UserControl Access To Public Properties In Another UserControl?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a Windows Form frmMain() holding seven more-or-less unrelated UserControls, ucFlopsy", "ucMopsy", "ucCottontail", etc...I say "more-or-less" because each of the seven UC has three similar public read/write properties:

IsLocked (a boolean indicating if the following two properties are "Locked")
IsLockedID (if IsLocked=True then IsLockedID is an integer)
IsLockedName (if IsLocked=True then IsLockedName is a string)


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Setting Usercontrol Properties Within A Usercontrol

Mar 22, 2012

I have a usercontrol that has a main form and calls another form within the usercontrol to get some data from a database that allows the user to select some items from a CheckedListBox control on the sub form. I want to pass the selected items from the CheckedListBox back to the main form and display the results there. I have a public property called DBList of type List(of String) on the main user control. If I create a reference to the usercontrol form the second form within the usercontrol I get a new instance of a user control. All I want to do is set the property on the usercontrol and close the secondary form. How do I reference the usercontrol from the form within the usercontrol?

Code in UserControl:

Public Property DBItems() As List(Of String)
Return DBItems


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Expose A UserControl's Properties To Properties Window In Designer?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a way to expose a UserControl's properties to the Properties Window in the Designer?

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C# :: Call Function From UserControl On ASPX From UserControl On MasterPage?

Jan 31, 2011

I have MainLayout.master that has UC_Menu.ascx on it. I have a page named Customer.aspx that uses MainLayout.master. Customer.aspx also contains a UserControl named UC_Details.ascx.How can I have UC_Menu.ascx call a function that is in UC_Details.ascx with this scenario?

View 3 Replies - UserControl And Inner Properties?

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to develop a control that'll allow the developer to populate a collection through markup (e.g. Properties decorated with the attribute PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty). I have an example from Brian Chavez that more or less does what I want but I want to have the control inherit from UserControl and not Control.Here is the code I have in

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class AggregateFeeds


As it is now when I try to compile I get a compiler error that simply says object instance not set to an instance of an object on the line above. If I take it out, the page loads just fine and the Settings object reflects the values in the markup. Why am I having trouble getting the collection to populate correctly?

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Passing Properties Into UserControl Asp.Net?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a UserControl in ASP.NET to display news items based on two values that are passed in, NewsTag and ItemLimit. The problem is that the SQLdatasource is not picking up the properties in SqlDataSource1_Init. Instead the calls to the properties are empty when this is called but after render have values.

<script runat="server">
Public Property NewsTag() As String


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Usercontrol Properties Not Persistent?

Jan 31, 2011

i've created a usercontrol in a win forms project + the properties work as expected, but when i recreated my usercontrol as a win forms usercontrol class library, the properties changed at runtime aren't persistent.i tried adding a DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute to the property but that didn't work.

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Change A Button's Properties In A UserControl?

Jul 25, 2011

I must have done something really, really dumb somewhere, but I don't know if I did a really, really dumb VB.Net thing or a really, really dumb Framework thing.I have a dirt simple UserControl - it consists of one Button. Nothing more.


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Hide All The Default Properties Of UserControl?

Nov 27, 2010

Is there any simple way to hide all the design time properties of a User Control.

When my UC is on a form there's a lot of properties in the properties explorer. All those default ones that every UC has. AccessibleName, AccessibleRole, Anchor etc etc etc (dozens of the them)

Any way to hide most/all those and just expose my own ?

I suppose I want my User Control to be more like a 'Component' like the Timer and other components that don't have a UI. Short of rewriting my UC as a Component is there any quick way to hide all those form properties ?

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UserControl Expose FONT Properties

Jun 23, 2009

Creating a usecontrol:

The control will have numberous properties available at design and run time.

I am having trouble creating and exposing FONT properties for the child objects.

Example: The control will have a label with a designtime and useradjustable Display font. I wish to

1) be able to set the Font attributes via the properties dialog at design time.

2) set those properties via GUI at runtime.

The problem...


Private propArtistHeaderFont() As Font
Public Property ArtistHeaderFont() As Font


So clearly I can not pass the FONT properties back and forth via the SET/GET method.

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.net - RaiseEvent From A UserControl That's Placed On A UserControl That's On A Form?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a Windows Form that contains a custom control container as a UserControl. For the sake of this question, this custom control container is called Dashboard. This container called Dashboard contains numerous other controls depending on their permissions. I need to raise events that are contained on these controls through the Dashboard control and over to the Windows Form.

How can I bubble up the event? I'm using VB.NET for this project, but can convert C# into VB.NET.Also, to complicate matters, the main Windows Form is a VB6 project. So, I'm using the InteropFormsToolkit to accomplish this.

View 1 Replies - Reference TextBox In One UserControl From Another UserControl

Jan 19, 2011

I have two UserControls on a MasterPage. DataEntryUC contains several TextBoxes and DropDownList. NavSaveUC contains navigation buttons. When the user clicks on a navigation button, I will be saving the data entered into DataEntryUC from the NavSaveUC UserControl.

I have a couple of tables in my DB that contain stored procedure names, control names, control types, SqlDbTypes, etc.... that correlate with DataEntryUC.

How do I reference a text box that is on DataEntryUC from NavSaveUC?

I have been working on the following code from NavSaveUC with no luck.

Dim MyControlName = "txtFirstName"
Dim MyControlType = "TextBox"
Dim MyStringValue as String


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.NET Custom UserControl With Structured/Multi-level Properties?

Aug 13, 2011

I can create a Custom UserControl with simple properties (Integer, String, etc) and have those properties show up in the Property Panel. I can also create a Custom UserControl with properties like Size, Rectangle, etc and the properties will show up as an expandable item in the Property Panel (click on the '+' and the Size expands to Width & Height).

Is it possible to create properties with my own custom structure? e.g. Property 'Message' expands to Text, ForeColor, BackColor, Blink etc. I have tried creating a property that references a simple class or structure with containing the properties representing my custom structure but in the Property Panel the property is greyed out and cannot be expanded or modified.

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IDE :: Allowing Multi-line Text In The Properties Page Of UserControl?

Sep 21, 2009

I have a UserControl that has a Property - Text. How can I allow multi-lines of text to be created in its Properties (as a TextBox)

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Limit The Default Events, Properties And Methods Exposed From A UserControl?

May 11, 2010

limit the default events, properties and methods exposed from a UserControl so it only displays to the developer the new events etc that I code myself.What i mean is I have created a UserControl with a panel and 5 buttons, written 1 Public Eventonly at this stage, I have placed an instance of the control on a form in a new project, but in the drop down menu that comes up after say (myUserControl1.), there is a massive list of options, I don't want those to appear.

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Access Usercontrol In VB?

Aug 29, 2009

I have created a usercontrol named note. in the note usercontrol in contains 6 labels. now i want to access the usercontrol at runtime. it means that, when the right button is press, the note usercontrol is appear, when it pressed again it appear again beside the previous usercontrol. how can i access it like when user is click at one of the labels, that labels backcolor change to other color. it is means that a label that has been clicked is the selected label. and we can change the properties of that selected label.

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Access Individual Components Of UserControl From Application That Is Using DLL?

Jun 4, 2009

I made a DLL that is a UserControl that has a TabControl with one TabPage on it. On the TabPage is a Panel & on the Panel are some can I access the individual components of the UserControl from the application that is using the DLL? I have added a reference to the DLL & can add the UC to a form, but I would like to have access to the child controls of the UC, ie. change the text of a Label that's on the Panel. Do I need to do something when I create the DLL to cause those controls to be accessible?

View 7 Replies - Access Method In Aspx Page From The Usercontrol?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a button in my usercontrol. When that button is clicked I need to call a method thta is in aspx page.

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VS 2010 Load Data Into UserControl In UserControl.Load?

Sep 25, 2011

I just discovered the joys of UserControl's and I was wondering if it is possible to populate the usercontrol with data from a database in the UserControl's Form.Load event instead of the form the userControl is placed on. I feel it would make using the control a lot easier if it just populated itself without anymore code.I tried it with a ListView but it gave me a bunch of errors, so I didn't know if it had to be done a certain way or if it was just one of those things that doesn't work no matter what.

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Access Objects On A Dynamically Created UserControl And Tab Page

Dec 2, 2011

Access objects on a dynamically created UserControl an a dynamically created tab page. I can usually find the answers to most of my questions via the Google Gods, but not this time. I hope the collective that is StackOverFlow can help! I have a form that has a TabPageControl and on that page a collection of labels and text boxes via a usercontrol.

On the form I have a button that allows the user to create a new tabpage, when the code adds a new page, it automatically adds the UserControl collection, all good so far. I can't get my head around how to access the objects on the newly created tabpage. What I need to be able todo is take the index of the tabpage that has focus and translate that against the UerContol name, but I havn't a clue how to do it! [Code]

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Creating A Container Control Out Of A UserControl Can't Access Controls At Runtime?

Oct 16, 2009

I have created a usercontrol that contains two rectangle shapes to create a unique button effect and a rounded-corner rectangle shape serving as a border to provide a look similar to a group box. It also contains two labels, one for use with a Text property of the control and the other to indicate the status of expansion of the control. The control is designed to collapse itself when the "button" is clicked leaving only the "button" visible. Clicking it again toggles this affect. I've dubbed it an ExpansionBar. It is also designed to be a container control so that I can add controls to it and allow these to disappear when the bottom portion collapses. The problem is that the controls contained in this usercontrol cannot be accessed during runtime. In other words, I can add a checkbox to it and it will disappear correctly when the control collapses, but I can't select the checkbox to check it... same thing with any other controls, you can see, but can't touch. I'm a novice developer, so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

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Add A Usercontrol To A Panel?

Aug 12, 2010

I want to add a usercontrol to a panel. My code does not work: Panel1.Controls.Add(uc1)

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Adding Usercontrol Twice In

Sep 30, 2010

I got a user control that has a few links, one of them is "add article". It's placed on top of the article and bottom of it. When the user clicks on it, the text changes to 'article added'.

But the text only gets changed for one of the links which has been clicked on. How can I make it so that both text changes no matter which one gets clicked?

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Convert UserControl To Dll?

May 17, 2012

How to convert UserControl.vb to dll? I'am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional

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Converting UserControl From C# To VB

Apr 18, 2012

I downloaded the next project from here:


Now the project itself was built in C #, but the interesting part of me is "Toolbar.cs".

There is a way to replace the "Toolbar.cs" from C#, to VB? Or i must convert all the project? (Unfortunately, I do not know how)

I just want to build the part that I need(UserControl - "Toolbar.cs") in VB, and the rest can stay in C #, it does not matter to me.

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CustomPaging In UserControl?

Jun 1, 2009

I created Custom Paging User Control for a GridView. The Custom Control I am using at the top of GridView and Bottom of GridView. If I am clicking Next on top of Grid View, it is not effecting in the bottom.

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How To Add UserControl In Toolbox

Feb 19, 2009

I created a UserControl in a ClassLibrary project and then built it to generate the .dll file. I then want to create a new project and i added this .dll as a reference to my new project. but how do I add the UserControl in the class to my Toolbox? I'm using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition.

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How To Use .net Usercontrol From A 64 Bit Library

Jun 3, 2010

I am running through an issue for which I am unable to find a solution.My goal is to:1- compile a x64 .NET library (vb) which has a simple User Control 2- Use this dll in a .NET WinForm application targeted to x64 CPU ONLY.

I have been able to do the first step, but now I am unable to add the library into the VisualStudio Toolbox. With our previous x86 version we had just to right click to VS toolbox, click on "Choose items...", then brows to the needed x86 assembly. If we do the same selecting a x64 lib (of course I am running vs on a 64 bit OS), we get the following message "[DLL PATH] is not a Microsoft .NET module."

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How To Use Usercontrol On A C# Page

May 26, 2010

I've created a usercontrol in VB that handles paging more efficiently than the DataPager (at least for very large datasets). I'd like to use it in a C# project, but I've been having trouble getting it to work.I've tried simply adding PagingControl.ascx to the C# project, but when I do that the markup and VB code behind don't seem to see each other. --Is this a namespace issue?I've tried adding the PagingControl.ascx to its own VB project, then adding that project to the C# project's solution, as well as a reference. --That almost works. I can register the PagingControl usercontrol in the markup. I can access the usercontrol's properties in the code behind, but any property that involves the UI of the usercontrol fails.

Its seems as if the usercontrol's form hasn't had a chance to load by the time the C# page's Page_Load event handler fires. --Maybe this is an "order of operations" problem? At what point in the C# page's lifetime should a usercontrol's form be loaded?

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Programmatically Use A UserControl?

Feb 3, 2011

Have actually managed to create a UserControl complete with buttons, windows media player ... Right-Clicking in the toolbox I browsed to the dll and that brought the control into the toolbox successfully as VideoSourceControl.I can drag/drop this control onto the form and it is fine, buttons etc looking good. Now I want to create it programmatically - I actually want to refer to an array of them.On the form load I have

Public mySources() as SourceVideoControl and I get an error saying that 'SourceVideoControl is not defined'The dll that I loaded was called VideoMixerControl.dll?

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