UserControl Expose FONT Properties

Jun 23, 2009

Creating a usecontrol:

The control will have numberous properties available at design and run time.

I am having trouble creating and exposing FONT properties for the child objects.

Example: The control will have a label with a designtime and useradjustable Display font. I wish to

1) be able to set the Font attributes via the properties dialog at design time.

2) set those properties via GUI at runtime.

The problem...


Private propArtistHeaderFont() As Font
Public Property ArtistHeaderFont() As Font


So clearly I can not pass the FONT properties back and forth via the SET/GET method.

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Expose A UserControl's Properties To Properties Window In Designer?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a way to expose a UserControl's properties to the Properties Window in the Designer?

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Expose A Font Dialog Similar To The Following?

Sep 12, 2010

I am attempting to do something which isn't particularly obvious (to me at least). Digging around on the web I located the following sample (notice the font sample appears in the list on the left?).[URL] Now I know how to use the font dialog from VB.Net, but don't know the appropriate property to set to get the example to show in the listbox/listview? I set the same properties as the author but it shows a plain text font. I am basically attempting to save my users from having to click through every font to see what they each look like.


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UserControl Access To Public Properties In Another UserControl?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a Windows Form frmMain() holding seven more-or-less unrelated UserControls, ucFlopsy", "ucMopsy", "ucCottontail", etc...I say "more-or-less" because each of the seven UC has three similar public read/write properties:

IsLocked (a boolean indicating if the following two properties are "Locked")
IsLockedID (if IsLocked=True then IsLockedID is an integer)
IsLockedName (if IsLocked=True then IsLockedName is a string)


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C# - New COM Component In Old Codebase Does Not Expose New Properties?

May 15, 2012

I maintain a WinForms application that uses a third party COM component. We recently upgraded to a new version of the component with some additional properties/features (all old properties are intact), but I could not get Visual Studio to detect the new properties. It acted very much like it was hanging onto a reference to the old version of the component. Here are the steps I took to try to clear it:

Deleted the form that was consuming the component (copied out code first). The only control on this form was the third party component.
Removed the reference to the old component Deleted the bin and obj folders in the solution directory so that the PIA's would get newly created when I added the new control Uninstalled the old component, installed the new one Opened the solution, added the reference to the new component Added a form to the application, dropped the component onto the form and gave it the same name the old control had (so that the rest of the application didn't have to be refactored Pasted the form code back in place At that point the application would compile and run, but I could not get Intellisense to detect the new properties, and if I put them in place anyways the application would not compile. Nothing I tried would get the new properties to show.

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Expose Properties Of A WPF Control To The WinForms Host?

Apr 19, 2011

I've got a WPF control hosted inside a Windows Forms form via ElementHost. My WPF control (let's just call it WpfControl for the sake of an example) contains a variable that I'd like to expose to my Form.

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Amend Readonly Properties - Like Font.underline - Font.height

Nov 16, 2009

How do i amend the read only properteis like font.underline, font.height etc I know its read only but there must be a way to amnd these.

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Setting Usercontrol Properties Within A Usercontrol

Mar 22, 2012

I have a usercontrol that has a main form and calls another form within the usercontrol to get some data from a database that allows the user to select some items from a CheckedListBox control on the sub form. I want to pass the selected items from the CheckedListBox back to the main form and display the results there. I have a public property called DBList of type List(of String) on the main user control. If I create a reference to the usercontrol form the second form within the usercontrol I get a new instance of a user control. All I want to do is set the property on the usercontrol and close the secondary form. How do I reference the usercontrol from the form within the usercontrol?

Code in UserControl:

Public Property DBItems() As List(Of String)
Return DBItems


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Expose Methods And Properties Of User Controls Contained In A Collection?

Mar 9, 2009

at some points, I need to call the same method on those controls (ex. user presses the clear button on the big control, I want to call the clear f(x) on each of the controls)I thought to toss the controls in a collection, and then be able to handle them something like this:
nextturns out, and I should have realized, methods and properties of controls are not exposed when treated this way. The only thing that can be seen is the stuff that the base class (control, I guess) has.

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Get Font Properties From A Font File Name?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to use Linq to loop through all fonts in the %windir%Fonts folder and find the one that has a property title of "Arial" (or any Font Family name supplied), but I can't seem to access the font properties (things like "Title", "Font style", "Designed for", etc.).

The following is only giving me the basic file info:
Dim fontDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "Fonts"
Dim fontFiles = From file In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(fontDir)


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VS 2008 Expose "Stop" Properties In Route Class?

Jan 17, 2010

I have two classes clsRoute and clsStop. Each route has a collection of stops. So I created a Stops collection in the route class and a method to add stops and remove stopsThis seems to work for me. owever, the clsStop properties that I declared are not showing in intellisense.i.e. oRoute.Stops.item(i).StopName and oRoute.Stops(i).StopName

Public Class clsStops
Private _stopNumber As Integer = 0
Private _stopName As String = String.Empty


View 4 Replies - UserControl And Inner Properties?

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to develop a control that'll allow the developer to populate a collection through markup (e.g. Properties decorated with the attribute PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty). I have an example from Brian Chavez that more or less does what I want but I want to have the control inherit from UserControl and not Control.Here is the code I have in

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class AggregateFeeds


As it is now when I try to compile I get a compiler error that simply says object instance not set to an instance of an object on the line above. If I take it out, the page loads just fine and the Settings object reflects the values in the markup. Why am I having trouble getting the collection to populate correctly?

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Passing Properties Into UserControl Asp.Net?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a UserControl in ASP.NET to display news items based on two values that are passed in, NewsTag and ItemLimit. The problem is that the SQLdatasource is not picking up the properties in SqlDataSource1_Init. Instead the calls to the properties are empty when this is called but after render have values.

<script runat="server">
Public Property NewsTag() As String


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Usercontrol Properties Not Persistent?

Jan 31, 2011

i've created a usercontrol in a win forms project + the properties work as expected, but when i recreated my usercontrol as a win forms usercontrol class library, the properties changed at runtime aren't persistent.i tried adding a DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute to the property but that didn't work.

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Change A Button's Properties In A UserControl?

Jul 25, 2011

I must have done something really, really dumb somewhere, but I don't know if I did a really, really dumb VB.Net thing or a really, really dumb Framework thing.I have a dirt simple UserControl - it consists of one Button. Nothing more.


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Hide All The Default Properties Of UserControl?

Nov 27, 2010

Is there any simple way to hide all the design time properties of a User Control.

When my UC is on a form there's a lot of properties in the properties explorer. All those default ones that every UC has. AccessibleName, AccessibleRole, Anchor etc etc etc (dozens of the them)

Any way to hide most/all those and just expose my own ?

I suppose I want my User Control to be more like a 'Component' like the Timer and other components that don't have a UI. Short of rewriting my UC as a Component is there any quick way to hide all those form properties ?

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.NET Custom UserControl With Structured/Multi-level Properties?

Aug 13, 2011

I can create a Custom UserControl with simple properties (Integer, String, etc) and have those properties show up in the Property Panel. I can also create a Custom UserControl with properties like Size, Rectangle, etc and the properties will show up as an expandable item in the Property Panel (click on the '+' and the Size expands to Width & Height).

Is it possible to create properties with my own custom structure? e.g. Property 'Message' expands to Text, ForeColor, BackColor, Blink etc. I have tried creating a property that references a simple class or structure with containing the properties representing my custom structure but in the Property Panel the property is greyed out and cannot be expanded or modified.

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IDE :: Allowing Multi-line Text In The Properties Page Of UserControl?

Sep 21, 2009

I have a UserControl that has a Property - Text. How can I allow multi-lines of text to be created in its Properties (as a TextBox)

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Limit The Default Events, Properties And Methods Exposed From A UserControl?

May 11, 2010

limit the default events, properties and methods exposed from a UserControl so it only displays to the developer the new events etc that I code myself.What i mean is I have created a UserControl with a panel and 5 buttons, written 1 Public Eventonly at this stage, I have placed an instance of the control on a form in a new project, but in the drop down menu that comes up after say (myUserControl1.), there is a massive list of options, I don't want those to appear.

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Set A Font Properties DefaultValue?

May 23, 2007

How would I set a Font Properties DefaultValue.

I am currently using:

Dim f as Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8.25!)

then in the property:

<DefaultValue(GetType(Font), "f")>

But the property defaults to "Franklin Gothic Medium" when I rightclick it and select Reset.

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Default Font For Properties Of TextBox

Jun 6, 2011

Create A New Project as a Windows Form Application. Create any object, such as a text box, in that application. Look at the Properties of this textbox. Its Font is set to a default. With a value that is incorrect. How do I change this default to the correct value (Arial)?

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Setting Font Properties For Controls One At A Time?

Sep 25, 2011

In VB6 I would simply retrieve the user font setting from the .ini file, load into variables and then apply to the appropriate control.

text1.fontbold = userfontbold
text1.fontitalic = userfontitalic
text1.fontunderline = userfontunderline

I'm struggling to understand how to do this The following code works, but sets all three at one time

Text1.Font = New Font("Courier", 10, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic Or FontStyle.Underline)Since the user can have many different combinations of settings, I would like to be able to add just one of these properties at a time, but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

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Changing Font Properties To Alter The Spacing Between Characters In A String?

Jan 26, 2010

change the character spacing of a string or textbox output? One possibility is by creating a custom font, but i am unsure if there is a property in one of the overloads that will allow me to change character spacing?!

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Setting FontStyle - Allows The User To Change Properties Of The Controls Including The Font?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm making an editor for my app. which allows the user to change properties of the controls including the font.I'm storing the values in a collection but I'm having trouble re-setting the fontstyle from the stored value. I'm storing the font information like so...

FontString = SpeedGroupbox.Font.Name & "|" & SpeedGroupbox.Font.Size & "|" & SpeedGroupbox.Font.Style
EditedControlsCollection.Add(FontString, "SpeedGroupbox.Font")

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Find Selected Words And Change Their Font Properties Without Modifying The Rest Of The Text

Apr 16, 2009

i want to create a html editor. to get started, i want the app to be able to find certain words, and change the font/color/size/etc. as for <a href=""><b> and so on, without changing the rest of the text after the selected text was modified. i'm sure that it has something to do with RichTextBox1_TextChanged for text that is being typed and just a button click for modifying selected text.

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[2005] Font And Fontsize - Change Selected Font In List Accordin Font In Combobox?

Mar 7, 2009

How to list all font in combobox, and how to change selected font in list accordin font in combobox?

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C# :: Call Function From UserControl On ASPX From UserControl On MasterPage?

Jan 31, 2011

I have MainLayout.master that has UC_Menu.ascx on it. I have a page named Customer.aspx that uses MainLayout.master. Customer.aspx also contains a UserControl named UC_Details.ascx.How can I have UC_Menu.ascx call a function that is in UC_Details.ascx with this scenario?

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.net - RaiseEvent From A UserControl That's Placed On A UserControl That's On A Form?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a Windows Form that contains a custom control container as a UserControl. For the sake of this question, this custom control container is called Dashboard. This container called Dashboard contains numerous other controls depending on their permissions. I need to raise events that are contained on these controls through the Dashboard control and over to the Windows Form.

How can I bubble up the event? I'm using VB.NET for this project, but can convert C# into VB.NET.Also, to complicate matters, the main Windows Form is a VB6 project. So, I'm using the InteropFormsToolkit to accomplish this.

View 1 Replies - Reference TextBox In One UserControl From Another UserControl

Jan 19, 2011

I have two UserControls on a MasterPage. DataEntryUC contains several TextBoxes and DropDownList. NavSaveUC contains navigation buttons. When the user clicks on a navigation button, I will be saving the data entered into DataEntryUC from the NavSaveUC UserControl.

I have a couple of tables in my DB that contain stored procedure names, control names, control types, SqlDbTypes, etc.... that correlate with DataEntryUC.

How do I reference a text box that is on DataEntryUC from NavSaveUC?

I have been working on the following code from NavSaveUC with no luck.

Dim MyControlName = "txtFirstName"
Dim MyControlType = "TextBox"
Dim MyStringValue as String


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Cannot Change Font Size, Font Name And Color In Dhtml Editing Control?

Aug 25, 2010

I can't change change the font size or font name or color of the text in the DHTML Editing Control. I have 2 listbox controls FontNameList containing all of the installed fonts on my PC and FontSizeList containing some numbers to be used as fontsize and I use the execommand and build my App but the font did not change instead it grew bigger but when I tryed to change it back it stayed the same. The Code for that was:

Design.ExecCommand(5044, False, Font.Name)

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