.net - Code Smith 6 Using Custom Utility?

Mar 30, 2012

I have a CodeSmith 6 project setup in Visual Studio. I added a class with a shared method (VB), but cannot refer to it in my template. I also tried adding an assembly reference to the project DLL, but that didn't work either. How can I use my own utilities like this?

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Include A Custom Utility Class With Our T4 Templates Generators?

Dec 2, 2011

How to include a custom utility class with our T4 templates generators ? I tried adding a module to the project but it seem there is no way to include it for my generators to use the methods from it.

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Code Generation Utility In C# / VB Code From UML Diagrams

Dec 4, 2011

I am using C# to develop an enterprise level application. I use VS2010 Modeling Project to model my classes but there is no code generation utility which available for free. I want to know if is there any Utility/Extension that can generate C#/VB code from UML diagrams.

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Code Review: ADO.NET Data Access Utility Class (VB)?

Mar 6, 2009

When I started at my current employer I inherited a project from a previous developer and in that project was a data access utility class that tries to simplify a lot of the code involved in making calls and retrieving data back from the database. Over time it has been modified to add more overloaded forms of functions, and now I am looking at possible suggestions from the StackOverflow community.What do you think should be added? Removed?odified?Note:It would be nice if this class could remain compatible to VB.NET in the .NET 2.0 framework. We are also developing in 3.5, but I would like to have something that is generally going to work across most frameworks (so no LINQ, etc.) Also, please refrain from unnecessary answers that consist of nothing but "Use nHibernate" or other tools.

My class:
Public Class DataAccess
Public Shared Function ReturnScalar(ByVal CmdStr As String) As String


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Open Source Code / Utility For Maintain Calendar In SQL Server DB?

Sep 3, 2009

I am looking for some (preferable vb.net) code to use in an asp.net application that will allow me/my users to setup calendars (that I store in SQL server db).

I am looking for something that will make it easy to schedule recurring appts (i.e. every monday, every other week on thursday at 9AM, every month,1st and 3rd tuesday, every year etc) with as many possible scenarios as possible.

I can automate most of the easy ones via a few screens, but inevitably my users come up with scenarios that require me to code and execute some custom scripts in SQL to make the entries, and I'd really like to offload this to the users.

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IPhone Jailbreaking Utility ?

Nov 20, 2009

Anyone know what jailbreaking does to an iPhone? If so, is there a way to make a program to jailbreak 3.1.2 in VB or in RealBasic? I guess it'd have to send commands to the hardware and software of the iPhone, and communicate with it pretty well...

View 13 Replies

Using Remote (RDP) Utility With Mstscax.dll?

May 18, 2010

I am looking for information on using mstscax.dll in VB. The goal is to create a utility that logs into a remote service in the same manner as remote desktop. However, my utility is not required to show the desktop.I have a series of commands that I will start off with that will look for users, reset logins, shadow, and message. I have been using a batch file on my RDP to perform these functions, but we are already looking for more functionality and power than what the batch commands can offer. I am googling 'mstscax.dll' but the results have been less than satisfactory although I continue to search.

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VS 2010 Design Layout Utility?

Sep 22, 2010

This is kind of an off-the-wall question but does anyone know if VS 2010 has somekind of utility that will allow you to just drag & drop controls onto a form or something that will help in visual design. I'm just talking for visual purposes only. No code-behind files or anything...almost like a canvas where you can place controls and labels, etc.

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Good Free Report Utility?

Jun 8, 2012

Does anyone know a good free report utility? I am currently unemployed and is trying to start my own software development company... I do not have a lot of money so am trying to do it as cheaply as I can.

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VS 2010 - Utility To Create Self Extracting EXE

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to create an application to make self-extracting Exe's in Visual Studio 2010 Express. I would like to have a box in which files can be dropped into, then when you click "Compile" it will compress all files dropped into the box along with 3 others I must have delivered to this self-extracting exe. When the newly created exe is run, it will launch "Install.exe". I know there are other items out there to build the self-extracting exe's. I would however like to make my own that always delivers these 3 specific files along with whatever is dropped into the application.

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Write A Program Of Utility Bills?

Jul 4, 2009

I want to write a program of utility bills...

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Backup Utility - Copy Modified Files

Oct 29, 2009

Im trying to create an incremental backup utility on a web form using vb.net for code behind.

So far i can copy files from directories including sub directories and that part works fine, my main problem is copying only the most recent / modified files to the backup folder, currently it is moving all the files each time.

Below is my code so far.


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Build A Date Calculator Utility (DateCalc)?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to build a date calculator utility (DateCalc). It returns the number of days,weeks, months etc between two dates.I worked hard and long trying to find out how to convert a date into a format on which you can perform math operations (for the "what's the date in 'n' days time" part) and it works! I can also use the minus operator to find out previous dates, from say 10000 days ago... BUT...I want to develop it further, and this is where I need help (i am still very newbie remember)Can you help me to find a way to code this bit to ignore weekends and saturdays or sundays individually, and a range of dates in its calculation? I have two datetime pickers and a some checkboxes.DTPickFromDTPickToChkBoxExWeekendChkBoxEXSaturdaysChkBoxExSundays An image of my form and it's components is here :--> [URL] Also, as part of my 'Datecalc', I'd like to find the dates of every other saturday and sunday in the future.

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C# - Get An Utility That Can Monitor Open Windows/ In .net Winforms?

Apr 13, 2010

I want to find the framework class that enables one to choose an image at design-time. I can find the editor that is used at run-time - its the Drawing.Design.ImageEditor. At design time, however, a different editor pops up which allows one to choose an image from resources.I'm guessing I could run some kind of program, then open up the image editor, from the property grid, and see what new windows/classes have been created?

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Creating A Tool Or Utility Or 'helper App' For A Project?

Nov 23, 2009

It seems that in C#, a solution can contain multiple projects, which, I guess, would compile into separate but somehow related programs. It seems that this functionality is missing in VB, even though VB uses solution files as well.How would someone go about creating a tool or utility or "helper app" for a project? For example, a command line version of the program, which is a separate executable, but obviously would be distributed as part of the main program? Maybe I want to integrate a feature into windows where the user can right click on a certain file and choose "convert" from the context menu, where "convert" would open the helper app, which would read the file and save an updated copy of the file (converting from one file format to another and saving the result) without the user needing to wait for the main program to load, wait for the interface to be configured, then wait for the file conversion. The helper app would not need to display an interface to the user - just convert and save the file.

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Making A Utility That Will Read Through The Files In A Listbox?

Apr 12, 2009

I am making a utility that will read through the files in a listbox.I already have it where it can read the files but you have to have the file selected in the listbox. Im wanting it to do it to all listbox items instead of just the selected one. This is what I was using:

Dim files = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString

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Picture Resizer Utility (Common Size)

Sep 24, 2010

I want to develop a small utility that can resize some of my png's in bulk to a common size say, 400 x 400 pixels.

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VS 2008 : Zip, Rar, And 7z - Decompress All These Files Using The Windows Utility?

Sep 3, 2010

Background: I have read a bunch of techniques to handle compression. I don't think SmartZipLib handles 7z. System.OS.compression does not seem to handle rar or 7z. I am trying to find one approach for all.The tools within Windows XP seem to handle them all from inside the file manager (at least on my computer).Question: how can I decompress all these files using the windows utility? I am guessing it is some sort of Shell command. Alternatively, is there another option?

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Writing A Utility For Minecraft Coder Pack?

Jul 21, 2011

I am writing a utility for Minecraft Coder pack. It works off batch files that run python. Is it possible to read and write from the cmd into say a text box and run commands for vb.net to the cmd?

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Asp.net - Can Linq2sql Do This Without A Lot Of Custom Code?

Jan 13, 2009

how to make linq2sql behave like my custom code used to, I want to check to make sure that it isn't already "built" in behavior that I can just use by setting up the relationships right in the designer...

Very simple example: I have two tables: Person and Notes, with a 1 to many relationship (1 Person, many notes), linked by Person.ID->Note.PersonID.

I have a stored procedure (all data access is done via SP's and I plan on continuing that) which makes the Link2SQL a bit more work for me.

sp_PersonGet(@ID int) which returns the person record and sp_PersonNotesGet(@PersonID) which returns a set of related notes for this person.So far so good, I have an object:

Dim myPerson As Person = db.PersonGet(pnID).Single

and I can access my fields: myPerson.Name, myPerson.Phone etc.and I can also do a

Dim myNotes As Notes = db.PersonNotesGet(pnID)

to get a set of notes and I can iterate thru this list like:

For Each N As Note In myNotes
( do something)

Basically, Linq2SQl would need to call 2 stored procedures each time a Person record is created...Is this doable "out of the box", or is this something I need to code around for myself?

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Design A Utility Which Loads The Text File In Memory?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a text file with 3 columns.col 1 has 8-9 digit numbers which are unique. I want to design a utility which loads the text file in memory.The utility should run in the background while the user enters data in some other app. and whenever that 8-9 digit (from text file)number is pressed by the user a the data from other two columns is displayed at the screen or alert the user in some way. Is there a way to do this things in excel 2003?

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Making A Backup Utility - Compress Things To The Maximum?

Mar 7, 2009

I'm making a backup utility, and I need to know how to compress files. Is there a VB built-in utility for this? Also, if possible, can you tell me how to compress things to the maximum?

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Ping Utility - Display Websites Response In A Textbox

Jan 10, 2010

Ok so basically im trying to create a small program in visual basic 2008, which will simply ping a hardcoded url in the code and then display the websites response in a textbox. [Code]

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Utility That Allows The User To Edit Jump List Entries?

Jul 29, 2011

I want to make a utility that allows the user to edit Jump List entries. There is some kind of tie between the raw junplist filenamess and the app, for instance:

Excel = cdf30b95c55fd785
Word = adecfb853d77462a

Those were found by trial and error and there are a few more on the net.

For MS Word the file is "C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsRecentAutomaticDestinationsadecfb853d77462a.automaticDestinations-ms"

What I'm wondering is if anyone knows how to determine what filenames go with what program. Deciphering the files will be another issue for sure

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Adding Custom Code To A Report

Feb 6, 2011

I want to custom code to a report. For example, I have a text box, txtABC on the report. I want to assign it a value from variable, when report runs. How to do it.

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ADO.NET Custom Data Access Code?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm currently working on my VB.NET certification and I'm using Murach's Visual Basic 2008 for my class textbook. Chapter 16 of the text covers writing my own ADO.NET data access codes. The code I have included here is for two classes of the project:

frmAddModifyCustomerDB.vb is prewritten by murach for this assignment and CustomerDB.vb is included written in the book as my assignment to build but not prewritten for me in the solution. According to the assignment, frmAddModifyCustomerDB.vb should not be modified unless instructed by the book. The procedure in question is Private Sub btnAccept_Click on the line that reads: "If Not CustomerDB.UpdateCustomer(customer, newCustomer) Then".After copying the CustomerDB.vb class directly from the book the assignment stated that the database should update properly when using the UpdateCustomer function that is fired when the Accept button is clicked. Every time I tried to modify a customer when doing this I kept getting the Database Error message box and the changes would be canceled.

After playing with the code I changed the "If Not CustomerDB.UpdateCustomer(customer, newCustomer) Then" to check against the boolean return from CustomerDB.vb by inserting "= False". When the modified code reads "If Not CustomerDB.UpdateCustomer(customer,
newCustomer) = False Then" the application updates properly and does not fire any exceptions. I'm confused by this because the book specified that I should not need to modify the code for the Add/Modify form in order for this to work.

Public Class frmAddModifyCustomer
Public addCustomer As Boolean
Public customer As Customer


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Custom Code Designer Generated?

Jan 20, 2011

but it's something I'm pretty consistently needing for the sake of my own sanity, so:If you add a Settings file to any project in Visual Studio, VS provides a GUI making it quick/easy to add a new Setting entry and assign it a Type; at that point the actual code-behind is automagically created with a variable and a property exposing that variable.Can we build our own designers to generate code this way, with a GUI allowing for those quick/easy variable/property assignments?

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Custom Code For Rdlc Report?

Jun 14, 2010

In my report I want to display the dollar amoumt in textboxs.So I set the textbox property Format as currency.My question is that I want to reports show brackets for negative dollar values. It works out except "$" sign being showing whenever there''s an amount showing. I want to remove this "$" sign from the report.

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Use A Custom Format String On .e.g A Zip Code?

Feb 11, 2010

What is the right way to use a custom format string on .e.g a zip code?

The zip code in the database might have 9 characters, but the program should only output five. Using string.format("{0:#####}","322318825") will output "322318825", the entire 9-digit code.

Zip codes are only an example. This is actually for a dynamic format function that takes two arguments, one is the format and the other is a database field value. Therefore, it cannot work by being strongly typed.

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VS 2008 Creating 'custom Code'

Aug 6, 2010

I have a form that is populated with specific data for each user. The user chooses this data themselves.I plan on saving this data in the application settings or via xml serialization.What I want to do, is allow users to generate a unique code for that data so that they can supply this code to others and all they will have to do is copy and paste it into their client and that data will populate for them.I could just allow users to trade XML files, but I want it to be easier than that.The form is basically setup this way;

Picture - Data 1, Data 2, Data 3, Data 4
Picture - Data 1, Data 2, Data 3, Data 4

The pictures correlate to pictures that are numbered anywhere from 0-600. The data can be any integer value from 0 - 200.

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