Cannot Print Correctly In VB 2008 ?

Apr 14, 2009

I 'm having no trouble coding, I'm back to my initial printing problems. The program printed Avery labels in a variety of sizes. I created the label templates on 8.5 x 11 forms and then printed the forms. This cannot be done in VB 2008 for a variety of reasons:

1) The form size cannot be larger than the screen size I got around this by creating a new form class that matched my dimensions.

2) printform only does screen shots. This was a major barrier. First of all I can't get printform to print my custom form because it's not a member of system.window.forms.form, it's a class in system.window.forms.usercontrol. However, even if it was in the correct class, it wouldn't work correctly because printform in, does a screen capture of the form and then reduces the image on the printout.

So that is my dilema. I do not know how to use the reporting tool, but I can see that it must be binded to a database. Although my application does use a database, I want to be able to massage the data before printing it. And the application does more than just print labels. There are also custom reports that need to be printed.

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VS 2008 - Print Dialog Box Would Come Up And Bingo They Could Print The Contents Of The Listbox

Jun 9, 2010

Basically on my form I have a listbox containing data. Under the listbox I want to place a button named "btn_PrintData" or something to that effect. The user will click this, the print dialog box would come up and bingo they could print the contents of the listbox.

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Add A Simple Print Button In Vb 2008 To Allow Print The Form?

Sep 24, 2011

How do i add a simple print button in vb 2008 to allow me to print the form?

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VS 2008 Print Whole Richtextbox Using Print Document

Jan 2, 2010

I just wanna print my whole richtextbox using print document. I need to count words till the end of the page and so print them. And it must be bounded in a rectangle.(e.marginebound) from top,left,right and bottom. Also i don't know ho to use print preview. writing a proper print Document. It's the end of my Wordpad project and i just cant write a good printing!

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VS 2008 <br /> Tag Not Being Rendered Correctly

May 21, 2010

I'm building an application that outputs a list of usernames to an HTML document. I'm using this to generate a string:

For y As Int16 = 0 To intBuddyList - 1
strBuddyListHTML = strBuddyListHTML & strBuddyList(y) & "<br />"

The resulting string is then put into an HTML document. The problem is, when I load the document, the brackets are displayed literally. When I view the source, I see this:

buddy1<br />buddy2<br />buddy3<br />buddy4<br />tbuddy5<br />tbuddy6<br />

Is there a way to preserve the brackets in the HTML tags?

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VS 2008 If Cph >= 4.2 Then ... Not Responding Correctly?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a block of code that has a test for a variable I use. The Code doesn't respond correctly when the variable Cph which is declared as a double is at 4.2.

If Cph < 4.1 Then
ElseIf Cph >= 4.1 And Cph < 4.2 Then


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VS 2008 DataRepeater Not Working Correctly

Nov 9, 2011

[[code]I have this issue where most of the rows in the table do not fill in the data to textbox2 and any edits made in the text box when this happens do not commit to the underlying datasource.When scrolling down and back up the datarepeater different records seem to be shown each time the data on the left is correct in the standard DGV ... it's just the data repeater that doesn't work.

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VS 2008 How To Correctly Dispose Of A Image

Aug 14, 2009

I am having problems disposing of a image thats stored in a 'DataGridViewImageColumn' . When i try and delete the image the 1st one works then the 2nd time its used i get a 'System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'x' because it is being used by another process'. How do i solve this problem? i am disposing of the image before i try and delete it but yet its still not working:

PS - I have searched the forums / google for a suitable answer and cant find one


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VS 2008 Program Not Debugging Correctly?

Apr 11, 2010

I recently made some obvious changes to one of my programs (added a few buttons, etc), and when I start debugging, it goes back and uses an earlier version before I made the changes.

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VS 2008 Select Does Not Find Correctly?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to find a record in a table making use of a SELECT statement. It only seems to find the first record. NO errors are returned. Here is the code and a screen shot.


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VS 2008 Debugger Doesnt Work Correctly?

Jan 21, 2010

My debugger doesnt work correctly anymore and I want to let it work correctly cause i've done some changes in my project but when I click on debug then it just shows my old layout.

View 4 Replies

VS 2008 Multiline Field Is Displayed Correctly In The DGV?

Mar 21, 2010

What do I need to set in the DGV settings so that a multiline field is displayed correctly in the DGV?

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[2008] Unable To Split The String Correctly?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a string s

dim s as string="";" ; Form1.vb ; Form1 "

I want to split it and get


But if I use


I will get the wrong result because of the first string has a comma.

View 21 Replies

VS 2008 For / Next / Invokescript - Javascript - Can't Parse The Variable Correctly

Dec 28, 2010

I am trying to put the following command into a FOR / NEXT loop but I can't parse the variable correctly The first line looks like this:


View 2 Replies

VS 2008 UI Gets Updated And Background Code Functions Correctly

Nov 19, 2010

In order to multithread correctly, so that my UI gets updated and the background code functions correctly, I've been doing this:I have one sub that does the UI updating and checks for invocation: [code] However, I need to update the UI within the Class now. When I do that, my app is no longer responsive. I need to do all UI updating within the form class and all background code within my custom class.I just can't figure out how to determine at what part my class is at, to update the UI.The UI has a few labels and a picture box that needs updating. As it runs a new process, (about 8 in all) I need to update the picture box and labels with the appropriate information so that the user knows where the app is at.

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Forms :: Vb 2008 Express Form Wont Show Correctly

Aug 24, 2009

I have been working on a quite complex multiform solution.All of a sudden the start up form (in fact any form I designate to start up) loads, displays and operates fine.

But when I try and show a form using showdialog the form displays behind the original form and I can�t set focus to the ide to close it down. I have to use task manager or alt f4 while the form has the focus.

Calling different forms from this one gives the same result but other forms work fine. I don�t want to redo this form as Ive done a lot of work onit.The only thing I can think of that whist I was changing the startup form in the project propertied page (file>project>properties) I unchecked the �Enable applications framework checkbox.

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VS 2008 Recursive Check For Empty Controls Not Working Correctly?

Mar 24, 2011

I have made a form that consists of textboxes nested in groupboxes nested in tabpages. I want to check if all textboxes are empty in every groupbox and even if the controls from a groupbox in a groupbox are empty.When they are empty i should not create an element string for my .xml document.Below is the code that I have at the moment. I call it with the form as the parameter.

Public Sub recurringControls(ByRef ctl As Control)
For Each c As Control In ctl.Controls
If c.Controls.Count > 0 Then
If c.Tag IsNot Nothing Then


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VS 2008 Correctly Position Rotated Image In Irregular Region Picturebox?

Aug 15, 2010

how can i correctly position a rotated image in an irregular region picturebox?

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VS 2008 PrintPreview Dialog Loads And Correctly Displays Correct Number Of Pages

Aug 12, 2009

The PrintPreview dialog loads and correctly displays the correct number of pages.When the Print button on the dialog's toolbar is clicked, only one blank page is printed to the printer.Seperately, when calling the PrintDocument1.Print() method, all pages are printed correctly to the printer.[code]

View 4 Replies

Print The Database(microsoft Access 2010) Viewed In Datagridview Using Print Button

Feb 16, 2011

Here's my work.


How can i print the search result.

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Vb Mail Order - Calculating The Percentages - Print Button Allows The User To Print The Form

Apr 8, 2011

I have been able to do the exercise's in the first 2 chapters and half the exercise's in the third chapter of the text book (programming in visual basic 2008, Julia Case Bradley & Anita C. Millspaugh). but this one is making my head want to explode. please point me in the right direction with this.

Heres the problem. The company has instituted a bonus program to give its employees an incentive to sell more. For every dollar the store makes in a four-week period, the employees receive 2 percent of sales. The amount of bonus each employee receives is based upon the percentage of hours he or she worked during the bonus period (a total of 160 hours). The Calculate button will determine the bonus earned by this employee, and the Clear button will clear only the name, hours-worked, and bonus amount fields. A Print button allows the user to print the form. Do not allow missing or bad input data to cancel the program; instead display a message to the user.

Here's my code so far. its giving me the wrong results. i have tried many different ways,(hence the commented code) but I just dont know where im going wrong.

Public Class VB_Sales

Const BONUSHOURS As Decimal = 160


Attached image(s)

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Populate A Report And Print It Directly Without The User Hitting The Print Button?

Jun 10, 2011

i want to populate a report and print it directly without the user hitting the print button.

i have this working in a diffrent project but for some reason it wont work in this one.

i get the error missing parameter, on the last line of my code

Dim paramFields As New ParameterFields
Dim paramField As New ParameterField
Dim discreteVal As New ParameterDiscreteValue


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VS 2005 Print Preview, Print Report And Configure Layout Buttons

Aug 21, 2009

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knows how to do these from a simple text box. i.e. 'TextBox1'.

I'm just learning VB and it's only a simple text editor but I can't find any good sites or posts that help me in understanding how to do it. These are not really covered in any of the 'beginner' books I have acquired either.

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VS 2010 : Print/Print Preview Of Records From A Database/DatabaseDataSet Source?

Dec 14, 2011

My instructor told us how to print documents and how to use databases. What the instructor did not mention is how to print or print a preview of records within a DatabaseDataSet. The book "Programming in Visual Basic 2010" does not explain how to print or do a print preview of Database Source records from within a form. The only thing I was told was to test the print document first before you try to do a print preview. Within a form I used a DataGridView to add, delete, and update the database. So now all I need to do is figure out how to print the updated records from the DataGridView and how to print a preview of the records within the DataGridView. So I hope my question is clear enough to give me assistance on how I can perform these two actions. Thanks this would be a great help, and since the class is online we can get assistance from any sources that we have.

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Code Print Button To Print An Existing Word Document?

Mar 15, 2006

I'm very very very new to VB.Net and am doing a class project. I want the user to simply clicka print button and get a printout of an existing Word document. Is this possible and if so, can someone suggest the code?

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Print PDF From Javascript - Make The Last Page Print Only 1 Copy Instead Of Two Copies

Nov 17, 2009

I am using the below mentioned code in my application to print two copies of pdf document.


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How To Print A .PDF From VB 2008

Apr 15, 2010

I was wondering how to print a .PDF from VB 2008. Also, I am wondering if there is a Express Edition for VB 2010 availible?

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Print And Print Preview On Tool Strip Menu

Nov 12, 2011

I got the code working properly but i am kinda clueless on print & print preview on tool strip menu.

Public Class Form1
' Declare Global-Level variable.
Dim RateDecimal(,) As Decimal = {{1D, 1.5D, 2.4D, 1.85D}, _


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Find Examples Of Print And Print Preview Function Available

Feb 7, 2009

Where can I find examples of the print, and print preview function available in Visual Basic 2008?

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Javascript - How To Print Header Of GridView On Each Print Page

Feb 16, 2012

How do I print the page title and the header of a GridView on each print page?

I want to add page title and GridView heading on each page.

I used page break to break the GridView into multiple pages, but only the first page comes with title and all other are without header and title page.

For a dynamic GridView, my code uses AutoGenerateColumns="true".

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