VS 2008 Owner Drawn Combobox The Border?

Jan 26, 2011

Ok so i have an owner drawn combobox and everything is fine in the drawitem event,except i'm a perfectionist and there is no border i have a beige backcolor, and i really just want a black border or something first i tried to draw using the given graphics and the given bounds, it failed as the rectangle was drawn oddly inside the combobox for some reason (not on the inner border, almost in the center of the combobox.then i tried the following and was surprised when it didnt work

Dim z2fx As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(cmbBox.Handle)
z2fx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(0, 0, cmbBox.Width, cmbBox.Height))

then i tried this and thought for sure it would work

1 Dim zfx As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(cmbBox.Parent.Handle)
zfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, cmbBox.Bounds)

this drew 2 sides of the border, the bottom and the right then i realized something: the code i used earlier with z2fx made the upper and left borders flicker right when i click the drop down, then it goes away. It is as if they were being redrawn with the background color of the combobox. And this redrawing was taking place after the drawitem event was called.

Something, some event, keeps redrawing the background color of the combobox when i put a button on the form and associate it with the zfx2 code, then when i press this button the combobox draws the 2 borders (upper and left) and they stay drawn until i either hover over the combobox or open the drop down of the combobox.

nvm while typing this i figured out a solution i can use the mouseenter mouseleave and dropdown events

since i typed this already im posting it anyway if i have problems i will let you know.EDIT: failed.SOMETHING keeps redrawing the damn background only after most events have passed! i tried the backgroundcolorchanged event it didnt work. this is annoying.

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VS 2008 Creating An Owner Drawn Datetimepicker

Oct 24, 2010

how would i go about creating an ownerdrawn dtp, with highlighted dates in the dropdown + also in the collapsed view when a highlighted date is selected? i'm guessing i'd have to inherit a dtp + then handle an event or 2. does anyone have any insight or experience with this?

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[2008] Custom Icon In Owner-drawn ListView

Feb 1, 2009

I created an image (.png) with a transparent background and I'm trying to show it in a ListView. So I added the image to the ImageList belonging to the ListView, however when drawn, there is a partial white circle around the image. I checked and rechecked the actual image and there are absolutely NO white pixels at those positions.


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VS 2008 Create An Owner Drawn TabControl That Looks Like The Tabs In Visual Studio On XP?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to create an owner drawn TabControl that looks like the tabs in Visual Studio on XP (might look different in Vista, not so sure).So far, I've got the background and the blueish border, and now I've run into some trouble drawing the 'tab headers' (where the text is displayed).Here's what I got so far:

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class cTabControl
#Region " Colors "


Why isn't this working? How do I draw a border like this around a 'normal' OwnerDrawn tabcontrol, without the funky SetStyle method..?also, the DoubleBuffer ControlStyle (in the SetStyles method) option is not listed in the Intellisense list, but it is accepted when I finish typing it... Is that a bug?

View 21 Replies

Forms :: Remove Item From An Owner Drawn Listbox?

Jun 9, 2009

I tried to add icons to the items in the listbox(owner drawn listbox- variable). I m able to do it. But after adding the items, according to my requirement i need to remove few items now and then.I used:Listbox1.Items.Remove("Aqua")This removes the last item from the listbox instead of the mentioned one. the same is done even if i try to remove the selected index item.

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How To Keep Owner Drawn List Box And Preview The Data From The SQL Database At The Same Time

Apr 23, 2009

i have an owner drawn list box which is connected to a SQL database source. When the list box is owner drawn, my list box is filled with the text "System.Data.DataRowView". When i turn off owner drawn it works perfectly.

The problem is, i need it to be owner drawn as it is a crucial part of my program. Is there a way of keeping my owner drawn list box and preview the data from the SQL database at the same time? Here is my code for the owner drawn part, most of this is irrelevant, just mainly look at the bottom bit where i print the string, with the variable 's' and 'drawstring':[code...]

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Implement An Owner-drawn ListView In My Application Using The Code Available At This MSDN Article?

Feb 21, 2009

I'm trying to implement an Owner-drawn ListView in my application using the code available at this MSDN article, however I've encountered several issues.First of all, the double-click event only fires when the mouse is over the text in the first column of any ListViewItem. I'd prefer to keep the manual, timer-based, double-click detection routine as a last resort if possible.Second, when the ListView is scrolled sideways, clicking an item won't select it anymore.

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Allow User To Resize Drawn Rectangle By Dragging Border?

Feb 24, 2009

I want to write a vb program to allow user to draw rectangle. User can click on a point as starting position and drag on the screen. A rectangle is drawn with the current mouse position and the starting position. The user then release the mouse as end position. When the rectangle is drawn, user can resize the rectangle by drag the border of the rectangle.

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Component Not Visible - 'owner' Conflicts With Property 'owner' In The Base Class 'Form' And Should Be Declared 'Shadows'

Oct 27, 2009

I placed this checkbox named owner on my form. When i build the project i got the error as
Quote: 'owner' conflicts with property 'owner' in the base class 'Form' and should be declared 'Shadows'


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Adding Drawn Lines To ComboBox?

Mar 7, 2012

When I populate a combobox with items that have a line and text drawn in the DrawItem event, only the line image for the first item in the list appears in the drop down portion of the combobox. The other items (index>0) shown in the drop down portion of the combobox do not contain an image of the line, yet each item in the list does contain the designated text. The correct line image does appear when the user selects an item and the drop down portion of the combobox is not visible. How can I get the line image to appear in every item of the combobox when the drop down list is activated?

Public Class Form1
Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As ComboBox
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.ComboBox1 = New ComboBox
With Me.ComboBox1
[Code] .....

View 4 Replies

ComboBox DropDown-Area Border Color?

Dec 6, 2010

I've created an ownerdraw ComboBox (used as DropDownList only) in Visual Basic .NET 2010. I inherited ComboBox and set DrawMode to OwnerDrawVariable. The control itself and the dropdown items are drawn with Paint and DrawItem.

The control works fine so far, but there is one thing i was unable to change: When i click on the combobox to open the dropdown area, this new area has a very bright border color (nearly white) which I want to change to black. I've uploaded an image of the current control and how I want it to look like:


View 5 Replies

ComboBox Border In Black And With No View Of The Arrow In Print?

Apr 29, 2012

I want to set a combobox with black margins and without seeing the arrow. In orderto stay only a box with black outline.

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VS 2008 Owner Draw Balloon Tooltip In Sys Tray?

Dec 11, 2011

If i have a NotifyIcon is it possible to owner draw the balloon tip for it?If not i was thinking it would have to be done this way:Work out if the icon is visible or not (as in not collapsed in windows vista / 7 / xp), and if not call ShowBalloonTip to force the icon visible then hide the balloon somehow. Work out the rect in relatio

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VS 2008 Clear A Rectangle Drawn?

Aug 25, 2009

So; I've drawn this rectangle vb Dim zr As New Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100)e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, zr)

View 4 Replies

Border And Border Color Of Textbox And Label

Aug 4, 2009

I am using vb express 2008.How I can have border around a Textbox or Label and change the color of border. Like we have different border styles and colours in MsWord and other applictions. Also how a Lable can be made transparent?

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Creating Forms With Border Like Calendar Border?

Nov 15, 2010

How we can create a form with border like calendar border. I changed ControlBox to False and Text to vbnullstring. but only when FormBorderStyle is Sizable or SizableToolWindow form border apears. This form is sizable. Is there any way to create forms with this border but not sizable? I want to create form like this:[URL]

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Drag And Drop Drawn Letters?

Sep 11, 2009

1) Draw three letter's 'P' 'B' & 'C' on a form (at a later date mutiples of each wil be added)

2) to be able to drag them anywhere on the form

3) to be able to lassoo them and drag them all at the same time.

For the moment the third option isn't important just as long as l can drag the letters.

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Saving Lines Drawn In Pictureboxes

Aug 21, 2010

On my form, I have a picture box that starts off blank, but draws lines according to mouse click events.

I am now trying to test whether there is colour in individual pixels, yet I am yet to find solid code.

My initial code was along the lines of

Dim bitm as bitmap
bitm = PictureBox1.Image

This would come up with nothing, as there wasn't any image assigned to the picture box.

I was wondering how I could save the lines drawn and use that as a bitmap to test pixel colour.

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VS 2008 Why Aren't Controls Drawn Transparently

Jun 3, 2010

If you make a Control's BackgroundColor Transparent and put it in front of another control, the other control doesn't show through. Why not? GDI+ makes this easy, doesn't it? Why don't Windows Forms use it?

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VS 2008 Creating A User-drawn Listbox Class?

Aug 1, 2009

having trouble trying to add different items to the listbox. What happens is that the item that's in the listbox gets redrawn every time I try to add new item, why is that?

Public Class ColoredListBox
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ListBox


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VS 2008 Hide Images Drawn In A Picturebox By E.graphics?

Dec 25, 2009

I have an application that has a list of point and I can choose a tool and draw one image to different locations then remove them if I wish, and when I finish editing those images, I can then pick another tool . The images are supposed to go away that were drawn by e.graphics but they only do when I click in the picturebox. How can I hide the images or delete them from graphics when I choose another imageHere's the paint event alone

Private Sub MapGrid_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MapGrid.Paint


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Divide The Content In My Application To Groups Each Group Has Its Own Rectangle Border With The Group Name Located At The Top Border

Jul 22, 2009

I want to divide the content in my application to groups each group has its own rectangle border with the group name located at the top border, i've seen it before and i'm not sure what is the correct name of this control, anyone knows what I'm talking about ? EDIT: Ok, I found the Groupbox Control but how do i use it? should i just drag other controls inside it or i should add controls directly into it?

View 2 Replies

IDE :: Change All Forms Title Bar And Border To Green Without Changing Other Window Applications Title Bar And Border?

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to change every form title bar and border to green in my project. How do you change the all the forms title bar and border to green without changing other window applications title bar and border?

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VS 2008 MSChart - Chart Area Axis's Aren't Drawn When No Data Plotted

Apr 2, 2009

MS released the new MSChart for .net 3.5 sp1. I'm trying to get the hang of it in VS2008. One big issue I have is that if I have no data plotted the chart area axis's aren't drawn. Does anyone know a way around that? That seems like a pretty basic/common issue.

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VS 2008 Remove Tab Border?

Jul 24, 2009

I have an inherited tabcontrol, and i custom draw my tabs and background. I would like there to be no border around the tabcontrol, how would i accomplish this?

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VS 2008 SystemColor Of TextBox Border

Aug 12, 2009

This may seem like a dumb question... But what color is the border of the default TextBox control?

I need to replace a few TextBox's with a RichTextBox in my application, and now I have TextBox's and RichTextBox's mixed up, which does not look very nice since they have different borders. An RTB with BorderStyle FixedSingle has a black border by default, while the TextBox has kind of a blueish color (in XP, standard blue theme). If I use the gray theme, it's a gray border, etc.

I am drawing the border of the RTB manually so that I can match it with the border of the TextBox, but I cannot find the correct SystemColor to use for this... Obviously I cannot just find the RGB value, because it will change if the user uses a different theme. I need it to match the color of the TextBox border whatever the theme. I thought I could use the SystemColors for that, since they change when you change the theme.

I've been trying in the Xp blue theme, but none of the SystemColors seem to match the TextBox border exactly.

Can I maybe find the name of a SystemColor from an RGB value, or something like that?

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VS 2008 .net 2.0 Expand The Width Of A Controls Border?

Jul 15, 2009

how I can expand the border size of a listview control. I would probably need to change the color of it as well.

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VS 2008 : Custom Form Border Movement?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm currently working on an application that I'd really like to be able to have a custom form border. I have it set up right now that the close, minimise and maximise buttons work, as well as moving it around. The issue however is that, although the movement is working, once it starts, it does not stop. So I can drag it around and it works perfectly, but if I want to stop dragging it around and click elsewhere, the form moves to the position from which it was being dragged.

Public Class Form1
Dim clickhold As Boolean
Dim doonce As Boolean
Dim mousebase As Point


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VS 2008 Changing Form Border Color?

Nov 21, 2010

How do I change the Form's Border color?

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VS 2008 Check Form Border Location

Apr 23, 2009

I need a check that will see the location of the edge of the form. An example would be (for what I am trying to do) is, when a form is moved, the main form will get bigger depending which border and which way the second form is going.So basically I need some way to make Form1 get bigger if Form2 is near the left border or near the bottom border.

*I have a mini system for making it grow(LocationChanged) on the form I want it to work for.

*I also know about ".left" and ".top",

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