Button Names In Users Language - Get Common Control Names
Oct 31, 2010
Is there any way to get common control names like Save, Copy or Undo Redo in the user's windows language? (I saw this in some programs which weren't made for my windows language. Also the Yes No Massage Boxes will change...)
I am writing an application that searches for a particular file in the C:Documents and Settingsuser accountsApplication Data folder. Now i am trying to make this application generic. I can make this application search in a particular users application data folder. But what i am tryin to do is take the user name from a certain file or place where windows xp stores it. Then make it search for that user. Is there a particular way to do it.
I am writing an application that searches for a particular file in the C:Documents and Settingsuser accountsApplication Data folder. Now I am trying to make this application generic. I can make this application search in a particular users application data folder. But what I am tryin to do is take the user name from a certain file or place where windows xp stores it. Then make it search for that user. Is there a particular way to do it.
I am writing an application that searches for a particular file in the C:Documents and Settingsuser accountsApplication Data folder. Now i am trying to make this application generic. I can make this application search in a particular users application data folder. But what i am tryin to do is take the user name from a certain file or place where windows xp stores it. Then make it search for that user. Is there a particular way to do it.
I have a DataGridView which populates from an SQL query just fine in default mode
using these table names [firstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
I have edited the column headers and set the column names to the same values as my table names yet the data is not showing in form load I have set datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False I know the data is there if I delete datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False then the data is shown with the default headings?
I made project using VB.Net 2005 with multi languages, the first form is MDIParent form with MainMenu and toolbars also there is some changes in properties as righttoleft and text of forms.In my Mainmenu (Menustrip) there is opetion to change the UI Culture and I have already done but I need to change all texts in the form as mainmenu items anf form properties.My quetion is: how can I reload my form again to read the new texts names and mainmenu items names from resx file?
I am doing work for a client who has lost the source code for one of their VB.Net WinForms applications. The assembly they have is not obfuscated at all. I am trying to recover as much of the source as I can as C# source and have tried several tools for decompiling assemblies, including Reflector, ILSpy and JustDecompile (all the latest versions), but they all produce code with a huge number of errors in them. Because of the large number of errors in the generated code, I am going to ask about the specific errors (in different questions), get more directed answers and in this way try shed some light on why all the tools are having difficulty decompiling this assembly. This question pertains to the fact that the code generated by all these tools always have a large number of invalid member variables (fields) such as the following:
private short $STATIC$Report_Print$20211C1280B1$nHeight; private ArrayList $STATIC$Report_Print$20211C1280B1$oColumnLefts; private StaticLocalInitFlag $STATIC$Report_Print$20211C1280B1$oColumnLefts$Init;
why the generated code has these invalid member variables?
I am experiencing a problem when trying to convert a rather large VB6 application into a .Net 2005 application. Everytime I try to convert the project I get the following error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception occurred: Can't use character device names in file names"The weird thing is i have tried to convert the project using .Net 2003 and I do not get the error, it does convert.
I am wondering how to concatenate a string and an integer to form a button name.eg, ("button" & x) where x is an integer to form button1, button2, etc so i can change the backcolor of the buttons.
A while ago I wrote a library which helps me simply text operations, serial communications, PLC interaction using OPC Automation, etc... My problem is with the vb6 serial control mscomm32.ocx. In my computer, I can use it with no problem. Everything works fine when testing serial control and my forms can open sucessfully. When I try to run a winform that uses Serial library (mscomm32.ocx) in a computer that doesn't have VB6 installed, I get the error "Common Language Runtime Debugging Services. Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. PRocess id=0xe0 (224). Thread id= 0x6f4 (1780)"
I'm making an art program involving 8x8 squares on a grid, but there are 64x64 grid square PictureBoxes for each grid square. Meaning there are 4096 picturebox squares to be setup.
I'm having them names like pic0001, pic0002, pic0003, etc... but re-naming them individually would take me forever. Is there a way to mass re-name them at once?
In one program i'm making, I have a little problem.In this application I have 25 button, wich I must have enable or disable everytime.How can I sned a part of name of the button? For example, if I have one array with the values:[bt1, bt2, bt3, bt4, bt5....] witch is the name of each control.Is possible someting similar this? :
i need to access file names so i can change them using my program. i need to also have a browse button which brings up a box to navigate and select a folder which i can then change the name of all the pictures within it.i have a text box which i will use to replace the existing name with a name that i choose such as 'dnjnjnf' change to #1, #2, #3 ... ect so will need a loop to increase the number everytime.
Let's say I have the following class structure (simplified from my real-world problem):
Public Class PC_People_Container Private _people_list As New List(Of PL_Person) Public Sub New()[code].....
If I were to serialize this, I'd get the default assigned node names in my XML. That means my root is named PC_People_Container and each person in the list is marked up as PL_Person. I know I can change the root node using <XmlRoot(ElementName :="PeopleContainer")>. The trouble is doing that for the subclasses. I can't use the <XmlRoot> tag on PL_Person class because there can't be two root elements, and IntelliSense throws a fit when I try to use the <XmlElement> tag on a class like I would on a property. Is it even possible to control what those subclasses are named when they're serialized as child nodes?
How do i edit the column header of the GridView control on a web form? I have added a Table to DataSource as:
Me.gvSearchBrandList.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
in here "gvSearchBrandList" GridView control But the GridView control display the column headers of the Table in the database. But how do i edit those column name in the GridView?
How do you use a parameterized query to make the (last_name, first_Name) appear in the same combo box? I know how do drag them over from the DATA SOURCES menu, but I am trying to combine them. So instead of it being two separate combo boxes with both last_name and first_name), it want it to find the the names with first and last name in the same combo box.
I have a WinForms applciation, I wrote a function that returns a list of all the controls on the form. The function returns a list of control objects.My target is to fill up a combo box with a list of the control names so that once clicked I set focus to it.So what is the correct code for converting a List(Of Control) to an array of string.
Okay, so the title was horrible. I know that. Here's what I'm trying to do:I have a lot of data that's coming from a database and being adding to a listbox. The data that's coming from the database is a unique ID, and a name. Is there any way I can make the item contain both the ID and name? I know I can append it, that's not what I'm looking to do. I need a way to be able to either get the ID, or get the name, while displaying them both.I have gotten as far as creating a class:
Class Item Property ID as Integer Property Name as String
I am coding an invoicing application. The user should be able to add a new line to the billing section of the invoice by selecting a product from a ComboBox, which subsequently fills out various other fields (price, description, etc) based on the selected product.
My problem is this: When the user adds a product, I would like the program to automatically generate a new line for the next product. It seems like the only way to accomplish this would be to create a new set of controls with an incremented name, i.e. Product1, Price1, Desc1 for the first product, Product2, Price2, Desc2 for the second product, etc. Is this possible, or am I going about it all wrong?
I'm making an art program involving 8x8 squares on a grid, but there are 64x64 grid square PictureBoxes for each grid square. Meaning there are 4096 picturebox squares to be setup.
I'm having them names like pic0001, pic0002, pic0003, etc... but re-naming them individually would take me forever.
I am using Visual Basic 2008 Pro. I am trying to figure out how to bind a set of column headings in a DataSet (or DataGridView) to a ListBox. I want to show the column headers in the listbox control (not the data), and allow users to select one or more items
I don't usually use VB but now I must for an assignment. I would like to know if it's possible to change the display name for an object on a listbox. For instance, if I add to it a user defined class, there's a way to provide it's display name, instead of converting it to string and then add it.
This is what I have
Dim format As String = FormatOutput(object) Lista.Items.Add(format)
I would like to have the same output, but instead add the object.
Note: if such is not possible, then how can I associate the list box selection to the actual object? Doing it by index is painfull, because I'm using linked lists (ie., instead of arrays).
Note 2: python has a __str__ method which is called by default when the object is cast to string. Is there anything like it in VB?
I need to iterate through controls using dynamic construction of control names and it looks like this could be what I need, however I never used this before and it does not quite work. What am I doing wrong? GroupBox1 is what I am attempting
Dim x as Integer = 1 For Each ctrl As Control In CallByName(Me, "GroupBox" & CStr(x), CallType.Method).Controls The runtime error is "GroupBox1" not found on Form1 even though I can select Me.GroupBox1 from the dropdown list.
I am working on my first VB application and have run into a problem. I am trying to loop through some data and displaying them in labels. I am using a for-each loop but end up with different row with the same labelname. What I would like to do, is to assign a number to the labelname (mylabel1, mylabel2,...), but I canīt figure out how, and I cant find anything online that will work. Here are some of the code that I have made, where I could use a solution to my problem...
I've created a Custom Control, and I will be placing a large number of instances of that Custom Control on my xaml page. In working with that Custom Control in the VB Code Behind, how do I do the following?
How do I reference the name of the Custom Control (in my VB code) which was clicked with the MouseLeftButtonDown event? For example, if I have 10 instances of my Custom Control in xaml, each with a different x:name (say 1-10), when a particular instance is clicked, how can I see which one was clicked? I've tried a number of things including e.OriginalSource.Name (which returns the component within the control which was clicked and not the name of the instance of the control). My Custom Control consists of numerous parts and pieces (Rectangles, Lines, Text, etc). Each of these items is a part of my layer. In VB code, once I can reference a particular Control, how can I hide or change certain parts of that control (such as hiding a Line, and changing the text). Also, I need to modify more than just the control which was clicked, so I need to be able to access properties of all of the controls, not just what was clicked. For example, if I click Control instance Test1, I also need to modify Test2, Test3, and Test5 in some way.
Here is some test code I through together as part of a Silverlight project using MS Blend 2. My control is much larger, and I need 200 - 250 instances/copies of that custom control, so I really need to know which control instance/copy was clicked.