VS 2008 Hide Images Drawn In A Picturebox By E.graphics?

Dec 25, 2009

I have an application that has a list of point and I can choose a tool and draw one image to different locations then remove them if I wish, and when I finish editing those images, I can then pick another tool . The images are supposed to go away that were drawn by e.graphics but they only do when I click in the picturebox. How can I hide the images or delete them from graphics when I choose another imageHere's the paint event alone

Private Sub MapGrid_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MapGrid.Paint


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Save PictureBox With Graphics Drawn On It?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a program where I use a picture box (pAudiogram) to display a template. Then I use Graphics (myLine) to plot things on this picture box. Some example code is below:

Dim myBluePen As New Pen(Color.Blue) : myBluePen.Width = 2
Dim myRedPen As New Pen(Color.Red) : myRedPen.Width = 2
Dim myLine As Graphics = pAudiogram.CreateGraphics


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Save Drawn Images In A PictureBox?

Sep 8, 2009

I created a form with a PictureBox. I created a drawing in the PictureBox. But I can't save the file to a specified folder without dialogue controls. Only through code.

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Interface And Graphics :: PictureBox Is Zooming Up Images?

Jan 5, 2011

I managed to combine two .png images into one, and then display the result in a pictureBox image.However, the pictureBox seems to scale up my image! Makes it bigger!The pictureBox size is 96x128. The two images I have combined are 96x128. The pictureBox's SizeMode is set to "Normal"I have noticed that even though the pictureBox's image seems to be zoomed, it is cut to keep the 96x128 rect. But I don't want it to be zoomed...

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Getting Bound Of Drawn Graphics?

Jun 1, 2012

I draw some graphics on a picture box. However, I want to change the width and height of the picture box so that the drawn graphics fit exactly in the picture box (during run time, where graphics may change). How can I do this, or how can I get the region of the drawn graphics so that I can change the width and the height of the picture box manually.

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Old Graphics Still Drawn On Form Resize

May 21, 2010

I'm creating a custom form that is composed of a inner stroke, outer stroke, and rounded rectangular background. When the form is initially drawn its drawn fine without errors but once i re size it, the old form is still drawn and the new form is drawn below it but once i minimize the form and restore it, it goes back to normal (only the new form is being drawn).

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Draw Over Existing Graphics Drawn On The Control?

Jun 15, 2012

how do I draw over existing graphics drawn on the control. This is what I'm using to draw the objects:

'Private paintRect As Rectangle
Private Sub Panel2_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel2.MouseDown
paintRect.Location = e.Location
End Sub


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Prevent Graphics Drawn In Panel From Refreshing?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm making a plotting program. The panel (vs picturebox) is necessary because the data doesn't all fit into one screen so scrollbars are needed. I'm using graphics to draw the background layer and buttons for the data points.

When I scroll, the background is redrawn incorrectly since the top left corner of the panel is no longer the top left data point. Ideally, I'd like to prevent the background layer from redrawing entirely (after the initial draw). Alternatively, how do I take in consideration the new position of the scrolled panel in drawing the shapes & lines in the background layer?

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VS 2010 Graphics Removing After Drawn/updated?

Dec 15, 2010

Currently I'm working on a retro-pong game using graphics. The problem is, my code keeps drawing new ellipses every time, and doesn't discard the old ones.

Private Sub timeEngine_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmeEngine.Tick


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VS 2008 Graphics For 8bppIndexed Images?

May 4, 2011

As we know, the Graphics class does not support for Indexed formats,like 8bpp, 4bpp, and 1bpp. Now I want to draw text on 8bppIndexed image displayed in my Picturebox. Also I want to PAN my image. If at all the "Graphics" Class supported 8bppIndexed Images, I would have done PAN Image using "LockBits" Method and drawn text on the Image using Solid Brush. But since that is not the case, how can I do these 2 operations without "Graphics" class.

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VS 2008 : Hide PictureBox If Empty?

Oct 23, 2010

How can i hide a picturebox if it contains NOTHING

Dim a As Integer
Dim PicString(26) As Image
Dim PicBox() As PictureBox = {Box1, Box2, Box3, Box4, Box5, Box6, Box7, Box8, Box9, Box10, Box11, Box12, Box13, Box14, Box15, Box16, Box17, Box18, Box19, Box20, Box21, Box22, Box23, Box24, Box25, Box26}


This does not work... The PicBox(c) = Nothing ... is not a valid command.

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Rectangle Drawn On Picturebox Gets Erased When Scroll Image?

Apr 1, 2010

rectangle drawn on picturebox gets erased when i scroll image.i.e

i have made application for image cropping. on mouse down and mouse up event, an rectangle is drawn on picturebox using graphics.

1) now the problem is that when scroll image rectangle drawn on picturebox gets erased.

2)now i want resize this rectangle as per user's interest

how to resize the rectangle and drag the rectangle on picture box.

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VS 2008 Unite/Join Two Images To One Picturebox?

Feb 5, 2010

have a small question. My mom is having a little problem with the Paint application of windows How can I make a program that unite two images (before and after pictures) to one picturebox

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VS 2008 - How To Make Graphics Tool Lines Stay On PictureBox

Jul 3, 2009

My picture box is in a panel. How to prevent lines created using graphics tool from getting erase when moving the picture box around? Sometimes when I minimize my form, the lines goes missing also.. How do I make the lines stay on the picture box?
Example shown below in a gif...

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VS 2008 Several Images In One Panel/picturebox With Drag And Drop?

Feb 27, 2010

Here is my code on A Drag and Drop from button to PictureBox:

Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile("C:file.png") Me.btnImage.Image = img Me.picBox.AllowDrop = True AddHandler btnImage.MouseDown, AddressOf btnImage_MouseDown


And what i want to do is to make the picturebox 500x500.then make several buttons representing different images. and then make it possible to drag and drop several images in the same imagebox and move them around. and hopefully i can make a button for saving the coordinates of the images and the image paths into a text file.

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Picturebox Transparency - App Has Scrolling Images In The Background And A Picturebox On Top

Feb 28, 2009

My app has scrolling images in the background and a picturebox on top. The image in the picturebox has transparent parts. How can It so that the transparent parts show whatever is belo the picture box, not the form background? I have tried taking screenshots and positioning them as background but this just freezes the app.

Dim ScreenSize As Size = New Size(154, 83)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(154, 83)
Dim blank As New Bitmap(100, 300)


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Make Several PictureBox Images Randomly Visible = False And Then Back To Visible = True Giving The Appearance Of Flashing Or Blinking Images?

Jun 28, 2010

I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:

Dim picLight(2) As
For intX


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Embed A Panel Or Picturebox Containing Controls Or Images Within An Outer Panel Or Picturebox?

Mar 1, 2012

In VB6 I could embed a panel or picturebox containing controls or images within an outer panel or picturebox. If I moved the outer control then the embedded panel would move with the outer panel and stay in the same relative position, which is what I require. This doesn't seem to happen in VB.NET, the internal panel stays fixed in its location, even if I have pasted this panel within the outer container. Is there are trick to this or do I have to code to get the internal panel to move with the outer one? How does an internal container remain embedded within an outer one?

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Graphics Drawing Images Events

Aug 3, 2010

I have been researching for a while, and now am converting my project from using forms to do transparencies to just drawing the images. At first, I thought picturebox's could be used, but can't figure out how to do transparencies on those, so I settled for drawing images. Here is what I am using: [Code] Now, I know these are not controls, but is there any possible way to make these drawn images have a click-able event fire?

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Interface And Graphics :: Hide / Show - Doesn't Dispose When Close Form

Oct 23, 2008

Is there a way to have a form within a program that doesn't dispose when you close it? I have a form in my project and a menu item to show it. When I declare the form globally and show in menuItem.click, then the click event breaks because the form no longer exists. When I declare the form within menuItem.click, then this creates a new form every time I click and that's not what I want.

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VB2010 - How To Hide PictureBox BackColor

Dec 6, 2011

How can hide the picturebox(or usercontrol) backcolor?

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.NET Graphics On Windows 7: White Corners Around Images?

Feb 15, 2010

I've been working on some custom graphics controls, and I found this weird problem with windows 7 rendering my button controls. I've used Photoshop to delete the pixels in the background all around the button image I'm using, then saved it as a GIF, and imported it into VS to use as the background image of my button. When windows XP renders it, it is fine, but when windows 7 renders it, all 4 corners have an odd white border around them.

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Interface And Graphics :: Changing Images In Image Box?

Sep 11, 2009

how do i change the picture inside a picture box.I wanna make 5 dice that change when you press roll.. the number generator is easy i just wanna use graphics rather than a label to display the numbers.

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Interface And Graphics :: Multiple Images To One Gif Animation?

Nov 16, 2010

I have multiple bitmaps(i) in arrays, and I want to know if I can save each of these bitmaps into on animated gif file. I thought about using image.saveadd() but i'm not sure if that will work.

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Hide PictureBox Image While Preserving Imagelocation?

Oct 19, 2009

I'd like to hide the contents of a picturebox while still preserving it's imagelocation, width, height, borderstyle, top, left, and sizemod properties. Is this possible?

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Draw Graphics On A Picturebox?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a picturebox on my form and I have added a references picture file into my project.

I need to code the Onpaint event handler for the picturebox so that it causes the picture (that i have added) to be drawn but using the picturebox Graphics object.[code]...

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Graphics Drawing UserControl - Resize Images During Runtime

May 17, 2010

I have a Form1 where i can add usercontrols during runtime. I draw their appereance in the OnPaint event using the GDI+ engine. The greate part is that i want to be able to resize these images during runtime wich goes pretty well now cause i draw points in percentage of the control. Unfortunetly it is very difficult to draw nice images/drawings ect with the GDI+ engine. Is there any other way in doing this?


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Interface And Graphics - TranslateTransform Sub Give Double Images

Dec 21, 2009

I've got a picturebox on my form which is supposed to hold a compass. I've created the compass with DrawEllipse, then I used a translatetransform() to move the origin to the center of the picture box:
The problem is that it creates two images, one is correctly displayed of a compass with red tick marks, but the same image is displayed over it and is offset at the new origin (midx,midy). I tried using the prepend and append overload for the translatetransform sub but it didn't make a difference. I thought everything after the translatetransform would be set at the new origin, but it seems I'm creating the image twice, what am i doing wrong?

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Interface And Graphics :: ComboBox With Multiple Images Per Line?

Feb 16, 2009

insert images in a combobox. I understood the code, but what I'm asking is how do I add multiple images per line of the combobox?? I mean the way, the smileys are displayed in dropdown grid in Yahoo! messenger or the sort when you click on the smiley button..

I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition with .NET Framework 3.5

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Interface And Graphics :: Moving Buttons And Background Images?

Oct 7, 2009

My app allows the user to set a new button on a tabpage, move it and resize it. They will do this over a background image so the buttons line up with images in the background.Without the background image, the buttons move smoothly and quickly. With the image turned on, the buttons want to move sloooowly and they drag. I made up this code just to show the basic function of what I am trying to accomplish.

Public Class Form1
Public finalshape As Region


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