.Net 2008 IDE Hanging - MSVB7.dll Eating 100% CPU When Editing Code?

Mar 26, 2010

Edit 1: Uninstalled & Reinstalled Edit 2: Same problem. Seriously? Yes.I am having a problem with msvb7.dll eating 50%+ cpu on my dual core system. This usually lasts 10-30 seconds or so, during which time the IDE is non-responsive.

This occurs when I do pretty much anything in the text editor, and can be replicated by simply adding blank lines to a function, and then deleting them. Or pasting some code. Or... lotsa stuff.

SP1 installed I had DevExpress' refactor/coderush, components, and codeit.right installed, but have removed all 3 of them. (I had installed the latest version of Refactor Pro! (9.3.4), perhaps the day before)

I have tried a VS.NET Repair. There is a kb that referenced some cpu destroying with vb, but it was included in SP1


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IDE :: Why Visual Studio 2005 Keeps Eating Up Memory Even It Is In Editing Mode

Nov 23, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2005 with Service Pack1 installed. I am working on VB.Net project. However I am constantly choked up even I am in editing mode, i.e., I am NOT in debugging mode. Here is what bothers me:


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VS 2008 TcpClient Eating Up CPU?

Oct 2, 2009

I've been working on a program where clients will send short messages to a server.[URL]

On the server side, this code is running to check for incomming messages:

Private mClient As System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
bytesRead = mClient.GetStream.Read(readBuffer, 0, BYTES_TO_READ)


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VS 2008 Compiling , Editing C Source Code Using .net?

Jun 30, 2010

i have written a c program for calculating some financial task It accepts the input file name or path name from the user processes it and displays the output in 6 output files. i want to execute the same c -source code using visual basic .net.I want to know how to compile the c source code and execute it .

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[2008] How To Code Memory Editing Software

Feb 13, 2009

how to code memory editing software? Like they use to make game trainers...

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Visual Basic 2010 Express Written Code But It Leaves The Window Hanging?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to write code for a login to my program. But the code I have written freeze's the screen. Basicaly I want to check if username (TextBox1) has text in it and then check if password (Textbox2) has text in it. if either textbox has no text then a MsgBox show's with an OK Button. and then I dont want the program to run. I want The login form to reload so the user can insert thier username & password. the code I have is below.


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VS 2008 Form Hanging?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a visual basic program wherein i fetch information from two textboxes format the output of the textbox in the required form and then make the output come as desired I use two arrays to read textbox 1 and 2 separately and then i use for .. next statement to perform the same action for all the lines in the textbox 1 and 2..

Both of them have equal no of lines..I have also give a progress bar in the form and assigned the max value as the number of lines and i have given the incrementation within the program for the progressbar..

When i run the program it runs quite well for certain instant of time and the progress bar also responds according .. After some interval of time the form hangs and the progressbar also hangs at that place..Later after some more time the form is back to normal and the process is in finished form with progressbar at 100%..

Is there any reason why the form hangs..If there was a major problem i must have not got the output at all but i do get the output after certain interval of time..Can this problem be solved??

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Using Namedpipes In 2008 Vb .net - Peek Is Hanging?

May 6, 2009

Creating an application that uses both namedpipes and TCPIP connectivity to pass data between 2 legacy applications.
When there is actual data to pass everything works great. But when the application is looking to see if there is any data to read from the named pipe side and there is no data, the Peek hangs until there is data. Is there a problem in the way I have it coded or is there a timeout that needs to be set?

' declarations
Private in_pipeName As String


View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Hanging Brush Under The Cursor

Aug 31, 2011

I would like to place a brush under the cursor as I move the mouse around a picturebox, so the person can see what they lay down when clicking. How could I do this. I am working on a custom scribble application.

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VS 2008 Threading + Form.Show() Hanging?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm not sure how to explain what's happening but it seems to be deadlock, i did search along the forum and actualy did find who had the same problem as i did. Unfortunatly i'm too new to this Threading and could not understand why does this deadlocks happen or how to avoid them.I'm using the following

Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf MyTestingSub)
t.Priority = Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal
t.IsBackground = True


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Editing Excel Within VB Code

May 27, 2009

First off let me just say i have imports for the excel and office applications. I am using office 2007. I am hoping someone can show me what I am doing wrong here.

I have been searching and researching for a few days now on formatting excell cells within the VB code. It works for most objects such as bold, font size, where i want to place the data and what I want contained in the cells.

I have been using the VBA within excel (macros) to determine the code i should use to format the cells, however, The underline feature doesnt work correctly as with any justification of the cells. or merging. I can't seem to make many of the format options work and am wondering if they are slightly different or if i need a few more code lines so that when i declare something like this...


I get an error, xlcenter is not declared. I cant declare it as a string i just recieve a com error starting it couldnt be done.. I am stuck on how to get by these so called "undeclared" command strings that i need to format the cells properly.

View 13 Replies

Editing Text With VB Code?

Jul 20, 2009

I want to edit text, text in a textbox for instance, with vb code.For example: The text property of textbox1 is "Orange" When a user clicks a button, " Juice" will be added to the end of the string.So it will be "Orange Juice" Same thing w/ "Apple" Then it would be "Apple Juice"

View 3 Replies

Code For Editing Existing Data?

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to edit, add, and update my database. I have the code for updating and it updates fine (I can see the modified time on the file), but I was wondering why none of my changes were being saved when I closed the window. Then I realized I was an idiot and I don't have any code to actually accept edits on this form, I just have code for updating and adding new rows It wouldn't update without me telling it which rows have been edited and need updating, right I mean I can't just type a new value in the textbox, click save, and expect it to save the change.This is the update and new row code I'm using:

Private Sub SaveToolStripButton2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripButton2.Click


View 17 Replies

Large Image Eating Away At Memory

Jun 22, 2010

Ok so i have an jpg image of around 8.10mbs at around 13424 x 11344 pixels, i need to load the whole image in to a scrolling picturebox, is they anyway to do this without using so much memory for example like what google maps does n cuts the image down and some how stitches it all back to gether?

View 1 Replies

VS 2010 Webbrowser Program Eating Up Too Much Ram?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a simple code that visits web pages. It's done in VB2010 & it's just a simple form with a web browser control built in. After leaving it on for a few hours, it goes from using about 50mb of RAM to 700mb. All it's doing is visiting 1-web page per 2 minutes from a txt list of url's.

What can I do to flush/reset this un-needed RAM usage without re-starting the program itself?

View 9 Replies

Winform Group Box Is Eating Button

Jun 13, 2011

I have a WinForms group box that needs to be sized programmatically. Everything else is working well but I am having trouble with the below line of code because as the form is re-sized larger the group box grows over the buttons that are underneath. I am looking for a way in code so that the group box grows with the form, but no so large that it grows over the button underneath it.


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2010 - Editing .net Code Without Stopping Executable?

Apr 13, 2011

I need to be able to edit vb.net code using visual studio without stopping the debugging executable.How can I go about doing this? If it's impossible, how can I code and reload that code without stopping the executable? I know of scripting languages like Lua, but I fear the implementation of another language within the VB is unnecessary to save me the trouble of stopping the executable. The issue is that starting and stopping this executable can take a very long time, and I need to be able to edit the code quickly and frequently.

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IDE :: Slow Code Editing In VS 2010 Beta 1?

Jul 1, 2009

I've tried using the VS 2010 beta to edit some real projects, and it is next to unusable due to performance issues. The cpu is more or less constantly at 100%, and most often the code editor uses around 10 seconds to respond to any text input. If I introduce a couple of compile errors things get even worse. Are there some drastical performance improvements that are planned in the VB editor before release, or are there special things that might trigger this?

View 22 Replies

Editing Code - Cursor Is A Flashing Box And It Makes It Difficult To Change One Character

May 14, 2012

When editing my code in vb.net, my cursor is a flashing box and it makes it difficult to change one character. I would like to get the i-beam back instead of the flashing box when editing code. Can't seem to find a setting anywhere.

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Beta 2 Just 'hanging' Install?

Nov 5, 2009

Is anyone else having or know of an issue with VB2010 Beta 2 just "hanging" on the install? I can find no documentation anywhere through searches.

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VS 2010 Program Keeps Hanging

Apr 16, 2011

I made a program that backs up data from the My Documents, Favorites, and Desktop folders on Windows XP to a server. When the data is brought down from the server, it brings it down in Windows 7 format. So, for example, the directory to My Documents in Windows XP is "C:Documents and SettingsusernameMy Documents." The same directory in Windows 7 is "C:UsersusernameDocuments."Everything works fine in terms of putting files and folders in the correct directory, but when bringing the data down from the server, the program sometimes freezes up and doesn't ever seem to get out of that state. It also makes the computer very slow and unresponsive after a while. Does anyone have any idea why this would occur?

Below, I have a code snippet of my copying code. I include a sleep command and a DoEvents command to halt the thread for a very short duration of time in order to make the UI more responsive.[code] I believe I may have to use some multi-threading to get this to work properly, but I've looked it up and cannot find out how to implement it in my program.

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Editing The "Connection String" In The Configuration File By The Code?

Oct 12, 2010

How To Editing The "Connection String" in the Configuration file by the Code in the Run time

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VS 2008 Editing Excel In .Net?

Apr 5, 2011

im trying to edit an existing excel file. some cells were merged but after saving the file, all merged cells were unmerged again. Here's my code

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Application Data Grid Keep Hanging

Jan 6, 2010

I have a datagrid which receives updates for every 1 minute from the database. Whenever it gets update my whole form gets freeze and I cant do anything. To add on when first I log in also the log in page gets freeze because the form is being loaded during the first time.

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UDPClient Hanging When Using BeginReceive And Nothing Is Received?

Jul 6, 2011

I am using the following code to receive data from a Public Address Controller.the programme sends data...waits for a reply....send more data...waits for a reply..etc.


is there some way of cancelling the BeginReceive after a delay so that the programme can carry on and inform the user that something is wrong and terminate gracefully?

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Url Checker Function Is Hanging Application

Dec 17, 2011

Here is vb.net 2008 code is: Public Function CheckURL(ByVal URL As String) As Boolean


when a url is processing in checking it hangs my application for a while. Is this possible it checks smoothly all url list without hanging my application.. Is there any other fastest way to check urls? Note: I have about 800 urls in file to check all links a valid by website responce or not.

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Vb 2008 Make Registry Editing?

Jul 3, 2009

I have created a program in vb2008 that when first run will make all the required regisry changes it requires by creating a path in the registry.

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VS 2008 - Records Not Saving After Editing

Nov 26, 2011

Using vs2008 9.0.30729.1 SP. Inserting a new record works but editing a record doesn't. Tried databindingsource but no joy as well.

Private Sub Gr1A_CheckedChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Gr1D.CheckedChanged, Gr1C.CheckedChanged, Gr1B.CheckedChanged, Gr1A.CheckedChanged
sAns1 = ""
If Gr1A.Checked = True Then
sAns1 = "A"
ElseIf Gr1B.Checked = True Then
[Code] ......

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VS 2008 : Editing Rows In Datagridview?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a datagridview, 3 textboxes, 1 NumericUpDown and a button.What I want is that when the user clicks the button, the current row that is selected in the datagridview will change to the values in the textboxes and NumericUpDown.

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VS 2008 Disable Editing A Combobox?

Mar 20, 2009

Is it possible to disable editing a combobox. With a textbox you have the option readonly. Is there something like that for the combobox?

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