Building A Program That's Linked To A Ms Access Database?

Dec 26, 2009

Im building a program that's linked to a ms access database. the function i use to update a row... In order to save a lot of typing i inserted a for loop that uses a directcast function. i did this because i have numerous text boxes that i name tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4...etc and they each correlate with row 1, row 2, row 3, row 4...etc in the database.[code].....

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Little Program Which Is Linked To An Access Database

Mar 30, 2009

I have started a little program which is linked to an access database, and it basically allows the user to input a name and a picture, with the file path stored in a text box and the picturebox getting the picture location from said text box. At the moment I am using the BindingNavigator to go between data. Everything works fine, however, whenever I press previous or next, the picturebox loads up the picture using the file location of the previous datas picture field. How can I tweak this so that when I press next or previous it loads the picture into the picturebox using the file location of the data I am going to, not coming from? [code]

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Query In A Linked Access Database?

Aug 26, 2009

I know how to do the type of query in this thread [URL] I am wondering know how to do the same thing with linked datatables.

Or is there no difference, i just don't need to have "Where" clauses?If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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Intermittent Access Database Error (Linked Tables)

Apr 14, 2011

I have a system that gathers raw data from electronic devices, uses that data to populate a set of tables and allow uses to add/edit certain data and report on it. (Kind of basic right...NOT) There are 3 applications that I've written that use the same database.

One is a client that is on 3-4 user machines which allows them to see the data that has come in and work with it.
Two a Data-to-Information process program which takes the raw data, checks up certain information and puts the results into the database.
Third is a data gathering app that interfaces directly with the electronic devices and about 10 times per day places the raw data into a single table in the database.

If a user is in the 'client' application the data processing application crashes all over the place:
1. Database file already in use.
2. Unrecognised Database format
3. File locked exclusively by User on PC X.

Almost always on a different line of code and once when I made it retry over and over I managed to corrupt the database and had to Compact and Repair it to fix it. If no one is using the client everything works perfectly. On each client machine is a database with linked tables to the server machine. The machine that is running the Data processing is the server and the processing is using a database in a different folder that also has linked tables.

I have gone through all the recordsets in the Data Processing application and made sure that they are only using ForwardOnly and Read Only. They edit the data only with Insert, Update or Delete queries. I'm about to do the same in the Client Application as it seems to be the one that is locking everything all the time. The client machines haven't crashed on that error at all. Does it matter which version of Access is on the client and server machines? (All the clients have Access 2003 and the server has 2007 but the Database was created in 2003). Should I just convert the Access database to SQL server and be done with it?

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DataTableAdapter.Update Doesn't Insert New Records In The Linked Access Database

May 20, 2010

I am writing an application that does a number of different things with data downloaded from hardware which is monitoring the power used in my home and produced by my PV Solar array. I have run into a roadblock early on, because I cannot seem to get new data into an Access database that I have linked to my application by means of a DataSet. I have checked the DataAdapter's InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, and UpdateCommand definitions (created by the DataSet Wizard), and they seem to make sense, and nothing is throwing exceptions or otherwise making VB complain, but new rows added to the dataset are not being added to the database.


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DataGridView Add Row (Linked To Access Db)?

Nov 22, 2010

Currently I have DataGridView box, clicking generate button fills it with a query from the database.I want the add button to add another row filled using the same query, so far I cannot get it to do it.Current generate button code:


Add button code:

Me.DataSet.App.Rows.Add() - this does add a new empty row

I tried sticking the generate code inside (between add brackets) it but that just did the same thing as the generate code.

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Entity Models Linked To MS Access (MDB) File?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm using VB 2008 Express SP1. Is it possible to create an entity model that links to an MS Access (MDB) file?

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How To Index FoxPro Table Linked In MS Access

Sep 10, 2009

I have a foxpro table <b> INVENT.DBF</b> linked in MS ACCESS. When I tried to do a search in the table from application, it is taking a long time. So I want to index the foxpro table and then use it for search.

Here is the sample code I wrote in <i>
cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:database.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")
cmd = New OleDbCommand("Create INDEX itmno_idx ON INVENT(ITEM_NO) ", cn)

But I am getting error "Cannot execute data definition statements on linked data sources"
What needs to be done to index a linked foxpro table using VB.NET.

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Program To Access A Microsoft Access 2010 Database?

Sep 9, 2010

I coded a program to access a Microsoft Access 2010 database. The program is written using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I get the error message that the database I'm trying to access is in an invalid format. look at the code below to see what I missed. The error is in the datasource statement.


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Access 2007 Linked Table With ODBC Transaction?

Oct 4, 2011

a simple question which i couldn't find an answer on the web.

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DB/Reporting :: Database - Access Denied To A Text File (since It's Stored In The Program Directory In The Program Files)

Sep 20, 2010

I have a program where a lot of the required information for it is stored in text files. I simply read this information into large arrays. However, I don't think it's necessary to load all the information each time. Rather, it would be more efficient if I could simply search through a list of items to find the one I need and then use the data from it, or to find a similar name and use it elsewhere.

Would I be right in using a database? And is database programming done in SQL? I have a book on it telling me to use the SQL Server (IIRC), so I shouldn't be doing it in the VB.NET Express GUI?

Here's an example of what I would do:

Hex = 03 00 => dex number 003
Search in file Pokemon Dex Numbers
003 returns Bulbasaur
Check Bulbasaur base stats in the base stats file

So basically I'm reusing a lot of information. I think a database would be best and it would all be internal right? I'm getting complaints about access denied to a text file (since it's stored in the program directory in the program files).

So to cap up the few questions I have:

-Databases are done in SQL and not inside the GUI?
-Databases would load internally?
-I could search a database without having to load it into like an array or something?

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MS Access Database To Make Program Interactive But Cannot Get The Database To Update With The Entered Data

Apr 20, 2010

This program is very difficult for me, but I must get threw it or I cannot finish... What I am doing is making a Database of foreign Languages with the spelling of the words and the pronounciation inside the database... The USER enters a paragraph of words into the translator textbox and pushed translate. The program has a DATABANK of words with the phonetic spellings and matches the word, then translates to phonetics. The problem is that new words keep appearing inside the language. So I incorporated a Database of 2 fields


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Avoid Linked Table Manager Message While Opening The Access DB?

Jun 27, 2012

My Application ( Vb.Net) is to scan Access DB forms and find out the Activx control if present and it works fine. But my problem is.In some DBs we have tables with mapping path to specific locations (Table Property->Linked Table Manager) and when we relocate these DBs then we need to change the path manually otherwise it will show a message to re-link ( Access DB message) while opening the DB. And I am facing same problem while scanning through my Tool as well and my process stops, continue only by manual intervention.

Do I capture the massage event and send some user specific message to user in the Log file or Report and continue scanning further?

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Update Records In An Access Table Linked To A SharePoint List From VB?

Jan 23, 2012

I am writing a small program to update data in a SharePoint list. Now where I cannot develop or use applications for SharePoint unless I am on a SharePoint server, I thought I would cheat the system by using Access to link to SharePoint lists, and then use Visual Basic to play with the Access tables. I need additional functionality other than what VBA can provide me, so that is why I am using the VB layer.Is it possible that this is not permitted? Whenever I try to update an item in the table, I receive the message:

"cannot update '(expression)'; field not updatable"

The word 'expression' here is not a filler I added, this is the actual error.If I try to make the edit manually in the table using Access, it works fine (I haven't tried it through Access VBA yet...).

How my code works is this:I have a Dataset added to the project which connects to the Access database. I add one of the tables to the dataset and create a Class object to reference the table adapter (essentially a Data Access Layer). I can read all of the data fine, and when a change is made in SharePoint, my application sees the updates when it refreshes. But when I try to write back to the table I get the error message above.

Each r As
DataRow In TableAdapter.GetData.Select("Name LIKE '*" & FileName &


There are other columns in the table and some of them have default null values. I only want to update these two fields, but it almost seems like this is not possible. I thought I might be somehow opening the Dataset in a Read Only mode, but I can't seem to find that option anywhere.

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VS 2008 Connecting To A Sharepoint List Linked Table In Access 2007

Apr 30, 2011

First timer here, I love the site!


- VS 2008
- Sharepoint 3.0
- Access 2007
- Windows Vista (The machine I'm developing it from)

History: (Do excuse me if I don't reference different methods I've taken so far correctly, I'm still learning!) I am building some search software for a law firm that I work for in Australia. It's all coming along really well, but I seem to have hit a snag getting data out of sharepoint lists and into my project!

I first attempted to add a web reference to sharepoint and after a while was able to pull in all of the data from the lists, fantastic!(OR NOT!). The issue then was when I attempted to load it up into an array using XMLNodes, whilst it loaded up fine and I could see all the data, if there was a null value in one of the columns, it wouldn't pull that null value across, therefore, I couldn't really use the data...


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Building An App Using VB 08 That Access The Web?

May 11, 2010

Wanting to know the best method to use if building a small app that will intereact with the web using usernames and passwords, captcha's etc.....

I'm thinking Window's Form but can you use captcha's in a windows form?

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VS 2005 Express Database - Two Linked Tables

Mar 23, 2009

One of the things I'm trying to do is work out the total profits for a company, reading from an access database comprising of two linked tables. All the information needed for the calculation in question (Fees, Sold/Bought?, Cost/Income) are found in one form (Financial) and I want to read this information and carry out the required calculations within a sub.

Here is the calculation in Pseudocode I wish to do:
If SoldBought = Sold then
Total = Total + Cost/Income - Fees
Else: Total = Total - Cost/Income
Read Next Record
Loop Until End of Records
[Code] .....

Unfortunately, I encounter an error with the above. I get the following error;
"There is no Row at position 0".
How I could get this in motion - I've been stuck in a rut for days trying different things out and I've come to accept that I can't do this alone.

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DB/Reporting :Access Has Linked Tables - Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Feb 19, 2008

I have code that connects to queries in an access database.

Is the data not filling in because of the schema information not being retirieved? If so, is there a way around that?

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Database - How Data Sources Are Linked In Compiled .NET Applications

Jun 18, 2009

When I try adding a new data source to my project I get a prompt saying "The connection you selected uses a local data file that is not part of the current project. Would you like to copy the file to your project and modify the connection?"This sounds rather obscure to me, as I'm new to VB.NET and programming non-script apps in general. The data source in this case is a .sdf SQL CE file.

Question 1: If I say that I want to copy the database to the project, what will happen after I compile the app, where the database will be? (how will I edit it from another app?)

Question 2: If I do not include it, how the data source will still keep linked? Can I link using filesystem enviroiment variables like %ProgramFiles%MyAppDir?

Question 3: Can I just tell it to use a read-only (Just needs to read it) data source on the web, like on an FTP?

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Linked Database - When Hit Next Button To Go To The Next Record - It Always Skips 2 Ahead

Jun 19, 2010

Got a problem that's hopefully a quick fix. I've got a homework assignment where I have to link an access database file and allow the user to go through the records, add/delete records and save the file.

When I run the program everything seems to work fine, except when I hit the next button to go to the next record, it always skips 2 ahead, from 1 to 3 and 3 to 5. The previous does it also and when I click the delete it deletes 2 records. I can't figure out why it's doing this. The table we linked was already created for us so I don't believe that it is a problem with that. One weird thing I noticed is that it shows that there are 5 records so I wouldn't think that it is seeing 2 as 1.

Here is my code for the buttons:


Here is the full code


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Building .exe With Program?

Dec 12, 2009

I was looking at making a program which can then build other seperate .exes, is this possible? For example the user types their mail username/password into my program then this builds a seperate one which just connects to their mail with their username/password.

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Office Automation :: Building Dll For Access 2003 Vba

Jun 24, 2010

I'm a longtime vba user with little experience, and had a slightly general question before I embrk on the vb learning curve. I'd very much like to use some of the itextsharp pdf watermarking functionality in an access 2003 application. Alas itextsharp is tragically not referencable in VBA. My question is whether I can build my functions in Visual Studio, referencing itextsharp there, and render them in some form that makes the functions available to use within vba..


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Building A Query In A VB Program?

Jan 4, 2011

I am working on a program. I created a database and used it to create a dataGridView in my program. I clicked the table adapter for the program and tried to create a new query. When I did this, I got the following error messages...Error message-the new command text returns data with schema different from schema of the main query check your query's command text if this is not desired Schema returned by the new query differs from the base query I cannot create a query for the database. What is a base query and what can I do to fix this?

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Use An Access Database In Program?

Jul 7, 2009

For those of you that have been helping me for the last two days thank you first of all, my program is now at the stage where i need to have a windows application that the user can then select databases from, and then using these databases information will be put into a second application that will then run a program to compute some data and spit it into a .xml file.

Is there a prewritten piece of code for choosing databases? And then a set format for choosing cells in that data base to be exported into another windows application?

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Building Database App With Vb?

Sep 3, 2009

I am trying to write simple database application and try to understand as well.say I have 2 table

1. table emp with the following field (empId, empName, empPhone, salary, deptId)

2. table dept with the following field (deptId, deptName, deptLocation, deptManager)

emp table is link to dept table via I try to build a form with 2 data grids the top will be dept data grid and below it is emp data grid.I try to do this with out using the wizard so I know the flow and understand how to link together step by step.

in the form load section:

dim conn as new
dim daEmp as
dim daDept as


I am kind of stuck on what to do next, I think the next step is to creat dataview from my understanding before mapping it to the datagrid, but on data grid documentation it say it can only filter datarow, it can't filter data column on the dataview.

I would like to be able to display deptName, deptLocation, no the whole column on the table to data grid, and when user select a record from dept datagrid then the employee info (empname, empphone, empsalary) is display on the second grid (again not the whole emp column table).

the user can update, add or delete emp record from employee data grid by clicing on update button, on update button callback routine I need to put something like.


from what my understanding then I need to create update, insert and delete routine and attach it to daEmp so the data grid know how to sync with sql server, so when the user say add new record since the data grid doesn't have all the field display, i.e deptId column is not on data grid, how the table know what the dept id would be? I'd like to learn without the wizard 1st since once I know how everything is link then it is easier to debug since the wizard create lots of file and it's everywhere which make it very hard to understand what is happening for someone new to vb & ado.

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VS 2008 Program Building A Program?

Apr 5, 2009

Im trying to see if you can make a GUI that can edit the Source code of your progam and then building it as an .exe..Say you have a login program and you wanted to change the password, All you do is go to the "Edit My Account" and go to password and then enter your old password and in the next textbox your new password.Then you would click save and it will ask for a directory and save it as .exe. And when you would start your newly compiled program you can used the program you just entered in.

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VS 2005 Load Database Table List, Including Linked Tables, Into ComboBox?

Apr 9, 2009

I need to load a list of tables and linked tables in an MS Access Database into a combo box. I have this. Imports System.Data.OleDb


1. How do I load the access tables and the link tables into my combo without the system tables showing up?

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Simple Inventory - Program Using Classes Hard Coded - Database Named "DATABASE" In Ms Access 2003

Sep 29, 2010

I want to create program in vb2008 express with ms access database. Can somebody help me so i can learn how to program using classes hard coded. I have learned vb6 before but it has a big difference on vb2008.

I have a database named "DATABASE" in ms access 2003 and the details are: Table :

EMPLOYEE(EmpNo, EmpName), DEPARTMENT(DeptID, DeptName), CATEGORY(CategoryID, CategoryName), SUPPLIER(SupplierID, SupplierName), ITEM(ItemID, Itemname), ITEMLIST(ItemListID, ItemID, ItemDescription), INVENTORY


All the CAPITALIZED name are Table and all items inside the parenthesis are fieldnames. I don't know where to start on working on this RECORDS. I was able to understand visual basic 6 a bit, and i am trying to apply the coding to VB 2008 but all i get is errors. I am hopeless now and i need help to be able to start my programs. If someone can give me a sample code, i think i would be able to trace the line of code to be able to understand it. I am currently an inventory manager on the small company i was working with and i like to organize my record by using database.

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Building Program Releases With Unique IDs?

Oct 5, 2009

I currently have a windows services application written in 2008I want to mass build releases/installers that can carry an unique ID.So that each of my client can download an unique copy of the programMy windows services app must be able to access that unique ID.Heres an live scenario:I have 10000 clients, they can login to my website to download my program.Lets say client #10 downloads my program, the program will be able to read a value somehow that will give "10".The program downloaded by client #500 will be able to read the "500" value.The only ideas i can think of are:- Make the installer read the file name of the installation file, and add a registry key depening on part of the file name.

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Access Database Is Not Updating From Program

Jul 13, 2011

I have a access database named login.mdb,which has many tables.i want to update table named "try".in tat table i have two fields viz name and rollnumber.i want to update rollnum of corresponding name.[code]...

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