.net - How To Write Regex To Find Stock And Price

Jan 19, 2011

var rawItemInfo={"stock":"In Stock","shipping":"<em>Free Shipping</em>","finalPrice":"56.99","itemInfo":"<div class="grpPricing"><div class="wrapper"><div class="current" id="singleFinalPrice"><span class="label">Now: </span><span>$</span>56<sup>.99</sup></div></div><div

I want to extract two information from above string

1: Stock Status "In Stock" which will come always after "Stock":

2 Price $56.99 which is there some before....<span>$</span>56<sup>.99</sup> some code after..

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Create A "stock Price Program" For An Assignment?

Jan 29, 2011

I am trying to create a "stock Price Program" for an assignment that will allow you to type in a stock symbol such as "goog" in the client side and the server side will respond with a price for that stock symbol, this price can either be hard coded in or read from a text file. I have done a lot of research and have a good understanding of how sockets work.

My issue is that I do not understand how to get the server to reply based on what the client sends it. I have a working program that allows you to send text to the server and it should reply with the same text and date but i think the client is just re-typing the text instead of receiving it from the server and I can't figure out how to get the client to receive back from the server


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Write A Query For The Calculation Of Stock?

Sep 3, 2009

I am using vb express and MsAccess as database. I am trying to write a query for the calculation of Stock.

My tables are as under:

PId PDate ItemId Description Price Quantity Amount
1 28/8/2009 1 Coca Cola Normal 1,00 10 10,00
2 28/8/2009 2 Coca Cola Zero 1,00 5 5,00


But i could not get the desired results.

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User Selects From Multiple Listboxes To Get A Price From A Price Array

Nov 25, 2011

I am new to vb and I am having so much trouble with this. What I need to do is this: I have a form application for winter sports equipment rental.I have a listbox filled with the equipment for the user to choose from then I have a combobox for the user to select the duration they would like to rent it. The book that I am using has no examples I can refrence and i have had no luck online either. I am posting what I have so far. However, i think I am going in the wrong direction. I have been working on this for so long that I think I have over thought it and made a mess of it. I am thinking that I need to add a new class for rentalRates then use enum of durationType and equipmentType but I am unsure how to move that way. That is using a enum, a 2d array and a parallel array? [code]

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Get The Price Of The Premium Or Regular In Price Per Unite?

Jan 24, 2012


Public Class GasPump
Private name As String
Private quan As Double


I get problem in the code when you going to pick y/n. how i going to get the price of the premium or Regular in Price per unite?

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VB 2010 Validation - Form As Follows "Price Changer" - User Is Allowed To Select A Product And Enter Price

Apr 17, 2012

I have a form as follows "Price changer" The user is allowed to select a product and enter price . So when the change price button is clicked...the price is stored in a array which is later called

So what i am stuck is when the user selects a product from the drop down menu...the user can enter price . But i need to display a error message when the user enters text instead of numbers for prices. I tried try parse method but it displayed the error message but did not transfer the entered price to the array.

My code is as follows

The bolded intMediaprice() are arrays....

Private Sub btnPrice_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrice.Click
If cbMedia.Text = "8-Track" Then


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Enter The Price In A Text Box And Click The Enter Button To Send The Price To A List?

Nov 15, 2011

I have to create a form that I enter the price of gas each month over a year. I enter the price in a text box and click the enter button to send the price to a list box immediatley and use an array. I have the following code but I don't think it's working with the array correctly as it will let me enter the information but doesn't stop letting me enter after the 12 prices. I am really having a hard time trying to figure out how to set up this input for an array and make it all work.


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Regex :: How To Write Regular Expression

Sep 14, 2010

My coworker needs me to write him a regular expression for his vb.net app.I do not know vb and he does not know regex.The regex he needs is:/.*web id: ?(d+).*/iBasically he needs to search a string for something like "web id: 345" or "web id:2534" and retrieve the ID.He took what I gave him above and was able to put this together:

Dim strPattern As String = ".*web id: ?(d+).*"
Dim strReplacement$ = "$1"
GetWebId$ = Regex.Replace(LCase$(strNote$), strPattern$, strReplacement$)


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Find All Regex Matches

Jun 28, 2010

[code]I am trying to return all number values that match the regex yet this only returns the first one when there are more after it.

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C# - How To Write A Multi-line RegEx Expression

Jan 12, 2010

I have a vb.net class that cleans some html before emailing the results.

Here is a sample of some html I need to remove:

<div class="RemoveThis">
Blah blah blah<br />
Blah blah blah<br />


I am already using RegEx to do most of my work now. What would the RegEx expression look like to replace the block above with nothing?

I tried the following, but something is wrong:

'html has all of my text
html = Regex.Replace(html, "<div.*?class=""RemoveThis"">.*?</div>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

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Can't Find Correct Pattern For Regex?

Mar 3, 2012

I need your help to find the right pattern to extract a string that i need.. The problem is that i have to extract all there is between this caracters:<a href="/url?q=(text to extract whatever it is)& I tried this pattern, but it's not working for me! : /(?<=url\?q=).*?(?=&)/

i'm programming in Vb.net, this is the code, but i think that the problem is that the pattern is wrong:

Dim matches As MatchCollection
matches = regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text)
For Each Match As Match In matches

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How To Find Regex Pattern Matches

Mar 12, 2012

I am working on my application to extract the value from my php page using with the regex pattern. I can extract the value using with the mystrings1 tags with no problem, but I can't be able to extract mystrings1 and mystrings2 tags in the same line.


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Use Regex To Find A Dynamic Text?

Nov 29, 2009

I'm needing to use Regex to find a dynamic text. It will always be found between the same things. Now, I'm sure that made little sense, so let me clarify. I have a rich text box full of text. I am needing to use a Regex method to find a certain string of that text that is always different. This string will be located between the same two pieces of text every time.

For Example: If this is my string: id ="user_name" ><img style ="display: block;" usr ="resentful" I need to find the text in between id ="user_name" ><img style ="display: block;" usr =" and ".

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Find A Set Of Numbes In Long String Using RegEx?

Oct 28, 2011

Ive been searching the Stackoverflow but couldnt find the exact thread that my problem is this, i want to be able to find and take out any occurances of 8 digits wihtin a string.

Dim SetOfMatches As MatchCollection
Dim MyRegex As New Regex("A^d{8}$A")
Dim TestString As String = "testing 12345678 testing"
myMatches = myRegex.Matches(TestString)
For each Row as Match in myMatches

this doesnt not generate any hits. but i want to find the 8 digit occurance in the middle of the string.

I am very basic in RegEx.

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Regex Pattern To Find Illegal Characters?

May 21, 2010

I need to find illegal characters in a windows forms textbox

The textbox text is sent as an sms text message and illegal characters are not allowed

e.g 1 client pasted some text from a word document into the texbox and the ' in msword appears as slanting ' in the textbox (see below)

e.g msword text - This is a new test of the Services

after pasting in textbox - This is a new test of the Services

The sms company have advised the slanting apostrophe is a unicode character

How can I find characters like above so I can remove them before sending the sms text

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VS 2008 : Regex Find By String With Html?

Mar 12, 2010

#@$#^@ regex have i don't know to use it yet so something like

<img src="find this" alt="Click if
<img src="/validator/11917876/1268416778.gif" alt="Click if

I'm trying to get this src and have PictureBox1.Load[URL] & "regex code" for the captcha to see if over picturebox1

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VS 2010 Regex To Find A Pattern In File?

Jan 21, 2012

have a 1mb file, should get the pattern from it

pattern should be like this
6numbers + 10&FF + 6numbers
in the hex binary editor it looks like this


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C# - Regex To Find Percent Sign With Actual Math Value?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a string like 30+20%. Now I want to replace 20% with (20/100). Thats it.

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REGEX - Find The Text Found With The TITLE Attribute

Sep 9, 2009

i want to be able to find the text found with the TITLE attribute which looks like this:


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Regex To Find A Word That Includes An Escaped Character?

Jul 17, 2009

I am using a simple regular expression (in C#) to find a whole word within a block of text.

The word may appear at the beginning, end or in the middle of a the text or sentence with in the text.

The expression I have been using word has been working fine however if the word included a special character (that has been escaped) it no longer works. The boundary is essential so that we do not pick up words such as vb.net as a match for .net.[code]...

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Regex To Find Alphanumeric Match With Day Part Of Datetime?

Jan 5, 2012

I have to match string like "DAY1","DAY2","DAY3"....."DAY31" with regex in vb.net. I tried something like this - ^?DAY(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ but it did not work.

The pattern should have succesfull match if the source string is either DAY1 or DAY2 or DAY3 to DAY31 like so.

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Build Regex To Find And Replace Invalid HTML Attributes?

Jul 31, 2009

The sad truth about this post is that I have poor regex skills. I recently came across some code in an old project that I seriously want to do something about. [code]...

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Regex - Find First Use Of Particular Word In String & Then Display Image Url Which Is Exacly After It?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a string which consists of the raw HTML of a webpage. I would like to search for the first use of /imgres?imgurl= within the string and display the url of an image which follows exactly after it in a text box. Below is an example of part of the string: [URL]..In this case it would find /imgres?imgurl= then it would display [URL]...

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Cannot Find The Proper Way To Write The Code Of A Loop?

Sep 26, 2010

that i can get a message box containing thitems who have the first letter i asked in a textbox , and the items are in a list box. So I repeat, i have alist box, i havetems in it, and i have a text boxupper that i wrote a letter in, and i want that when i click on the button under, it shows me the items in the list boxhat begin with the letter I enteredn the text box

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Use RegEx To Find The <tr></tr> That Contains The Text "World"?

Dec 8, 2009

I have the following html contained in a string.



I would like to use RegEx to find the <tr></tr> that contains the text "World". The difficulty is that there might be other <td> around the one that contains the search text. So we need to be able to search for the <tr> and </tr> nearest to the search text with any text between the <tr> and the search text.

The result of the match would be.


I'm using vb.net by the way.

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Using RegEx To Find String Inside Nested String?

Sep 10, 2011

Using VB.NET, Is there a way to do this RegEx call in 1 step... instead of 2-3? I'm trying to find the word "bingo", or whatever is between the START and END words, but then also inside the inner FISH and CAKES words. My final results should be just "bingo".

Dim s1 As String = "START (random string) FISH bingo CAKES (random string) END"


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Find Word In Text File And Write A Line?

Jan 29, 2011

How can I open a text file, find a certain word in the text file, and then, just before that word, write a line of text to the file - then save the file?

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Write A Program That Fillsout The Pdf - Unable To Find The Forms Id?

Dec 1, 2009

I have a pdf here that we use @ my company.I'm trying to write a program that fillsout the pdf.i know iTextSharp exist but i can't seem to find the forms id.

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Write Code To Find Smaller Array In Bigger?

Jul 10, 2011

trying write code to find smaller array in bigger (arrays have 2 dimensions) (i have 2 arrays type Color they contains 2 bitmaps data inside - captimage is bigger bitmap where is need to search)

function CompareI: boolean;
y, x, yy, xx: integer;


but no luck.. something is wrong - result is always false, can someone provide a little fix or point me to 2dimensional array compare code?

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Concatenating A Variable With A Regex Group Match In Regex.replace?

Apr 5, 2012

I am having an issue where I am using regex.Replace to replace part of a string. The basic idea is that I want to capture the beginning of the string then replace the end of the string with a value from code. For an example pretend I have a string that says "Test Number " followed by number and I want to increment that number. I capture the "Test Number " but when I try to concatenate that capture with the new number it treats the capture ($1) as a literal and replaces the entire string with $1[new number].


This will output "We are on Test Number 2", as expected. how I can use a variable in the replacement string portion of the Regex.Replace when including a captured group?

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