[2008] Custom Icon In Owner-drawn ListView

Feb 1, 2009

I created an image (.png) with a transparent background and I'm trying to show it in a ListView. So I added the image to the ImageList belonging to the ListView, however when drawn, there is a partial white circle around the image. I checked and rechecked the actual image and there are absolutely NO white pixels at those positions.


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Implement An Owner-drawn ListView In My Application Using The Code Available At This MSDN Article?

Feb 21, 2009

I'm trying to implement an Owner-drawn ListView in my application using the code available at this MSDN article, however I've encountered several issues.First of all, the double-click event only fires when the mouse is over the text in the first column of any ListViewItem. I'd prefer to keep the manual, timer-based, double-click detection routine as a last resort if possible.Second, when the ListView is scrolled sideways, clicking an item won't select it anymore.

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VS 2008 Creating An Owner Drawn Datetimepicker

Oct 24, 2010

how would i go about creating an ownerdrawn dtp, with highlighted dates in the dropdown + also in the collapsed view when a highlighted date is selected? i'm guessing i'd have to inherit a dtp + then handle an event or 2. does anyone have any insight or experience with this?

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VS 2008 Owner Drawn Combobox The Border?

Jan 26, 2011

Ok so i have an owner drawn combobox and everything is fine in the drawitem event,except i'm a perfectionist and there is no border i have a beige backcolor, and i really just want a black border or something first i tried to draw using the given graphics and the given bounds, it failed as the rectangle was drawn oddly inside the combobox for some reason (not on the inner border, almost in the center of the combobox.then i tried the following and was surprised when it didnt work

Dim z2fx As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(cmbBox.Handle)
z2fx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(0, 0, cmbBox.Width, cmbBox.Height))

then i tried this and thought for sure it would work

1 Dim zfx As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(cmbBox.Parent.Handle)
zfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, cmbBox.Bounds)

this drew 2 sides of the border, the bottom and the right then i realized something: the code i used earlier with z2fx made the upper and left borders flicker right when i click the drop down, then it goes away. It is as if they were being redrawn with the background color of the combobox. And this redrawing was taking place after the drawitem event was called.

Something, some event, keeps redrawing the background color of the combobox when i put a button on the form and associate it with the zfx2 code, then when i press this button the combobox draws the 2 borders (upper and left) and they stay drawn until i either hover over the combobox or open the drop down of the combobox.

nvm while typing this i figured out a solution i can use the mouseenter mouseleave and dropdown events

since i typed this already im posting it anyway if i have problems i will let you know.EDIT: failed.SOMETHING keeps redrawing the damn background only after most events have passed! i tried the backgroundcolorchanged event it didnt work. this is annoying.

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VS 2008 Create An Owner Drawn TabControl That Looks Like The Tabs In Visual Studio On XP?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to create an owner drawn TabControl that looks like the tabs in Visual Studio on XP (might look different in Vista, not so sure).So far, I've got the background and the blueish border, and now I've run into some trouble drawing the 'tab headers' (where the text is displayed).Here's what I got so far:

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class cTabControl
#Region " Colors "


Why isn't this working? How do I draw a border like this around a 'normal' OwnerDrawn tabcontrol, without the funky SetStyle method..?also, the DoubleBuffer ControlStyle (in the SetStyles method) option is not listed in the Intellisense list, but it is accepted when I finish typing it... Is that a bug?

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Forms :: Remove Item From An Owner Drawn Listbox?

Jun 9, 2009

I tried to add icons to the items in the listbox(owner drawn listbox- variable). I m able to do it. But after adding the items, according to my requirement i need to remove few items now and then.I used:Listbox1.Items.Remove("Aqua")This removes the last item from the listbox instead of the mentioned one. the same is done even if i try to remove the selected index item.

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How To Keep Owner Drawn List Box And Preview The Data From The SQL Database At The Same Time

Apr 23, 2009

i have an owner drawn list box which is connected to a SQL database source. When the list box is owner drawn, my list box is filled with the text "System.Data.DataRowView". When i turn off owner drawn it works perfectly.

The problem is, i need it to be owner drawn as it is a crucial part of my program. Is there a way of keeping my owner drawn list box and preview the data from the SQL database at the same time? Here is my code for the owner drawn part, most of this is irrelevant, just mainly look at the bottom bit where i print the string, with the variable 's' and 'drawstring':[code...]

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Owner Drawing Listview In Tile Mode?

Oct 4, 2011

I am trying to owner drawing a list view in Tile View Mode. I am creating Items and add them in the ListView_DrawItem Event, but ListView_DrawSubItem is not firing.

I have been searching internet regarding this issue but I could not found anything relevant, the only thing I found was to call the DrawSubItem method.

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Component Not Visible - 'owner' Conflicts With Property 'owner' In The Base Class 'Form' And Should Be Declared 'Shadows'

Oct 27, 2009

I placed this checkbox named owner on my form. When i build the project i got the error as
Quote: 'owner' conflicts with property 'owner' in the base class 'Form' and should be declared 'Shadows'


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VS 2008 Custom File Type Associations Set Icon?

May 31, 2010

i have 8 new custom file types which go with my app, i can set them to open with me app easily using this code on a button:[code]But im a little stuck on what to change in that, ive made certain all my new extensions are unique and i have all my icons for each new file type made, i just need to be able to set them.

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VS 2008 Custom Icon Does Not Appear When Form Starts Maximized?

Dec 24, 2009

When I choose WindowState.Maximized from the properties toolbox, the form will open as maximized, but the icon that I chose does not appear... the VS default icon is shown. That is, until I minimize and re-maximize the form. Then, my custom icon is shown.

I want the form to open maximized. Is it possible to have the custom icon shown by opening the form this way?

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[2008] Use Custom Add Remove Programs Icon With ClickOnce App?

Mar 13, 2009

I'm setting my application up for use with ClickOnce. I've got my own icon that I made myself that is associated with the application for the desktop or programs list but a default icon shows in the add remove programs list. If I'm using ClickOnce is there a way I can change the add remove programs icon to the one I want?

Alll the information about changing the add remove programs icon that I've found talks about dealing with the properties of your setup project. With ClickOnce you don't have a Set Up project like you do if you're using Windows Installer so I'm not sure how you change the add remove programs icon.

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Create A Custom StartCap And EndCap For Drawn Line?

Apr 24, 2009

Does anyone know how to create a custom start and end cap for a line drawn with System.Drawing.Pen? I wanted to use a custom start and end cap that I have from an image that I created that contains two arrows pointing in the same direction one after the other.[code]...

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Specify A Custom Icon For Display In The Toolbox Window When Create Own Custom Control?

Dec 29, 2011

how to specify a custom icon for display in the toolbox window when you create your own custom control? Something other than the dreaded "gearbox" icon.

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VS 2008 ListView Control Changes Icon Of One Item For All Items Displaying Icons

Nov 24, 2009

I have a list view control and for each item I set to display an icon it will change the icons for the other items that already have icons, to the most recently added icon.

Here is my code.

Dim ext As String = Strings.Right(e.Item.Text, 4)
Dim fileandparam As String = IconsInfo(ext).ToString


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VS 2008 Possible To Make A Custom Listview

Feb 9, 2010

I am positive it's possible to make a custom listview, like a custom tool or something. I have no idea how to do that though, and I googled it. Any ideas?

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How To Set Custom Icon For EXE File

Jul 11, 2009

I use vb 2008 express. How do I put a custom icon for the exe file of the program I made? Is there a vb technique to do so ?

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Custom Component Icon And Description?

Sep 4, 2011

I have made a custom component (button based) and was wondering how to add a custom icon to it as well as a custom description I've seen 3rd party components that got special icons as well as a custom description

And actually got a second question How to add description to functions I create myself? You know... in code when you start typing and a function shows up, if you let the mouse over it,

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Draw A Custom Icon Into A Tooltip?

Apr 4, 2010

Not a single site anywhere, and I have even tried the MSDN, that details in any specific language how to draw a custom icon into a tooltip.

I have tried using every format of image I can produce, including (but not limited to) ICO, PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG etc... But every time, the app debugger clouts me round the head in defiance.. Windows Vista CAN do it.. and as in the image above.. StarDock figured it out..

I know your policy is to have the askee produce their code first, but the thing for me is

Also, I wonder if it would not be possible to take the code that does do the whole shabang, and compile it into a DLL or something that I can just embed for future projects - again this can be uploaded for others to refer to.

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VS 2008 How To Reference A Specific Icon Location In A Icon Collection In A Dll

Jul 28, 2009

I'm not sure exactly if the folder icon is in shell32.dll, but nonetheless if it is.Basically, whenever I come across a folder in a FileSystem list, I want to add the icon for a folder to the image list that I am using for the ListView. The problem is that I'm not sure how to reference a specific icon location in a icon collection in a dll.Is this possible with Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon and shell32.dll?

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VS 2008 Owner Draw Balloon Tooltip In Sys Tray?

Dec 11, 2011

If i have a NotifyIcon is it possible to owner draw the balloon tip for it?If not i was thinking it would have to be done this way:Work out if the icon is visible or not (as in not collapsed in windows vista / 7 / xp), and if not call ShowBalloonTip to force the icon visible then hide the balloon somehow. Work out the rect in relatio

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Custom Large Icon For Balloon Tooltips?

Feb 12, 2008

I cannot seem to figure out how to use a large icon (I'm assuming 64x64) in balloon tooltips, like when installing new hardware device drivers. I already have the icon resource added, and when I have it coded:

Me.afkNotifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = AFK_Timer.My.Resources.clock_balloonicon

I get the error: "Value of type 'System.Drawing.Icon' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon'."

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Embed Icon For Custom File Type?

May 22, 2009

I know how to add a resource to my project and I also know how to add an icon to my application. What I could not figure out is how to embed another icon for custom file types - I do know what registry entries to add / modify though, I am just not able to add a 2nd icon as resource to my profile and make it 'accessible', so, that the Windows System can display it for files with my custom extension.

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Get ListView Icon Name?

Apr 21, 2009

I associate the listview with the imagelist..Set property of listview SmallList to Imagelist..I want that on listview click. I get the icon name....But i m not getting how to get icon name..Mine code below--

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Adding Icon On Custom Form Border Through Code?

Apr 15, 2012

I have below code that set customised form border color and title. the form is missing icon though.how to add icon to the form as well.

Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces... and can span multiple lines 'A form with custom border and title bar.'Some functions, such as resize the window via mouse, are not implemented yet.

Public Class CustomBorderColorForm
'The color and the width of the border.
Private borderColor As Color = Color.GreenYellow
Private borderWidth As Integer = 3


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Place A Custom Icon In A Tray Notification Balloon?

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to place a custom icon in a tray notification balloon, such as when you install updates from Windows Update, it shows a balloon in the tray with a custom icon.

How can I do this in VB.net?

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.net - Icon On A Multicolumn ListView?

Jan 2, 2011

I use this:

Public Shared Sub FulfillListView(ByVal Icon As Icon, ByVal Item1 As String, ByVal Item2 As String, ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim imageListSmall As New ImageList()
vehicles_prod.OpenOrdersLB.SmallImageList = imageListSmall


In order to Full fil a multicolumn ListView At the start of each line (sub items lines) i want to have an icon, different each time
The only icon i see is the last entered Icon and it is the same for all the lines?

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Use Icon In Subitem Of ListView?

May 29, 2012

I am coding in vb.net and I want to use icon in SubItem of ListView.

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VS 2005 Get ListView Icon Name?

Apr 21, 2009

I associate the listview with the imagelist..Set property of listview SmallList to Imagelist..I want that on listview click. I get the icon name....But i m not getting how to get icon name..Mine code below--

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Custom ListViewGroup Drawing - Place An Icon Just Before The Group Text

Jan 20, 2010

So I've created a custom ListView by inheriting it and overriding the OnDrawSubItem(). I can now draw icons in several of the columns. It's pretty nice! My question is, is there anyway to do this for the ListViewGroup? I'd like to place an icon just before the group text.

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