Create Mouse Hotkey - Open Notepad When I Click Mouse Button #5?

Sep 9, 2010

My mouse has 7 buttons. How to make program that will open notepad when I click mouse button #5?

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Forms :: Two Event Methods - Mouse Click And Mouse Down For A Single Button In A Form

Feb 1, 2009

I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.

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Game Programming :: Get Mouse Coordinates When Click On A Mouse Button Inside A Listbox?

May 24, 2008

I was wondering if there is anyway I can get mouse coordinates when I click on a mouse button inside a listbox? I know how to do it in the form but when I click inside a listbox nothing happens.

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Register A Hotkey And Simulate A Mouse Click?

Sep 15, 2009

1. How would I register a hotkey? I want 3 hotkeys, F7, F8, and F9

2. How would I simulate a mouse click?

I want something like

-User Presses hotkey.

-VB Program will simulate a mouse click everytime user clicks mouse.

I want these to be able to work even when program isnt in focus, aka whole screen.

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VS 2008 Simulate Mouse Click Notepad => File

Jul 27, 2009

give me code that clicks on file button in notepad please or tell me how to do it?
I did this but it wont work:


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Mouse.Click And Mouse.MouseDown - Delay The Mouse Down Event

Apr 15, 2012

I have two custom action listers. One that handles Mouse.Click and one that handles Mouse.MouseDown. My question to you is, can I delay the mouse down event so that it does not intefere with the code of the Mouse.Click event? I have tried adding a timer and waiting x amount then setting a bool value to true, but the code executes to fast and it skips the other code.

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VS 2008 Register A HotKey For The "mouse Click Event"?

Sep 14, 2009

1. What would be a "Mouse Click Event" (WHOLE Screen, once mouse is clicked, code happens)

2. How would I register a HotKey for the "mouse click event"?

3. Code to move mouse down, So at the center of screen, mouse is moved maybe by 10 Pixels.

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Open Notepad On Click On Button?

Sep 7, 2009

How should i call notepad using vs2005.

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Interface And Graphics :: Mouse Control - Move The Mouse To A Given Pixel Position (x, Y) And Cause A Click

Oct 6, 2008

Apologies as this has probably been answered a million different times a million different ways already. I'm trying to control the mouse. I wish to move the mouse to a given pixel position (x, y) and cause a click. I don't want this to be limited within a form, as I want to control another application. I'm using VB 2005.

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Mouse Hover And Mouse Leave To Open And Close The Window Form

Nov 5, 2009

how to raise the mouse leave and mouse hover events for VB when i place my mouse cursor over the button.

When my mouse cursor is over the buttons, it will raise the mouse hover event and open the form, then when the mouse leaves the button, it will close the form upon raising the mouse leave event.

but currently, When i excute this two events, the for will open and close very,very fast. so fast that it is like spamming the VB.

So i am wondering how to change the code that i have to excecute the event one time every time the mouse is over the button which is created at run time.

the codes to execute these two events are:

Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
For Each ctl As Control In PictureBox1.Controls


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Mouse Hover And Mouse Leave To Open And Close The Window Form?

Nov 12, 2009

[URL] I have tried heslacher's method which is Hi clzanas, you problems had been the result of calling a for each loop inside the events. If you only want for the button you hoover / leave to call the ShowDetails.Open/close, then you can take the code below:

Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If TypeOf sender Is Button Then


But i got the same results as my previous code, resulting in the form opening and closing so fast that it is like spamming the window.

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Disable Mouse Click For A While Of Filter Mouse Clicks

Sep 1, 2011

Im using Visual Basic 2008 Express..Is there a way to disable mouse click for a while in Visual Basic 2008, I mean if mouse was clicked more than 1 time in very short time to click only once? -- I need it because my mouse became like crazy one.. when I click once it may clicks twice or until I buy another one, I'd like to filter click, to allow only one click and to block another clicks that were made in last second.

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VS 2008 Simlate Mouse Click On WebBrowser Without Using Mouse?

Oct 21, 2011

I am trying to simulate a mouse click on a webBrowser at certain coords in the webBrowser WITHOUT using the persons mouse in any shape or form becuase I want to be able to run the program, minimize it and do other things whilst the program clicks in certain coords in a webBrowser.

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Left Click - Sleep - Move Mouse - Sleep - Moves Mouse To First Location (but Doesn't Click)

Apr 28, 2012

This is the code I am working with...


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Find Out Wherer A Mouse Button Is Pressed When Mouse Pointer Is Leaving A UIElement?

Apr 6, 2011

I've been working on a GUI in WPF which I'm fairly new to, having only used Windows Forms up until now. So far, my GUI is very simple: it contains two rectangles, each of which drops a shadow. The shadow creates an effect of rectangles "floating above the canvas" so to speak.

When one of the rectangles is pressed, the myRectangle.MouseDown event is handled such that the shadow goes away, thus creating an effect of the rectangle being pressed down onto the canvas, like a button.Similarly, when mouse button is released, the myRectangle.MouseDown event is handled such that the shadow reappears and the rectangle "floats" again. This behavior make them resemble buttons. Note, there a reasons I want them to be rectangles and not custom buttons.


If the pointer leaves a rectangle while mouse button is pressed, I'd like shadow to reappear. This is arguable simple, because theoretically in this case, any time myRectangle.MouseLeave is raised, the shadow should come back on, even if it was already there.If the pointer left a rectangle when mouse button was pressed, then came back while before the button was released, I want the shadow to disappear again. This one is what gives me problems. No idea how to do this.

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Childwindow Menu Does Not Open On Mouse Click?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a Vb.Net MDI which has it's Menu's on it. I have Child Window and it has it's own menu. I opens the child window inside the MDI using setparent API function. When I click on Child window's menu to open the sub menu items, it does
not open on mouse click . It works if I use Alt+Hot Key. But I want to open the Child window menus on Mouse click like it opens the MDI menus.

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VS 2010 Any Tips Or Techniques For Debugging In Mouse Move Events / When Mouse Button Is Down / Has To Stay That Way?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm currently debugging a form that sets a flag when the mouse button is pressed, then clears the flag when the mouse button is released. As long as the mouse button is pressed, the user can move the mouse around and a few things happen depending on where they move. One of the things that happens is that a timer starts, or stops, and a few things change color depending on the mouse position. The timer starts when it should, then stops when it should, but once stopped, it is not re-starting when it should. I can verify that MouseMove events are getting through, because coloring changes as I move the mouse, as it should. This would be a simple thing to debug...except that it requires the darn mouse button to be down, and it uses the mouse move event. Anybody who has put a breakpoint in a mouse move event handler knows the issue: There are THOUSANDS of them. Worse yet, since the mouse button is necessary for switching to the IDE, as well as setting a breakpoint (technically, a keyboard shortcut could do this if I could shift focus), I can't wait for the problem to happen, then switch to the IDE and set a breakpoint to see what is happening then.Does anybody have any tips or techniques for debugging in mouse move events when the mouse button is down and has to stay that way? As it is, I'm going to have to write some funky code into the method just so that I have a place to get a breakpoint when I need it without breaking on every one of the mouse move events.

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Get Mouse Buttons Status(mouse Down/Up/Click)?

May 7, 2012

If MouseButtons = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
MsgBox("Left Click")


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Simulate Click By Simulating Mouse Down And Mouse Up

Dec 30, 2010

'SimulateClick2 = SimulateClick2(hwnd, BM_CLICK) '(works)

the following doesn't work
SimulateClick2 = SimulateClick2(hwnd, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN)
SimulateClick2 = SimulateClick2(hwnd, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP)

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VS 2008 Mouse Click Vs Mouse Doubleclick?

Oct 12, 2010

I have defined a class which inherits PictureBox-component.In this class I have a mouseClick and mouseDoubleClick events overridden.On mouseClick the image is selected. Now if user click it again, it is delesected.The mouseDoubleClick event starts the video which this picture is pointing to.Now the problem is that when user doubleclicks the pictureBox it actually calls the mouseClick-event twice (select-deselect) and does not call the mouseDoubleClick-event. How can I define it so that if mouseclicks are done as doubleclicks then doubleClick-event is called, not the click event twice?

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Getting Button Name On Mouse Click?

Mar 15, 2012

i got a form with 10 button and i want to get the button name of the mouse click in a string variable

i tried this:
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


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OpenDialog Box To Open File With A Double-mouse Click?

Sep 8, 2010

I am having a hard time trying to find an example that opens an opendialog box and allows the users to open the file with a Double-Click.

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Hook Into The Mouse Click On A Command Button?

Feb 24, 2011

I need to write an application that can validate wether or not a proper process was followed based on information that was entered into another .NET appliction. Basically, I need to be able to intercept a mouse click on a button in another application so that instead of submitting the data it triggers my validation code then cancel the action if need be.

We do not have the code to the other application. I have everything I need perform the validation. The only thing I don't know how to do is intercept the mouse click on the button control of the other application. Can some one show me how this is done?

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VS 2008 Timer Activation Mouse Hotkey?

Apr 13, 2009

i was searching this earlier but couldnt find it:i want to set hotkey for my timer to activate only when my left mouse button is down, else timer is inactive

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Activate RIGHT MOUSE CLICK To Press A Button On A Form?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a form with some buttons i built in visual studio basic 2010 When I left click a button it uses 1 value...but I want to be able to right click the same button and it use a different value i cannot find anywhere how to activate the right mouse button so it presses the buttons on the form so it use the different value i specify.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Simulate Mouse Button Click

Aug 13, 2008

I need to visually moves the cursor using keyboard keys.
1) I need to get the mouse to where the button is
2) Simulate the mouse movement to the button from whereever it is
3) and simulate a button click.
Only after I select a button I can start drawing on my form. I have a code here, when I hold the Ctrl key and press the arrow keys, the mouse will start drawing straight lines. But what happen when I need to use controls like buttons, comboboxes etc.?

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Place / Drop An Image Every Time Click The Mouse Button?

Feb 9, 2012

I looked at "How do I place an image with a mouse-click in Javascript?" but it had a small snippet of Java; immensely larger than my knowledge of Java. And that is the closest I've come to finding an answer in the past week. Here's what I would like to do (don't know if its even possible):

I have a panel and a toolstrip with 3 buttons. Each button represents a different image. I want to click on a button (once) and then move into the panel and everytime I click the mouse button it drops the image where ever I clicked. This only ends when either I click back on the same button or one of the other buttons. I do not want to drag an image into the panel each time. In other words the button stays depressed and the event/action stays active.

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VS 2008 Get File Name On Left Mouse Button Click (global)

Apr 22, 2010

Is it possible with API to see what file is being clicked on with the mouse globally?

Ex: On desktop(or anywhere), mouse clicks a folder/file. <The below part would be easy,considering I would already have the above> Usage - A label generates the folder name/file name.

I thought maybe that the DragQueryFile Function would suffice. But, I think that is geared towards a drag and drop operation from with in a .net form.

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How To Move Mouse Outside Of A Form And Make Mouse Click Outside Of Form

Jan 15, 2011

I'm a really beginner so i want to know if its possible to make the mouse move to certain co-ordinates outside of your form and then click , and then pause before repeating.

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.net - Open A Form With Form.Show First Mouse Click Is Ignored?

Nov 12, 2009

Using the code below:

Private Sub ShowDropDown()
Using f As New DropDownForm
f.Visible = True
Do While f.Visible


This was a guess, after looking at the Form.ShowDialog method in reflector.My question is, is there a managed call I can make to acheive the same result, and what does a button click do that other clicks don't?

ETA: The problem does not occur if I open the form using a key.

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