Check The Size Of A Variable?

Jun 2, 2011

1- How can I check the size of a variable? Size in bytes, not length. (;

2- What data can be stored into byte variables? And what the maxium size of the variable?

3- How do I store data inside a byte variable?

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Variable Size Buttons In The .net?

May 15, 2012

I am creating a virtual on screen keyboard similar to the windows on screen keyboard. I dont know how to make buttons that change its size with window size as it takes in place in windows on screen keyboard (osk.exe).

I also wanted to know if there is a way possible that could enlarge the buttons nearby the mouse cursor and recede & diminish the size of the buttons away from the mouse. And how to attach dictionary with it as in windows on-screen keyboard, like it shows the possible words we could type.

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How To Check The Of Image Size

Feb 1, 2010

how to check the of image size if he strored in DB and Dispay In the PictureBox

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Defining A Name For A Variable Range Size?

Feb 18, 2012

I have to define a name for a varying-length column of cells. The name is used later to define the range for a Data Validation List. I just cannot figure out (and the Help Function isn't assisting) how to define the Name, say "DropOrdNum" using a variable as the address for the last cell in the range. It is easy to define a name for "O13:O2000" - no problem, but then I have a whole lot of blanks in my drop-down list. But how do I define a name for "O13:LastCell", by making "LastCell" the Range Variable (am I correct in this) for the address of the last cell in the active range and then defining the name "DropOrdNum" as being the range "O13" to either "O(the row number of the last cell)" or "LastCell", being the address of the last cell in the active range, which varies by the hour?

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Forms :: Have A Label With Variable Size

Jul 27, 2009

I have a label in my Form which on loading, displays the contents of a text file. The contents of the text file may change and if so, the number of lines also will. I would like the Form to automatically resize itself based on the number of lines in the file. If there are more lines that the size of the label can take, I would like it to either resize or show scroll bars.

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Check The Size And Dimensions Of An Image?

Apr 16, 2009

I'm reading in an image (jpg) using the code below and I need to check that the image is no bigger than 150 pixels by 150 pixels and is less than 25k, how should I do this?

PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile(.FileName)

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Check The Size Of The Desktop In Pixels?

Sep 16, 2009

I have a form that starts at a specific point (the right side of the left screen on an extended desktop). I am trying to work with users with different resolution. Insteadof changing the resolution to match the application, I want to try and get the size of the desktop (1280 x 2 for an extended desktop, 800 x 2 for a different resolution) and set the form to the same point... the inside (right side) of the left screen on an extended desktop. Is there a way to tell how long the desktop is from left to right and top to bottom?

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Check File Size Before Save In MySQL?

Jun 4, 2011

I use Visual studio 2008 I use MySQL 5.1 I have created een database (test) table (table1 ) with field (Images) Data Type mediumblob size The maximum length of mediumblob is 16777215 (2^24 - 1) characters

I want to Check file size before save in MySQL table1.I want to avoid getting an error message when the image is too large for the mediumblobb field I now use the following code Dim conn As New MySqlConnection Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand


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Error To Check Remote Size Of RPT File

Nov 7, 2011

I have developed a system to update various programs. I put the programs updated into a particular folder of my site and Users can launch their update program to download and update their application.

The user interface has two progress bar, one for the single program in download and the second for the total download.

For calculating the total amount of bytes for the second progress bar I need to know the dimension in bytes of programs and files to be downloaded before start downloading. See the attached code.

For that I read, in remote mode, the size of all the files checked and I obtain the total amount of bytes.

All works fine with various type of files (.EXE - .DOC - .JPG - .TXT etc).

The problem arises with the Crystal Report file (.RPT).

The error 404 occurs but the file exists, the server WEB is active and the other files of the list are summed. If I compress the same file in .ZIP all works.[code]...

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VS 2005 : Check Form Width Size?

Sep 3, 2011

I am using this code which I am checking with the form width size that if they are greater than 672, then do something....

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Me.Size.Width >= 672 Then
MessageBox.Show("the form size is greater than 672")


When the width size is no greater than 672, the messagebox will display that it says "the form size is greater than 672" which it sound didn't looks right for me. What I am trying to do is to check the width size that if they are greater than 672 then display the messagebox that says "the form size is greater than 672", otherwise if the width size is no greater than 672 which is equal, then display the messagebox that says "the form size is no greater than 672".

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VS 2008 Check Size Of Folder And Subfolders

Apr 13, 2009

I need a routine that will check the size of a folder and all subfolders then display the results in MB. nyone has a routine that can do this?

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VS 2008 Check The File Size Of A Program?

Oct 2, 2011

I was wondering if it would be possible to check the file size of a .exe on a website and see if it's greater than or less than the program running it?

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Dynamic Variable Size Multidimensional Multitype Arrays?

Oct 11, 2010

i am in the process of learning myself (2010 dotnet 4 )And am a litte confused in whats the best way to program what can be called an array.i want to have an array that looks like this,

{{"aap", 1}, {"noot", 2}, {"mies", 3, "boom"}, {"vuur", 4, 7}}
now i tried to declare


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VS 2010 Loading Image To BitMap Variable Size?

Jan 22, 2011

In my user control you can load an image into a Bitmap type, it then displays the image onto the usercontrol. However, it works fine with .gif format images, but when i use .png it seems to make the image bigger than what it is.

Private imgPicture As Bitmap
Public Property Picture As Bitmap


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.net - Check That Extension Methods On An Array Got A Specific Size?

May 30, 2012

I'm using extension methods based on an array and I would like to know if there is an easy way to check that array got a specify size instead of me doing a copy paste of

if array.count != 1000
throw new exception "size of the array does not match"
in about ~50 extensions

this a small sample of extensions that I use, I got WAY more

Public Function IsWhite(ByVal board() As bitPiece, ByVal pos As Integer) As Boolean
Return (board(pos) And bitPiece.White) = bitPiece.White
End Function


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Check Packet Size Of TCP Data Before Reading Next Byte In Stream

May 25, 2009

I am sending data to server via TCP IP Connection. I am using a continuous loop at the server end - that accepts new clients and while streams can be read, it reads data stream.

The data is sent from the client with 2 leading bytes of data that represent the size of the packet of data sent and type of data.

My question is: how do I retrieve the size of the data packet and then check that this amount of data has been retrieved?


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Check Packet Size Of TCP Data Before Reading Next Byte In Stream?

May 25, 2009

I am sending data to server via TCP IP Connection. I am using a continuous loop at the server end - that accepts new clients and while streams can be read, it reads data stream.

The data is sent from the client with 2 leading bytes of data that represent the size of the packet of data sent and type of data.

My question is: how do I retrieve the size of the data packet and then check that this amount of data has been retrieved?[code]...

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Check Value Of Variable?

Jan 8, 2009


A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in MyApp.exe

A first chance exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in System.dll

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Check When Variable Has Content?

Mar 3, 2009

To check if a setting has been set, I currently use:

If My.Settings.Username <> "" Then If this the best way to check? Is there a better way?

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How To Check For Listview Variable

Jan 8, 2011

I have got a question to you. I want to know how I can check the listview items in form1.listview1.items and me.listview1.items to see that if both listview have got the same text property of the items then display the messagebox that says "you can't add the same items again. Please select a different item and try again!", otherwise display the messagebox that says "the items have been added".

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How To Check Value Of Boolean Variable

Nov 15, 2011

I am developing an application for multi user using with back end as ms-access. For the table name as employee_master, there is a column, name as student_profile having datatype as Yes/No .


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Assigning Gridview Check Box To A Variable?

Aug 7, 2011

This line of code references a checkbox in a Gridview, how can I assign the value of the check box 1 or -1, I think it is for checked or unchecked, to a variable so that I can run an if statement against it, and change it to True or False?

dt.Rows(row.DataItemIndex)("DisplayString") = (CType((row.Cells(3).Controls(0)), CheckBox)).Checked

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Check If A Variable Is Equal To Some Values Or Not

May 15, 2011

I want to check If a variable is equal to some values or not, for example:

if a = 1 or a = 5 or a = 7 or a = 10

is it possible to do it like sql:

if a in (1,5,7,10)

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Check The Final Type Of A Variable?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a BaseClass, a DerivedClass1 and a DerivedClass2 from a third party library. DerivedClass1 and DerivedClass2 both inherit from BaseClass.There's a ContainerClass, from the same library, with a member variable ActiveItem, which can be of DerivedClass1 or DerivedClass2, so it is declared as BaseClass.I want to know if ActiveItem is of DerivedClass1, as it can change in runtime without notice.If I do

Dim isDerivedClass1 as boolean = TypeOf(oject.ActiveItem) Is DerivedClass1

then I get a compile time error, telling me that ActiveItem can never be of DerivedClass1 type.I have tried several combinations of GetType and TypeOf but it doesn't seem possible to check this. I have also tried to declare an auxiliary DerivedClass1 variable and comparing their types, but haven't got any luck either.

Edit:The following code doesn't compile in vs2005 SP1.

Public Class Base
Public x As Integer
End Class
Public Class Derived1


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Check Variable State During Runtime?

Jan 15, 2011

In Visual Studio 2010 is it possible to check the state of variables during run time. When a run time error occurs the error is highlighted and you are able to mouse over different variables to see their values when the error happened. I would like to do something similar except without the error.

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Check When Value In A Struct Variable Is In A Dictionary?

Nov 8, 2011

I have a struct setup like the following[code]...

I then loop through a counter and add each PersonInfo object to the Dictionary. The Primary defaults to false if the Code is already in the Dictionary, but if it has not been inserted into the Dictionary, I want to set the Primary to True. It would be easy to check if the Code was the key, but I can't because the Code is not unique.

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Check When Variable Is Declared In A Page?

Nov 18, 2011

I have some web pages that include other pages, and I need to check if a variable (a string) has been declared in the page or not.

I was exploring try catch and finally, but im always getting a compiler error saying the variable doesnt exits.[code]...

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How To Check If Given Variable Is Defined With Attribute

Jul 16, 2009

I'd like to know if my textBox1 variable has the ABCAttribute. How can I check this?

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Check If Variable Holds An Instance Of Class?

Apr 10, 2011

Dim myObject As Something There I defined my variable myObject of type Something. But, as you can see, I am giving it no value yet. Sometime on runtime I want to check if myObject is holding a value or not. I tried this: If myObject <> Nothing Then But apparently I can't do such comparison.

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How To Check If Variable Is String Or Double Type

Jun 16, 2009

I want to see if a variable's type is string or double type. How to do it in immediate window?

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