Window Looses Mouse Event On Drag?

Mar 4, 2010

Here is a simple code i have put a timer with 4 seconds interval.If i start dragging the form with keeping the mouse button pressed and when the timer tick event fires i am changing the Me.ShowInTaskbar to reverse at that time the mouse looses the capture. Is there any way to keep it draging even after changing the ShowInTaskbar state.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Me.ShowInTaskbar = Not Me.ShowInTaskbar
End Sub
End Class

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VS 2008 Drag In A Listbox Looses Previous Items In The Box?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a form with a ListBox and AlloDrop property to TRUE.If I DRAG a file (FILE1) into the ListBox the Item is added nicely.However when I drag a next file (FILE2),even when I am dragging the FILE2 and LISTBOX takes focus, looses the previous item already in the box...(ie FILE1)....

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VS 2008 API On Getting A Window Drag Event, And Explorer Windows?

May 8, 2009

will give me information if the foregroundwindow is being draggedor not something for example GetDragState(Foregroundwindow)does any API of this kind even exists?

Also, I'm working with this code to get all main window handles:
For Each proc As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If (Not proc.MainWindowHandle = 0) And (proc.MainWindowHandle <> ExceptWin) And


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Mouse.Click And Mouse.MouseDown - Delay The Mouse Down Event

Apr 15, 2012

I have two custom action listers. One that handles Mouse.Click and one that handles Mouse.MouseDown. My question to you is, can I delay the mouse down event so that it does not intefere with the code of the Mouse.Click event? I have tried adding a timer and waiting x amount then setting a bool value to true, but the code executes to fast and it skips the other code.

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Mouse Hover And Mouse Leave To Open And Close The Window Form

Nov 5, 2009

how to raise the mouse leave and mouse hover events for VB when i place my mouse cursor over the button.

When my mouse cursor is over the buttons, it will raise the mouse hover event and open the form, then when the mouse leaves the button, it will close the form upon raising the mouse leave event.

but currently, When i excute this two events, the for will open and close very,very fast. so fast that it is like spamming the VB.

So i am wondering how to change the code that i have to excecute the event one time every time the mouse is over the button which is created at run time.

the codes to execute these two events are:

Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
For Each ctl As Control In PictureBox1.Controls


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Mouse Hover And Mouse Leave To Open And Close The Window Form?

Nov 12, 2009

[URL] I have tried heslacher's method which is Hi clzanas, you problems had been the result of calling a for each loop inside the events. If you only want for the button you hoover / leave to call the ShowDetails.Open/close, then you can take the code below:

Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If TypeOf sender Is Button Then


But i got the same results as my previous code, resulting in the form opening and closing so fast that it is like spamming the window.

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ClipCursor To Lock A Mouse In A Window / How To Detect Height Of Window's Title Bar

Nov 24, 2010

border of that said window so the only place the mouse can't click the titlebar and the minimize,restore, and maximize button. The height of the titlebar depends on what OS the user is using so I'm having trouble because I can't give a definite value for this. How do I detect the height. and also for border i'm not sure if the borders have different widths with different operating systems. I'm using windows XP on classic mode, when I change to the themed mode, the height of the title bar changes so it won't work.

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Forms :: Two Event Methods - Mouse Click And Mouse Down For A Single Button In A Form

Feb 1, 2009

I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.

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Difference In Mouse Hover And Mouse Enter Event In Regard Of .net?

Mar 27, 2011

I have two questions in my mind!

1) What's the difference in mouse hover and mouse enter event in regard of

2) Is embedding a resource in application more efficient or linking it on compile time?

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Mouseevent :: Mouse.Enter And Mouse.Leave Both Called In Same Event?

Jun 19, 2012

In my VB.Net forms application, I have a function:

Private Sub pnlMain_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles pnlMain.MouseLeave


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C# - Mouse Event Fires When The Mouse Over Child Control?

Aug 24, 2011

I have set the controls mouse enter and mouse leave events. My problem is that the mouse leave event fires if I mouse over any of the child controls (like the name box for example).What I need is for the mouse leave event to fire when my mouse leaves the entire control, rather than firing when I mouse over any of the child controls. Here are the events as I have them so far:

Private Sub DeliveryControl_MouseEnter(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseEnter
Me.removeImage.Visible = True
End Sub


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Drag A Control With The Mouse?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to convert a simple program fron vb6. IT's only draggin several pictures with the mouse and drop them into anothet picture (trashbin). If the object picture dropped is a match then the trashbin.image changes to another image But: First, I don't know how to allow drag controls!

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.net - Drag And Move Winform Using Mouse?

May 28, 2011

I know how to 'drag and move' a winform by adding following code

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
If (((m.Msg = 163) And ClientRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(New Point(m.LParam.ToInt32)))) And (m.WParam.ToInt32 = 2)) Then
m.WParam = CType(1, IntPtr)


But after a panel being added to winform, I can not 'drag and move' the winform within that panel area. Any idea of how to 'drag and move' within a panel? I mean the mouse point, click, hold and move within that panel and the winform will follow the mouse movement until I release the mouse button.

'Add these to your form class
Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
Private MouseIsDownLoc As Point = Nothing


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Drag And Drop Mouse Cursor?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to find a drag and drop cursor for use in a program. It is not in the standard Windows cursors. It's the one you see when moving a control in Visual Studio or when reordering slides in powerpoint - arrow with rectangle below.

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Drag The Button To The Position Of Mouse?

Jan 30, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim i(1) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


What im trying to do is when u have the mouse hold down you can drag the button to the position of your mouse, however all it does on mouse down is move it to the bottom right and if i keep click it will keep going down til its off the screen.

Im trying to make a drag drop styled interface for user customization.

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Emulate Mouse Click And Drag?

Jan 19, 2010

Emulate mouse click and drag?

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.net - Track Mouse Click And Drag Events?

Jan 12, 2011

First, I want to know if the mouse is in some area. Then, I want to check if the mouse holds the left click. I want to check as long as the left button is down, and I want to track the mouse's position. And finally, check when the left button is released.

So, in short, where should I start for tracking mouse events in my form?

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DataGridView Drag And Drop Mouse Position Error

Oct 17, 2009

I'm writing an application for seat reservations. I use a DataGridView to represent seats. Each free seat is coloured in green and occupied seats are in blue.DataGridView is populated with names from database and user could add a name to a seat choosing from a list.Moreover the user has the possibility to move a name from one seat to another - not occupied via drag and drop operation.Eveything works well, but when moving a name from one cell to another I have to position the cursor over a cell that is one row above and four columns on the left of that one I choose.Which is the reason? Here is the code


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Drag/Drop/Mouse Events In User Class?

Oct 24, 2009

is it possible to link a personal created class with a Mouse Event? I created a class and I want to make it possible to make it interactive with the mouse. So when the user goes over the GDI-created shape (which is declared and created in that class), he has to see some information about that shape, like the name etc.... And the user has to be able to drag and drop that shape.

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VS 2010 Detecting Mouse Position During Drag & Drop?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there any way of detecting the position where the Mouse Button is released during a Drag & Drop operation. I need to know whether the intended Drop position was not reached when the mouse button is released.

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Drag And Drop In VB 2008 - Mouse Button The Text Box Is Not Dropped

Sep 5, 2009

I insert a text box into form1. I move the mouse pointer on top of the text box. I press down on the left mouse button and begin to drag the text box. The problem is when I let go of the mouse button the text box is not dropped. it remain floating around. My only way out of this is to press the escape key which places the text bnox bak to its original location. Thinking that it might be my mouse I tested it in Power point and everything works correctly.

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Send A Left-mouse Button HOLD + DRAG In VB 2010?

Mar 4, 2012

I'd like to create a function in my application in Visual basic 2010 that would:Simulate a left-mouse button click+hold and drag with a timer tick eventSet a new XY coordinates for the mouse to drag the item to a new locationRemove the left-mouse button click+hold command

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VS 2010 ListView MultiSelect Rows With Mouse Drag - Win7?

Apr 23, 2012

In WinXP with LV FullRowSelect enabled I can press and hold down the left mouse button and drag it down the right side of the left-most LV column and the rows are selected, but under Win7 I can only multiselect items with the mouse if FullRowSelect is set to false.

So I guess I need to write code to support this sort of feature for Win7 ? , and if true are there any code examples (I can't find anything) to save me some time?

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Wpf - Fire A Custom Event From A Child Window Back To Parent Window?

Feb 13, 2012

I am looking to close the application when I click a cancel button in a login page, but I don't want to do it in such a way that Window 2 closes itself, but by sending some notification to Main Window, and Main Window closes the application. Here's the code that I have so far:

(in loginPage)

Public Event CloseApp As EventHandler
Private Sub CancelButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles CancelButton.Click


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Find The Index Of The Target Line Under The Mouse When Drag-dropping To A ListView?

Oct 10, 2009

I want to drag-drop single text items from ListView-A to ListView-B (both are in Details mode), but can't see how to read (and hence highlight) the index of the line in ListView-B when the mouse is hovering over it. Easy in a ListBox, but the PointToClient > IndexFromPoint features don't work with ListView controls and I just can't see another way .

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Forms :: Drag A Borderless Window

Jan 5, 2010

I have a border-less window made by this function:

Private Sub MiniWin()
Me.Visible = False
Me.Text = ""


and when is in this state I can't move it... so how can I move the form when is in this condition?

Second Q: how can I forbid the window form not to be re-size-ble and stay within the given dimensions?

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Call A Treenode Mouse Click Event From Any Other Key Down Event?

Apr 29, 2011

how can i call a treenode mouse click event from any other key down event?

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Can't Use Form Mouse Move Event Or Any Other Control Event

Dec 6, 2011

How should I go about getting my mouse position over multiple controls, and such. I can't use the form_mouse move event, or any other control event nor can I use them all at the same time cause that would conflict with the actual position I need for an object.

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Drag And Drop A File From Outside Window Onto A Form

Oct 10, 2011

How do I drag and drop a file from outside the window onto a form? For example: drag and drop an image from windows explorer into panel1 in form1?

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Drag And Drop Objects On A Window Form?

Oct 29, 2009

how to drag and drop objects on a Window form? If I have two labels - one says "1" and the other says "2" on their texts, and I want two other matching labels to be able to be dragged from one end of the form to the other so that say label 1 of one text can be matched to label 1 of the other text. I am designing a grammar learning program that will use drag/drop concept

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