User To Input Numbers From An Inputbox And It Displays The Total Numbers Entered?
Mar 18, 2011
I have a program that allows a user to input numbers from an inputbox and it displays the Total numbers entered, the sum of the numbers entered, and the average of the numbers entered. What I can not seem to find it how to have it display the largest number entered. The code I have so far is,
I am making a program, where the user enters 6 numbers in 6 different text boxes, and it displays the larger of those 6 numbers. But I also want to make it where if the user enters a string value (like S for instance) in the text boxes, it gives an message and says "please enter the numbers again" and the user gets to enter the 6 numbers again. But when I do try to do that, it gives an error message saying conversion from "w/e the user entered" to Double is not valid. If the user just enters the numbers, it works fine. However, I am trying to make it if the user does enter non numeric value, it gives a message window and the user can reenter the numbers again.
Here is my code Example
This is where I am trying to use IsNumeric to show a message if a user does not enter a string so the user can renter the numbers again, but when the user does enter a string value (say in textbox 1) it gives me an error message saying conversion from "S" to 'double' is not valid.
Then right here this is where I have my series of ifs statements, this part works fine, it displays the largest numbers of the 6 textboxes every time. Error free.
And do this with variable number 2, 3, 4, 5.
I know there are easier ways to do these with arrays and stuff. But I am not there yet. I am still learning about ifs and stuff.
this up but this line below seem to be the problem this sentence (Textbox1.Checked) its supposed to add all the numbers up and give total in a input box under the score line is the complete code sorry for wrecking anyones head cause mine is demented
from mark Protected Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles yourtotal.TextChanged
I gotta finish this application. When the "Enter Numbers" button is clicked, the application displays an input box for the user to insert an integer. After the number has been typed and the OK button is clicked, the application is supposed to give out the sum of all integers from 1 to the value entered by the user. Example: If the value entered is 5, the sum will be 15; if it's 10 it'll be 55 This is my code but something's obviously wrong, it is maybe in the loop?
The result I get for 5 is 25, and for 10 is 100!Also, could you tell me how to display the result in a message box?
i have one more issues, and hope is the last for now. How can I limit a textboxe's input to only numerical with certain range of values (eg -10 to 10) and with that happening while I type in the values?
I have been trying to have a user input 10 Inclusive numbers between 100 and 199, but it doesn�t seem to be working, can someone point out where or what am I doing wrong?
I have an assignment that is supposed to accept user input of random numbers. The only part I'm struggling with is I'm supposed to make copies of the array after the user is done inputting the numbers. These copies has to be sized exactly to how many numbers the user input. Am I supposed to use a counting variable and if so how?
using loop the program is supposed to accept 2 user inputed integers and display all even numbers between the two in one label and all odd numbers between in another label.
Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click ' displays the odd and even numbers between two integers Dim intNum1 As Integer
I'm not exactly sure what this code is doing. When I put 1 in the first number and 10 in the second number, the odd label only shows 9 and the even label only shows 10. Another example is when I put 2 and 15, the odd label comes out as 15 and the even label is 14. I'm very new to VB and programming in general and have just started getting into loops and don't fully understand what the counter is or how the loop is supposed to work. I guess I'm having 2 problems. One is that I don't know how to make the program find the right numbers(my logic is off? or how I set up the loop isn't right?) and the other is the labels are showing only 1 number each instead of all the numbers in between on their own line.
I am new to VB.Net and programming all together. I am trying to make a program that will take 2 numbers input by the user, Add them together and display the sum. Then take the sum and divide it individually by each number to give you what percent of the sum the numbers are. I'm working on making it a program that will calculate the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for my Anthro Class. I'm just doing this for practice for my VB.Net Class. But i will move onto that at a later time. I just want to finish this first.
So.. Here is my code so far. It's not complete yet but this is should be enough to make it function.
Im working on writing a program for doing standard deviation and as of right now im running into one slight issue with subtracting my mean from the original numbers. I will post most of my code so you can get an over view but i mostly just want help on this one little part for now. Im going to be making a website for school and put some programming stuff on it so i wanted to make just some random programs for it so this is school related but not really homework. It's line 26 and 27 that this is relating to. When i put a stop in my code and look at the result of arrayDifferences it gives me 0.0 when it should be -1. I know i can go this route and say arrayDifferences(1) = arrayDifferences(1) - arrayAvg but seeing as how i want this to be a random number of numbers input by the user i cant do that.
I need to take user input, validate to ensure there's no negative numbers and display monthly fee and check fee in a Label.....with a calculate button_Click
I'm currently in VB class at my highschool and we just got chapter 6.1 to read on this online textbook that we follow. Anyway, we are doing loops now and the problem reads "Write a program to request positive numbers one at a time from the user in an input dialog box. The user should be instructed to enter -1 after all the positive numbers have been supplied. At that time, the program should display the sum of the numbers." So far I know this much
Now I know this isn't right But I can't find out how I'd pull out the numbers the user entered to get the sum of them and not include -1 because as it stands, when I hit ENTER with -1 the label just shows -1.
I am trying to write a program that is a statistical calculator. The way i have it set up is that you press the enter data button and it asks you how many numbers you want entered by inputbox then it proceeds to take the numbers one by one by inputbox. The problem i am having is that i dont know how to take these numbers and then have then printed in the "input" textbox. I have attached a pic of my program to give you some idea of what im talking about.
Dim N As Integer Dim i As Integer N = InputBox("How many numbers need entered:")
I have an inputbox with ok cancel buttons in my class.The user should fill in numbers in the inputbox and if nothing is entered and the user presses cancel or ok, the user get's a msgbox that he should enter something and after this the inputbox should show up again until something has entered.
I now have the following code:
Dim answer As String Dim amount As Integer Dim result As DialogResult
I am writing a program for a class on visual basic and i have a listbox that displays 15 random numbers using an array. Then there are 2 buttons(max and min) that when clicked displays the largest number in the list and the smallest. how do i get these buttons to do this?
I have to create program that adds the whole numbers from 1 to 1000 and displays the sum in the label. Create a variation of this program that allows the user to specify any starting whole number and any ending whole number (10,000 or lower) and then adds all the whole numbers in that range. Allow for the possibility that a user may start with a high number and end with a low number. Format the label so that commas are displayed and there are no decimal places showing. I need help with the codes.
Basically. I enter a name and a score. And my program will store them in an array. Then i press "grades" and it provides me with a grade for each name and score entered.BUTi now need an array that will give me a count of how many numbers are in the array.e.g.
1 | James | 56 | Pass 2 | Bob | 98 | High Distinction ..
I know how to read user input using textbox but it only can read character and numbers. Is it possible that I want to read user input equation?
User type A+B User put range of A and B. 1.25<A< 3.56 2.45<B< 9.87
I failed to read the equation using textbox. Is it there are other ways that can use to read equation input A+B?I am using VS2005 and VB.Net. I really new in this programming using VB.Net.
I'm using VB 2010 and need to multiply 2 user input numbers in forms, so basically: TextBox5 = TextBox2 * TextBox3 That obviously didn't work but it shows what I want it to do.
I have a textbox where the user enters their name, however it is possible to enter numbers in textbox, i was wondering if there is a pre existing function that only allows alphabetical characters to be entered?
I have a appointments program and the user must be over 18. I was wondering is there a way to restrict the numbers entered into a textbox to be from 18 to 100. can this be done with e.keychar
i need some help i want to add the total of the numbers inside a particular Listbox and the total should be in in Label form Like (Label1.text = "Total").
I have a textbox which controls the interval of a Timer control. How do I filter out letters? Is it possible to restrict entry to numbers only (like if you enter a letter or a space, nothing happens)? Is there a property of the textbox that can accomplish this?
I need to do a check on telephone numbers entered into a textbox.I know the regular expression for an email address but not to check a telephone number like such (000)000-0000
I have a appointments program and the user must be over 18. I was wondering is there a way to restrict the numbers entered into a textbox to be from 18 to 100. can this be done with e.keychar
Im trying to do a lab that will obtain 10 numbers from the user using an InputBox() function, store them internally in a one-dimensional array, and then compute the average of the numbers and sort them in reverse numerical order. The program should control that 10 numbers (no more, no less) are entered, and that the numbers are fully validated as integers.
If the user enters non-numeric data, then an appropriate error message should be shown, and that number should be allowed to be re-entered as a valid number. Then all the numbers should be shown as a list in a 'message box'. So far I can get everything but the message box to show the list of numbers entered.
I can print the current page number with the use of a static variable. How do I find out the total number of pages? Is there any particular variable in which this number is saved and can be replaced automatically later on just before printing commences by some internal procedure?