Linked Database - When Hit Next Button To Go To The Next Record - It Always Skips 2 Ahead

Jun 19, 2010

Got a problem that's hopefully a quick fix. I've got a homework assignment where I have to link an access database file and allow the user to go through the records, add/delete records and save the file.

When I run the program everything seems to work fine, except when I hit the next button to go to the next record, it always skips 2 ahead, from 1 to 3 and 3 to 5. The previous does it also and when I click the delete it deletes 2 records. I can't figure out why it's doing this. The table we linked was already created for us so I don't believe that it is a problem with that. One weird thing I noticed is that it shows that there are 5 records so I wouldn't think that it is seeing 2 as 1.

Here is my code for the buttons:


Here is the full code


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Dragging A Record From A Linked File?

Apr 29, 2012

I'm having trouble dragging a record from a linked file. The structures for the three files

Customer File:
First Name
Last Name
Address etc


how do i then display all the records in the booking file, in a listbox - but to also populate the relevant details from the other files. Example: after displaying the Customer ID in the booking file, to get the first name and last name from the customer file.

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Save Button Which Firstly Validates What The User Enters The Form - If The User Skips The Text Fields

Jun 11, 2011

I was developing my own project in the university so what i am stack is to have save button which firstly validates what the user enters the form. for instance if the user skips the text fields, i wanted to restrict the user to fill all the form and when he completes, the save must be accomplished.

Here's the code i was trying to put but i was having problem saying the windows.forms.etc is unable to convert the save as Boolean and something like that.

Dim success As Boolean
Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click


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Display Record From Database To Controls And Navigate Using Next And Previous Button

Oct 18, 2011

I am designing programe that diplay student record from database to some control like Label and Dropdown control and nagigate the record using Next and previous button I want to view One Record at Once at a page Bellow is my Html Page


View 17 Replies - Insert Record Into Database On Single Button Click From Date To Todate?

Mar 12, 2011

I have three textbox ... textbox1 and textbox2 and textbox3

I want when I choose from date in textbox1 say 1-May-2011 and to date in textbox2 say 30-May-2011 and in textbox I type 1,2,3,4,5

I want on button click ... event the values will be entererd in database from 1-May-2011 to 30-May2011 as : mentioned below :


ID Date Items
1 1-May-2011 1,2,3,4,5
2 2-May-2011 1,2,3,4,5
3 3-May-2011 1,2,3,4,5

so on till 30_may-2011

Record will be inserted in database according to from date and to date choosen in textbox1 and textbox2 respectively ...

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Insert Record In Database With Each Date Of Month On Single Button Click?

Mar 13, 2011

how to insert record into database on single button click from date to todate ? I have two textbox .... textbox1 and textbox2

textbox1 == choose from date
textbox2 == choose to date
if user select from date in textbox1 as 01-May-2011 and in textbox2 as 30-May-2011


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Verify/check The Database Table That Only 20 Record Belong To This Groupname In Button?

Jan 5, 2012

i am using vb, i have a aspx page which contain a textbox (txtStudentName) and a drop box (dropdownlistGroupName) and a save button

student table
StudentID StudentName GroupID
1 ABC 1


View 2 Replies - DataList With Button Linked To A Method?

Jan 16, 2012

This my data list:

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"


And I want to add an event to my DataList button and excute the method.

I don't know how to do it correctly.

View 1 Replies - Get Value From A TextBox In Datalist Linked With Event Button?

Jan 16, 2012

This is my datalist

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"


I get an error like this "The object reference is not definied to an object instance" How to catch the value from the label IdLabel and TextBoxComments in this situation?

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Quering Record - Check A Record In Database Before Inserting A New Record

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to check a record in database before inerting a new record here is my code but problem is when i enter a names first alphabet it imediatly populate massage. i want to check it after entering whole name

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim cnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &


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Little Program Which Is Linked To An Access Database

Mar 30, 2009

I have started a little program which is linked to an access database, and it basically allows the user to input a name and a picture, with the file path stored in a text box and the picturebox getting the picture location from said text box. At the moment I am using the BindingNavigator to go between data. Everything works fine, however, whenever I press previous or next, the picturebox loads up the picture using the file location of the previous datas picture field. How can I tweak this so that when I press next or previous it loads the picture into the picturebox using the file location of the data I am going to, not coming from? [code]

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Query In A Linked Access Database?

Aug 26, 2009

I know how to do the type of query in this thread [URL] I am wondering know how to do the same thing with linked datatables.

Or is there no difference, i just don't need to have "Where" clauses?If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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Building A Program That's Linked To A Ms Access Database?

Dec 26, 2009

Im building a program that's linked to a ms access database. the function i use to update a row... In order to save a lot of typing i inserted a for loop that uses a directcast function. i did this because i have numerous text boxes that i name tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4...etc and they each correlate with row 1, row 2, row 3, row 4...etc in the database.[code].....

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VS 2005 Express Database - Two Linked Tables

Mar 23, 2009

One of the things I'm trying to do is work out the total profits for a company, reading from an access database comprising of two linked tables. All the information needed for the calculation in question (Fees, Sold/Bought?, Cost/Income) are found in one form (Financial) and I want to read this information and carry out the required calculations within a sub.

Here is the calculation in Pseudocode I wish to do:
If SoldBought = Sold then
Total = Total + Cost/Income - Fees
Else: Total = Total - Cost/Income
Read Next Record
Loop Until End of Records
[Code] .....

Unfortunately, I encounter an error with the above. I get the following error;
"There is no Row at position 0".
How I could get this in motion - I've been stuck in a rut for days trying different things out and I've come to accept that I can't do this alone.

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Database - How Data Sources Are Linked In Compiled .NET Applications

Jun 18, 2009

When I try adding a new data source to my project I get a prompt saying "The connection you selected uses a local data file that is not part of the current project. Would you like to copy the file to your project and modify the connection?"This sounds rather obscure to me, as I'm new to VB.NET and programming non-script apps in general. The data source in this case is a .sdf SQL CE file.

Question 1: If I say that I want to copy the database to the project, what will happen after I compile the app, where the database will be? (how will I edit it from another app?)

Question 2: If I do not include it, how the data source will still keep linked? Can I link using filesystem enviroiment variables like %ProgramFiles%MyAppDir?

Question 3: Can I just tell it to use a read-only (Just needs to read it) data source on the web, like on an FTP?

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Intermittent Access Database Error (Linked Tables)

Apr 14, 2011

I have a system that gathers raw data from electronic devices, uses that data to populate a set of tables and allow uses to add/edit certain data and report on it. (Kind of basic right...NOT) There are 3 applications that I've written that use the same database.

One is a client that is on 3-4 user machines which allows them to see the data that has come in and work with it.
Two a Data-to-Information process program which takes the raw data, checks up certain information and puts the results into the database.
Third is a data gathering app that interfaces directly with the electronic devices and about 10 times per day places the raw data into a single table in the database.

If a user is in the 'client' application the data processing application crashes all over the place:
1. Database file already in use.
2. Unrecognised Database format
3. File locked exclusively by User on PC X.

Almost always on a different line of code and once when I made it retry over and over I managed to corrupt the database and had to Compact and Repair it to fix it. If no one is using the client everything works perfectly. On each client machine is a database with linked tables to the server machine. The machine that is running the Data processing is the server and the processing is using a database in a different folder that also has linked tables.

I have gone through all the recordsets in the Data Processing application and made sure that they are only using ForwardOnly and Read Only. They edit the data only with Insert, Update or Delete queries. I'm about to do the same in the Client Application as it seems to be the one that is locking everything all the time. The client machines haven't crashed on that error at all. Does it matter which version of Access is on the client and server machines? (All the clients have Access 2003 and the server has 2007 but the Database was created in 2003). Should I just convert the Access database to SQL server and be done with it?

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Find The Records Between Now And A Week Ahead?

Jun 22, 2010

i need to find the records between now and a week ahead.I have this so far

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim OleDBCon As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet


comes up with Conversion from string "SELECT * FROM tblBookings WHERE " to type 'Long' is not valid. error.

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Intelligent Combo Box With Type Ahead Capability?

Mar 29, 2012

I am writing a windows application in VB.Net.

My client wants an intelligent combo box with type ahead capability. For example let's I have a list of companies. I want to find my company "MetaPro". With the Microsoft combo box if you type in the first letter of the name it will bring up first one starting with that letter. For example I type in "M" it will bring up "Mass. Dept. of Ed.", I then type in "E" I get the first one starting with "E" maybe "E, G & G" where I want the first one starting with "ME".

Perhaps there is an open source solution to this or I could create a custom control. But I don't know how.

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DataTableAdapter.Update Doesn't Insert New Records In The Linked Access Database

May 20, 2010

I am writing an application that does a number of different things with data downloaded from hardware which is monitoring the power used in my home and produced by my PV Solar array. I have run into a roadblock early on, because I cannot seem to get new data into an Access database that I have linked to my application by means of a DataSet. I have checked the DataAdapter's InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, and UpdateCommand definitions (created by the DataSet Wizard), and they seem to make sense, and nothing is throwing exceptions or otherwise making VB complain, but new rows added to the dataset are not being added to the database.


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Database Control Binding - Create A Record Add Information To It And Click On Next Record

Nov 15, 2009

I have a problem with my program, and it's really bad because I need to burn it to disk within 12 hours and I can't get it to work: If I create a record, add information to it and click on Next Record, the ID, Status and Notes boxes content will change but the rest of the controls contents are carried over to the next record and I don't know why or how. It was working perfectly but now it stopped and I never done anything.

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Display A Record From Database And Also The Picture For That Record In A .rdlc Report?

May 23, 2010

I have records in a database. Each record has a Picture path in it eg. "C:\Pics\Image1.jpg". I would like to display a record from my database and also the picture for that record, in a .rdlc report in vb .net 2008. i have succeded in displaying the record but just can't get the picture to show. I am using an Imagebox in the report.

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VS 2005 Load Database Table List, Including Linked Tables, Into ComboBox?

Apr 9, 2009

I need to load a list of tables and linked tables in an MS Access Database into a combo box. I have this. Imports System.Data.OleDb


1. How do I load the access tables and the link tables into my combo without the system tables showing up?

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Access Database Query : Get The Old Record To Be Added To The New Record?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a access database with these columns. USER_ID,COUNT,TIMES

Let say the current record is this:

Now I want to updated the current count record and times, but before updating I want the old record to be added to the new record. What should be my query?

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Disable The Next Record Button In The Last Record

Mar 15, 2009

i need to disable the next record button if i was in the last record and i need to disable the previous record button if i was in the first record

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Multiple Button Click - Insert Induvisual Record Of Each Button ?

May 20, 2010

i have 5 buttons in row (btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4,btn5) and 1 OK button when i click indivisually to each button of 5 buttons its color changes to red and after click on OK button the color of buttons which are red turns green the problem is that i don't know how to insert induvisual record of each button of which color is green in access database

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View The Next Record And Previous Record In The Database?

Sep 21, 2011

how to view the next record and previous record in the database.? just like in the picture below.? what condition should we use.?

View 8 Replies - DataReader.Read() Skips First Row Of Recordset

Nov 25, 2011

I am trying to check the value of a field before decided what to input into a drop down list in

I am using datareader.Read() in order to read the recordset so I can do this. However this then skips the first row of data . . The drop down box is basically a list of sizes and colours . . . So currently I am missing the first size.

Here is the code:

Using cmd As New SqlCommand("doGetAllSizesForProduct", oConn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", CType(Request.QueryString("id"), Integer))


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Program Skips Code After Trying To Parse XML?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to parse some XML (html) I downloaded using WebRequest.Create() and then read it. However after loading the XML file using LoadXml(string), anything else I execute doesn't work. Setting a breakpoint on anything afterwards doesn't work and it doesn't break.I tried catching exception but none are occurring, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Here is my code:
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(HTTPResponse.GetResponseStream())
Dim xDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()


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VS 2010 - VB Skips The Datareader Defination?

Dec 18, 2011

In the folowing code the DataReader is not assigned The Line Dim dr As OleDbDataReader is skiped.[code].....

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BindingSource.MoveNext And MovePreviou Skips Records

Sep 17, 2009

I have a binding source that when I use the MoveNext or MovePrevious methods it skips records. I've tried circumventing this by using Position ++ and Position -1 instead but I still get the same result. I even resorted to manually sorting the binding source to see if that would help but no joy as well there.

I have a bindingsource that is tied to a dataset class. I added 2 records to start and movenext worked as it should (moved 1 to 2) as well as move previous. I added a third record and now the movenext method skips record 2 and moves straight to 3. The same symptom also occurred for move previous. I also added a fourth record and it got even weirder. As before when movenext was invoked, the record pointer moved from record 1 to 3. I invoke MoveNext again and it moves to record 4. Now I hit MovePrevious from Record 4 and it moves to record 2 skipping record three.

Others who are working on forms with different bindingsources ties to the same dataset class are seeing similar things.

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