.net - Adodb Connection To Outlook Calendar Appointment?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm connecting to Outlook using Adodb. (ADO is a requirement)

With ADOConn
.Provider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Exchange 4.0;" _


then using the sql

Select * from Calendar

which returns the Appointments, but with no start or finish times.

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EWS Create An Appointment In Outlook Calendar But Also Created The Appointment In Deleted Items Folder

Dec 30, 2010

I am using VB.Net and EWS Managed API to create appointments in Exchange 2010. When i call the "Save" method, an appointment is also created in the "Deleted Items" folder in the Outlook. Why is it the appointment is created in the "Deleted Items" folder? How do i avoid the appointment created in the "Deleted Items" folder? I use below code to save an appointment in the Outlook Calendar:


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Creating An Outlook Script, Reads Subject Line For A DATE Then Uses Date To Set Appointment In Outlook Calendar?

May 12, 2012

My mailbox regularly gets emails from people wanting to promote their events. Usually the subject line looks like this:

fwd: come to *TMC* meeting this weekend, <5/19/2012 @ 1300 >

I need a script to read the date, then make an appointment on my outlook calendar, using that date, time and term (TMC) as the meeting title. So it should make an appointment on 5/19/2012 at 1pm, called "TMC meeting"All appointments are 2 hours by default.I used The identifiers "*" and "<>" as an example, and can be changed to be whatever, what is important is that the meeting gets on my calendar with the correct title.

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Link Calendar Application To Outlook For Appointment Setup?

Apr 2, 2009

I need the 411 on the best way to link a calendar application to Outlook to setup an appointment program in VB 2008???

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Office Automation :: Add Outlook Calendar Appointment To Non Default?

Jan 11, 2011

I a using the following code to insert a calender appointment into the default calender in outlook 2007. My problem i am having is that my customer know has a mobileme calender in outlook as well so I need to be able to insert an oppointment in to this calender which is not the default one.


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Hyperlink In Outlook Calendar Appointment/meeting Message Body?

May 10, 2012


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VS 2010 - Title Is Not Member Of Calendar.Appointment

Jun 9, 2010

I am using VB.NET and Visual Studio 2010 to write my program. The source of the control that I am using can be found here. First, I imported the Calendar.DayView.dll file into my toolbox to use as a control. Then I added the following code to my existing code:

Private Sub DayView1_NewAppointment(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal args As Calendar.NewAppointmentEventArgs)
Dim appointment As New Calendar.Appointment()
appointment.StartDate = args.StartDate
appointment.EndDate = args.EndDate
appointment.Title = args.Title
End Sub

I get this error 'Title' is not a member of 'Calendar.Appointment'. I have no access to the Calendar namespace or the Appointment class. I am able to view the properties of both in the Object Browser but I can't edit any of them.

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Error When Creating An Appointment In Outlook With Vba

Nov 6, 2009

Working in Access 2003 with VBA, I am trying to create an appointment, turn it into a meeting and then send out invites to people. Below is the code I am using.

Public Function CreateAppointment(myRecipient as String, mySubject As String, myLocation As String, myStartTime As Date, numMinutesLong As Integer) As Boolean
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application


When I try to run it, the appointment is displayed with everything filled out but when I send it I get the message "Operation failed".

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Using Redemptiont To Save Outlook Appointment, Any Way To Get The GUID Back?

Sep 18, 2009

I am using this code:

Dim Session As Redemption.RDOSession
Session = CType(CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession"), Redemption.RDOSession)
Dim appt As Redemption.RDOAppointmentItem = CType(Session.GetDefaultFolder(Redemption.rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar).Items.Add, Redemption.RDOAppointmentItem)

To create an appointment, send it as a meeting request and save it as an appointment on my calendar. However, I want to be able to save the GUID of the appointment so my sync routine doesn't recreate it (since I don't have the GUID saved.)

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Determine If Outlook Appointment Opened As Single Occurrence Or Series?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm building an Outlook add-in in Visual Studio 2010, using VSTO with VB.net, to sync Outlook Calendar data with an internal, proprietary Calendar. Our users want to be able to open a recurring appointment in Outlook, send the Appointment details and have the internal calendar update with the recurring appointment details. I actually have code in place that works just fine for creating recurring appointments and single appointments. The problem is that I can see no difference (when viewing the AppointmentItem or RecurrenceItem members) between a single occurrence of the series being opened, or if the entire series has been opened; all the data is the same, all the functions have the same result. I can see there's the difference in menu bars, but I don't even see a way to detect that difference.

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.net - Control For A Calendar - Outlook Or MAC Mail

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to find a good control for a calendar. And I do not mean a datepicker, but a calendar similar to the one in outlook or MAC Mail. The best I have found so far is this one: [URL] It is not quite what I want, but close. Anyone know of any other similar components? Preferably cheap once...

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Delete All Appointments From Outlook Calendar?

Feb 25, 2011

I've got an HTML file that has a table in it. The table is some kind of a planboard. It contains the amount of planned hours for an employee for a customer on day x over a whole year. Our guys need it in their outlook schedules.Here is what i've built so far- Form to set parameters (select starttime, select input html file, alerting on or off)- Function that deletes all appointments within a set time frame that have a subject that starts with "project: "- Class that extracts all appointments from html and transforms them into outlook appointmentsEverything works peachy! -Except deleting appointments. I'm stuck! I've tried making a selection of appointments between two dates, i've tried looking for appointments on all days between to dates. It does not delete all items, just some of them. Of the23 occurences it should delete, it only deletes 12 OR 13 at random.

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Outlook Calendar Data To SQL Database

May 25, 2011

I need to pull the back end data from an outlook calendar into a SQL database. I would liek to build the program using VB.NET. I have no idea on how to do this. I have connected to Active directory before usign VB.NET and would think it would be similar in terms of connecting to the exchange server to get the data.

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View Outlook Calendar Appointments?

May 4, 2012

I'm writing an application that displays a calendar; when you click a date on the calendar, it should display a window listing the appointments for that day.

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VS 2005 - How To Read Outlook Calendar

Apr 3, 2008

How to read the calendar in outlook from vb.net 2005? I am using Visual Studio 2005

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Decent Calendar Controls Similar To Outlook

Feb 24, 2009

know of any decent calendar controls, similar to outlook preferably open source or free

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Forms :: Outlook Style Month Calendar?

May 11, 2009

This is my first post. So there goes it. I have been trying to make an appointment calendar with different views ( weekly, daily, hourly, monthly) in my windows form application using VB express 2008. I have tried using a tablelayoutpanel and splitting it so each cell will correspond to a date in the monthcalendar control. My problem is how to link the two together. How to select a cell in monthcalendar and assign it to a cell in the tablelayoutpanel. I can do this when selecting a date but I would want all to be loaded when form is loaded. My end result would look similat to the calendar on this forum.

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How To View Outlook 2007 Calendar Appointments

May 7, 2012

I'm writing an application that displays a calendar; when you click a date on the calendar, it should display a window listing the appointments for that day.

How can this be done in VB.Net? I can find code to add appointments to a calendar, but not to do this.

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Create A Calendar Program Very Similar To Outlook's Calender?

Sep 28, 2011

create a calendar program very similer to Outlook's Calender.But only on its own, i want it to be able to have multiple user access so several people can check eachothers calender obviously.But i have no clue where to start, doesnt have to be the exact same as outlook just have the same functionality.

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VS 2010 Form On Different Thread After Opening Outlook Calendar?

May 31, 2011

I have a simple form in VB.NET with one button which when clicked opens an Outlook Explorer to display an Outlook Calendar. When the user closes the Explorer, the form picks up the close event, garbage collects the Outlook objects and attempts to close itself.

However the Me.Close() does not work - if I pause the code on the Me.Close line and set a watch on the Me form object, lots of the form properties say "{"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Form1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."}System.InvalidOperationException" If someone could help me out with this one I would be a very happy bunny...


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Error Using ADODB Connection & Command?

Nov 15, 2011

I am getting errors when I try to use this adodb.connection and command in my code. The error I am getting is saying that the connection and command are not defined. I read online that depending on your version of vb that you might use the "OLE" connection instead of ADODB.

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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How To Clear ADODB Connection Pool

Jun 1, 2012

We have a VB.net application using both ADO.net and ADODB connections(both connecting to MS SQl server) Whenever an ADO.net connection throws an expection, we cleared the pools Now if any ADO.connection reopened and everything works fine Is there any way to clear pools for ADODB connection?

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Not All Results Returned From ADODB Connection?

Jun 1, 2010

We have had a visual basic.net (2002) service running on our server for several years now with no problems. However I recently needed to update one of the DB calls by adding additional fields to the SELECT statement. However, after adding the new fields, some of the returned data is coming back empty when I loop through the records. I have confirmed that the querystring is accurate and returns all of the data through a third party viewer, so I'm not sure what is going on.For example, in the code below, everything worked fine with field1, field2, and field3. However, when I add field4, data for field2 and field4 come back empty when looping through the results.

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Duplicate Outlook Calendar Control That Allows To See Appointments On 15 Minute Intervals?

Aug 7, 2009

How can I duplicate the Outlook Calendar control that allwos you to see appointments on 15 minute intervals? It scrolls up and down and has mixed ssize fonts on it. I could duplicate the fonts but how do I get it to scroll? There are only a few controls that will scroll or allow you to scroll them.I am trying to create a scrolling schedule with a preselected time increment. (15 minutes intervals)

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Retrieve Data From A Database Using Adodb Connection In VB?

Feb 3, 2010

i wanna know how to retrieve data from a database using adodb connection in VB.

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Using In Asp.net An Unmanaged Dll From .asp That Requires An Open ADODB Connection?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to access the methods of a dll that is not managed. Seems to be vb6 from my best guess and what I know about the program.That part I have managed to figure out. If I drag the x.dll to my bin folder, the interpreter wrapper is created, etc. I can access the methods in the dll just fine. The problem is the database connection.

For informational purposes: The dll is compiled for a vbscript .asp website. There are a few methods in the dll that just manipulate the input (which I can access error free- its how I tested the dll usage), but most make a db call to get or set or update, etc. data in the db. The dll expects an ADODB connection. The asp files are setup such as:

set DllObj = server.CreateObject("dll.class")
set connect = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
connect.open "SystemDSNName","user","password"


It is using a DSN but just as easily could be a DSN-Less connection. My problem is that the dll expects the connection to be open and available to it. Can I make a ADODB database connection available and open for this dll in a vb.net asp.net website.Basically,I need to use the business logic and db data changes through this dll, but want to make the front end in asp.net.I know there is an ADODB namespace in .net somwhere and I tried using it but it was not doing the job and really, I did not quite understand how to.

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[2005] ADODB Connection Using A Variable Location?

Jan 27, 2009

i been creating a project for school that requires me to access a database for username and passwords

I have no problem doing this, but only if i "hard code" the location of the database.


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'Provider' Attribute For ADODB.Connection Results In Error

Oct 24, 2010

I'm trying to set up a database connection between an ASP page running VBScript, and I have found code to do this. However, the 'provider' attribute to the connection does not work. The code is below:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Select * From mIndexDbTable", conn


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ADODB Connection String For Microsoft Access Database

Jan 17, 2012

I am newbie in Visual studion 2010. May i know how do i setup the connection for a mdb file. Below is my code and i have encountered an error. the error message is "A first chance exception of type '[URL]' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe".


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Adodb.connection Error 0x80004002 When Trying To Install On Other Computers

May 24, 2011

Just got this error in my vb2008 programs when trying to install on other computers (customers running XP and Vista). I am on a Win7 computer and are using MS Access 2007 databases. Up to now everything was just perfect - but now.... Tried to search the net for solutions, but got a lot of mumbo-jumbo I can not understand. what to do in order to supply a set-up program which works.

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