VS 2010 Load Data Into UserControl In UserControl.Load?

Sep 25, 2011

I just discovered the joys of UserControl's and I was wondering if it is possible to populate the usercontrol with data from a database in the UserControl's Form.Load event instead of the form the userControl is placed on. I feel it would make using the control a lot easier if it just populated itself without anymore code.I tried it with a ListView but it gave me a bunch of errors, so I didn't know if it had to be done a certain way or if it was just one of those things that doesn't work no matter what.

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.net - UpdatePanel, TriggerPostBack And UserControl Load Dynamically In TabPanel?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a button that is inside an updatepanel, click on this button I'm trying to load an updatepanel updatepanel and inside this I have a usercontrol added. This is done dynamically'm not having success.

Protected Sub btnNewRpt_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewRpt.Click
Dim hydic As New HybridDictionary From {{"tabId", "tab1"},
{"ucPath", "UCRelatorioNovo.ascx"},
{"ucId", "uc1"}}


the error description is:Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'TabContainer1_tab1_upTest'.If it is being wellness updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel.

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VS 2008 32-bit UserControl In HTML Page Does Not Load On 64-bit Workstation

Sep 21, 2011

I built a specialized userControl using VB2008 (on XP 32-bit) to embed in HTML (not ASP!) and compiled it, pointing to x86 CPUs. I added the necessary keys to the registry (see attachment) to declare a classId in a HTML 'object' tag. This scheme works OK on all 32-bit OS I could put my hands on, but fails to load on 64-bit: I could test only on XP and Win 2003. No error message and Fiddler does not even know something happened... I installed VS2008 on the XP 64-bit machine and ported the code to a fresh userControl (to check the code). I got the userControl running on this workstation without any trouble. I copied this new DLL on another workstation and added the necessary keys to the register, but to no avail. I checked the registry and the 'Wow64' keys are there allright. As a check (and to provide you with a 'working' example), I:

- built a very simple userControl on the 32-bit environment (label, textbox and button to display the text in a mMessage box),
- on the 32-bit workstation:
+ copied the file to a 'program files' folder,


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Winforms - Usercontrol With Dockstyle Fill Not Correct Size During Form Load

May 25, 2011

My main form has two panels, left docked and right docked. The right side panel has two child panels with top dock and bottom dock settings. The usercontrol is added to the right side top panel. My usercontrol has a panel and a label. The panel is anchored on all 4 sides, the label is anchored on all except the bottom. At runtime I create this usercontrol and set it to dockstyle=fill and then I add it to my top right panel.

With everything set to "fill" I expect that when I add my usercontrol to the panel it will take on the appropriate width and height and pass that info to the child controls (labels) inside of my usercontrol. My problem is that this stretching of the size does not happen when I create my objects during the Load event on my usercontrol. Even though initializecomponent has ran for the usercontrol the panel inside of it (4 corners anchored) has not taken the x/y values of the available space. As a result my usercontrol shows up about 50% of the width I want.


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C# :: Call Function From UserControl On ASPX From UserControl On MasterPage?

Jan 31, 2011

I have MainLayout.master that has UC_Menu.ascx on it. I have a page named Customer.aspx that uses MainLayout.master. Customer.aspx also contains a UserControl named UC_Details.ascx.How can I have UC_Menu.ascx call a function that is in UC_Details.ascx with this scenario?

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UserControl Access To Public Properties In Another UserControl?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a Windows Form frmMain() holding seven more-or-less unrelated UserControls, ucFlopsy", "ucMopsy", "ucCottontail", etc...I say "more-or-less" because each of the seven UC has three similar public read/write properties:

IsLocked (a boolean indicating if the following two properties are "Locked")
IsLockedID (if IsLocked=True then IsLockedID is an integer)
IsLockedName (if IsLocked=True then IsLockedName is a string)


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.net - RaiseEvent From A UserControl That's Placed On A UserControl That's On A Form?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a Windows Form that contains a custom control container as a UserControl. For the sake of this question, this custom control container is called Dashboard. This container called Dashboard contains numerous other controls depending on their permissions. I need to raise events that are contained on these controls through the Dashboard control and over to the Windows Form.

How can I bubble up the event? I'm using VB.NET for this project, but can convert C# into VB.NET.Also, to complicate matters, the main Windows Form is a VB6 project. So, I'm using the InteropFormsToolkit to accomplish this.

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Asp.net - Reference TextBox In One UserControl From Another UserControl

Jan 19, 2011

I have two UserControls on a MasterPage. DataEntryUC contains several TextBoxes and DropDownList. NavSaveUC contains navigation buttons. When the user clicks on a navigation button, I will be saving the data entered into DataEntryUC from the NavSaveUC UserControl.

I have a couple of tables in my DB that contain stored procedure names, control names, control types, SqlDbTypes, etc.... that correlate with DataEntryUC.

How do I reference a text box that is on DataEntryUC from NavSaveUC?

I have been working on the following code from NavSaveUC with no luck.

Dim MyControlName = "txtFirstName"
Dim MyControlType = "TextBox"
Dim MyStringValue as String


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Setting Usercontrol Properties Within A Usercontrol

Mar 22, 2012

I have a usercontrol that has a main form and calls another form within the usercontrol to get some data from a database that allows the user to select some items from a CheckedListBox control on the sub form. I want to pass the selected items from the CheckedListBox back to the main form and display the results there. I have a public property called DBList of type List(of String) on the main user control. If I create a reference to the usercontrol form the second form within the usercontrol I get a new instance of a user control. All I want to do is set the property on the usercontrol and close the secondary form. How do I reference the usercontrol from the form within the usercontrol?

Code in UserControl:

Public Property DBItems() As List(Of String)
Return DBItems


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VS 2010 Add Usercontrol To Toolbox

Apr 25, 2010

I just downloaded VB.NET Express 2010 and I am trying to make a user control.I start out by makeing a new project then to add a usercontrol I goto Project->Add New Item Then I Add a usercontrol.But I cannot see my usercontrol on the toolbar like you used to in VB6, I even tryed draging the control to the toolbox but it still it will not shows. Can someone help me cos I am sort of new to this .NET stuff.

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Unable To Load Data To Gridview For The First Load?

Feb 19, 2012

Whenever i start my form (window application) and link from one form to another, my data doesn't load but when i close the respective form and open it again , it appear. Can i know where is my problem ? Thx in advance. Here's the code snippet :

Private Sub AccessControl_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sqlstring As String = "select * from depttable"
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(db.cs)
Dim dataadapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlstring, connection)


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Pass Data From View To UserControl In ASP.NET MVC?

Mar 24, 2010

Say I want to do the simplest of the data passing as follows [code]...

What I want to do is to pass the variable i as the parameter to the UserControl so that it displays the number inside a, say, bordered div.

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VS 2010 : Adding ToolboxBitmap To Usercontrol?

Jan 16, 2011

i'm having trouble adding an Icon for the Toolbox on my UserControl.I'm using the following:

<ToolBoxBitmap"CovButton.bmp")> _

I have CovButton.bmp added to the project and have it's build set to 'Embedded Resource'.However i can't compile it because i'm getting an error with the line continuation character saying the following "Attribute specifier is not a complete statement. Use a line continuation to apply the attribute to the following statement.".If i remove the space between the > and _ it gives me the error "Line continuation character '_' must be preceded by at least one white space and must be the last character on the line."

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VS 2010 : Controlling Usercontrol From Form?

Jul 31, 2010

how do you control USERCONTROL button1_click event from form's button2_click event?

button 1 = hidden button on usercontrol1
button2 = visible button on form1
form1.button2 should click usercontrol.button1

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VS 2010 Locking Usercontrol Focus

Dec 28, 2011

I'm trying to create a grid usercontrol.This means that when i press "UP" it goes to the cell above (...so on for all directions) tab goes to the right and enter goes down.Now all these keys (excluding enter) change control focus so i've got a problem using them.How can i lock focus on the control so that these keys won't change it and so that i can use these keys for other things?

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VS 2010 Make Licencing A UserControl?

Jan 28, 2011

i've just completed my UserControl and i'm wondering is their a way i can make it so that when i include in my distribution package that the user cannot just open up Visual Basic and start using my control.Is there away to make it say something along the lines of "You are not authorized to use this control!"

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VS 2010 Usercontrol Drawing Refreshing?

Jan 15, 2011

i'm an old VB6 programmer that has just starting dabbling in VB.NET 2010 and my first project is a Usercontrol Button project and i'm running into some trouble with refreshing the usercontrol on events.

For example when you mousedown on the usercontrol i want it to act as if the button is being pressed in, to do this i make the caption move 2 pixels down and to the left. And then reverse this when the usercontrol mouseup is triggered.I think my code is correct but i'm not 100% sure what i'm doing with me.refresh and the usercontrol_paint events.


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VS 2010 Usercontrol Focus And Key Events?

Jan 15, 2012

A form's key events will fire when you press a key. Place a control on that form and it won't happen any more because that control has focus. There are exceptions to this however as you will see if you place just a h or v scrollbar on the form. The key event will fire because the scrollbars can't receive focus as is demonstrated by the following

Private Sub ScrollBar1_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles VScrollBar1.GotFocus
Debug.Print("Scroll GF")
End Sub


So I've made my own special scrollbar usercontrol and i can't figure out how to have it leave the key events alone. I'm pretty sure that the problem is that my usercontrol can receive focus at the moment.

I found that the way of doing this is "SetStyle(Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.Selectable, False)". I put that in the new event of my usercontrol and now it looks like this:

Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.

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Sending/Passing Data To UserControl Textbox VB 2008?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a form that loads a UserControl which has a tabpage. Each tab has textboxes that I need to update when I create the tab page. I actually had this working but lost a major version of the code and can not remember how I did it. I want to send data to usercontrol this way from the form Do While

count <= intGrpSize With TabCtrlClient() .TabPages.Add(New TabPageEx) UC.SetSessionDate(tbSessionDate.Text) uc.SetCouncelor(CInt(cbProviderID.Text))


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VS 2010 - Database File Cannot Be Found After Adding UserControl

Aug 30, 2011

After adding a UserControl to a form which access my database I get this warning:
Warning1The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database.
[ Data Source = C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEDatabase.sdf ]
C:UsersUserDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsProject1Project1Options.Designer.vb2160

Thing is I never had a database at that location, my database is and has always been in MyDocuments in the Project folder itself. There is nothing anywhere in my code referring to that database! When I double click it I get sent to this line in the Designers window:
Even though I get this error I can still access my database, so basically it does absolutely nothing except drive me mad! So how do I fix this?

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Load The Data From Them In Form Load?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a couple of tables in a sql server database and i want to load the data from them in form load.
Here is the code i use to load the first table

connection string here
Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers", Con)
Dim cust As SqlDataReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader()


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Dequeue Data In Paint Event Of A UserControl To Show Continuously Moving Waveform?

May 11, 2011

Given this illustration and basic code, how do I dequeue and draw the data that has been inserted into the User Control's Preperty queue? The graph/chart will need to show anywhere from 1 to 120 seconds of data, with each second representing electrical waveform data that arrives each second with a variable amount of sample data..The timer interval will have to vary with the amount of incoming data so that it shows a continuously moving waveform from right to left and the rate of drawing keeps up with the amount of data arriving. (so the queue doesn't get backed up)

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VS 2010 How To Load Child Data When Query A Parent

May 30, 2010

i have a one two many relationship on a form that loads empty so that the user have to do a search in order to populate the data into the form. To acomplish this, i created a filter (query) in the dataset. The filter works fine for the parent data, but how can i load its corresponding child data?

This is the code generated automatically when i created the filter in the DataSet:


Try Me.TblConfidencialesTableAdapter.Buscar_Confidencial(Me.ConfidencialesDataSet.tblConfidenciales, TablillaConfidencialToolStripTextBox.Text)
Catch ex As System.Exception


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VS 2010 Load Data From File (txt) In Listbox And Combobox?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to load data from a txt in a combobox and a listbox. The txt is composed as follows:



In the combobox I want to load 'NAME " And in the listbox I want to load "ID"

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VS 2010 Load Data From A Text File Into A Listbox And A Combobox?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a text file in which there is a list which is composed as follows:

3236, Alberto
5894, Peter
7894: Alonso

and so on ...

What I want is loaded into a listbox the numbers to the first semicolon and load the combobox names.

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VS 2010 Load Data From Text File Into Existing Table

Aug 18, 2011

I'm using the following code to import data from a text file into an existing Access table:


The first time i ran the code, it caused no error but no records where loaded into the table. The second time it causes the OleDbException "Table 'TEMP' already exists."explain me wath am i doing wrong? The text file is comma delimited and it has exactly the same number of columns of the TEMP table.

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VS 2010 : UserControl MouseEnter/Leave Events Aren't Firing - Cannot Raise Base Event From Derived Class

Feb 18, 2011

When i use my UserControl in a project my Mouse Enter & Leave events aren't firing, i assume i fix this with a raiseevents in my usercontrol. However when i try to do this it says something about "cannot raise base event from derived class".

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VS 2010 : Errors Opening App And Data Won't Load From Access Database That Was Working

Jun 12, 2012

I must have inadvertly messed up my data connection but not sure how to fix it. when I check the table adapters I can view data but when I load the app I get these errors and no data loads, how can I look at this log and make sense of how to fix this?

************** Exception Text **************
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Only one <configSections> element allowed per config file and if present must be the first child of the root <configuration> element. (C:BungeAppsBunge Post InstallerinDebugBunge Post Installer.exe.Config line 7)


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VS 2010 - Designing My UserControl (Button) For My Project - Error Saying CovButton.CovButton Is Not Defined

Jan 23, 2011

Hey guys i've finished designing my UserControl (Button) for my project. However i seem to have an issue when i try to add it to a form, I get an error saying CovButton.CovButton is not defined.

Also if you have the time could you have a look over the source and just give your opinion on it? I think my drawing methods are pretty b-grade as it seems to freeze up a bit when you add an image to the usercontrol.

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VS 2010 : Trigger Event In Usercontrol To Trigger Sub In Main Form?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a main form that has a dynamically generated treeview and also a panel control. Depending on the selection made within the treeview the panel docks 1 of three diffrent usercontrols which are full sub forms(done for ease of modifing design of sub form rather than layering panels on top of panels).Upon button click withing usercontrol i wish to trigger event within main form.For example delete button wich then triggers to remove current selected node from treeview. code for 1 of three diffrent user controls

Dim ctrlQ As New QuoteUC(TrViewQuotation.SelectedNode)

Code for delete button for which i need to raise event.

If MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to delete this customer ?", vbYesNo, "Delete Record") = vbYes Then
End If

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