.net - Linq Query If Statement?

Jun 24, 2011

Ok im trying to do a if statement in Linq and was wondering if it was possible to do something like:

Dim loadFriends = From p In db.UserRelationships Where p.aspnet_User.UserName = User.Identity.Name _
Or p.aspnet_User1.UserName = User.Identity.Name And p.Type = 1 _
Select New With {if p.aspnet_user1.user = "a certan username" then .username = _
p.aspnet_user.username else .username = p.aspnet_user1.Username}


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How To Turn Query Into A LINQ Statement

Sep 30, 2009

How can I turn the following query into a LINQ statement? [code]

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Tell If A LINQ To SQL Query Is Translated To A SQL Statement Or Not?

Oct 15, 2010

We use LINQ to SQL extensively, and one of the biggest performance pitfalls we've run into is situations where a query can't be converted to SQL, and so an entire database table gets loaded into memory and the query performed by .NET. For example, this query

Dim Foo = (From c in Db.Contacts Select c Where c.ContactID=MyContactID)
translates to a simple SQL query, whereas
Dim Foo = (From c in Db.Contacts Select c Where c.ContactID=SafeInt(MyContactID))

doesn't because SafeInt is our own function and doesn't have a SQL equivalent; so the whole contacts table gets loaded into memory and searched by LINQ to objects, which is vastly slower. With a little experience, we've gotten better at avoiding this kind of situation. But it's not always obvious, and this is the sort of problem that's often not revealed until you're working with a lot of data and things start to slow down. Is there a straightforward way to see - whether in Visual Studio or some other way - how LINQ queries will be handled, other than trial and error?

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Create A LINQ Query Statement That Retrieve Intersecting Data From 3 Datatables

Nov 26, 2010

I am trying to create a LINQ query statement that retrieve intersecting data from 3 datatables (dt, dt1, dt2). My first attempt to do so with the following LINQ query statement was successful: [code] However in my design, I would need the LINQ query statement to be dynamically generated, because I want a user to be able to retrieve intersecting data entries from VARIABLE number of datatables. In this case, the first option is not as good as the "INTERSECT" query operator, with which I can just easily connect each SQL query statement with a "INTERSECT" operator. The problem is that my second attempt using the "intersect" operator fails, and after many trials and errors I still can't get it to work. [code]

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LINQ Query Is Enumerated - Turn On Some Kind Of Flag That Alerts Me Each Time A LINQ Query Is Enumerated?

Sep 22, 2009

I know that LINQ queries are deferred and only executed when the query is enumerated, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly when that happens.Certainly in a For Each loop, the query would be enumerated.What's the rule of thumb to follow? I don't want to accidentally enumerate over my query twice if it's a huge result.

For example, does System.Linq.Enumerable.First enumerate over the whole query? I ask for performance reasons. I want to pass a LINQ result set to an ASP.NET MVC view, and I also want to pass the First element separately. Enumerating over the results twice would be painful.It would be great to turn on some kind of flag that alerts me each time a LINQ query is enumerated. That way I could catch scenarios when I accidentally enumerate twice.

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Sql - Perform An Inline Select Statement In A LINQ Statement?

Jun 24, 2011

I have the following SQL:


I want to put it (the select count statement) in this LINQ statement so I can get the sales count in my linq statement: Dim TheLeads = (From L In DB.Leads Where L.IsDeleted = False Select L).ToList() Is this possible to do in LINQ?

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.net - ActiveRecord Linq/NHibernate Linq Not Building Query Completely?

Jul 14, 2011

given this function:

Public Function Search(ByVal StartIndex As Integer, _
ByVal MaxResults As Integer, _
ByVal AccountNumber As String, _
ByVal LastName As String, _


instead of what I expected:

Select count(*) from remitline where lastname = "smith"

What am I doing wrong building up the where clause? I'm using Castle ActiveRecord 2.1

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Performance Gain In LINQ Query Vs LINQ Stored Procedure?

Aug 6, 2009

if there is that much of a performance gain in running a LINQ stored procedure versus a LINQ query?

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Asp.net - Complex Linq Query - Add A .Where() Or .Any() Predicate To Reduce Query Complexity (in VB)?

Sep 14, 2010

I have to join two main tables, and I need to filter the results by elements in an ASP.NET web form. These filters are created on the fly so I have to use a lot of where extensions to filter the query. I want to execute the query with as optimized SQL as possible.

I am first doing a simple join between TW_Sites and TW_Investigators. Then there are two sub-tables that are involved. TW_InvestigatorToArea and TW_InvestigatorToDisease. While most of the where clauses are working fine, I have found a performance issue that won't be an issue right now, but will be an issue as the table gets bigger.

The arrays DiseaseCategories and DiseaseAreas would be the results of a CheckBoxList result.

Protected Sub LoadResults()
'Get Dictionary of Filters
Dim FilterDictionary As OrderedDictionary = Session.Item("InvestigatorFilterDictionary")
' Initialize LinqToSql


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LINQ Query Using The Dynamic LINQ Library?

Mar 31, 2011

Forgive my ignorance on this.I have this LINQ Query:Dim ngBikersDataContext As New CarBikeWalkDataContext

bikersList = (From c In ngBikersDataContext.Reg_Bikers _
Order By c.L_Name _
Select New Bikers() With { _
.BikerID = c.BikerID, _
.F_Name = c.F_Name, _


with the error "Overload resolution failed because no accesible 'Select' accepts this number of arguments."
Over the "NEW" I get an error " ')'expected."

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"System.ArgumentException: An Item With The Same Key Has Already Been Added." When Trying To Order An In-memory LINQ Query By A LINQ Association?

Jan 27, 2011

We are doing a query against an in-memory collection of LINQ data objects. The wrinkle is that we are ordering by a column in a related table whose records have not necessarily been loaded yet (deferred loading:)

Dim oPkgProducts = _
From b In oBillPkg.BillProducts _
Where b.Successful.GetValueOrDefault(Common.X_INDETERMINATE) = _


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LINQ To SQL - Add In Row_Number To A LINQ To SQL Query?

Aug 31, 2011

How do I add ROW_NUMBER to a LINQ query or Entity? How can I convert this solution to VB.NET?


I'm having trouble porting that last line. I have been unable to locate a VB.NET example. I'm actually not looking for any paging functionality like the example provides, just good old-fashioned Row_Number(Order By X) row index.

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VS 2008 Linq Possible To Use Query In Another Query?

Apr 16, 2011

I was wandering is it possible to use a query within another query below is the code I am trying to use.

Public Function GetInventByComp(ByVal CompID As String) Using DC As New DataClassDataContext
'need to get company id's based off names? thats bad should be name from Id need to rethink this
Dim invent = (From C In DC.Inventors_Companies _
Where C.CompID = CompID _
Select C.InventorID).ToString


I was trying to us multiple values in a string like "1, 3, 5" but I can't seem to get that working either so I am trying to use just a single value now. Can anyone help me? "Yes I am new to this"

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.net - XML Literal With Linq Statement?

Oct 7, 2009

I am going to be performing an XSLT transformation, transforming XML to an HTML table. It's tabular data, so that's why I'm not using div's.


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Is There A Better Way To Do LINQ Statement Block

Aug 13, 2009

I'm relatively new with LINQ, but I'm going to be getting into it a lot more. Is the following a practical application of LINQ, or is there a better way to do something like this? [code] I was thinking if I could get the property name somehow as an object I could just do one LINQ statement,

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LINQ Where Statement In Collection?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a Customer object which has a collection of ContactNumbers. Is it possible with LINQ to get a list of Customers where one of the contact numbers = '123'?

Public Class Customer
Public Overridable Property ContactNumbers As List(Of ContactNumber)
End Class


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Convert The Following VB Code To A LINQ Statement?

Oct 8, 2009

I only want to return a certain number of rows into the DataTable via LINQ's Take or use it on the Rows property, but I am not sure how or where to do it: Here is the current code:

Dim dt As DataTable = GetDataTable("sp", params)
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
Dim o As New OR()


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Getting Result Of Linq Statement Out Of A Function?

Jun 16, 2011

I have something that I want to do and what looks very simple, but I cannot get it to work. I want to build a function that gets as input a xdocument and some other strings. It should have a return that contains a filtered part of the xdocument in a way that I can use it as input for a new Linq function. This is what I mean:

Private Function fncGetFilteredDecendantsOfNode(ByVal xdocDoc As XDocument, _


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LINQ Statement Not Updating Database?

Jul 15, 2010

I have the following code:[code]When I run it, looking at the debugger everything looks okay but when I check the database table it is supposed to be inserting into - the column values (for occupantnum) haven't changed - they are all still null! Not sure if this is related, but note that I've now updated j to explicitly be an integer. I noticed while debugging that wResident.occupantnum was appearing as Type "Integer?" - but this doesn't seem to have made any difference - when I rerun it it still says Type "Integer?"

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Linq Using Variables In Order By Statement?

May 18, 2012

Dim gg = From gs In AllData_TableList Order By gs.Biology Descending, gs.ChemistryDescending, gs.English Descending, gs.Frensh DescendingAll I need is to make this Statement order Dynamically like this

Dim Variable1 as string=Biology
Dim Variable2 as string=Chemistry
Dim Variable3 as string=English


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Use If Statement During Select From Linq To Datasets?

Dec 14, 2009

I have this LINQ statement [code]...

Is there any way that I can use if/iif within select ?

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VS 2008 Convert SQL Statement To LINQ?

Oct 28, 2009

I'm just getting my feet wet with LINQ but am struggling to convert this SQL statement to LINQ.

Dim SQLString As String = "SELECT MESSAGE_ID FROM " & Schema & _
DeletionDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") & "' AND IMPORTED = 'Y' AND FILE_NAME LIKE '" & _
mb & "%'"

I have a Dataset that already contains all the data from the PPM_TRANSFER_EMAIL table so it seems silly to query the database again when I can use LINQ to query the dataset.

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Asp.net - Binding Different LINQ Datasource Using Same Variable W/ If Statement?

Nov 27, 2010

OK So I know WHY I am having the error I am getting. I don't know HOW to fix it. Basically, if the user doesn't have a certain permission, I need to join another table. But .NET is so picky I can't just make two different queries in an IF statement and then use it outside of the if statement. I can think of some ugly work arounds for this, but I would rather not. I am fairly new to .NET I know just enough to be dangerous.


because of this: Dim l As IEnumerable(Of Company) its not just IEnumerable of a Company, its got the source in it. I have to explicitly select source to use it in my datagrid. Can I make Dim l something that will make it stop complaining?

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Dynamic Variables In Linq Select Statement?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a listbox that is dynamically filled by certain values depending on what table has been selected from another list box. Once a value is selected, it is being graphed vs a date & time range. With my ignorance of linq: depending on what value is selected, the linq to sql statement I need to create to grab data from my database is different as I can't use an index on an anonymous type.

result = From t In db.APS _
Where t.DateTime >= startDate And _
t.DateTime <= finishDate And t.Weight = weight _
Select t.DateTime, t.TotalConcentration

t.TotalConcentration should be selected if my listbox value is "Total Concentration", but if it's something else, like "Temperature" or "Flow Rate" (connected to appropreate database columns) - this method obviously isn't going to work. I need to be able to dynamically select a specific column from the anonymous type list, or use some other method I'm unaware of to do this.

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Execute A LINQ Statement Without Assigning It To A Variable?

Apr 15, 2011

I have the following function

Public Function GetPositionBySchoolID(ByVal SchoolID As Integer) As CPAPositionsDataTable
Dim positions As New CPAPositionsDataTable


And I was wondering if there is any way to cut out assigning the LINQ result to tmp and just work with the result directly, i.e.

Public Function GetPositionBySchoolID(ByVal SchoolID As Integer) As CPAPositionsDataTable
Dim positions As New CPAPositionsDataTable


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LINQ To DataTable Error - End Of Statement Expected

Sep 21, 2010

If txtSearchString.Text.Trim <> "" Then
Dim searchString As String = txtSearchString.Text.Trim
Dim results As EnumerableRowCollection(Of DataRow) = From PO In FilterPurchaseOrders().AsEnumerable


I am getting this error: error BC30205: End of statement expected.

FilterPurchaseOrders() function returns a datatable.

Whats wrong with the above code?

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Specify Database Column That Contains A Space In A Linq Statement?

Jun 23, 2010

I thought this would have been quite common but can't find anything on this. I'm trying to query columns that have spaces immbedded within them. For the life of me I don't see a way of selecting them when I'm trying to assign them to an alias when creating an anonymous type result. [code]...

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VS 2008 IfThen Statement In Linq To Sql Where Clause?

Aug 19, 2010

i want to use a if, then statement in a where clause in linq to sql. Is this possible? I'm trying to achieve the following:


I'm trying to only add the And If if intLink_pk > -1. If it = -1, then i don't want the and clause at all. Is this posssible within the linq to sql itself?I understand i can write 2 entirely different selects, but if I can't get this done, I may have to write about 50 of them as I want to use multiple Ands if certain conditions are met on the form, such as chk boxes etc.

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Datagrid And Query : How To Use AND Statement

Nov 30, 2010

In my Form1 i have a datagrid with coulmns: CarName , CarModel , CarColor , CarOwner (there are a lot of data).

I added queries (textboxes that the user writes in text) that can "filter" data when the user want to choose specific CarName or specific CarModel.

textbox1 = CarName
textbox2 = CarModel
textbox3 = CarColor
textbox4 = CarOwner

If the user writes text in TextBox1 then the data shown in the DataGrid is filtered.What if the user want to choose also (!) a carOwner? I know how to use AND statements, but if the user didn't specified a carOwner non of the data is shown although there are this kind of data.

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Using Statement With A Scalar Query?

May 30, 2012

Can you show a coding example that has the "Using" statement with a scalar query?

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