Control The Element Names Of Serialized Subclasses?

Jul 5, 2011

Let's say I have the following class structure (simplified from my real-world problem):

Public Class PC_People_Container
Private _people_list As New List(Of PL_Person)
Public Sub New()[code].....

If I were to serialize this, I'd get the default assigned node names in my XML. That means my root is named PC_People_Container and each person in the list is marked up as PL_Person. I know I can change the root node using <XmlRoot(ElementName :="PeopleContainer")>. The trouble is doing that for the subclasses. I can't use the <XmlRoot> tag on PL_Person class because there can't be two root elements, and IntelliSense throws a fit when I try to use the <XmlElement> tag on a class like I would on a property. Is it even possible to control what those subclasses are named when they're serialized as child nodes?

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How To Retrieve HTML Element Names

Sep 21, 2011

How would I generate a list of html element names from a website/document that is being displayed in WebBrowser1?

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XML With Periods In Element Names Throws ArgumentException Error

Sep 6, 2011

I have an XML file where some of the elements have periods in their names. Using the code below, I receive the error:

"System.ArgumentException: Child list for field Stock cannot be created"It successfully reads the file if the periods are removed( i.e. StockAdjustment instead of Stock.Adjustment)

Dim myXMLfile As String = "C:file.xml"
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim fsReadXml As New System.IO.FileStream(myXMLfile, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


Is there a way to handle elements with periods in their names?

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Button Names In Users Language - Get Common Control Names

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any way to get common control names like Save, Copy or Undo Redo in the user's windows language? (I saw this in some programs which weren't made for my windows language. Also the Yes No Massage Boxes will change...)

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Build An XML Tree In Program Reading Element Names From A Text File?

Sep 6, 2011

What I'm trying to do is more complex than this, but I'm trying to get over this hurdle.[code]...

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Syntax Checker - Populating My Combo Box With All Of A Root-child's Child Element's Names?

Mar 10, 2009

My program handles XML files that have certain elements within a root-child node that are identical expect for their inner text value. So while populating my combo box with all of a root-child's child element's names I get like five identical items listed. Which brought about the problem of selecting say the third item and getting the value of the first displayed. So I came up with a loop function that determines if the selected combo box item is preceded by one of the same name, if it is, then it adds +1 to a counter variable and keeps checking farther and farther up the list. Once it loops to an item that doesn't have the same name it exits and it reads the Xth (X = counter mentioned earlier) element's inner text from the file. This works great for elements 1, 3, 4, and 5. But not for 2. A while back when I was focused on this problem I discovered the root of the problem but I was unable to circumvent it. I'll put the loop below so you can see the problem in action instead of trying to follow my verbose explanation:


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Html - Httpwebrequest - Obtain Form Element Id's / Names During An Httpwebrequest?

Dec 28, 2011

What I would like to know is how to obtain form input elements during an httpwebrequest?


Is it possible to obtain these input elements during an httpwebrequest without having to view the html code?

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.net - Shared Variables Among Subclasses?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a problem with inherited classes. Have a look at the following VB.NET 2.0 / VS 2005 code:

MustInherit Class templateclass
Public Shared x As String
End Class
Class child1


The templateclass has a shared variable x which is of course inherited by the child classes. But I wonder that all child classes share only one x! Until now I thought that shared variables are only shared among the instances of a class, not among all childs. This is very annoying because I have a base class which I need in two slightly different versions and they should not "share the shared" variables. And because the classes have a lot of shared variables, shadowing each in the childs would be very..

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.NET Generic Constraints And Subclasses?

Sep 17, 2010

Consider the following extension method:

<Extension()> _
Public Function Satisfies(Of T)(ByVal subject As T, ByVal specification As ISpecification(Of T)) As Boolean
Return specification.IsSatisfiedBy(subject)
End Function

This works as expected if subject is the exact class being operated on by the specification. However, if the specification is examining the super-class of T, this extension will not work unless subject is explicitly cast to the super-class. Is there a way I can avoid this? So far, the best I've been able to come up with is:


Since I (apparently) can't get this to work exactly as I'd like in VB.NET due to limitations in the language itself, is my second attempt the safest/most efficient way to do this?

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Interacting Classes With SubClasses?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a project in Visual Basic 2008 where there is a Main Class and couple of classes inside the Main Class. I want to be able to share variables/objects within the Main Class and SubClasses while those vars/object are instanced.


Public Class clsMain
Public t as New clsSub1


So, can i make var1 be in separate instances per clsMain in the memory while being able to access the var1 in clsSub1?

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XML Serialization - Objects With Different Subclasses

Oct 11, 2011

I'm want to serialize a list(of Animal) of objects with different subclasses of type "their own type" but getting nowhere as exceptions doesn't give out any useful information. I've set up the serializer method which which serializes individual sublass objects if I declare them with their own type but not if I declared them as a derived (Animal).

Code is below:
Public Sub XMLPersistAnimalList(ByVal filePath As String)
Dim serializer As New XMLSerialization(m_animalList, filePath)
serializer.Serialize(Of List(Of Animal))(filePath, m_animalList) '------doesn't work!
[Code] ......

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C# - How To Group Enums Structures And Subclasses In Classes

Aug 21, 2010

I've heard bad things about overusing regions but when adding enums to my classes I put them into a #region "Enums" at the end of the class, and do the same with structures and even subclasses.

Is there a better/standard way to go about grouping such elements on classes?

(Note: this is tagged C#/VB but maybe the same situation exists for other languages, like Java)

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VS 2008 Casting Subclasses, Base Classes?

Jun 26, 2010

I am a VB6 programmer learning VB.Net and am having trouble with the following concept.


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Get The Control Array Element In VB?

Jul 9, 2010

In one of the vb6 form, we have a parent - child relation controls. The parent side consists of few radio buttons and the child side contains the control array elements. On click of each radio button, the control array elements are refreshed and populated with data related to the option selected. In the existing application, they have made use of "Load" and "Unload" methods for control array elements. The control array elements are created in the design time(which consists of labels, text boxes and button) and are all placed within a panel, which in turn is placed within 2 group boxes.But the problem comes when I have to unload these array elements.

The control array is created in the design time and the loading of each of these controls is based on certain conditions which is decided during run time.

1. Is there any alternatives to show/clear the control array elements other than control.Load(index)/control.Unload(index)?

2. Is there any way to check whether the controls are loaded or not.

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Finding Unnamed Element In WebBrowser Control?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm writing an application that queries a web page for information. I'm using a WebBrowser control to access the page that contains the info I'm looking for because I need the application to log in to the website and navigate to the desired page.

My code:

Dim wb As WebBrowser = New WebBrowser
While wb.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete


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Get Element Value From Web Browser Control After Invoking Click?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm calling a web page in a winform webbrowser control.The webbrowser is being used to take the user information and submit it the database, creating an item On the winform I have a submit button that invokes ("click")


If I look at the webpage source, the hidden value is populated with an value. I think posting the value on to another page will fix my issue, but I want to avoid doing that.

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Get Index Of FORM Element In The WebBrowser Control?

Jul 7, 2011

let say a site has 2 forms: one search form and the other is a registration form[code]...

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Reading Xml Element Value And Display It In Textbox Control Using .net?

May 31, 2011

I have a sample.xml file like this:

'root element
'FilePath element
'FilePath element value

I need to read the FilePath value, that is "C:UsersRamDesktopauto" and display it in textBox1 control. If possible code snippets in

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Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEB-BROWSER CONTROL

Jun 11, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.[code]

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Forms :: Invoking A Click Via The Webbrowser Control On An Element With No ID?

Mar 31, 2011

I am attempting to fill the zip code through on Target Mobile Find in Store and click the GO button. However the button does not have an ID when I look at the HTML. I am able to fill the zipcode text box using:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("zipcode").Inn erText = txtZip.Text

but I cannot figure out how to click the button. I've tried using sendkeys.send("{enter}") but that doesnt seem to do anything.How can I either send the enter key after filling the zipcode or click the button?

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Forms :: Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEBBROWSER CONTROL

Jun 11, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.

Public Class Form2
Dim WithEvents IEDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2005 Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEBBROWSER CONTROL

May 7, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.

Public Class Form2
Dim WithEvents IEDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Using Variables In Control Names

Oct 11, 2011

I would like loop through control names at run time. Is it possible to do something like the following:


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VB2010 DHTML Element Event Catching Using Webbrowser Control

Jul 26, 2011

VB2010 DHTML element event catching using webbrowser control

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WebBrowser Control - Clicking Element Inside Of HTML Table

Feb 13, 2012

What I'm trying to do is click an html link inside of a html table via code in using a web-browser control. The link I want to click can be anywhere in the first column of the table so I need to cross reference with another column in the table to make sure I have the re way I'm going about this is to loop through the html elements till I find the table I want (multiple tables on the page) then dump that table to an array. Then loop through the page again get to the table I want and then start comparing the link and another column in the now array. I need to check to make sure that the url of the link contains a work and that another column in the table contains a specific or lower numerical value. Basically where I'm stuck is while dealing with the html element "Table" wanting to identify and interact with another html element inside it.

'Flag to say dump to array
Dim RecordFiles As Boolean = False
'The last two headers in the table are blank so need to skip them
Dim FirstBlank As Boolean = False
Dim SecondBlank As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Mass Renaming Of Control Names?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm making an art program involving 8x8 squares on a grid, but there are 64x64 grid square PictureBoxes for each grid square. Meaning there are 4096 picturebox squares to be setup.

I'm having them names like pic0001, pic0002, pic0003, etc... but re-naming them individually would take me forever. Is there a way to mass re-name them at once?

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VS 2010 Array Of Control Names?

Jul 8, 2010

In one program i'm making, I have a little problem.In this application I have 25 button, wich I must have enable or disable everytime.How can I sned a part of name of the button? For example, if I have one array with the values:[bt1, bt2, bt3, bt4, bt5....] witch is the name of each control.Is possible someting similar this? :

button & array(2).enabled=true

View 8 Replies - Element 'system.webServer' Has Invalid Child Element 'rewrite'?

Feb 14, 2012

I have a number of rewrite rules for a lot of things that I did in IIS7, like removing trailing slashes, canonnical URLs, lowercase lettering, and such. IIS altered my web.config, and everything works fine on the website, like it should. But in the Visual Studio web.config, the opening < rewrite > statement is underlined in blue, and at the bottom of VS, it says that the element 'system.webServer' has invalid child element 'rewrite'. But this is how IIS made it. I didn't do this manually. Should I be concerned with this VS error, or should I just leave as be, since it's working how it should work? Here's an example of my web.config:


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Make More Than One Element Active In A Webbroswer Control Specifically With Html Table Cells?

Nov 27, 2009

how to specifically identify all the specific table cells that are selected in a webbrowser control. To be specific once I load a page into the webbrowser control and it is displayed I simply want to be able to click and drag with the mouse over multiple cells. Once I have selected the multiple cells I want to be able to do something to them such as adding an attribute. I can do this with a single cell. With the follwoing code:



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Webbrowser Control - Create A Routine That Lists All Elements Values And Then Display Each Element Name And Its Value?

Dec 27, 2009

I wish to read a web page that had various frames and div elements.To start with I would like to create a routine that justs lists all of those elements values and then display each element name and its value so I know what I have and how to reference it later on.I have been using the WebBrowser control and have managed to do a few basic things so far like go to a website and auto login.

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