DB/Reporting :: Database - Access Denied To A Text File (since It's Stored In The Program Directory In The Program Files)

Sep 20, 2010

I have a program where a lot of the required information for it is stored in text files. I simply read this information into large arrays. However, I don't think it's necessary to load all the information each time. Rather, it would be more efficient if I could simply search through a list of items to find the one I need and then use the data from it, or to find a similar name and use it elsewhere.

Would I be right in using a database? And is database programming done in SQL? I have a book on it telling me to use the SQL Server (IIRC), so I shouldn't be doing it in the VB.NET Express GUI?

Here's an example of what I would do:

Hex = 03 00 => dex number 003
Search in file Pokemon Dex Numbers
003 returns Bulbasaur
Check Bulbasaur base stats in the base stats file

So basically I'm reusing a lot of information. I think a database would be best and it would all be internal right? I'm getting complaints about access denied to a text file (since it's stored in the program directory in the program files).

So to cap up the few questions I have:

-Databases are done in SQL and not inside the GUI?
-Databases would load internally?
-I could search a database without having to load it into like an array or something?

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Access Is Denied When Running EXE File That's In Program Files

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to run an EXE file using process.start.I've put in username, password and domain that it is accepting (it complains when I put the wrong password, and not when I put the right one, so it is checking etc), and that have local admin rights on the PC.However, when I try to run an EXE that's stored in Program Files, I cannot run it. It always says Access is Denied. When I copy that EXE to another folder, it runs perfectly![code]

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Design A Program That Can Encrypt And Decrypt Messages Stored In Simple Text Files Using A Private Key Stored In A Separate File?

Jun 13, 2011

Need to design a program that can encrypt and decrypt messages stored in simple text files using a private key stored in a separate file. Software should also be able to allow the users to enter simple messages that either displays the encrypted or decrypted message. The encryption method should use a simple substitution method. It should be set out in the following format:

Example (the "@" is the separator):

The character The Code End of line
A @ 4gh EOL
B @ 84!9 EOL

Has to use the 256 ASCII character codes. The separator will be used to separate the character and its corresponding code.Here are the pseudocodes I have come up with:

� Read any private key file
separator = readline(file);
while not EOF(file) do
tempStr = readline(file);


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VS 2008 Unauthorized Access Exception When Writing To App Program Files Directory?

Jul 12, 2009

My application creates a file by writing to System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "data/" & filename...Now this works fine usually, but I just added a setup utility to the app, so now it installs to the program files directory. It installs correctly and creates the data folder, however when it tries to write the file it gets an exception "unauthorized access".

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DB/Reporting :: Accessing Multiple Database Files With One GUI Program?

Jul 20, 2008

how would I go about making the user access different local SQL databases. As in they use a GUI program to access / read / write data in a database but can also use that same GUI program to do the same to multiple database files.Is that sort of setup easy to integrate into a VB program? or does a VB program by nature only try to access one database? To integrate the open and close dialogs into a VB GUI in terms of different database files, is there much involved?

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Deployment :: Give Admin Or Write Access To App When Its Installed To Default Program Files Directory

Feb 5, 2010

I am deploying my application on a 64 bit windows 7 system (setting the platform property to x86) , after the installation process the app needs to set its connection string in the config file; and this is where I am having issues, the app is not able to write to the config file if/when its located under the program files directory (no admin privileges??), the app works fine when installed on a public folder.Please let me know how to give admin or write access to my app when its installed to the default program files directory

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Communications :: Using FtpWebRequest - Error 550 No Such File Or Directory Or Access Denied

Nov 29, 2008

I am currently using the below code to upload a file and display progress. It works fine except there are a few things I would like to do differently.

I am using the main FTP account for my website which has access to all of my files. I set up a different FTP login to use that only has access to a specific folder, but when I try to use it I get: Error 550 No such file or directory or access denied.

This FTP account allows access to: mywebsite.com/upload/users/ only If strFTPAddress = mywebsite.com/upload/users/ I get error 550, I've tried a few other things too and it's told me that it's an invalid URI

Basically what I want to know is if and how I might be able to connect using my second FTP account so that I only have access to the upload/users/ directory.


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VS 2008 Make A Program That Compiles Dll Files To A Prebuilt Exe In Same Directory Of File

Sep 6, 2010

I want to make a program that compiles dll files to a prebuilt exe in the same directory of the file exe file:iPhodroid.exe.I wan to compile about 15 dll files to it here is the link for the source code and dll files.I want to compile the files when the users press FIX IPHODROID button.

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VS 2010 Copy / Move / Rename & Delete A File In Program Files Directory?

Aug 30, 2010

how can i either copy/move/rename & delete a file in program files directory? [c ode]i already have the form which grabs the updated file and it save it to temp directory ready for copying, just stuck here as of the access denied.

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Access Database Error In Program Files?

Nov 5, 2011

I finished my application whith vb2010, this application uses a Access database. I have a problem because when I install my application he put database in de same path "program files" and this path is only read And my application crahed. I know how to installer put database in other path but I don't know how to tell my application to find this database.

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DB/Reporting :: Import From Text File To Database (access)

Nov 10, 2009

I am trying to import a text file to an access database in VB2008 express. The text file I am testing with is a csv file with 34,000 records. The problem is this takes 2 minutes to read through all this and write it to the database. The actual text file I will be using in production has over 800,000 records and this will take a ridiculous amount of time. I think I am doing something wrong. I have posted my code below. I am reading a record, parsing out the fields to an array, then creating an SQL statement to insert the record and executing it.

reader = New IO.StreamReader(fname)
Do While reader.Peek() >= 0
linesread = linesread + 1


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Vb2010 And Access Database Error In Program Files?

Nov 5, 2011

I finished my application whith vb2010, this application uses a Access database. I have a problem because when I install my application he put database in de same path "program files" and this path is only read And my application crahed. I know how to installer put database in other path but I don't know how to tell my application to find this database,

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Make A Program That Opens A File In The Folder The Program Is Stored?

Aug 26, 2009

How do I make a program that opens a file in the folder the program is stored?

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Program Searcher / Access Is Denied Searching Some Folders

Oct 3, 2010

My current project is to search the computer for exe files, I managed to do that easily with a for...each statement. It ran well, but it came to a adminstrator folder, then it said "Access Denied".I understand that you cant access these folders, but i was wondering how to exclude certain directories that the user can't access, like UAC or something.[code]

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Access My Text Files In Resources Folder Using Program?

Jul 6, 2011

So in VB.NET I created a resource file called "source.txt" (as its a text file). My program will take in the text in the file, and then compile it into an executable.

How do I access this file which is in my resources folder in my project?

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Connecting To A Password Protected MS Access 2007 Database Stored In The Project Directory

Dec 30, 2010

i am trying to connect to a password-protected MS Access 2007 database. I don't have any problems connecting to the database when the database is stored on the C drive, the following command works for me:

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Make A File.copy To The Program Files Folder But Can't Get Access To It?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to make a file.copy to the program files folder but can't get access to it.This is on windows vista and 7.

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Files In The Directory Of Program?

Oct 23, 2009

I have audio files in the directory of my program.. Can I somehow code the audio files within my program? Like they compile within my program and are called from within the program..Is this what my.resources is for? (I don't know anything about my.resources..

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Update Changes From .net Program To An Access Database File?

Dec 14, 2009

1. Private Sub BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Program For File Database, How/method Selection For Storing Files?

Jan 26, 2012

The user will basically be able to select a file on their hard drive, and enter some details or info about the file and then save it

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Get Files From A Sub-directory Of Resources In Program?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm making a map creator that chooses images randomly from various sets. What I'm trying to do is set up subfolders in Resources and put the different images in each folder - e.g., a folder for streets, a folder for monuments, etc. Then I just make an array of images out of the files in the folder, and pick one.

For some reason, I can't find a simple way of getting at the subfolders. I've tried using IO.Path.GetFullPath(My.Resources.ResourceManager.BaseName) and appending the folder name to the end of it, but no luck.

Is there some other way of getting the path? Is it even possible to use subfolders of Resources? Is there a better way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish? I'd really like to avoid creating the image arrays by hand.

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Getting Files From The Root Directory Of The Program?

Aug 4, 2011

Im making a "offline viewer" which uses saved webpages. What do i put to make the program look in the root directory, and so make the program more portable. E.G. if the program is stored in C:Viewer it will look for the webpage under C:ViewerWebpagesI know that in some location formats you can have ...Webpages however i cant seem to find anything like this that works in vb

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Program Not Listing Files In Directory

Jul 25, 2011

I have a problem with my application. The following method lists all files with the extention "*.wgmp" in a specific directory.[code]....

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Update Changes From Program To An Access Database File Not Working?

Oct 15, 2009

Private Sub BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Windows7: Writing A Text File Giving Access Denied?

Nov 28, 2010

I've been doing some more experiments and have summarized the query as below: I've created the simplest application. A project with a plain form, which writes text file within its application directory. Simple as that.Supposing this was my application which I want to distribute on the world web. I've created a basic installer for this using NSIS installer. The Installer installs my application in a folder created inside Program Files. The OS is Windows7 and UAC is enabled.Now I know many people have been facing difficulties in accessing files inside the Program Files folder. My app is simply creating a plain text file, nothing more, and within its own application directory. It is giving Access Denied error. But if I right-click on the EXE and run it as Administrator, then it works ok.The only solution thats available is not to write in the application folder, and write text file in some other folder which is not protected. My question is that other programs that are installed on my system are also doing it. I have a temperature monitoring software called SpeedFan on my system, it creates log files within its app directory. All other softwares create log files within their app directories, why cant I?I just have to make a small log file for my application and Win7+UAC is not letting me do it. I don't want to write the small file in any other folder. How are the other softwares accomplishing this ?

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Cannot Create, Modify Text File Into Program Files Folder

Jul 22, 2011

I make an application and make setup file using VS setup project. This work fine and create default text files into Program Files Folder for winodw 7/vista .but can not modify these files or create any new files.There are few text files need to create ,modify during application running ,but in windows 7/vista unable to create,modify files.I am using full default admin right for these OS. If iuse C: root path then application work fine or for win XP no problem.I think UAC restricting to perform these opeartion. But i do not know how to change these restriction using vb.net, whenever application start.

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Directory Listing - Write A Simple Program That Will Let Me Choose A Directory And Get A Listing Of All Files?

May 8, 2010

All I am trying to do is write a simple program that will let me choose a directory and get a listing of all files in that directory and its sub-directories and show it in a RichTextBox. I got as far as being able to select the directory but when I click "OK" I get "access to c:documents and settingsstevedesktopmp3 is denied".The code I am using is listed below.


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VS 2008 Directory.GetFiles - Access Denied

Aug 18, 2010

In the code below I got a UnauthorizedAccessException unhandled, access is denied to the directory

A first chance exception of type
occurred in mscorlib.dll.

How can I make the search only in allowed access directory's???
Dim searchResults As String() = Directory.GetFiles("c:", "*.idw", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
For Each result As String In searchResults

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Cannot Write To The Program Files Directory In Windows7?

Jul 13, 2011

I normally install my application in a directory in the c: drive as the software is only used within the company.There is some simple security; the program writes a 'bat' file that gets the volume serial number this then this is used to generate a licence file. Both of these files are written in the application directory.I'm giving the program to an external client and am going to install the program in the program files directory - but I find I cannot write a file to the Windows 7 program files directory.

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Store Data To The Program Files Directory?

Jul 31, 2010

how i need to store data to the program files directory, but i couldnt becuase it required adminstrator privileges. After searching around i found an appdata folder with the path "C:UsersCristian RiveraAppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram


how to download folders and i know how to search for folders but how can i download a folder into the above directories without knowing the name of the user account.

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