REGEX - Find The Text Found With The TITLE Attribute

Sep 9, 2009

i want to be able to find the text found with the TITLE attribute which looks like this:


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VS 2010 Find Method And How To Go To Found Text

Nov 6, 2011

I'm making a notepad and i added find method to find the string and i programed the code but when i search some string in the text box the found string not be shown until i will scroll the text box to see it

it's not auto select or auto go to found text

so how can i do this and my code is Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions


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Use Regex To Find A Dynamic Text?

Nov 29, 2009

I'm needing to use Regex to find a dynamic text. It will always be found between the same things. Now, I'm sure that made little sense, so let me clarify. I have a rich text box full of text. I am needing to use a Regex method to find a certain string of that text that is always different. This string will be located between the same two pieces of text every time.

For Example: If this is my string: id ="user_name" ><img style ="display: block;" usr ="resentful" I need to find the text in between id ="user_name" ><img style ="display: block;" usr =" and ".

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Regex - Regular Expression To Convert Ul To Textformat And Back, With A Different Attribute Value For First Tag ?

Apr 1, 2010

This is a related to a previous question I have asked here, see the link below for a brief description as to why I am trying to do this.Regular expression from font to span (size and colour) and back (VB.NET).Basically I need a regex replace function (or if this can be done in pure VB then that's fine) to convert all ul tags in a string to textindent tags, with a different attribute value for the first textindent tag.For example:

<li>This is some text</li>
<li>This is some more text</li>[code].....

Basically I want the first ul tag to have no indenting, but all nested ul tags to have an indent of 20.

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Use RegEx To Find The <tr></tr> That Contains The Text "World"?

Dec 8, 2009

I have the following html contained in a string.



I would like to use RegEx to find the <tr></tr> that contains the text "World". The difficulty is that there might be other <td> around the one that contains the search text. So we need to be able to search for the <tr> and </tr> nearest to the search text with any text between the <tr> and the search text.

The result of the match would be.


I'm using by the way.

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Regex: IsMatch Fail On A Particular Word Even If Matches Found In String

Jan 30, 2012

i have to search a string for a few words eg, dog, cat, lion but i want regex to fail if lizard is found in the string even if it contains cat, dog or lion.ismatch(pass) "dog|cat|lion" "This is not your average cat!"ismatch (fail) ??? "This is not your average cat! It's a lizard."??? - here the regex statement is unknown word spaces and boundaries or lower/uppercase is not a concern. I run the string through Replace(" ", "").Trim(" ").ToLower before handover to Regex.

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Could Not Find Attribute 'onmousedown?

Apr 8, 2011

Why does Visual studio give this message in the task list when I use "onmousedown" on an asp:button:Could not find attribute 'onmousedown'of element buttonSurely it does exist. After all, it works! The same thing happens for "onmouseup"

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Regex: Take Text & Some Special Characters Between The Xml Tags Using Regex On

Feb 23, 2012

I want to take the text and some special characters between the xml tags.. My input file contains:


now i want the Regex to take text and the special characters between the tags <line>,<inline>..

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VS 2010 : Close A Third-party Window (application) If A Specified String Was Found In The Window Title?

May 2, 2012

Excuse me for posting this, but I have searched both Google along with this forum before asking this question, maybe I'm not using the right keywords but I apologize if it's easy to find.I would like to know how one could close a third-party window (application) if a specified string was found in the window title.

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Close A Third-party Window (application) If A Specified String Was Found In The Window Title

Nov 30, 2010

I would like to know how one could close a third-party window (application) if a specified string was found in the window title.

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XML Parser :: Find Elements With Specific Attribute & Value?

Sep 24, 2009

I am using VB.NET to read an XHTML file. I need my program to find every element within the XML structure which has the "class" attribute set to a specific value.IE: I need an array (or similar list) of all elements from the document which contain class="mytag".There is a list of several values I need to detect, all of which start with the same word 'mytag' followed by another word - so using a "contains" function seems sensible here

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Find Window By Title Name VB 2008?

Sep 16, 2011

Having an issue with a certain application ever since and update, and now errors out with a unique window title. How can I find if the window title exist in VB.Net 2008?Found this code, but looks like its for 6:
Sub Tester()
MsgBox Window_Exists("PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0039)")
End Sub


Also is there anyway to use a variable in the name title... say just the first 3 words of the title followed by somestring that is the equivalent of *?

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VS 2010 : Find An Object With Certain Attribute Value In A List Of Objects?

Oct 13, 2011

I have a list of objects, each object has a score attribute,The list of scores needs to be combined on the player ID to become a totaled score or series. My current thought process is to For Each through the list of individual games, and add the score attribute to a new list of scores with the same objects. So one list would be like:

clsGame(ID Number, Sore)
dim ScoreList as list(of clsGames)
ScoreList.Add(New clsGame(11, 244)
ScoreList.Add(New clsGame(11, 333)
ScoreList.Add(New clsGame(11, 444)

Then go through combining on like ID's to make a new list of games, that would actually be the series.

Dim SeriesList as new list(of clsClasses)
For each game as clsGame in ScoreList
'cycle through the list of series seeing if an ID matches, if so add the score onto that ID


Now I don't know how to add the player if its not in the seiries list without doing a heck of a lot more for each statements. If I add it after the end if then it will be added even if it is in the list..I tried playing around with List.Contains method, but I could only see if it contaned the exact same values i.e


and because the scores are different (series vs single game) it wouldn't match, and I don't know how to see if it contains an object with just one of the attributes the same...

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.net Find Form By Title And Edit Control?

Aug 31, 2010

i have this program that allows multipal versions of one form when the program recives a command testform|this is a test|Admin testform is the form name this is a test is the message Admin is the user who sent tit what i want to do is use the name to find the form >>>> add the message to a text box on that form >>> tell them who sent the message in it as well but i dont know how to find the form or add to the box on it?

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Find All Regex Matches

Jun 28, 2010

[code]I am trying to return all number values that match the regex yet this only returns the first one when there are more after it.

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Can't Find Correct Pattern For Regex?

Mar 3, 2012

I need your help to find the right pattern to extract a string that i need.. The problem is that i have to extract all there is between this caracters:<a href="/url?q=(text to extract whatever it is)& I tried this pattern, but it's not working for me! : /(?<=url\?q=).*?(?=&)/

i'm programming in, this is the code, but i think that the problem is that the pattern is wrong:

Dim matches As MatchCollection
matches = regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text)
For Each Match As Match In matches

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How To Find Regex Pattern Matches

Mar 12, 2012

I am working on my application to extract the value from my php page using with the regex pattern. I can extract the value using with the mystrings1 tags with no problem, but I can't be able to extract mystrings1 and mystrings2 tags in the same line.


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.net - How To Write Regex To Find Stock And Price

Jan 19, 2011

var rawItemInfo={"stock":"In Stock","shipping":"<em>Free Shipping</em>","finalPrice":"56.99","itemInfo":"<div class="grpPricing"><div class="wrapper"><div class="current" id="singleFinalPrice"><span class="label">Now: </span><span>$</span>56<sup>.99</sup></div></div><div

I want to extract two information from above string

1: Stock Status "In Stock" which will come always after "Stock":

2 Price $56.99 which is there some before....<span>$</span>56<sup>.99</sup> some code after..

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Find A Set Of Numbes In Long String Using RegEx?

Oct 28, 2011

Ive been searching the Stackoverflow but couldnt find the exact thread that my problem is this, i want to be able to find and take out any occurances of 8 digits wihtin a string.

Dim SetOfMatches As MatchCollection
Dim MyRegex As New Regex("A^d{8}$A")
Dim TestString As String = "testing 12345678 testing"
myMatches = myRegex.Matches(TestString)
For each Row as Match in myMatches

this doesnt not generate any hits. but i want to find the 8 digit occurance in the middle of the string.

I am very basic in RegEx.

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Regex Pattern To Find Illegal Characters?

May 21, 2010

I need to find illegal characters in a windows forms textbox

The textbox text is sent as an sms text message and illegal characters are not allowed

e.g 1 client pasted some text from a word document into the texbox and the ' in msword appears as slanting ' in the textbox (see below)

e.g msword text - This is a new test of the Services

after pasting in textbox - This is a new test of the Services

The sms company have advised the slanting apostrophe is a unicode character

How can I find characters like above so I can remove them before sending the sms text

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VS 2008 : Regex Find By String With Html?

Mar 12, 2010

#@$#^@ regex have i don't know to use it yet so something like

<img src="find this" alt="Click if
<img src="/validator/11917876/1268416778.gif" alt="Click if

I'm trying to get this src and have PictureBox1.Load[URL] & "regex code" for the captcha to see if over picturebox1

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VS 2010 Regex To Find A Pattern In File?

Jan 21, 2012

have a 1mb file, should get the pattern from it

pattern should be like this
6numbers + 10&FF + 6numbers
in the hex binary editor it looks like this


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C# - Regex To Find Percent Sign With Actual Math Value?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a string like 30+20%. Now I want to replace 20% with (20/100). Thats it.

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Regex To Find A Word That Includes An Escaped Character?

Jul 17, 2009

I am using a simple regular expression (in C#) to find a whole word within a block of text.

The word may appear at the beginning, end or in the middle of a the text or sentence with in the text.

The expression I have been using word has been working fine however if the word included a special character (that has been escaped) it no longer works. The boundary is essential so that we do not pick up words such as as a match for .net.[code]...

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Regex To Find Alphanumeric Match With Day Part Of Datetime?

Jan 5, 2012

I have to match string like "DAY1","DAY2","DAY3"....."DAY31" with regex in I tried something like this - ^?DAY(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ but it did not work.

The pattern should have succesfull match if the source string is either DAY1 or DAY2 or DAY3 to DAY31 like so.

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Build Regex To Find And Replace Invalid HTML Attributes?

Jul 31, 2009

The sad truth about this post is that I have poor regex skills. I recently came across some code in an old project that I seriously want to do something about. [code]...

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Regex - Find First Use Of Particular Word In String & Then Display Image Url Which Is Exacly After It?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a string which consists of the raw HTML of a webpage. I would like to search for the first use of /imgres?imgurl= within the string and display the url of an image which follows exactly after it in a text box. Below is an example of part of the string: [URL]..In this case it would find /imgres?imgurl= then it would display [URL]...

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Reading 'object-attribute-attribute Value' Triples From Column-based CSV Files

Nov 27, 2011

here any algorithms/pseudocode for reading/parsing 3-column csv data and determining unique objects/attributes/values?

example data:



i have already implemented a solution of my own but it's too slow and i can't find any relevant literature on the internet.

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Unrecognized Attribute 'targetFramework Note That Attribute Names Are Case-sensitive?

Nov 10, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive

I am using window xp and iis 5.1 to run the application.

error is occurred Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.


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VS 2010 Client Found Response Content Type Of 'text/html', But Expected 'text/xml'?

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to implement a webservice but I am receiving this error :Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.The request failed with the error message:Quote:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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