VS 2008 UI Gets Updated And Background Code Functions Correctly

Nov 19, 2010

In order to multithread correctly, so that my UI gets updated and the background code functions correctly, I've been doing this:I have one sub that does the UI updating and checks for invocation: [code] However, I need to update the UI within the Class now. When I do that, my app is no longer responsive. I need to do all UI updating within the form class and all background code within my custom class.I just can't figure out how to determine at what part my class is at, to update the UI.The UI has a few labels and a picture box that needs updating. As it runs a new process, (about 8 in all) I need to update the picture box and labels with the appropriate information so that the user knows where the app is at.

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Background Worker Checking To See If DB Has Been Updated?

Feb 14, 2009

I just started fooling around with background workers.

Up in FORM_LOAD somewhere
consoleBW.WorkerReportsProgress = True


I can see how this runs regardless of what I'm doing in the main form - modal dialog boxes - whatever.

Now what I really want to do is have this background worker check to see if the DB has changed since we last created some classes that hold the data. I basically want to set a property in the CLASS that indicates the need to get fresh data.I discovered all the problems with cross-threading calls to UI objects - so I used the PROGRESSCHANGED event. just set a property in a data class created by the UI from the background worker?

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VS 2008 View Updated Code Of Dynamically Changed Webpage Without Refreshing?

Mar 10, 2011

In webbrowser, I am visiting a website that lists 10 items per page, I select "20 items per page". The webpage dynamically updates to display a list of 20 items.However when I view the webpage code it still shows 10 items. If I refresh the webbrowser, the code will show 20 items.

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VS 2008 : Have A Class Where The Functions Of The Same Name Are Both Instance Functions And Shared Functions?

Dec 6, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.

Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)


Public Function Get...

The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).

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VS 2008 : Execute A Piece Of Code At Set Intervals Without Using Functions Or Timers?

Jan 7, 2010

How can I execute a piece of code at set intervals without using functions or timers?

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VS 2008 Code Running In Background?

Jun 6, 2009

the user of my application is able to run a diagnostic tool which is part of my application. This diagnostic tool searches every file on the computer, logs the names, and if the my program is able to then the file will be read.

My program has other uses as well. If the user wants to do something else in my program then i want the diagnostic code to run in the background. I don't want this code to prevent users from using other features of my application since the diagnostic search does take time.

How do i do this? Threading? A background worker? If the anwser is Threading which i am pretty sure it is, how do i set up a thread? My computer has 4 GB of RAM - 2GB & 2GB so i know i am able to do this smoothly.

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Multithreading Efficiency (Reuse Background Worker Subs / Functions?)

Oct 3, 2011

I have an application that queries DHCP and pulls scope/subnet information. There are roughly 8k scopes on our network to query so reporting this data takes a little bit of time. I currently have this running on it's own thread and reporting to a progress bar so the applications doesn't seem inactive.

The DHCP api functions can report a total, a max read and a resume argument. This means that I can, in theory start 4 threads and have each thread read through 2k subnets, so it will only take 1/4 of the time to read all this data. Would I need to create four separate background worker handlers, do_works, runworkcomplete, report progress etc.?

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VS 2008 - Background Worker Code - Does Not Shows The Result

Jul 30, 2009

I am using a background worker, it runs fine but it does not shows the result. i am using jmcilhinney source to work it out.. have a look.

VB Imports System.ComponentModelImports System.Text.RegularExpressionsImports System.NetImports System.IO Public Class WorkDialogue Private _result As Long = 0L Public ReadOnly Property Result() As Long Get Return Me._result End Get End Property Private Sub


And the button codding in other form:

VB Using dialogue As New WorkDialogue dialogue.ShowDialog()TextBox2.Text = dialogue.Result.ToString() End Using

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Data Source Updated As Well When The Variable Is Updated?

Jul 1, 2009

part of my code is in below


I would expect to see the path.Path include the new record, however, I also notice that tempnextgen also include the new record. Can anyone help me out on this issue? Why the tempnextgen got updated as well, how to prevent this unexpected operation?

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Line Of C# Code And Can't Translate It Correctly?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a line of C# code and can't translate it correctly. 'myString' is a string and 'a' and 'k' are both UInt:a += (uint)(myString[k + 0] + (myString[k + 1] << 8) + (myString[k + 2] << 16) + (myString[k + 3] << 24)); Translators for VB suggest the following but I get "Operator '<<' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Integer': a += CUInt(myString(k + 0) + (myString(k + 1) << 8) + (myString(k + 2) << 16) + (myString(k + 3) << 24))

View 4 Replies

Asp.net - Update Sql Command Not Executing Correctly From Vb Code

Dec 5, 2011

In my application, I have a call for an update to a table on my database. I know that it is executing because I get a 1 returned when checking the number of rows affected but when I look on the DB the value is not updated - I have refreshed and still no update. Here is the code, taskgrp_template is type bit and taskgrp_id is type integer. Id is also set to the correct value, as the result of my tracepoint - results listed below code.

mycmd.CommandText = "UPDATE p2_taskgroups SET TASKGRP_template = 1 WHERE TASKGRP_ID =" & id
rowsChecked = mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

Tracepoint result: the value of id is 55 and the value of templateCheck is 14 the number of rows affected was 1

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IDE :: Code Error Not 'detected' By W7-64 Bit VS But Correctly Trapped By XP-32 System?

Mar 25, 2012

I recently revised a VB ListView and removed one column of data, and failed to spot an If ... Then reference to data in the removed column. The code runs without the 'impossible' SubItem query being detected in my W7-64 desktop IDE, but crashes in the compiled/ installed version. In my older XP-32 laptop however the code error is trapped as it should be. I have noticed occasionally that other minor code errors are not trapped in the W7-64 system - is that normal, or has my W7 IDE been damaged somehow? Should I delete and re-install VS 2010 in the W7 machine ... not a trivial task!

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Rs232 Serial Programming - Port To C# - .net Code Works Correctly - C# NOT?

Nov 5, 2009

The vb.net code is functioning correctly as it talks to a device through COM1 serial port.What I was hoping was the equivalent c# code is not creating the same string and as a result, the serial 'packet' is not correct. Check this illustration of my problem [URL]...

My goal is to eliminate the addition of the extra characters '/0' and '/b' that what I hoped was the c# equivalent to the correctly functioning vb.net code. It just occurred to me I should change the code to employ Stringbuilder. The 'packetbuilder' method/function builds a string and keeps concatenating things to itself.


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Use Functions That's Not In App Code

Apr 4, 2010

I am currently working with an IPhone API which consist of about 40 pages of aspx along with their respective aspx.vb pages. They are all partial classes because the API continues to add other phone platforms to it. Currently I have them residing just in a folder. /API/0.1 and /API/1.0..How would I call the functions from those IPhone API classes without having to put them in the App_code? [code]How do i use that function in a webform? or do I need to put it in App_Code? [code]

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Make Code Indentation Behave Correctly In Vbhtml Razor Files?

Nov 25, 2011

This is driving me round the bend. I'm a long time VB.NET forms developer, quite new to ASP.NET and completely new to MVC. I'm creating vbhtml pages that use the VB.NET razor syntax, and I seem to be constantly fighting against the UI which is trying to indent my code incorrectly. Take the following example, based on the template page for a new Razor view:

Layout = Nothing
End Code


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Cleaning Up Code With Functions?

Nov 28, 2010

I am just starting out with a practice VB project which involves selling donuts and coffee. I have written out the code which the program works but the code is very messy. This program contains functions and radio buttons to calculate a subtotal, tax, and total due. There are four variety of donuts in Group Box 1 listed as: Glazed at .65 each, Sugar at .65 each, Chocolate at .85 each, and Filled at $1.00.

The coffee choices in Group Box 2 are listed as: None at 0.00, Regular at $1.85, and Capuchino at $2.50 each.I want the cashier to be able to select a radio button to choose between the donut choice in group box 1 and then choose one coffee choice in group box 2. A textbox calculates the subtotal, a textbox calculates a tax of 3%, and a textbox calculates the total due adding the subtotal and tax.

Everything works fine but Ias I said before it is quite messy which I keep making it worst.I need to write one function to calculate the donut, one function to calculate the coffee, and one function to calculate the sales tax. Then I need a sub procedure to clear the subtotal, sales tax, and total due amounts when a radio button is clicked.I have been working on this for the past month ,code I have so far:

Class frmMain
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click

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VB Code Functions Randomize() And Like More In C#?

May 18, 2012

how to write the this three function in c#:

Randomize, Int ,Ran()
// This is my VB Code
for ( ; (KeyOK(sKey) == false); )


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Write Some Functions To Stop From Having To Use The Same Code Over And Over In Program

Feb 13, 2010

I have a program and the program works fine. The only thing is that I want to shorten it up and stop using the same code over and over. I use the same redudant code through out the code. I want to write some functions in order to stop from having to use the same code over and over in my program. I wanted to know if someone could help me with functions: Here is part of my code below.


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VS 2008 Updated Database, Now Need To Re-read?

Mar 24, 2010

I've updated my database...

And all the information goes in fine, and an Auto-Number is allocated.

Do I need to re-read the database to find & display this auto-number?

Where do I begin?

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VS 2008 Updated Other Record If Exists?

Sep 25, 2011

i can't find any wrong, if record exists then updated the record but only can insert the new record.

cannot updated the record.why?


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Creating Separate Functions To Clean Code Without Altering It?

Jan 24, 2012

I have created an application that would calculate NFL rating based on statistics pretty much everything is correct but how would i seperate the public function into multiple private one's while still performing the same actions? Example, Private Function CPA( Rather than having a single public function witch performs every step needed

Here's what i have

Dim intcomps As Double
Dim sngInts As Double
Dim sngAtt As Double Dim intcomps As Double


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Reusing Code (functions, Subroutines, Etc.) In Multiple Pages

Dec 28, 2010

I am very familiar with modules from my time with VB and my other programming, but what is the most commonly used practice and the best way to go about this for a website application with ASP.NET? Say I have multiple pages (in multiple directories; some in the root directory, some in child directories from the root) that will call the same set of functions and subroutines, how do I go about putting this reusable code in a place where the pages and their respective classes can call the functions/subroutines?

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VS 2008 - Connected Clients - Updated Attachments!

Aug 12, 2009

Attached are my source files i found a source and messed about with it, itsa chat client and a server which listens to clients anyway the server sends out all the messages to each client, all i want to be able todo is have a little box in my client, which is there, but has no function, its meant to list all the users currently connected.

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VS 2008 Data Not Updated Using LINQ + Sql 2000

Dec 28, 2010


I have the following records in the table student(see in fig 1). I am trying to update the Name of student whose Roll no =1. But Record is not updated in the database,

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VS 2008 Updated DataGridView - Sending Updates To DB

Oct 12, 2010

I have code similar to the code below that works in other parts of my program. The reason the code below does not work is because the datatable is made up of data from two separate tables. Does anyone know how to make this work for multiple tables? Can I choose what fields to send back and where to send them? This is what fills my datagridview and it works fine.


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VS 2008 Create A System For Notification Of Updated Software

Jan 8, 2010

I need to implement a notification system software for each new verson, I am interested only inform the user of the presence of updates, not autoupdate software, how can I do?

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VS 2008 Window Handles ,SetWindowPos API And ShowWindow API -Updated

Aug 5, 2009

1. I have an array of windows handles (list of window handles) which are windows I want to minimize when I call the ShowWindow API. But when I call it it sometimes minimizes other windows which aren't the windows I had before. I'm guessing that window handles are changed when other windows are being opened, is there is any option to detect a window in other way? like identity or something like that?

2. I'm trying to change a window size by using the SetWindowPos, but the problem is that I'm using this API while I'm dragging a window which causes the window to change the size for a sec and then go back to the same size, how can I change the window size while I'm dragging it?

3. When a left mouse button is up I want to maximize a window, but when I'm using the ShowWindow API right after the left mose button is up it causes the window to maximize for a sec and then go back I could fix that adding a delay:[code...]

4. Another question, can anyone give me an example on how to put a window right behind other window? (I guess changing something in the Z order?) I already got the two windows handles.

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[2008] Backgroundworker Progress Bar - Not Displaying Updated Status

Feb 3, 2009

Got a bit of a weird problem with a progress bar. I'm using a backgroundworker, which calls a "Process" function in a different class. The function goes about its business, and sends an update back to the form displaying the progress bar. What I'm finding is that its doing everything right, except update the progress and a label on the form. I've put breakpoints in to check the values of variables being sent to the form, and they're correct. I've also checked the value/maximum of the progress bar during the same break as I step through, and they're being set correctly.

they're just not displaying their updated status. I've tried refresh and application.doevents, to no avail. When the backgroundworker is complete, the values of the progress bar/label are as if I've never touched them! When the worker is complete, the Close button is enabled, so I know its finished. Anybody got any pointers/thoughts on this because I've been battling with this for a day and a half so far. I'm using the same technique as I've used elsewhere in the app to do similar backgroundworker progress updates, but this one refuses to work properly.

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VS 2008 - Update A Date Field In Table When A Record Is Updated

Jun 26, 2009

I want to update a date field in my table when a record is updated to reflect when the last update was made. I have this for the parameter: objEXTCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@entryDate", Now.Date)

However, this inserts the Date and a time of "12:00:00". I want the date and current system time. I've gone about several ways, but none seem to work. I try this: [Code]

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VS 2008 [updated And Still Open]Regex - (") Messing Up The Syntax

Nov 4, 2009

Can I get an english explanation of .*? I kinda know what it does, but a breakdown would be nice on the logic behind it. Also, in the same manner, I'm after the specification for special characters, especially " but if it's doable, for as many special characters, or all of em as long as " is included.

EDIT: Might as well include the entire context, because I'll prolly be asking this in another thread in 15 minutes.


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