen, and gives a summary of the transaction.I am then generating a summary report via the report wizard tool to show stock levels, and info on which customers bought what product.My Database contains 3 tables: Customer, Product, TransactionI can currently write to both the customer and product tables, bit i havnt figured out how to save a transaction record yet?, also, I am saving to the product table from a "Deliveries Form" that I have for entering incoming products. But I have not yet figureed out how to subtract the quantity values in the product table from the "Purchasing Form"? This is a major issue)en the user selects a customer from the dropdown box, that customers details is displayed in a label on the next form for the users benefit. This works when I hard-code the customer ID to be 2 for example, but it doesnt seem to recognise the "gCustomerID" (I have gCustomerID declared Global Variables module file)I think that this is the problem?

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Triggering Event Handlers When The User Makes An Input Into A Combo Box?

Dec 9, 2011

This is a spin-off post from another issue I am working on. The problem is related to triggering event handlers when the user makes an input into a combo box, you might even call this a complaint.I have a combobox with a DataSource and ValueMember and DisplayMember. There is no DataBindings to worry about at this point. The combobox is DropDownStyle = DropDown and I havealso enabled AutoCompleteSource = ListSource and AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend.The datasource contains a list of Countires, and when the user types in an entry or chooses an entry from the combobox, I should be able to detect what the user has selected ortyped immediatley after the selection, some would say it's the very purpose of the combo box.Which event would you choose to deterine what the user has entered or Selected? few events come to mind:



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Calling Showdialog() On A Form - From The Main Form's OnLoad Event Makes The Modal Dialog Go Away After A Few Seconds?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm having an interesting issue that I can't reproduce on a different project, but can consistently on this one. I have no clue what might be causing it, but am hoping that someone may have seen it before.

I have a main form, from which I run a series of checks. On this form, I have a listview control. Because of some issues with the refreshing of this listview control, I had to create my own messagebox. It's just a form that displays some text ( it also happens to look nicer than MsgBox; in my opinion, anyways ). It's been working great for months, until recently.

My problem is that on my main form's load event, I run this check, which returns an error within a try/catch block. I then call my custom messagebox with a message. It in turns calls it's ShowDialog() function.

In any other situation ( after the main form has been loaded ), I have no problems. The messagebox goes on the screen and behaves appropriately ( ie: waits for my input and acts as a modal dialog ( stops execution of my main form's thread ) ). However, on this onload event, my messagebox comes up and goes away almost immediately afterwards.

I've traced it all the way to the showdialog() call. For no explicable reason, it appears to skip right over this call, without me doing anything on the form.

Here's what the inner trace looks like ( when I put a breakpoint on the onclosing event for this messagebox form ):


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Windows Form Freeze?

Dec 8, 2008

I am new to LINQ to SQL and I try to Edit and Add a New item on a Windows Form in VB.Net, the form freezes? By example, when I try to select a value from a combobox the prompt get stuck (it enters in Enter event) and it cannot exit, then the form froze.

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Find IP In The Background So The Form Doesn't Freeze?

Jan 15, 2012

I am struggling with something that might be very basic... I don't know how to find an IP in the background using BackgroundWorker and then updating a label on an active form with the IP.

So it is like this:User opens the form The label is now saying: "Finding IP." It keeps saying that untill the BackgroundWorker found the IP and then it updates the label with the IP.


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Form Does Not Freeze But Appears Not Access Any Of Controls Such As (RTB)

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example.We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use.[code]Using the above code, the form does not freeze but appears we can not access any of the controls such as (RTB)What would be causing the form to freeze on .show(),

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Printing From VB To A Zebra Label Printer

Sep 6, 2011

I am having an issue printing labels from a form in visual studio. I have looked at all of the links concerning this, and tried to adpt the code in my project to print labels/barcodes and can't seem to get it to work. I have a Zebra TLP 2844 label printer and when I send the ZPL Code to the label printer, it prints out the text of the code.


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Printing Label On Dymo Labelprinter?

Mar 11, 2010

Use visual basic 8.0 Dymo labelwriter 400 Installed Dymo labelwriter 400 Software Development Kit (SDK).My problem is that there is a label is printed, but the mylabel. SetField are not included in the barcode label. The default values are printed.The object name in the label are correct (OText1 and OText2).The objects are OText1 and OText2 Variable text object.


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Printing Lotto Numbers On A Label?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm relatively new to programming and VB on a whole and iwith the following. I'm supposed to do a program that will generate 6 random numbers and display them on a label from an array of 53 numbers. When i press the "Gamble" button the numbers in each of the 6 labels on my form should change.

Public Class Lotto
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim arrNumber(0 To 5) As Integer


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Sending Text To A DYMO Label For Printing

Mar 15, 2012

The code will check for available DYMO printers and print the label. You are to create a template label and I saved mine as template.label. In that template label I have a text field referenced as TEXT1. [Code] It sends the print job to the DYMO printer, but the label advances with no text on it. [Code]

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Unable To Place A Label Box In The MDI Parent Form And Then Open A Child Form The Label Box Highlighted In Child Form?

Dec 15, 2011

I have an issue when I place a label box in the MDI Parent form and then open a child form the label box highlighted in child form?

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Printing A Serialized Barcode Label To A Zebra Printer?

Jun 15, 2011

trying to create a WPF application that will allow users to print a barcode label written in ZPL that is saved to a text file on the C: drive. I am able to print the barcode with the WPF Application except it prints the same serial # without incrementing to the next one. I would like have the application:Open the test.txt file and read the last serial # that was printed. Print the next serial #. Write the last serial # it printed to the file for the next it is printed so that if I printed 1,2,3 this time, the next time it would print 4,5,6. Below is my code for the test.txt file and my code.



The printing process doesn't look pretty, but I was unable to get it to print with PrintDocument.Print() and I could by using a Process. I am guessing the issue is with intSN declaration not appending the serial # back to the test.txt file, instead, it adds
the barcode back to the file.

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Add A Feature To Program That Makes It So When The Cursor Moves Off Of The Form?

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying to add a feature to my program that makes it so when the cursor moves off of the form, the form drops in opacity, making it sort-of transparent. However, it's not working for some reason.

Private Sub hovertimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles hovertimer.Tick
If MousePosition.X < "0" Then Me.Opacity = 60%


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TransparacyKey Property Makes Form Draw Slowly?

Aug 17, 2004

I've been developing a progam at work and for some reason I set the TransparencyKey of my main form to a color rather than transparent.I left it and didn't even think about it until I noticed that the form had a delay when redrawing. All the controls are black boxes for a split second. See attachment.

I never noticed it before but the computers we use here at work aren't made for graphics. They've got various GHz speed celerons and integrated video cards.

I don't need the TransparencyKey in this program so it's not really an issue for me. I was just wondering if anyone knew why it's redrawing so slowly. What is .NET doing when drawing the form?

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Richtextbox.text To Also Be In A Different Textbox On The Form - Class Makes The Rtbox

Jul 26, 2011

in the richtextbox(from my class) gotfocus -what I need is the richtextbox.text to also be in a different textbox on the form. the richtextbox(readonly) is from my class that has mousedown and mouseup code and more than one richtextbox (small in size) will be on the form in a container so when user clicks on one I need the richtextbox.text to also be in a regular textbox (not from my class) and not located in container. And I need to read a property I made in my richtextbox class.


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Transfer Combo Box Data To Label?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm doing a project for my class and I'm running into an issue figuring one part of it out. The way it works is the user selects the name of a book from a list box and then clicks add and then it's added to the shopping cart which is a combo box. Then there is a receipt button and when that button is pressed, it makes a groupbox become visible and in that groupbox there is a label and I need that label to display ALL of the contents of the shopping cart combo box. I know how to transfer the selected combo box item to the label but how to transfer ALL of the combo box items to the label.

The name of the shopping cart combo box is "shoppingcartcombobox"
The name of the add button is "addbutton"
The name of the label is "label3"

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Check 2 Combo Boxes And Put Result In Label?

Jan 17, 2012

how to say it. Im going to be making a program for my work, something for our CNC programmers to use for referencing machine code. Basically what i want is to have 2 combo boxes. One of them will have some letters, the other will have some numbers. If the user selects "X" in the one combo box and "54" in the other combo box, i want a label that will output "5221". The output is a given number, it will never change. Everytime that combination of of combo boxes have those things selected it will output "5221". So now my question is what is the best way to do this? My first instinct was a select case. Is this the best way to do it? I was also thinking about possibly using textboxes and having the user manually enter values instead of a combo box with some 60 numbers in it. I marked this as a discussion also, thinking it is more of a discussion than a question.

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Create A Macro To Enter Data In A Label Printing Application For Hundreds Of Labels?

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to create a macro to enter data in a label printing application for hundreds of labels- I use an external third party software that's not very user friendly. It has several fields that accept text. The problem is, manually entering the data and clicking "print" each time is very time consuming. Can anyone suggest a way to put a line of text in the field, printing, and repeating the process?

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Making Pause Button - Freeze The Form In Place And Then Unfreeze It Later At The Push Of A Button

Apr 29, 2011

I am making a small game of pong and i want to incorporate a pause feature. is there a way i could freeze the form in place and then unfreeze it later at the push of a button. the tutorial i used is below so check it out to get an idea of what i've made so far.

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Use "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15)" As The Delay Code But Freeze The Form

Jul 19, 2011

I've been trying to use "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15)" as the delay code but if freeze the form. I used this "Location.Refresh()" where location is the name of the form, but it didn't give me what I need. This code is going to work on a ProgressBar while typing and the value of the progress bar change while typing. The progress bar jumps to the new value and I want it to move. So I thought about puting it in a "For ... Loop" but the whole form freezes.


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Print Form With PrintForm Object Its Printing Only The Showing Part Not All The Form?

Oct 18, 2011

i am working on Scrollable form, when i am trying to print this form with PrintForm object its printing only the showing part not all the form this the code which am using. Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Me.PrintForm1.Print(Me, PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm.PrintOption.Scrollable) End Sub

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Create A Stopwatch In One Form And Another Form Show My Progress Bar Using A Combo Box

Nov 11, 2011

Im trying to create a stopwatch in one form and another form show my progress bar using a combo box for mins and seconds to show the progress bar on form1 1


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VB 2008 - Change Child Form Combo Box From MdiParent Form

Feb 23, 2010

In VB 2008, I have a Parent form with a combo box on it. There is a child form also with a combo box on it. I want to be able to change the values on the child form based on what the user selected from the main form. The user launches the child form from a toolbar on the Parent form. The following code is run:


What I want to do is if the Parent's combo box has "Red", "Blue", "Green" values and the user selects "Green", the child form's combo box(With the same values) will also change to "Green". (I do not need to change the Parent form if the child form changes.) I've tried changing the Child's combobox from the combobox's change event on the Parent form, and the code runs, but nothing changes on the child form.

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[2005] Attaching Controls (combo, Label And Textbox) To The Menu Like The Office Menu?

Mar 1, 2009

Attached is the image from an Office application, how can we emulate such?

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Make Application Working Better And Never Freeze / Make Application Working With Any Count For Loop Without Freeze

Jan 19, 2012

I'm using loop to read data from sql and then make some calculations then save it again to another table but when application loop for 3 or 4 times it's freeze but the job is done but if loop = 10 or more then it is freeze and hangup for long time .i need to learn how to make my application working better and never freeze and make application working with any count for loop without freeze .

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Load The Combo Box'values From One Form To Another Form's Combobox?

Nov 15, 2011

how to load the combo box'values from one form to another form's combobox


cust(table name)


now i load the form1's name which is the combo values .. to form 2's combo box whixh is name of 'CName'

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Printing A VB Form?

Jan 30, 2009

I am trying to use the printdocument object to print off a windows form, but at the moment, the printer just prints a blank sheet.. the code is executed when the print button is clicked:

Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click
Dim printDialog1 As PrintDialog = New PrintDialog
printDialog1.Document = PrintRewardsReceipt


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Add A Label "Choose Your Car" For The Dropdown Combo Box?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a combo box with items of cars (honda, toyota, lexus, etc.How do I add a label "Choose Your Car" for the dropdown combo box?

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Easiest Way For Printing Form

Jun 6, 2011

I need the best and easist way for printing the form ,nested of PrintForm tool. com it is very bad :angry:,it prints the form like screen shot :angry: ,what I want print entire form on A4 .

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Form Feed In C# Printing

May 15, 2012

I am trying to do a form feed & skip 1 page while printing, however with the below lines of code, i am not able to make a form feed.[code]I use PrintDialog to print the page contents. I am using "f" C#'s form feed character.Any thoughts on how to implement/make this form feed to work? [code]internally c# converts that to "f", but didn't do form feed, anyone who has implemented "f", please share your thoughts.

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