VS 2008 Setting The Mouse Cursor Position From A Textbox?

Feb 22, 2010

I need to be able to take some co-ordinates from textbox and set them to the mouses position. I have tried a few things such as trying the 'new POINT' but i get the following error RDU.Form1.POINT has no constructors'What i am doing is sending the co-ordinates to a listener which then goes into a textbox and i want mouse to go to them co-ordintes.

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Textbox Cursor Resets To First Position As Text Is Entered - VB 2008

Apr 14, 2009

I am working in VB 2008 and I have a textbox on a form that is used to enter a parcel number. I can enter the number in a 15 character string such as 12345678...... and it works just fine. The parcel number in real life contains dashes to make it easier to read, decipher, etc. so it looks like 12-3-45-67....... Under the textchanged subroutine for the textbox I have a case statement set up that checks the length of the parcel number as it is entered and inserts the dash accordingly.


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C# - Setting The Cursor Position In A NumericUpDown Control?

Apr 27, 2010

I have created a user control tha inherits from the NumericUpDown Control.Is it possible to set the cursor position within the control?I am validating the text OnKeyUp, and formatting it when it meets certain criteria.To do this i have to do me.text = Fomatted(Me.Text), which sets the cursor back to the position 0, i want to set it to the end of the text area.

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Monitor The Current Position Of The Mouse Cursor?

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to create a hook to monitor the current position of the mouse cursor. Nothing important, I just need to count some pixels during interface design and wanted to learn how to create a hook, so I decided to go for a hard way instead of a sane way.

I've found example code which declares the following function:

<DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
Public Overloads Shared Function SetWindowsHookEx _


But Appdomain.GetCurrentThreadID generates the warning: "'Public Shared Function GetCurrentThreadId() As Integer' is obsolete: 'AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId has been deprecated because it does not provide a stable Id when managed threads are running on fibers (aka lightweight threads). To get a stable identifier for a managed thread, use the ManagedThreadId property on Thread."

I've tried using ManagedThreadID, but that doesn't work. The thread ID returned seems to be the logical thread ID of the thread, as it runs in the .net runtime, rather than the Win32 thread identifier.

Calling the function ith AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadID works, but I really would like to have a "stable identifier" for my thread.

Can someone explain to me whether it is possible to use ManagedThreadID in this context (I assume not) and, if not, the things I need to avoid in order to stop the AppDomain.CurrentThreadID from becoming "unstable"?

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Cursor - Get The Position Of The Mouse Relative To The Browser Control

May 13, 2010

I have a hobby of making webbrowsers. I'm writing a new one, but it has an old webbrowser control in it (CEXWB). This means that I am using IHTMLDocument(s) rather than normal HTMLDocuments. I'm in the process of implementing a ContextMenu, but I need to get the position of the mouse relative to the browser control, so using something like Cursor.Position won't work. The Webbrowser_MouseMove event also won't work. I'm not sure why. I also can't use WithEvents with a HtmlDocument (like in my webbrowser ContextMenu tutorial) as I cannot Convert A System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement into an mshtml.IHTMLDocument2.

So far, I have this code:

'The event which fires when the ContextMenu for the browser Opens
Private Sub cmenuWB_PopupOpen(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevComponents.DotNetBar.PopupOpenEventArgs) Handles cmenuWB.PopupOpen


How I could implement this?

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How To Set Cursor Position In Textbox

Jan 31, 2008

In my application which is written on vb.net,i search for a word by typing the same in textbox here i have doubt to focus the cursor in the text box.. if i press first letter, say 'a', in textbox that will automatically search what are the words start with 'a'but after searching, cursor is not focussed in the textbox and to type another letter, say 'b', i need to bring my mouse pointer over the textbox and click so that i can type another letter.how can i keep my cursor focussed in the textbox unless i click somewhere else.

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Add A Text In The Cursor Position In A Textbox?

Oct 6, 2010

i need to add an text at the end of the cursor position in vb .net .i tried

TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Insert(TextBox1.SelectionStart, "<br>")

it works but the cursor position sets to starting position

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TextBox Or RichTextBox Cursor Position?

Nov 26, 2010

I Would like to position the cursor in a text box using X,Y coordinates with X being the line number and Y being the column number. Is there any way to determine the line and column numbers of a textbox that is full of text. Using the .selectionstart paramenter only lets you position the cursor a certain distance from the beginning of text but there is no line information that I know of. By the way, I not an expert at VB so bear with me if these questions seem kind of basic.

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Inserting Text Into A Textbox At The Cursor Position VB?

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to work out how I can insert the string "End" into my textbox at a specific cursor point?
(where the '???' is in the code below)As you can see by the code below this will happen when the user clicks return on the keyboard within the textbox.

I have the code to get the cursor index which is being stored as integer 'intcurrentcolumn'. Private Sub Enter_Click(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal k As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)


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VS 2005 Position Of Cursor Inside Textbox?

Jun 30, 2009

I wanna get the position of cursor(not mouse position !!), when the cursor is inside a textbox or richtextbox. On the click of a button, i should get the current position. If i get X,Y co-ordinates, it s well and good. If not possible pixel co-ordinates. Please help. I am new to vb.net

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VS 2010 - Masked Textbox Cursor Start Position

Dec 23, 2011

I have created a maskedtextbox to do a simmple validation >L99999. My problem is when the user clicks on the empty box the cursor stays where they clicked it, not at the beginning of the box as it would with a normal textbox. I have found some suggestions but these all seem to affect the way the cursor moves within the box rather than just changing the start position. As far as the end user is concerned the box should behave just as any other textbox but with validation.

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TextBox To Follow Mouse Cursor?

Dec 19, 2011

how can I make a TextBox follow the mouse cursor on a simple form?

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Setting Position Of Text In Textbox?

Jun 9, 2010

I want to set Set position of text in textbox..
set "5" to x=25 in line of Textbox
Is it possible?

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Select Textbox Content With Mouse Position?

Jul 8, 2010

Here is what I am trying to do: I've added a .SelectAll() method in the MouseDown event of a textbox and it works well.

Now when the user double clicks, I'd like to unselect the text and set the position where the cursor is.

I don't know if I'am making myself clear here so here is an example:

Let's say this is the following text in the textbox: "this is just a test, please do not panic."

User clicks in the textbox, all the text becomes selected.

Let's assume the position of the curosr is just before the "j"

The user double click so the text becomes unselected and the cursor position automatically changes to the j.

I know I have to use the .Select(start, length) method with 0 as length value, but how do I find the start value depending of the mouse position ?

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VS 2008 THe JuMpIN CuRsOr - Make Cursor To Jump To The Next Textbox After Type The Digit

Jan 14, 2010

how can i make my cursor to jump to the next textbox after i type the digit

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VS 2008 Cursor Position On WebBrowser?

May 20, 2011

I want to find the cursor position when the cursor is over a WebBrowser. The WebBrowser does not contain mousemove command - 'panel' does.I thought I could put the WebBrowser on top of the Panel - but it doesn't work. how I can get the mouse location when it is over a WebBrowser?

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VS 2008 Move Cursor On Specific Position

Jun 12, 2010

I have made a code where when the timer starts the botton appears randomly and my mouse position is placed on the button automatically if the progress bar has started... Here is my


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VS 2008 Form Size Does Not Match With The Cursor Position?

Aug 1, 2011

I set the form's size with Me.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(500, 500). I display the mouse cursor's position when the event Form1_MouseMove fires. At the bottom right corner of the form, I read the coordinates 483,460 (instead of 500,500) I precise that the upper left corner has the coordinates 0,0.I also notice that the size of a control differs from the form's size. for example if Picbox1.height = Form1.height, then the Picbox will be bigger than the displayed Form1.

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VS 2008 Vb Change Mouse Cursor?

Jul 10, 2009

how can i change the mouse cursor to a Icon i want

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VS 2008 - Detecting Mouse Cursor Outside Form

Apr 1, 2009

I can detect the type of mouse cursor (normal, hand etc) inside the form but i need to detect it when the cursor is outside the form.

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Setting A Cursor Hotspot (icon Cursor)

Nov 6, 2009

I have a custom cursor that I have as a ico file as cur files are only mono coloured and 32x32.

The only problem in using a ico file is that I can't set where the hot spot is and at the moment it is set in the middle of the icon which is no help

I was looking on the msdn website and it said to set the hotspot like this

Dim instance As Cursor
Dim value As Point

value = instance.HotSpot But I don't know how to set the point value to (0,54) which is where I want the hotspot to be located.

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VS 2008 : Get The Current Mouse Position?

Oct 2, 2009

How would I get the current mouse position?

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[2008] Sending Mouse Click's Without Moving Cursor?

Mar 16, 2009

is there any way i can send mouse click's in my program without having it move my Cursor ?

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[2008] TableLayoutPanel Cell At Mouse Position

Feb 13, 2009

I suspect I'm being dense here and overlooking the obvious but can anyone tell me how I can get the cellposition of the of the cell within a tablelayoutpanel from my mouse position?

I have a tablelayoutpanel with 2 columns and 4 rows and I am handling a DragDrop event of a custom control into it. I want to work out the column and row position of the mouse cursor so I can use setcellposition to put my custom control in the right place but I can't find a method will which give me this.

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Use The Search Engine And When Mouse Cursor Move In Textbox Search

Aug 3, 2011

when you want to use the search engine and when mouse cursor move in textbox search you'll see a small word ("Search") or ("Enter your Search term")


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VS 2008 Graphics Application - Get Rectangle By Mouse Position

May 1, 2009

I am working on a graphics application. If there were, for example, 3 rectangles in the picturebox. If you were to right click one of them a contextmenu would pop up. In the context menu you are able to click a button called Fill. When you click fill the selected rectangle gets filled in with the colour white. The rectangles are drawn by the user.

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Interface And Graphics :: Mouse Control - Move The Mouse To A Given Pixel Position (x, Y) And Cause A Click

Oct 6, 2008

Apologies as this has probably been answered a million different times a million different ways already. I'm trying to control the mouse. I wish to move the mouse to a given pixel position (x, y) and cause a click. I don't want this to be limited within a form, as I want to control another application. I'm using VB 2005.

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VS 2008 - Changing Mouse Position Coords Based On Form?

Oct 18, 2011

Basically I want to move my mouse to the coords that is received based on the location of a certain coloured pixel. I can get the coords of the pixel but when using them on mouse position, the mouse position is based on the entire screen rather than the form. How could I change the position coords based on the form rather than the entire screen. E.G. If a certain coloured pixel is 2,2 in a form and I put that as the mouse position, it would go outside the form but I dont want that. I want it to hover of the pixel coords

This is my
Dim bmp As Bitmap = DirectCast(PictureBox1.Image, Bitmap)
For x As Integer = 0 To bmp.Width - 1
For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height - 1
If bmp.GetPixel(x, y) = (Color.FromArgb(108, 90, 60)) Then
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position =
End If

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VS 2008 : Finding Mouse Position In Form Coordinates To String?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to figure out the mouse position on the form, how do I do that?

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VS 2008 Setting Mouse To Beginning Of A Masked Text Box If Empty

Feb 25, 2010

I have a masked text box for postal codes. When the user clicks the text box it sets the cursor to where ever they clicked in the text box. Is there anyway that if the value is empty it sets the focus to the beginning.

Private Sub Cust_postalTextBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cust_postalTextBox.Click


Is the code I have that works but What would the IF statement be to check if it is empty? String.empty and "" don't work because I think it sees the mask as characters.

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