.Net, AppDomain Unload Via An Interface?

Dec 2, 2010

I have an ApDomain that is running a Main Routine, for example:

Public Sub Main() Implements Interfaces.IScript.Main

For a as Integer=1 to 99999


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AppDomain.Unload Does Not Free Up The Used Memory

Oct 23, 2011

I'm kinda new here, and I didn't know what forum to put this in, so I just put it here. I wanted to load an assembly to an Application Domain, use it, then unload it when I'm done with it. The assembly uses too much memory. The problem is: After I unloaded the assembly, the memory used is not getting freed. I was watching the performance all the time. The available memory increases only after I close the whole application. And that assembly is the only thing that uses a lot of memory in my application. Here's the code I used to load and unload the assembly: How can I free up the memory without closing my application. The memory was suppose to get freed up by simply unloading the assembly that uses it much.

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VS 2010 : Creating New AppDomain To Load/unload Plugin Dll's?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm in the process of trying to create a new appdomain to load plugin dll's, then unload the new appdomain so I can update the plugin dll's without having to exit the main application. There are many, many examples out there and it looks like it should be fairly straightforward, however I'm having a problem where the main application is loading the plugin dll's along with the new appdomain. Of course this is a problem because I cannot overwrite the plugin dll's if they live in the main appdomain. Based on the examples I've seen the code below should only load the plugin dll into the new appdomain, however for some reason it also loads into the main appdomain.

Dim oDomain As AppDomain = Nothing
Dim oSetup As New System.AppDomainSetup()
With oSetup


The IDPAPlugin interface is in a seperate project that both the plugin dll and the main application reference.

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Unload Method And Query Unload?

Jun 16, 2010

VB 6.0
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
VB.NET 2008
VB 6.0
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
VB.NET 2008

is VB.Net supported this two events ?

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Find AppDomain By Name?

May 11, 2011

have created a new AppDomain with a unique name. But i do not want to store that name during the whole application runtime.So i ask you guys if it is possible to get that created AppDomain by name back.

Sub Main()
End Sub

so How do i get the AppDomain with the name "TestDomain" back so i can unload it later without storing that AppDomain globally?

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What Is AppDomain.CreateDomain

Jan 19, 2010

What is AppDomain.CreateDomain

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Difference Between An AppDomain And A Process?

Apr 28, 2009

Can you have more than one AppDomain in a process Or more than one process in a AppDomain? What about threads? I was always told there were many threads in one process and one processor has many processes. How does App Domains fit into this picture?To me, it seems like its the same concept with a different name??

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Load DLL In Separate AppDomain?

Jun 16, 2007

the forum,this is my first message, and I hope that my English is understandable (I'm Italian)....I've developed a WIndows Service using VB.net 2.0; this service executes a routine every 4 hours... I would like load a dll (without entry point) at run time and when the operation is terminated, I would like unload that. I think that I've to create a new AppDomain and to load my DLL into this, but I don't know the good way to do it.

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.net - AppDomain Only Partially Respecting InitializeLifetimeService (if At All)?

Feb 23, 2012

First, I changed my ILS function to be simply: Public Overrides Function InitializeLifetimeService() As Object Return Nothing End Function

Then I included this in my Program as well as A. As Timiz0r pointed out, Form inherits MarshalByRefObject, so I didn't have to include a Inherits statement on my main class (which already inherited Form). This was the big thing, because I didn't include it originally. Next, I changed my AppDomain setup to be:

Dim _ADomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(Name)
Dim item As New A
item = CType(_ADomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(GetType(A).Assembly.FullName, GetType(A).FullName), A)

With these changes I can now use separate instances of the DLL COM object as desired.

Original Question I am writing an application that creates a list of objects, each referring to a DLL, and each object placed in its own AppDomain to keep the instances of the DLL from interfering with each other. Taken another way:Program maintains a List(Of A)A is created as an instance of AppDomain using CreateInstanceAndUnwrap Each A refers to mirror.dll, which is including in the application's references


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AppDomain Instance Creation Error

Aug 16, 2010

I keep getting a "System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException" in my application while loading a not-defined assembly (AKA: Plug-in loading.)Even if I turn Serialization on for that plug-in, then it will fail once again. I've been looking around and couldn't find a good tutorial about it..

So all together: How to load an assembly using AppDomain?

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AppDomain, WebBrowser Memory Leak?

Apr 23, 2011

I have done a lot of research on the memory leaks present in the WebBrowser control, and the following thread (http:url]...) told me that the only real way to reclaim the memory eaten up by WebBrowser is to load the control in a separate appdomain.I went ahead and did this, but when I unload the AppDomain that the WebbBrowser is created in (using AppDomain.Unload()), the memory is still not freed. I am looking at the Private Bytes of the process in Task Manager (which is accurate and what I'm interested in) to confirm this. The memory usage stays at 50MB+ instead of its default 5MB.Here is my code:

Imports System.Reflection
Public Class Form1
Private ad_WBInst As AppDomain[code].....

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Cross-AppDomain Singleton With Remoting ?

Mar 8, 2011

I have an Addin for MS Excel which needs a singleton to share data amongst modules.Depending on the version of Excel (2003, 2007, 2010), and how Excel was started, it calls my addin from different, unpredictable AppDomains, which prevents the classic singleton approach.Creating a custom AppDomainManager won't work because Excel has already created the AppDomains before the addin is called.

Linking to mscoree to enumerate domains breaks the addin registration process (and I really don't want that anyway); there doesn't seem to be any other way of enumerating, so that isn't an option either.The only solution that I've found is to use remoting. Here's my test rig:

Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
' Remeber to add reference to System.Runtime.Remoting DLL[code].....

Once everything is running, access to the singleton takes ~100µS, which is perfect. I can live with the ~400mS the first time each AppDomain is initialised. The problem is at startup, where the remoting invocation takes ~2.5 seconds.

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Get The Information Of All The Appdomain Created In Given Process?

Sep 26, 2010

I need to get the information of all the appdomain created in given process?

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Appdomain.unhandled Exception Event Is Not Always Executed

Jan 5, 2011

I have a service application that randomly stops without any errors in my log or in the event application log. I believe that there could be an unhandled exception somewhere in the code so I set up the AppDomain.Unhandled event to catch any exceptions. While trying to induce unhandled exceptions I have found that this event is not always fired. I added the following code to my service's Shared Sub Main method (but I orginally had it in the OnStart method and was seeing mostly the same thing)

Dim currentDomain as AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
Add Handler currentDomain.UnhandledException, Address of MyHandler

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C# :: Handle Exceptions In AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException?

Dec 28, 2009

Is it possible to handle exceptions on the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException callback? I want to do the following:Show my own "an exception hasoccured" dialog, with a "Send Report"button After the user dismissed thebox, I want to close my app, but I donot want to Windows default crash dialog "Theapplication needs to close" box toshow up.

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Command Window Hiding When An .exe File Is Run Using An AppDomain

Nov 8, 2011

I have created an application domain, using which i am executing an .exe file.So the command window does open which has the title as file name. I want to hide the command window.

Dim newAppDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation)
newAppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(IO.Path.Combine(Offic eAddInConfig.Instance.BinPath & "Core", "file1.exe"))

Here a command prompt will be opened which need to hide.

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Stable Plugins Architecture Using An Appdomain Per Plugin?

Jun 22, 2010

how to create a stable plugin architecture. Stable because I plan on opening up plugin creation to the public but I dont want a sloppy coded plugin to take down my whole application.

So I thought of using an AppDomain per plugin and I did a little seaching. But it seems that even using a temp AppDomain to load plugins and then unloading it once all assemblies have been inspected raises complexity allot and I was planing on using an AppDomain per plugin.

I feel the gained stability (if there is any at all) may be raising the complexity so much the app will never be done..

Is there another way to both create a stable application and at the same time making it extensible?

I cases where the host calls a defined function via say IPluginInterface I guess I can pack a whole lot of try catch blocks around that call but what if a plugin insisted of a timed routine that would run continously without being invoked from the host other that a starting call to StartPluginService or something like that?

If I include a plugin like that in the default AppDomain and it blows up I sure will blow my own foot off right?

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.net - Read Assembly Guid Without Locking The DLL In An Appdomain In Medium Trust ASP.Net?

May 27, 2010

Is it possible to read the GUID from the Assembly without actually loading it in the current App Domain.

Normally Assembly.Load loads the DLL into the app domain. I just want to read the value. The description of the GUID is

'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib
' if this project is exposed to COM
<Assembly: Guid("DEDDE61CD-928E-4ACD-8C25-3B8577284819")>

The main thing is I don't want to lock the file so that there are no errors 'Another process is accessing the file' error.

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System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory : Save Files To It From Outside The Application?

Jan 22, 2010

I published my VB 2008 Express application and installed it on a test computer. The test computer has .NET 3.5 on it, but does not have any Visual Studio development programs on it (I think this is the best way to really test it before sending it to other users. It works fine.The application reads some data from a text file. Every few days, I need to update this text file and send it to the user. (I do not want to republish everything, and I do not want to run a web server.) I naively (??) designed things so that this would be done by attaching the new text file to an email and sending it to the user. The user would simply (?) save this attachment to the same directory as the .exe was in (the application directory). In the old days, there would have been an .exe file in some folder like c:Program FilesDavewareMyprog.exe. And my .txt file would be right beside it.In the code, I have used

System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "MyDataFile.txt"

in various places where I use a Streamreader and Streamwriter to access it. But I've now sent an 'update' email with the .txt file to the test computer, and proceeded to save the attachment, and then realized I'm stuck. I can't find any directory that looks like it might be a good old application folder. In fact, there are references to my application all over the place, in very ugly looking paths.Now I think I'm in trouble as I read the MSDN on BaseDirectory, which starts out:"Gets the base directory that the assembly resolver uses to probe for assemblies".Is there any way I can do things as I designed it? I can think of some work arounds, like try to hard code some folder off c: that has nothing to do with where the .exe is etc, but putting it in the 'application folder' seems so much easier and wouldn't require knowledge of which drive the .exe ended up on etc. on the user's computer.

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.net - Unload Even On Form?

Jan 30, 2010

I want to run a subroutine to clear some things up when the user exits the application. I tried looking for a Form_Unload event or anything similar, is there a way to do this?I open a database connection on Form_Load, and would like to close it when the user exits the app.

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Unload A Form In .net?

Apr 22, 2010

I like to know how to unload a single form in vb.net.I tired form.showdialog() and form=nothing,but this is not working.

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Unload Me In VB 2008

Sep 23, 2009

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.Close() End Sub

after the program was executed, warning is come out like this "object Disposed Exception was unhandled"

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Completely Unload A Form?

Sep 25, 2006

I have a form that I use to get the user to input such as a username and password in order to make a network connection. This connection can be disconnected and reconnected as many times as neccessary whilst the application continues to run.

I obviously, therefore, need the form's text boxes, combo boxes etc to reset to their blank versions every time that the form is shown.

In VB6 this was easy; you just unload the form which completely removed the form from memory and thus the next time you showed it it was reset to it's blank state. In VB 2005, however, there is no unload so we have to use Close. I have done this and assumed that it would function in the same was that unload did in VB6.

The problem is that when I close the form using the form.close event handler the form disappears perfectly but when the form.show/showdialog is used the old form data still remains telling me that the form hasn't actually been unloaded but rather appears to have just been hidden.

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Error At Form Unload In .net

Feb 15, 2010

I have single form in VB.net and I want to close or unload this application in Form1()event only once it get sussessful. I have some code to execute in form1 and after successfule execution I want it to unload. For this I have written below lines but it throws an error.public Form1()


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Hide A Button Or Unload It?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a button that I am trying to only allow specific people to see. So I need to unload it or hide it if they aren't the correct person or have the requirements. When I try to use btnUpdate.hide() in my else it will first allow someone to click on the button and use it then it will hide it. It's not hiding the button right away. Thats what lead me to think that maybe i am suppose to unload it some how if its not the correct user or users.

How do i unload a button if its not the correct users.

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How To Unload A Single Form

Jun 29, 2009


i am using this code but in both condition whole wpplication gets closed i just want to dispose that single form what to do?

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Specifically Load Or Unload A DLL?

Feb 26, 2010

I am calling a Fortran DLL from Vb.Net. I am declaring this in the class and then I am calling the DLL. I made this Fortran DLL from a Fortran Exe code. If I just use the exe code of the Fortran program I get different values than if I use Fortran DLL. First I thought may be there is a delay, so I used Sleep() before the end of the loop. But this does not change the values I am getting. I don;t understand why the results are different in exe and DLL, since I made DLL using the same exe code. I am not sure if the DLL is completely exited before it called again. Below is the code (partial).

Declare Sub abbb Lib "C:Documents and Settingssanjida.tamannaMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsDll53Dll53DebugDll53.dll" Alias "aaa" (ByRef TOL1 As Single, ByRef tt1 As Single, ByRef TEND1 As Single, ByRef t_exposure2 As Single)


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Unload Option Is Not There In Program

Feb 9, 2012

Actually i am a VB6 developer, switching to VB 2010 (VB.NET), in visual basic we use to do Form1.unloadme.However, its not working in VB2010.

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VS 2008 On Form Unload?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm trying to add a MsgBox and a few other things when a user exists the program but I can't seem to find the event for the form.

I tried the "leave" form event but it's not working.


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Load / Use And Unload An Assembly At Runtime

Dec 1, 2011

I am working on a project where I have to load assemblies (lets call them tasks) at runtime, run the task and then be able to kill off the whole assembly so that the dll can be replaced without interrupting the main application.There are many of these tasks running within the main application,some run sequentially and some run in parallel.Occasionally one or to of these tasks need to be updated and then re-added to the queue. Currently we are stopping the entire application and interrupting the other tasks at whatever stage they are at, which is not ideal.I have figured out that I will have to load each assembly into a separate AppDomain, but loading the assemblies in those domains is proving difficult, especially when I need to actually run the tasks and receive events from them.I have been looking into this problem for a couple of days and have still not managed to get a working proof-of-concept.

I have an Interface for the tasks which includes a 'run' and 'kill' method (subs) and a 'taskstep','complete' and 'killed' event.'taskstep' returns an object to be cached later, 'complete' fires when the whole task is done and 'killed' fires when it is ready to be unloaded.There should also be a timeout on the whole process of two hours and a timeout of 2 minutes on the killed event in case it gets stuck, at which point I would like to be able to unload it, forcing any threads to terminate (which is what 'kill' should do anyway).Each assembly may contain several tasks, all of which should loadable be unloadable.I have no problems loading these tasks as 'plugins' but am lost when trying to both use them and unload them. If I have to create some elaborate wrapper then so be it but is what I need even possible? I have tried inheriting from MarshalByRefObject but I do not even know the assembly fullname unless I load it first, which then locks the file. I have tried loading from a byte array of the assembly. This means that the file is not locked but a copy of it remains in the current appdomain. This will become problematic over the following months / years![code]

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