.net - CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture Is Set Correctly But Seems To Be Ignored By Asp.net

Apr 28, 2011

Im struggling with gettings the values from the correct strings.txt in my resource files in my in folder when switching languages. I have a [URL] (for English) and a domain.nl (for Dutch). It however doesnt seem to matter which domain I use and how I set the currentUICulture, the language shown to the user is always the same!


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How To Change The CurrentUICulture At Runtime

Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to change the language my WPF app uses in a click event but it doesn't change.[code]

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Format A String Into System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a string in which for sure there is a date in the following format: YYYYMMDD. So, to identify 14 October 2009 I'll find 20091014.Having this string, how can I format into System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern?

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Change The System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture In .net 4.0 Web Application?

May 7, 2011

It seems that I have problem changing System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture value according to the user preferences (.net 4.0 web application). In my Web Application, I have two buttons. One for the Greek Language and one for the English Language. When the buttons are clicked a request goes to the server asking to change the user preferred language. For Greek, I send "el-GR" and for English, I send "en-US". On server side, I use the following piece of code to change the Current CultureInfo:


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C# :: Correctly Using CancelEventAgrs?

Nov 18, 2011

How should I correctly use CancelEventAgrs/CancelEventHandler?Does checking e.Cancel will return always the "right" result, even if the event eventually could consume some time?

Class Foo
Public Event Deleting As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
Private myObjectsToDelete As List(Of Object)


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.net - Will The Following List Populate Correctly

Jan 9, 2011

I don't have access to VB.NET right now so I can't test this value:Dim lst As New List(Of String)(cookieValue.Split("$"c))i got this from another question , but was wondering if A. The list will populate correctly and B. What does the c represent?

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.net - How To Correctly Use CultureInfo.invariantCulture

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to read a number from a user imput (string) like:

'where "." is grouping separator and "," is the decimal character
dim strUserInput as string = "172.500,00"
dim ret as double


How can I correctly use cultureInfo to return 172,500.00 (or 172500,00 or just 172500) to a double var?

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Application Not Closing Correctly

Nov 12, 2011

I'm having a problem over here; I'm developing a DirectX 9 application, and for some reason, I can't figure the way to close the application completely. This has never happened to me, to be honest. I am using Application.Exit(), which doesn't seem to do anything - it just closes the form, but the program is still running. I have also tried End, but it throws a run-time error I can't seem to figure out.


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Asc Command Not Working Correctly

Dec 13, 2009

I have been making a text based noughts and crosses game and trying to convert an alpha grid reference into a number to run the logic sequence that decides whether the an input is valid. I am using the asc command to convert but it just keeps putting up the error: Conversion from string "a" to type 'Double' is not valid, when it reaches the line If (Asc(Left(choice, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Left(choice, 1)) <= 67) Or (Asc(Left(choice, 1)) >= 97 And Asc(Left(choice, 1) <= 97))Choice is the input and has already been checked for length, whether it contains an alpha and numeric input (and where they are) and whether the numeric value is valid.

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Asp.net - Correctly Check DBNull In VB?

Jan 13, 2012

Why does the following code: A = not IsDBNull(CurRow("BuyBook")) AndAlso CType(CurRow("BuyBook"), string) = "Yes" results in the following error:

Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.

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C# - How To Use Double Quotes Correctly

Oct 3, 2011

This form works in VB .NET
sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=""0"" " & _
"type=""login"" " & _
"cid = """ & cID & """ " & _
"key=""" & loginKey & """ />"

But I can't get it work in C#
sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp="0"
cid="" + cID + ""
key="" + loginKey + "" />";

It does not give the same effect. I want this as an output:
<CStatus timestamp="0" type="login" cid="var_cid" key="var_key"/>;
Is there any stringXml command in C# or another way to use double quotes in string?
Solved it with XmlTextWriter

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Cannot Get Some Fields To Calculate Correctly?

Mar 29, 2010

For some reason I can not get some fields to calculate correctly. It seems anything I enter over 24 in the Pay Rate field it throws it spits out the exact numbers I am trying to multiply. The FWT (0.2), FICA(0.08),and State fields (0.25) respectively.


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Cannot Measure String Correctly

Jun 30, 2009

I don't know how many different ways I have tried to do this, it never spaces the strings right.[code]...

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Cannot Print Correctly In VB 2008 ?

Apr 14, 2009

I 'm having no trouble coding, I'm back to my initial printing problems. The program printed Avery labels in a variety of sizes. I created the label templates on 8.5 x 11 forms and then printed the forms. This cannot be done in VB 2008 for a variety of reasons:

1) The form size cannot be larger than the screen size I got around this by creating a new form class that matched my dimensions.

2) printform only does screen shots. This was a major barrier. First of all I can't get printform to print my custom form because it's not a member of system.window.forms.form, it's a class in system.window.forms.usercontrol. However, even if it was in the correct class, it wouldn't work correctly because printform in VB.net, does a screen capture of the form and then reduces the image on the printout.

So that is my dilema. I do not know how to use the reporting tool, but I can see that it must be binded to a database. Although my application does use a database, I want to be able to massage the data before printing it. And the application does more than just print labels. There are also custom reports that need to be printed.

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Characters Not Displaying Correctly?

Jun 5, 2009

I am currently working on a project that will read HTML pages and store some information. I am doing this by loading the HTML page into a webbrowser, then viewing the source of the page by using:


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Click Not Running Correctly

Dec 8, 2011

Evey time the "bomb" image pops up, the entire thing seems to break. I have trouble shooted this simple game for most of the day trying to figure out where the break is but Ive had little luck. I'll have to post this in multi post because it will not let me post all in one block.

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Close An Application Correctly?

Jul 23, 2009

Ive seen that people use Form.Close() and Application.Close(), but what if I have many forms, and I may have forgot to close one of the forms correctly, is there a way to exit the application that actually checks to make sure that all the processes related to the program are closed first? I read on another forum that Application.Exit() is a bad way to close the program, and I found an example code of how to do it the right way, but Ive never found this anywhere else before.

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Collection Not Loading Correctly?

Jun 17, 2009

I have a issue with loading a collection. The issue is that when I load a collection up with multiple objects that the only items that are in the collection is duplicates of the last object that was added in. I was through the process of creating the new object and it is loading correctly but when it adds it to the collection, it changes all the prevoius objects with the current object. Here is the code that I am using. I have been messing around with this code for a day now and can't figure it out.


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Correctly Dispose A Shape In .net?

Jan 28, 2011

how do you correctly dispose a shape in vb.net ie when you draw a rectangle using the pen function how do I depose it so that it will disappear from the form, for some reason once its drawn if I draw a new shape it keeps the previous one and just overlays the new one and I use shape.dispose, and pen.dispose?

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Date Not Converting Correctly In .net?

Jun 10, 2012

It seems like I keep having problems with dates. I am using the following code:

Dim LocalDateCultureProvider As New CultureInfo(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString)
Dim CurrentDate As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
ExpiryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(strDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", LocalDateCultureProvider)
If DateTime.Compare(ExpiryDate, CurrentDate) < 0 Then
MsgBox("This file has expired.")


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Display Correctly On DPI Settings Other Than 96 DPI?

Dec 21, 2008

In fact I noticed that my application won't display correctly on DPI settings other than 96 DPI.Well, this is a critical problem for me, I don't know how can I disregard it and show my application normally without problem?

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Dispose Of Image Correctly?

Jun 3, 2012

i am aware of the dispose method to free a resouce that is in use, but ive run into trouble and ive no idea how to dispose of an image because ive assigned it using the "new" keyword

While i < directorylist.Count
Dim imagePath As String = directorylist(i) + "\folder.jpg"
' ResizeImage(directorylist(i) + "\", imageName, 50)


i know that when i assign an image to a picturebox i can feel up the resource using picturebox1.dispose()here im using "new" so i dont know what to dispose of??

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Form Not Showing Correctly?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a single form called 'FolderSelector' with a label, textbox and a button.The problem I'm having is that everytime I run the application, the only thing that shows up is a blank form called 'Form1', the program runs everything it should do except to show the actual form which is really weird.Here's the code in case there's something in there that's causing it that I haven't spotted.

Imports System.IO.Directory
Public Class FolderSelector
Public Const SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER As Integer = &H14
Public Const SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE As Integer = &H1


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Get Progressbar To Show Correctly?

Mar 6, 2011

I am making a program that can backup files and folders, i cant seem to get my progressbar to show correctly, is there a way (without showing the default windows copying progressbar) to get the total MB of all files and sub folders in a directory and then make a progressbar have max = MB and how to step this progressbar?If it is not worth it, it is not fun - you say programmers are boring but i say they are worth it.

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Get The Printer State Correctly?

Aug 20, 2011

I'm developing a program (VB.NET Form) that has printing function, then i have to alert user when an error occurred such as paper out, paper jam or etc. I found that .NET has WIN32_Printer class use for retrieve printer information and status. I can get printer status (Idle, Printing) correctly except offline, but for DetectedErrorState... always get 0 if printer has no problem and 2 if any problem found. (from reference 0 means Unknown and 2 means No Error) How can i get printer state correctly? Is this related to printer manufacturer or their driver? Because their application can alert correctly, i guess that driver never return value to WIN32 Class.

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Getting Elements Into Array Correctly?

May 12, 2009

In this case I'm trying to create a number analysis app. I'm required to declare an array and get the data for the array using ten text boxes. Why, because my instructor said so.

My problem is my event is returning zero. Therefore I believe my code is somehow flawed.

My approach is to create functions that calculate the required metrics. I have only tried to code one function to date. If I can get help making one function work, I will be able to do the others .

Public Class Form1
Dim decScore0, decScore1, decScore2, decScore3, decScore4 As Decimal
Dim decScore5, decScore6, decScore7, decScore8, decScore9 As Decimal


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Have Implemented IEquatable Correctly?

Mar 18, 2012

I saw the question posed here: Have I implemented Equals()/GetHashCode() correctly? but my c# is not as strong, and I am unfimiliar with IEquatable enough that I would like to see this in VB.NET if possible please.My example code (The class will eventually use INotifyPropertyChanged when I get there):[code]

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How To Add New Row To An Empty Datagridview Correctly

Apr 23, 2010

i'm using vb 2005.I have a datagridview binding to a datatable, and user can add new rows to it. i want to enable copy and paste, so i broke the clipboard content into string array, and tried to fill the values in the datagridview.

I had problems when i had to add new row to the datagridview. because if the user clicks the last row (*) to paste the content, i need to add new row to the datatable, however, the current row is also a new datagridview row. If i just use the following code

'dgv is the datagridview
'dt is the binding table
iRow = dgv.CurrentCell.RowIndex


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How To Correctly Filter A Datatable

Jun 17, 2010

[code]When I call da.fill I am inserting all records from my query. I was then hoping to filter them to display only those where the GroupingID is equal to 0. When I run the above code. I am presented with all the data, the filter did not work. Please can you tell me how to get this working correctly.

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How To Use Sendkeys Methods Correctly

Oct 17, 2007


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