Drag The Button To The Position Of Mouse?

Jan 30, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim i(1) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


What im trying to do is when u have the mouse hold down you can drag the button to the position of your mouse, however all it does on mouse down is move it to the bottom right and if i keep click it will keep going down til its off the screen.

Im trying to make a drag drop styled interface for user customization.

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DataGridView Drag And Drop Mouse Position Error

Oct 17, 2009

I'm writing an application for seat reservations. I use a DataGridView to represent seats. Each free seat is coloured in green and occupied seats are in blue.DataGridView is populated with names from database and user could add a name to a seat choosing from a list.Moreover the user has the possibility to move a name from one seat to another - not occupied via drag and drop operation.Eveything works well, but when moving a name from one cell to another I have to position the cursor over a cell that is one row above and four columns on the left of that one I choose.Which is the reason? Here is the code


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VS 2010 Detecting Mouse Position During Drag & Drop?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there any way of detecting the position where the Mouse Button is released during a Drag & Drop operation. I need to know whether the intended Drop position was not reached when the mouse button is released.

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Drag And Drop In VB 2008 - Mouse Button The Text Box Is Not Dropped

Sep 5, 2009

I insert a text box into form1. I move the mouse pointer on top of the text box. I press down on the left mouse button and begin to drag the text box. The problem is when I let go of the mouse button the text box is not dropped. it remain floating around. My only way out of this is to press the escape key which places the text bnox bak to its original location. Thinking that it might be my mouse I tested it in Power point and everything works correctly.

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Send A Left-mouse Button HOLD + DRAG In VB 2010?

Mar 4, 2012

I'd like to create a function in my application in Visual basic 2010 that would:Simulate a left-mouse button click+hold and drag with a timer tick eventSet a new XY coordinates for the mouse to drag the item to a new locationRemove the left-mouse button click+hold command

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Interface And Graphics :: Mouse Control - Move The Mouse To A Given Pixel Position (x, Y) And Cause A Click

Oct 6, 2008

Apologies as this has probably been answered a million different times a million different ways already. I'm trying to control the mouse. I wish to move the mouse to a given pixel position (x, y) and cause a click. I don't want this to be limited within a form, as I want to control another application. I'm using VB 2005.

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Drag A Control With The Mouse?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to convert a simple program fron vb6. IT's only draggin several pictures with the mouse and drop them into anothet picture (trashbin). If the object picture dropped is a match then the trashbin.image changes to another image But: First, I don't know how to allow drag controls!

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Forms :: Tree View Drag And Drop To Text Box At Cursor Position?

Nov 7, 2009

I need to drag and drop to textbox from tree view. Here while drag and drop to text box i need to add the dragged text to anywhere in the text box which we have already dragged some nodes here.

For example.in treeview i have "node1" and "node2"now i am going to add "node2" to textbox and in front of "node2" i need to add "node1" and then at the end of "node2" again i need to drop "node1" like that.

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.net - Drag And Move Winform Using Mouse?

May 28, 2011

I know how to 'drag and move' a winform by adding following code

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
If (((m.Msg = 163) And ClientRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(New Point(m.LParam.ToInt32)))) And (m.WParam.ToInt32 = 2)) Then
m.WParam = CType(1, IntPtr)


But after a panel being added to winform, I can not 'drag and move' the winform within that panel area. Any idea of how to 'drag and move' within a panel? I mean the mouse point, click, hold and move within that panel and the winform will follow the mouse movement until I release the mouse button.

'Add these to your form class
Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
Private MouseIsDownLoc As Point = Nothing


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Drag And Drop Mouse Cursor?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to find a drag and drop cursor for use in a program. It is not in the standard Windows cursors. It's the one you see when moving a control in Visual Studio or when reordering slides in powerpoint - arrow with rectangle below.

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Emulate Mouse Click And Drag?

Jan 19, 2010

Emulate mouse click and drag?

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Drag A Drawn Line-graphic On A Form Linked To Mousedown Cursor Position?

Dec 19, 2011

I need to draw several line-graphics on a form, then select and drag individual graphics to new locations. Is it possible for example to give each graphic path an identity when drawn, then select any one (via mousedown, whatever) and link it to the dragged mouse co-ordinates until released? MS Visio has exactly this ability - can it be done in .NET?

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Get Control In Position Mouse?

Oct 1, 2009

How can i know name of control which is in position of mouse (cursor ).

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Get Mouse Position According To Form?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a picturebox on the form. I want to let user move it by mouse. When mouse moving on the picturebox can I get the mouse position according to form?

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Get The Moving Mouse Position?

Oct 12, 2009

I have two windows forms and I need to get the changing mouse position at the same time in the next form. I am using a function in the mouse move event to invoke the next form too ,so how should i properly do that

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Getting Mouse Position Over An Object?

Jun 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET and I am currently having a problem accurately reading the mouse position. In my code, whenever the user moves the mouse, I want to have two variables store the mouse position's X and Y value, however when I move the mouse over an object such as a picturebox or a label, it will no longer give me the value until I move the pointer off the object onto the form. Are there any methods that will give me the absolute mouse coordinates regardless of whether the mouse is over an object or not?

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Know The Mouse Position On The Form?

May 6, 2010

I wanna move mouse postioin(100, 100) on the form. So, I use SetCursorPos(100, 100). but, the position is not of the form. It's the position of My screen. I want to set mouse position 100, 100 of the form T_T.

Can I get the mouse position of the form?

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Make Mouse Go To On Position?

Jun 15, 2009

Now I got this "problem"... I'm making an application in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition with some mouse options, and I was wondering... Do some of you have a clue on how to make the mouse go to on position, right click, move somewhere else, and left click, and then repeat it a X amount of times? The X should have the options to change its value.

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Mouse Position On A Control?

Dec 6, 2009

I have a label (mylabel1) control that is say size 200 by 200. I then add another label (mylabel2) to it as:


When the mouse enters mylabel1, I want to say change the backcolor as:

Private Sub mylabel1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mylabel1.MouseEnter
mylabel1.backcolor = color.red


this works fine except that when the mouse passes over mylabel2 which was added to the controls collection, it fires the mouseleave event for mylabel1. Is there a way to do this without having the mouseleave event of mylabel1 having to be checked against the mouseenter event of mylabel2??

I am ultimately going to have a parent container that has multiple children but I don't want the children to effect my changing colors and effects when the mouse has entered the parent.

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Find Out Wherer A Mouse Button Is Pressed When Mouse Pointer Is Leaving A UIElement?

Apr 6, 2011

I've been working on a GUI in WPF which I'm fairly new to, having only used Windows Forms up until now. So far, my GUI is very simple: it contains two rectangles, each of which drops a shadow. The shadow creates an effect of rectangles "floating above the canvas" so to speak.

When one of the rectangles is pressed, the myRectangle.MouseDown event is handled such that the shadow goes away, thus creating an effect of the rectangle being pressed down onto the canvas, like a button.Similarly, when mouse button is released, the myRectangle.MouseDown event is handled such that the shadow reappears and the rectangle "floats" again. This behavior make them resemble buttons. Note, there a reasons I want them to be rectangles and not custom buttons.


If the pointer leaves a rectangle while mouse button is pressed, I'd like shadow to reappear. This is arguable simple, because theoretically in this case, any time myRectangle.MouseLeave is raised, the shadow should come back on, even if it was already there.If the pointer left a rectangle when mouse button was pressed, then came back while before the button was released, I want the shadow to disappear again. This one is what gives me problems. No idea how to do this.

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Forms :: Two Event Methods - Mouse Click And Mouse Down For A Single Button In A Form

Feb 1, 2009

I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.

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Game Programming :: Get Mouse Coordinates When Click On A Mouse Button Inside A Listbox?

May 24, 2008

I was wondering if there is anyway I can get mouse coordinates when I click on a mouse button inside a listbox? I know how to do it in the form but when I click inside a listbox nothing happens.

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Create Mouse Hotkey - Open Notepad When I Click Mouse Button #5?

Sep 9, 2010

My mouse has 7 buttons. How to make program that will open notepad when I click mouse button #5?

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VS 2010 Any Tips Or Techniques For Debugging In Mouse Move Events / When Mouse Button Is Down / Has To Stay That Way?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm currently debugging a form that sets a flag when the mouse button is pressed, then clears the flag when the mouse button is released. As long as the mouse button is pressed, the user can move the mouse around and a few things happen depending on where they move. One of the things that happens is that a timer starts, or stops, and a few things change color depending on the mouse position. The timer starts when it should, then stops when it should, but once stopped, it is not re-starting when it should. I can verify that MouseMove events are getting through, because coloring changes as I move the mouse, as it should. This would be a simple thing to debug...except that it requires the darn mouse button to be down, and it uses the mouse move event. Anybody who has put a breakpoint in a mouse move event handler knows the issue: There are THOUSANDS of them. Worse yet, since the mouse button is necessary for switching to the IDE, as well as setting a breakpoint (technically, a keyboard shortcut could do this if I could shift focus), I can't wait for the problem to happen, then switch to the IDE and set a breakpoint to see what is happening then.Does anybody have any tips or techniques for debugging in mouse move events when the mouse button is down and has to stay that way? As it is, I'm going to have to write some funky code into the method just so that I have a place to get a breakpoint when I need it without breaking on every one of the mouse move events.

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.net - Track Mouse Click And Drag Events?

Jan 12, 2011

First, I want to know if the mouse is in some area. Then, I want to check if the mouse holds the left click. I want to check as long as the left button is down, and I want to track the mouse's position. And finally, check when the left button is released.

So, in short, where should I start for tracking mouse events in my form?

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Window Looses Mouse Event On Drag?

Mar 4, 2010

Here is a simple code i have put a timer with 4 seconds interval.If i start dragging the form with keeping the mouse button pressed and when the timer tick event fires i am changing the Me.ShowInTaskbar to reverse at that time the mouse looses the capture. Is there any way to keep it draging even after changing the ShowInTaskbar state.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Me.ShowInTaskbar = Not Me.ShowInTaskbar
End Sub
End Class

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Change Mouse Position Programmatically?

Sep 3, 2010

I was wondering if there was some function in VB.Net that could change the mouse's position to a certain point, I found this code:

Declare Function SetCursorPos& Lib "user32" (ByVal p As Point)
dim p as point
p.x = 100


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Change The Mouse Position On The Screen

Sep 22, 2009

A simple example is: lets say that im trying to make a program that allows you to move the mouse only with the arrows (left/right/up/down) how can i change the position of the mouse on the screen programmatically? If i wanted when you press a button the mouse to change position to X=0,Y=0 of the hole screen/desktop not the window of the form how can i do it? [Code]

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Forms :: Getting Mouse Position Over An Object?

Jun 28, 2010

Right now I have a program in which I'm trying to read the mouse cursor position relative to the window form, but I am currently having a problem. It only works if the mouse is directly over the form, and it will not work if I hold the mouse over an object, such as a label, a command button, or a picturebox. I tried resolving this by adding handle clauses for mousemove over those objects, however, while it works for the label, it doesn't work for the pictureboxes. This is because the pictureboxes are in an array and are defined at runtime.How would I go about resolving this?

code in question
Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove, lblStat.MouseMove


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How To Get Mouse Position Inside Panel

Dec 4, 2010

How do I get the possition of the mouse inside a panel? I know how to get the positon in a windows form but this doesn't work in objects (pictureboxes , labels, panels...)

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