Check When Value In A Struct Variable Is In A Dictionary?

Nov 8, 2011

I have a struct setup like the following[code]...

I then loop through a counter and add each PersonInfo object to the Dictionary. The Primary defaults to false if the Code is already in the Dictionary, but if it has not been inserted into the Dictionary, I want to set the Primary to True. It would be easy to check if the Code was the key, but I can't because the Code is not unique.

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Assign To Variable Of Struct Through Property?

Jun 1, 2011

I have the following

Public Structure Foo
dim i as integer
End Structure


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Dictionary Changes Value If A Placeholder Variable Is Used

Mar 16, 2012


In other words the values of the last row used are stored in every key, value dictionary combination. How do you prevent this from happening? It is clearly associated with the use of the temp variable, as the dictionary changed as the temp variable changes. Is there a way to only copy the values from the array rather then associate the dictionary with the changing values of the array?

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Take A Dictionary Of Key Value Pairs And Make The Key The Name Of A Variable And The Value The Value

Dec 16, 2009

What I would like to do is be able to take a Dictionary of key value pairs and make the key the name of a variable and the value the value. From searching the net seems to be very vague on whether this is possible.


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Retrieve Dictionary Definitions And Spell Check?

Feb 15, 2012

way that I can create a program that has the ability to check spelling that are being entered by a user or even displays a definition of a word? For example, when a user keys in a word in textbox then displays a definition into another tetbox but the main concern here is the source of the definition. Of course, it would be a very long task if i would manually encode words and their definitions in a database and retrieve them. I mean, can I just retrieve definition from a dictionary source, like maybe

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Variable Lists In Dictionary (String / Boolean And Integers)

May 5, 2011

So I had a smart idea to make a dictionary with all my variables so I could save them easily in chunks. This includes String, Boolean and Integers. When I was in Framework 3.5 I only had a few warnings about stuff that I didn't have coded in, but now in Framework 4 I am maxing out all my warnings with Implicit conversions. Personally I don't want to go to every number and put quotes around it put quotes around "True" because then it may change the method.

Public Function loadGeneral(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean
Dim tempDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In GeneralSettings
Dim v1 As String = kvp.Key
Dim v2 As String = QuizZing.My.Settings.GetSetting(fName, v1)
[Code] .....

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Use Linq ToDictionary To Return A Dictionary With Multiple Values In The Dictionary Items?

Jan 25, 2010

I want to group items from a linq query under a header, so that for each header I have a list of objects that match the header title. I assumed the solution would be to use ToDictionary to convert the objects, but this allows only one object per "group" (or dictionary key). I assumed I could create the dictionary of type (String, List Of()), but I can't figure out how to write it. As an example I have written a simplified version below.


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Dictionary In A Dictionary - Collection Of Data To Pass Back ?

Apr 27, 2009

I have created a class with a function in it. I have a collection of data I want to pass back. I tried an arraylist first. Now I am trying to use a dictionary. My problem is that it creates the dictionary ok, but I am only get the last row of data from my

Function GetWeldAuditInfo(ByVal ResourceId
ByVal VendorId


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Flatten A Dictionary Of Dictionaries And Sum The Values Of The Inner Dictionary With LINQ?

Apr 16, 2012

I have the following object:

countDictionary As Dictionary(of Category, Dictionary(of Date, Integer))

The Class has a Enumeration Property. For the purposes of demonstration, I'll call it MasterCategory.I have been trying to get out an object that looks like the following:

groupedCountDictionary As Dictionary(of MasterCategory, Dictionary(of Date, Integer)

The best result I could get was:

Lookup(of MasterCategory, Dictionary(of Date, Integer))


countDictionary.ToLookup(Function(o) o.Key.MasterCategory, Function(o) o.Value)

Which results in a IEnumerable (Of Dictionary(of Date, Integer)) for each MasterCategory value.However, I need that IEnumerable of Dictionary flattened to one dictionary with all the integers summed (total counts) for each date. I then tried to use various selects and group bys (from numerous stackoverflow posts) to "flatten" it, but my efforts have fallen short.

Current Code

[Category Class]
- MasterCategory As Enum
- Name As String etc


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.net - Filter Custom Dictionary With LINQ ToDictionary - "Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2"

Jul 7, 2010

I have created a Dictionary class (MyDictionary for the example). I am currently trying to pass MyDictionary into a function, filter it into a new instance of MyDictionary and pass this new instance into another method. When I am attempting to create the second instance from the filtered first instance of MyDictionary via Lambda Expressions and the ToDictionary Method, I am getting the following error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String]' to type 'MyDictionary'. I have simplified the example and recreated it in LINQPad and am getting the same error.

Here's the simplified version of my code:


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Dictionary In Particular The Dictionary.ContainsKey Method

Jan 6, 2011

I use VS2005 and I have just started working with the dictionary in particular the Dictionary.ContainsKey method. At the bottom of the page in the msdn library it says the following in the community content How to make sure that Contains functions properly.

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Check Value Of Variable?

Jan 8, 2009


A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in MyApp.exe

A first chance exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in System.dll

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.net - VB Struct With All Windows Constants?

Apr 6, 2011

Every time I do something that ends up using windows API calls in VB, I always end up having to look up the values for the windows constants. Does anyone have a file with a class or something for VB that defines all the WIN-API constants?

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Convert Vb6 Type To C# Struct?

May 31, 2012

I am converting an application originally written in vb6 to One of the things this application does is that it sends a object to a dll. I tried converting the type to a structure and p/invoking the dll but it does not seem to work

'Define WICS Communications Control Block (CCB).
Type WicsCCBType ' Create user-defined type.
CCBNum As String * 1


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Emulate A Simple C Struct In VB?

Mar 4, 2012

Trying to setup a VB array (jagged array?) that has an entry for each rcd that contains the # of bytes in the data, as well the data. If it's possible how do you setup and loop through something like this is VB?

EX (1024 max bytes of data but it could vary):
struct inpRcd {
int rcdSize;
byte data[MAX_RCD_BYTES];
} inpRcds[MAX_RCDS]

View 17 Replies

Check The Size Of A Variable?

Jun 2, 2011

1- How can I check the size of a variable? Size in bytes, not length. (;

2- What data can be stored into byte variables? And what the maxium size of the variable?

3- How do I store data inside a byte variable?

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Check When Variable Has Content?

Mar 3, 2009

To check if a setting has been set, I currently use:

If My.Settings.Username <> "" Then If this the best way to check? Is there a better way?

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How To Check For Listview Variable

Jan 8, 2011

I have got a question to you. I want to know how I can check the listview items in form1.listview1.items and me.listview1.items to see that if both listview have got the same text property of the items then display the messagebox that says "you can't add the same items again. Please select a different item and try again!", otherwise display the messagebox that says "the items have been added".

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How To Check Value Of Boolean Variable

Nov 15, 2011

I am developing an application for multi user using with back end as ms-access. For the table name as employee_master, there is a column, name as student_profile having datatype as Yes/No .


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Constrain Generic Type Using Where T Struct?

Mar 24, 2010

I am looking into generics in .NET, and was wondering about the where T : struct constraint. I understand that this allows you to restrict the type used to be a value type. My question is, without any type constraint, you can do a limited number of operations on T. Do you gain the ability to use any additional operations when you specify where T : struct, or is the only value in restricting the types you can pass in?

I guess the question I am actually asking is that if I were to write, (in a discussion about how to use generics), "Now that you have constrained the type argument to value types, you can also do _________ on/with objects of that type", Is there anything to put in that blank? I can think of things for the other constraints, but not this one.

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Returning A Function Value With Pointer Or Struct?

Jun 11, 2011

i being ordered to change my function skill to returning value by using struct but not using pointer. may i know what is the pro and con between this 2?

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Struct Or Class For List Members

Apr 16, 2012

I have an application that reads data from a SQL query into a list corresponding to the rows of the query. So, I have something like this:[code]What I'd like to know is if I should be using a class (as above) or a structure, and what the difference may be in terms of memory or runtime, if any.

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Uninitialised DateTime Struct Tell Me It's Monday?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a DateTime struct I use, and sombody commented out the part where it was created (but not declared) When I was using it, myDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday returned true.

If the part where it is created is commented out, how can it tell me it's monday, instead of throwing some exception?

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Assigning Gridview Check Box To A Variable?

Aug 7, 2011

This line of code references a checkbox in a Gridview, how can I assign the value of the check box 1 or -1, I think it is for checked or unchecked, to a variable so that I can run an if statement against it, and change it to True or False?

dt.Rows(row.DataItemIndex)("DisplayString") = (CType((row.Cells(3).Controls(0)), CheckBox)).Checked

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Check If A Variable Is Equal To Some Values Or Not

May 15, 2011

I want to check If a variable is equal to some values or not, for example:

if a = 1 or a = 5 or a = 7 or a = 10

is it possible to do it like sql:

if a in (1,5,7,10)

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Check The Final Type Of A Variable?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a BaseClass, a DerivedClass1 and a DerivedClass2 from a third party library. DerivedClass1 and DerivedClass2 both inherit from BaseClass.There's a ContainerClass, from the same library, with a member variable ActiveItem, which can be of DerivedClass1 or DerivedClass2, so it is declared as BaseClass.I want to know if ActiveItem is of DerivedClass1, as it can change in runtime without notice.If I do

Dim isDerivedClass1 as boolean = TypeOf(oject.ActiveItem) Is DerivedClass1

then I get a compile time error, telling me that ActiveItem can never be of DerivedClass1 type.I have tried several combinations of GetType and TypeOf but it doesn't seem possible to check this. I have also tried to declare an auxiliary DerivedClass1 variable and comparing their types, but haven't got any luck either.

Edit:The following code doesn't compile in vs2005 SP1.

Public Class Base
Public x As Integer
End Class
Public Class Derived1


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Check Variable State During Runtime?

Jan 15, 2011

In Visual Studio 2010 is it possible to check the state of variables during run time. When a run time error occurs the error is highlighted and you are able to mouse over different variables to see their values when the error happened. I would like to do something similar except without the error.

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Check When Variable Is Declared In A Page?

Nov 18, 2011

I have some web pages that include other pages, and I need to check if a variable (a string) has been declared in the page or not.

I was exploring try catch and finally, but im always getting a compiler error saying the variable doesnt exits.[code]...

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How To Check If Given Variable Is Defined With Attribute

Jul 16, 2009

I'd like to know if my textBox1 variable has the ABCAttribute. How can I check this?

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Cast An Object To A Nullable Of Type Struct?

May 20, 2009

In the code base I'm working in there have a method that has the signature

Public Sub SetDropDownValue(Of T As Structure)(ByVal target As ListControl, ByVal value As Nullable(Of T))

The method I am writing is passed a parameter of type object.

How can I cast the object into something that can be passed into the SetDropDownValue method?

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