[2008] TableLayoutPanel Cell At Mouse Position

Feb 13, 2009

I suspect I'm being dense here and overlooking the obvious but can anyone tell me how I can get the cellposition of the of the cell within a tablelayoutpanel from my mouse position?

I have a tablelayoutpanel with 2 columns and 4 rows and I am handling a DragDrop event of a custom control into it. I want to work out the column and row position of the mouse cursor so I can use setcellposition to put my custom control in the right place but I can't find a method will which give me this.

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TableLayoutPanel Cell At Mouse Position?

Jan 11, 2010

I suspect I'm being dense here and overlooking the obvious but can anyone tell me how I can get the cellposition of the of the cell within a tablelayoutpanel from my mouse position?I have a tablelayoutpanel with 2 columns and 4 rows and I am handling a DragDrop event of a custom control into it. I want to work out the column and row position of the mouse cursor so I can use setcellposition to put my custom control in the right place but I can't fin

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CONTROL In A CELL On A TableLayoutPanel

Apr 15, 2010


SubMy problem is that I want to be able to determine the CHECKBOX checked state within this sub. The sub is being called when the checkbox is checked, but I can't seem to find a way to do the conditional.

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VS 2008 : Get The Current Mouse Position?

Oct 2, 2009

How would I get the current mouse position?

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Removing Cell Contents (tablelayoutpanel)

Oct 29, 2009

I am trying to check if a cell in a tablelayoutpanel contains anything and if it does; clear it.I tried tablelayoutpanel.removeat(1) but I need to check if there is actually anything in there, or else it throws an error.

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Using TableLayoutPanel - Get The Row Change Color When The Mouse Is Over A Row

Nov 29, 2011

I'm looking for help with using the TableLayoutPanel, I want to use it to display some data from a 2d array, and be able to get the row change color when the mouse is over a row. I cant figure out how to accomplish this task, is this even possible to do with TableLayoutPanel?? I would also like to add a contextual menu when you right click on a row. Here is the part of my code I use to populate the table:


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Change Single Cell Color Of Tablelayoutpanel?

Jul 8, 2011

I need to dynamicly write some VB.net code to change the colors of different cells in a TableLayoutPanel based on specific criteria. I have search for VB code to perform this but am unable to find any. I have found some C code that does it but I am unfamiliar with C. Is there anyone on this forum that can translate this into VB.net code, please? I am using VS 2010.[code]...

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VS 2010 : Color Cell TableLayoutPanel After Click?

Jun 8, 2012

I want when I click on a single cell of a TableLayoutPanel (containing a control), that cell need to have a color and when I click on another cell, the previous cell color removed and add to the cell clicked.I know it has something to do with the position of the mousepointer, but the only thing I found on google, was pre-defined cells and the than the color.

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VS 2008 Graphics Application - Get Rectangle By Mouse Position

May 1, 2009

I am working on a graphics application. If there were, for example, 3 rectangles in the picturebox. If you were to right click one of them a contextmenu would pop up. In the context menu you are able to click a button called Fill. When you click fill the selected rectangle gets filled in with the colour white. The rectangles are drawn by the user.

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VS 2008 Setting The Mouse Cursor Position From A Textbox?

Feb 22, 2010

I need to be able to take some co-ordinates from textbox and set them to the mouses position. I have tried a few things such as trying the 'new POINT' but i get the following error RDU.Form1.POINT has no constructors'What i am doing is sending the co-ordinates to a listener which then goes into a textbox and i want mouse to go to them co-ordintes.

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Interface And Graphics :: Mouse Control - Move The Mouse To A Given Pixel Position (x, Y) And Cause A Click

Oct 6, 2008

Apologies as this has probably been answered a million different times a million different ways already. I'm trying to control the mouse. I wish to move the mouse to a given pixel position (x, y) and cause a click. I don't want this to be limited within a form, as I want to control another application. I'm using VB 2005.

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VS 2008 - Changing Mouse Position Coords Based On Form?

Oct 18, 2011

Basically I want to move my mouse to the coords that is received based on the location of a certain coloured pixel. I can get the coords of the pixel but when using them on mouse position, the mouse position is based on the entire screen rather than the form. How could I change the position coords based on the form rather than the entire screen. E.G. If a certain coloured pixel is 2,2 in a form and I put that as the mouse position, it would go outside the form but I dont want that. I want it to hover of the pixel coords

This is my
Dim bmp As Bitmap = DirectCast(PictureBox1.Image, Bitmap)
For x As Integer = 0 To bmp.Width - 1
For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height - 1
If bmp.GetPixel(x, y) = (Color.FromArgb(108, 90, 60)) Then
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position =
End If

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VS 2008 : Finding Mouse Position In Form Coordinates To String?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to figure out the mouse position on the form, how do I do that?

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Get The Position Of A Certain Cell Of A Datagridview?

Mar 30, 2010

How can I get the position of a certain cell of a datagridview. To be specific I don't want the mouse coordinates. Suppose I have a datagridview with Name (ReadOnly), ID and TransDate columns and I want to popup a tiny lookup form when the mouse is clicked or Enter button is pressed when the focus is upon the Name column. The lookup form should openup exactly upon the Name column of the selected row.

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Get Control In Position Mouse?

Oct 1, 2009

How can i know name of control which is in position of mouse (cursor ).

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Get Mouse Position According To Form?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a picturebox on the form. I want to let user move it by mouse. When mouse moving on the picturebox can I get the mouse position according to form?

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Get The Moving Mouse Position?

Oct 12, 2009

I have two windows forms and I need to get the changing mouse position at the same time in the next form. I am using a function in the mouse move event to invoke the next form too ,so how should i properly do that

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Getting Mouse Position Over An Object?

Jun 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET and I am currently having a problem accurately reading the mouse position. In my code, whenever the user moves the mouse, I want to have two variables store the mouse position's X and Y value, however when I move the mouse over an object such as a picturebox or a label, it will no longer give me the value until I move the pointer off the object onto the form. Are there any methods that will give me the absolute mouse coordinates regardless of whether the mouse is over an object or not?

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Know The Mouse Position On The Form?

May 6, 2010

I wanna move mouse postioin(100, 100) on the form. So, I use SetCursorPos(100, 100). but, the position is not of the form. It's the position of My screen. I want to set mouse position 100, 100 of the form T_T.

Can I get the mouse position of the form?

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Make Mouse Go To On Position?

Jun 15, 2009

Now I got this "problem"... I'm making an application in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition with some mouse options, and I was wondering... Do some of you have a clue on how to make the mouse go to on position, right click, move somewhere else, and left click, and then repeat it a X amount of times? The X should have the options to change its value.

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Mouse Position On A Control?

Dec 6, 2009

I have a label (mylabel1) control that is say size 200 by 200. I then add another label (mylabel2) to it as:


When the mouse enters mylabel1, I want to say change the backcolor as:

Private Sub mylabel1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mylabel1.MouseEnter
mylabel1.backcolor = color.red


this works fine except that when the mouse passes over mylabel2 which was added to the controls collection, it fires the mouseleave event for mylabel1. Is there a way to do this without having the mouseleave event of mylabel1 having to be checked against the mouseenter event of mylabel2??

I am ultimately going to have a parent container that has multiple children but I don't want the children to effect my changing colors and effects when the mouse has entered the parent.

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Find The X And Y Position Of A Datagrid Cell?

Apr 24, 2010

How can I find the X and Y position of a datagrid cell? I can provide the row and cell number if needed.

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Change Mouse Position Programmatically?

Sep 3, 2010

I was wondering if there was some function in VB.Net that could change the mouse's position to a certain point, I found this code:

Declare Function SetCursorPos& Lib "user32" (ByVal p As Point)
dim p as point
p.x = 100


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Change The Mouse Position On The Screen

Sep 22, 2009

A simple example is: lets say that im trying to make a program that allows you to move the mouse only with the arrows (left/right/up/down) how can i change the position of the mouse on the screen programmatically? If i wanted when you press a button the mouse to change position to X=0,Y=0 of the hole screen/desktop not the window of the form how can i do it? [Code]

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Drag The Button To The Position Of Mouse?

Jan 30, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim i(1) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


What im trying to do is when u have the mouse hold down you can drag the button to the position of your mouse, however all it does on mouse down is move it to the bottom right and if i keep click it will keep going down til its off the screen.

Im trying to make a drag drop styled interface for user customization.

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Forms :: Getting Mouse Position Over An Object?

Jun 28, 2010

Right now I have a program in which I'm trying to read the mouse cursor position relative to the window form, but I am currently having a problem. It only works if the mouse is directly over the form, and it will not work if I hold the mouse over an object, such as a label, a command button, or a picturebox. I tried resolving this by adding handle clauses for mousemove over those objects, however, while it works for the label, it doesn't work for the pictureboxes. This is because the pictureboxes are in an array and are defined at runtime.How would I go about resolving this?

code in question
Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove, lblStat.MouseMove


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How To Get Mouse Position Inside Panel

Dec 4, 2010

How do I get the possition of the mouse inside a panel? I know how to get the positon in a windows form but this doesn't work in objects (pictureboxes , labels, panels...)

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How To Simulate Mouse Click To Specified Position

Mar 15, 2009

I want to send a left down mouse click to a position I want how do I do that? I already got how to move the mouse
Cursor.Position = New Point(100, 100)
I just need the code to click.

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Mouse Position In Relation To Picturebox

Oct 3, 2009

If I do the mousedown event in my picturebox, is there a way to calculate the mouse position in relation to the picturebox itself, or will I have to calculate it from the X/Y of the mouse and the X/Y of the picturebox? I can do the latter, just wondering if there's a command for the former.

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Mouse Position Inside The Form?

Aug 2, 2009

I know that you can use this code for the position.x of the mouse:


but how will i detect the position.x of the mouse inside the form? i mean counting 0,0 from the edge of the form not the screen...

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