.Net Dynamically Load DLL?

Mar 1, 2010

I am trying to write some code that will allow me to dynamically load DLLs into my application, depending on an application setting. The idea is that the database to be accessed is set in the application settings and then this loads the appropriate DLL and assigns it to an instance of an interface for my application to access.

This is my code at the moment:

Dim SQLDataSource As ICRDataLayer
Dim ass As Assembly = Assembly. _


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Best Way To Dynamically Load DLL

Jun 2, 2011

I have a GUI that is processing data from our shop floor.In order to communicate with external programs, we are using MSMQ to process messages. Each interface we have to an external program, we are currently creating a class file with only properties,calling the class in the GUI, setting the properties, then sending the class object to MSMQ for processing.The class is serialized as an XML file, and the queue watcher can pick up the class, deserialize it process the messages without any problem.Currently we have identified three interfaces, developed the classes for them and this is working great.As more interfaces are identified moving forward, I would like to avoid having to add the classes to the GUI front end for each interface.I would like to create a DLL for each interface (again only with properties) that could be dynamically loaded and discover the properties for the class.The GUI could then set the properties for the class and process the message.One property each class will have is the name of the interface.This will be a readonly property that will the queue watcher know which interface to use. In order to make this dynamic, I could create some tables in our database that would contain the name of the interface and cross reference the properties in the DLL with parameters in the GUI. This way the GUI would only call one DLL that would be embedded in the GUI, it would call the database to get the parameters needed for the interface, match them from the GUI and create the message.

1.What is the best way to dynamically load DLL's using VB 2008?

2.Does this sound like a good proposal?

3.My intent is to have the GUI re-compiled as little as possible to minimize the impact on the shop floor when new interfaces are created.

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.net - Load The Tabs Dynamically?

Jan 13, 2010

i m trying to load the tabs dynamically.(Using AjaxToolKit). Firstly, when i hit button1 on pageload, it loads tab1() (works good) and when i hit button2, itloads up tab2() All these tabs are ascx pages. In tab1 i m loading WebUserControl.ascx. it works okay.


1) When you runthe code, first click on button2, it doesn't load tab2 dynamicaly but it does when u hit button1 for the first time.

2) Repetitive clicking on button1 or button2 should load the same tabs next to eachother again and again but it doesn't

3) Thirdly, the main issue is that I m tryin to load another .ascx on loadtab2() which should have webparts in it. I should be able to load an another custom usercontrol into these web parts dynamically. But i m not able to do so.

Here is my code:

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>


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CPU Bug Tracing - Load Dll Dynamically

Mar 27, 2009


This is in a button click event, and when I click the button, the DllMax.DllMax form should be shown.[Problem]The DllMax.DllMax form is shown well, and after I close it, I found the CPU is from 0% to 20%.Don't quit the application, add Click button1 again, and close the form, the is from 20% to 40%.The CPU persentage is NOT added when the form is opened(I checked it carefully), but added just when the form is closed, and it will keep to 40%.I don't know what the CPU is doing? I want to know:1. Is there a method to find out what exactlly CPU is doing in my application?2. Why the CPU from 0% to 40% when I close the form?3. Why the CPU keep to 40% even I did the FormToShow.Dispose()?

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Load Textboxes Dynamically

Sep 13, 2011

there are two forms, form1 and form2. form1 has textboxes 10, the user can enter data in a specific number of textboxes: ie: 5 or 3, or etc.

then the user clicks a button, and based on the number of textboxes that he entered data on, form2 will load a number of texboxes: If the user filled 3 textboxes in form1, form2 will show 3 textboxes.

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Load A BitmapImage In MetroUI Dynamically?

Oct 19, 2011

I've been experimenting with Windows 8 and Metro UI, I've written a perfectly reasonable load of a bitmap image, but it doesn't seem to be loading,

Public Sub New(Image As String)
Debug.Print("ms-resource://MyAssembly/" & Image)
Img = New ImageBrush()


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Load A Picture To The Form Dynamically?

Jul 31, 2009

How to load a picture to the form dynamically? also how to load a picture to the picturebox dynamically?

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Php - Load And Call Files Dynamically?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm having one basic aspx script that needs to load some "plugins". Every plugin has its own settings and it should perform different logics. What i'd do in php is create a class for each plugin, load that class, pass the settings file to it and call some method on that class that would give me some output. But is it even possible in vb.net? I'd need to have multiple files with multiple classes, load those files, depending on the plugin name and call some method on them to parse that plugin's settings.

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Dynamically Load Content Into Internet Explorer?

Sep 20, 2008

I have a dynamically created webpage(in a string) and I save this locally to a file subsequently load it up to view it in IE, is there a way to get Internet Explorer to view the page from memory without having to save it first.

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How To Load A Datagridview With Data From Excel (dynamically)

Feb 7, 2010

I was wondering if there is any way to load data from excel sheet into a datagridview in VB2008 dynamically. I have looked at few data connection codes but all of them involve the excel sheet and thw workbook name. Is there anyway that I enter the excel sheet name in a inputbox and the data from excel loads into datagridview without hardcoding the sheet name. I know data can be imported using the below code, here the programmer has to mention the excel workbook name, path and sheet name. [code]I am developing a program to perform some calculations and my data is in a number of excel workbooks and worksheets. I need to be able to bring the data from these excel sheets into the datagridview to perform calculations. So I was thinking if I could mention the excel sheet name in the GUI and then accordingly the data from that particular sheet would be loaded into the datagridview to perform calculations.

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Load Combobox Items Dynamically On KeyPress?

Oct 4, 2010

I want to create a combobox like winform control in VB.Net that makes suggestions dynamically; exactly as the address bar does in Google Chrome or IE 8/9. Basically on each keypress, get a list of items that match the entered text on a background thread(s) and show these items in the dropdown list as they are (possibly slowly) returned - either from DB queries, web services etc.

I have tried a couple of ideas, changing the AutoComplete list dynamically or binding to a list, which I then update. But I am getting some rather odd and incorrect results even when updating the list directly (on the main thread). I also tried implementing my own textbox control that shows a ListBox control where the dropdown would appear - this seemed a lot more reliable but I cannot get it to draw over the edge of forms etc when shown, as the combobox drop-down does.

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.net - UpdatePanel, TriggerPostBack And UserControl Load Dynamically In TabPanel?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a button that is inside an updatepanel, click on this button I'm trying to load an updatepanel updatepanel and inside this I have a usercontrol added. This is done dynamically'm not having success.

Protected Sub btnNewRpt_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewRpt.Click
Dim hydic As New HybridDictionary From {{"tabId", "tab1"},
{"ucPath", "UCRelatorioNovo.ascx"},
{"ucId", "uc1"}}


the error description is:Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'TabContainer1_tab1_upTest'.If it is being wellness updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel.

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Forms :: Dynamically Load User Control In A Form?

Apr 26, 2011

I dynamically load a user control in a form (Form 1).

In my user control there are two things :

a Textbox (TxtBox1) and a Command Button

WHen the button is clicked, it opens a new form (Form 2) Form2.ShowDialog()

My question is, in Form 2, how can i set a value to TxtBox1 of the user control?

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Load A Set Of Associated Records Dynamically Based Upon The Input Of The User?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to do the following.I want to use a gridview to load a set of associated records dynamically based upon the input of the user.I want the gridview to have a checkbox to the left of the records and allow the user to use this to select records to remove. The gridview will have pages and will be sortable using the columns.I had this working using a delete button, but when I went to using the checkbox it stopped sorting.


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Dynamically Changing The Image Of A DataGridViewImageCell Isn't Working On Form Load

Sep 27, 2007

I have a DataGridViewImageColumn that should display an image for only certain rows. After I bind a generic list of classes to my datagrid, I loop through each row and update the image cell with an image that is an embedded resource for the rows that require the image. This works great if the form has been fully loaded. However, when I attempt this on form load the image doesn't show up? I also can't perform simpler things such as changing the row background color on form load. Should I be performing this logic in a different event after form load?

For i As Integer = 0 To dgvRoles.Rows.Count - 1
Dim imageStream As System.IO.Stream = Nothing
imageStream = Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MyApplication.Timer.png")


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Dynamically Creating Methods For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Mar 15, 2011

I have this code.

Public Class Form1
Dim NPB As Button
Dim x As Integer


As you can see, when I open a program from my menu, a new button will be created with text similar to this, "C:Program ". The button it self will not do anything. How can I create the method at the same time the button it is for is created? Also how can I change the text do that it gives me, for example, CCleaner.exe instead of the whole target path?

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Access Objects On A Dynamically Created UserControl An A Dynamically Created Tab Page?

Dec 5, 2011

I can usually find the answers to most of my questions via the Google Gods, but not this time.I have a form that has a TabPageControl and on that page a collection of labels and text boxes via a usercontrol.

On the form I have a button that allows the user to create a new tabpage, when the code adds a new page, it automatically adds the UserControl collection. I can't get my head around how to access the objects on the newly created tabpage.

What I need to be able todo is take the index of the tabpage that has focus and translate that against the UerContol name, but I havn't a clue how to do it!


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AddHandler To Dynamically Created Buttons That References A Dynamically Created TextBox?

Dec 16, 2011

I am adding a grid of buttons to a form at run-time, and all of then use the same Handler.My question is : Is there any way I canadd the TextBox at run-time ?I know how to but without it on the form, the IDE isn't very happy about the "MyClick" Sub - TextBox1 is not declared......

' some logic here to make nice rows and Columns of buttons
' with different .Text and .Name


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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created Form

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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On Load Event - Display Variables On Screen Load In Rich Text Box

Mar 20, 2011

I want a rich text box to display public variables like (pizza toppings links etc that have been selected in other forms) these variables have declare in a module. But I want the rich text box to display these variables as soon as the screen loads ( a on form load event) if you know what I mean.

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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created F?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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Load Creategraphic Into Picturebox On Form Load

Aug 24, 2009

I would like to load a default created image at start. But seems to not be working on form load any ideas.[code]

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Unable To Load Data To Gridview For The First Load?

Feb 19, 2012

Whenever i start my form (window application) and link from one form to another, my data doesn't load but when i close the respective form and open it again , it appear. Can i know where is my problem ? Thx in advance. Here's the code snippet :

Private Sub AccessControl_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sqlstring As String = "select * from depttable"
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(db.cs)
Dim dataadapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlstring, connection)


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WebBrowser Load - How To Get Form1.Load To Do Both Operations

Jun 18, 2010

I Want A Web-Browser (WebBrowser1.Navigate [url]) to navigate to a direct site witha .txt file so the text appears in the browser. ok that works.

When Form1 Loads I want To Use This But It Wont Work WebBrowser1.Navigate[url] but it will only work if form1 contains WebBrowser1.Navigate[url] and button1 = TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText.

Final Question How Can I Get Form1.Load To Do Both Operations

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Load The Data From Them In Form Load?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a couple of tables in a sql server database and i want to load the data from them in form load.
Here is the code i use to load the first table

connection string here
Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers", Con)
Dim cust As SqlDataReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader()


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VS 2005 - Load The Report From Solution Explorer It Tells "Load Report Failed?

Nov 30, 2009

When I load the report from my c: drive it works fine:


Now when I load the report from solution explorer it tells me "Load report failed. The system cannot find the file specified"


I have added the report to solution explorere and part of my project

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Load The Available Serial Ports - Load Their Names As Seen In The "device Manager"?

Oct 23, 2010

i am using the below code in VB.Net to load the available serial ports :

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames.Count
COMsComboBox.Items.Add(My.Computer.Ports.SerialPor tNames(i - 1))

i also want to load their names as seen in the "device manager",

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VS 2005 - Form Load - Retains The Previous Values During The Form Load

Jul 27, 2009

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


The insertion part of the form works great. But my problem is in the form load part......If i leave a field blank(Null),then perform Save operation,close the form after successful insertion and then reopen the form,then it retains the previous values during the form load......This is only in case where i leave a field blank in the previous data entry in the database.......But if i enter values in all fields then form load is working great.

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VS 2005 : Load A Form And Allow It To Run It's Code In The Form Load But Keep It Not Visible?

Dec 14, 2009

How can I load a form and allow it to run it's code in the form load but keep it not visible. I want it to do what it needs to but but not display.

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VS 2010 Load Data Into UserControl In UserControl.Load?

Sep 25, 2011

I just discovered the joys of UserControl's and I was wondering if it is possible to populate the usercontrol with data from a database in the UserControl's Form.Load event instead of the form the userControl is placed on. I feel it would make using the control a lot easier if it just populated itself without anymore code.I tried it with a ListView but it gave me a bunch of errors, so I didn't know if it had to be done a certain way or if it was just one of those things that doesn't work no matter what.

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