.net - ActiveRecord Linq/NHibernate Linq Not Building Query Completely?

Jul 14, 2011

given this function:

Public Function Search(ByVal StartIndex As Integer, _
ByVal MaxResults As Integer, _
ByVal AccountNumber As String, _
ByVal LastName As String, _


instead of what I expected:

Select count(*) from remitline where lastname = "smith"

What am I doing wrong building up the where clause? I'm using Castle ActiveRecord 2.1

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C# - Subsonic3 ActiveRecord LINQ Query

Jun 9, 2010

I have the following subsonic entities


How can I achieve the following in LINQ (subsonic)


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Building A Dynamic LINQ Query

Mar 16, 2011

I have a listbox which users can select from a list if Towns, I want to be able to build a LINQ query based on the selected items in the list e.g.


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Dynamically Building LINQ Query Using OR Operator In VB

May 22, 2009

I need to build a dynamic linq query with or operators. I have seen PredicateBuilder but that is in C# and my project is in VB. Basically I need to build a WHERE clause similar to this:

Where((this = 1 AND that = 2) OR (this = 1 AND that = 4) OR (this = 2 AND that = 4))

but the problem is the number will have to be determined dynamically at runtime, and added using a loop, like

for each item in myItems
query = query.OR (this = item.a AND this = item.b)

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MS Entity Framework VS NHibernate And Its Derived Contribs (FluentNHibernate, Linq For NHibernate)?

Feb 4, 2010

I just read this article about the Entity Framework 4 (actually version 2).Entity Framework seems to offer a huge improvement over its first release. Thus, I have never ever used EF in any project, since I think EF is not mature enough in comparison to NHibernate.NHibernate and its current contributions of FluentNHibernate and Linq for NHibernate by Ayende RahienMy feeling is that Microsoft is solely trying to gain terrain it has lost in favor of NHibernate when the 2nd version of NHibernate came out.Nevertheless, my concerns are the followings (not in particular order):Will EF4 tend to be less XML-verbose?Will EF4 be compatible with other underlying datastore than just SQL Server?What are the greatest benefits of going with EF4 instead of FluentNHibernate or NHibernate itself.

NHibernate is a great tool, I guess everyone agrees. Due to its predecessor Hibernate, we may easily find documentions and tutorials and sample applications to get acquainted with it. This is not the case for FluentNHibernate. Particularly as per the project I'm working on right now which demands that I investigate further about NHibernate and its options (FluentNHibernate for instance) in order to document the rules of usage and the best practices of NHibernat and FluentNHibernate technology. Thus, being handcuffed with VB.NET, being a C-Style developer, I can't find some syntax equivalencies in VB.NET for the examples provided, though I made I way so far

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VS 2010 Dynamically Building LINQ Query To Search Objects

Mar 24, 2011

I am creating a mediaplayer / playlist creator tool that basically imports MP3 songs into playlists (grids). I'm looking to add search functionality where the user can search all open playlists (or a subset of the open playlists). A Playlist is basically a collection of AudioFiles, where an AudioFile is a class that holds the filename of the MP3 file and then exposes the tags (Title, Artist, Album, etc) in public properties.

The idea is that the user can search for a certain expression (for example "the"), and that he can then choose whether to search in the title, in the title and artist, in the title or artist, in the title, artist and/or album, etc. However, I'm having a hard time implementing this and also having it kind of dynamic.

At the moment I am simply gathering all the AudioFiles from the open playlists (or from the subset of playlists the user chooses) and then running a simple LINQ query to find those AudioFiles where the Title contains the search text. Then I display the resulting AudioFiles in a new playlist window:


In case the AND / OR distinguishing is too hard, I would be happy to start with just letting it default to 'OR', so that the user can check Title and Album for example. If he would then search for 'a' then all songs that contain 'a' in their title as well as all songs that contain 'a' in their album should be returned. I guess that makes it easier, but I still wouldn't know how to dynamically create the LINQ query.

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Performance Gain In LINQ Query Vs LINQ Stored Procedure?

Aug 6, 2009

if there is that much of a performance gain in running a LINQ stored procedure versus a LINQ query?

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LINQ Query Is Enumerated - Turn On Some Kind Of Flag That Alerts Me Each Time A LINQ Query Is Enumerated?

Sep 22, 2009

I know that LINQ queries are deferred and only executed when the query is enumerated, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly when that happens.Certainly in a For Each loop, the query would be enumerated.What's the rule of thumb to follow? I don't want to accidentally enumerate over my query twice if it's a huge result.

For example, does System.Linq.Enumerable.First enumerate over the whole query? I ask for performance reasons. I want to pass a LINQ result set to an ASP.NET MVC view, and I also want to pass the First element separately. Enumerating over the results twice would be painful.It would be great to turn on some kind of flag that alerts me each time a LINQ query is enumerated. That way I could catch scenarios when I accidentally enumerate twice.

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Exception When Building LINQ Query With Multiple Levels Of Delegates Or Lambdas ("Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: Instance")?

Jun 22, 2011

've got a function that takes two parameters (a delegate and an integer) and then creates a LINQ MethodCallExpression, which it uses to gets the results:

Public Delegate Function CompareTwoIntegerFunction(ByVal i1 As Integer, ByVal i2 As Integer) As Boolean
Public Function Test(ByVal pFunc As CompareTwoIntegerFunction, ByVal i1 As Integer, ByVal


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.net - Can't Get Linq To NHibernate To Work?

Nov 22, 2009

I'm struggling with getting Linq To NHibernate to work.I have referenced NHibernate, NHibernate.Linq and NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle . Also I have all other dependencies in the same folder.

Code / Error message:

Public Function GetProjectsByName(ByVal ProjectName As String) As List(Of Project)
Return (From x In _session.Linq(Of Project)() Where x.Name.Equals(Project))

End Function[code]....

... tells me that the LINQ extensions aren't loaded. Using NHibernate.Linq seems to be made in a way that it's incredibly easy to use, hence there are no tutorials on how to set it up. (Or at least I couldn't find any).

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LINQ Query Using The Dynamic LINQ Library?

Mar 31, 2011

Forgive my ignorance on this.I have this LINQ Query:Dim ngBikersDataContext As New CarBikeWalkDataContext

bikersList = (From c In ngBikersDataContext.Reg_Bikers _
Order By c.L_Name _
Select New Bikers() With { _
.BikerID = c.BikerID, _
.F_Name = c.F_Name, _


with the error "Overload resolution failed because no accesible 'Select' accepts this number of arguments."
Over the "NEW" I get an error " ')'expected."

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Convert These 4 SQL Tables Into OO Classes (Java Or C#) But Not With NHibernate/LINQ?

Apr 21, 2012

I am trying to learn OOD/OOP and read on the net that I am not supposed convert SQL tables into classes. But I cannot find an explanation why not to do it or which tables to skip. So I made an web application based on the below diagram. It works perfectly well. But I do not use OO. which table should not be mapped into a class and why not. do not use LINQ or NHibernate, etc as I do not understand them. I just need to understand the OOD.

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"System.ArgumentException: An Item With The Same Key Has Already Been Added." When Trying To Order An In-memory LINQ Query By A LINQ Association?

Jan 27, 2011

We are doing a query against an in-memory collection of LINQ data objects. The wrinkle is that we are ordering by a column in a related table whose records have not necessarily been loaded yet (deferred loading:)

Dim oPkgProducts = _
From b In oBillPkg.BillProducts _
Where b.Successful.GetValueOrDefault(Common.X_INDETERMINATE) = _


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LINQ To SQL - Add In Row_Number To A LINQ To SQL Query?

Aug 31, 2011

How do I add ROW_NUMBER to a LINQ query or Entity? How can I convert this solution to VB.NET?


I'm having trouble porting that last line. I have been unable to locate a VB.NET example. I'm actually not looking for any paging functionality like the example provides, just good old-fashioned Row_Number(Order By X) row index.

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Building A DNN Module Using Linq To SQL

Oct 26, 2009

I am building a module using linq to SQL and I am running into some problems. I have been following Michal Washington's tutorial on [URL]. The problem is that VB does not recognize my Complaint Class when I try to create new Complaint object. why I am unable to Dim a Complaint object? Here is my code:


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Syntax Trouble Building Xml From Linq

Jan 24, 2012

I am building an xml file with the help of Linq queries and I'm not sure why the code below doesn't work.[code]

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.net - Building A LINQ Expression To Find Items Related To All Descendants Of A Tree Node?

Mar 7, 2011

I have built a database structure that represents a category tree to help classify some of the data we have stored. The implementation is that each record in the Category table has a nullable foreign key back into the Category table to represent the parent Category of this category (one-to-many), essentially allowing for subcategories within a broader parent level. There is a CategoryMembership table that links a record in the Item table to its respective Category (many-to-many). I have created the DBML for this database, and it has a member access structure that includes the following:


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Asp.net - Complex Linq Query - Add A .Where() Or .Any() Predicate To Reduce Query Complexity (in VB)?

Sep 14, 2010

I have to join two main tables, and I need to filter the results by elements in an ASP.NET web form. These filters are created on the fly so I have to use a lot of where extensions to filter the query. I want to execute the query with as optimized SQL as possible.

I am first doing a simple join between TW_Sites and TW_Investigators. Then there are two sub-tables that are involved. TW_InvestigatorToArea and TW_InvestigatorToDisease. While most of the where clauses are working fine, I have found a performance issue that won't be an issue right now, but will be an issue as the table gets bigger.

The arrays DiseaseCategories and DiseaseAreas would be the results of a CheckBoxList result.

Protected Sub LoadResults()
'Get Dictionary of Filters
Dim FilterDictionary As OrderedDictionary = Session.Item("InvestigatorFilterDictionary")
' Initialize LinqToSql


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Error Building SessionFactory In NHibernate?

Apr 28, 2009

I am getting an "ArgumentOutOfRangeException" on parameter index whenever I try to instantiate a session factory in nHibernate. The error comes from a procedure deep in the bowels of nHibernate. This is on a fresh project with a pretty simple three tier architecture. The data layer maps the nHibernate classes to simple interfaces which are implemented by the business layer.Currently there is only one interface set and mapping file being used by nHibernate. Hopefully my issue is easy to spot.

Here is the function where I build the sessionFactory.

Private Shared Function SessionFactory() As ISessionFactory
If _sessionFactory Is Nothing Then
Dim config As New NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration


Edit2: When I remove the discriminator I no longer get this error. Am I not doing that right?

Edit 3: When I download the source code for nHibernate, build it on my own, link to it's debug output and run it, I get a completely different error about ProxyFactoryFactory not being configured.

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.net - Should Use LINQ For This Query

Sep 4, 2009

I've been reading a fair bit about the performance of using LINQ rather than using a for each loop and from what I understand using a LINQ query would be a little bit slower but generally worth it for convenience and expressiveness. However I am a bit confused about how much slower it is if you were to use the results of the query in a for loop.

Let's say that I have a set called 'Locations' and a set of objects called 'Items'. Each 'item' can only belong to one 'location'. I want to link items that are under the same location to each other. If I were to do this using a normal 'For Each' loop it would be something like this:

For Each it as Item in Items
If it.Location.equals(Me.Location)
End If

However if i was to use LINQ it would instead be this:

For Each it as Item in Items.Where(Function(i) i.Location.equals(Me.Location))

is the second (LINQ) option going to loop once through the entire 'Items' set to complete the query, then loop through the results to add them to the list, resulting in essentially two loops, or will it do the one loop like the first (For Each) option?

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Can Do A LINQ Query Of A LINQ Query?

Mar 24, 2012

Is it possible to do the following? [code] Basically I have one Load_Gridview function that is called on all postbacks, and rather than creating a bunch of different cases.I want the filters to stack.My actual code has more filters set up (4 or 5 of the).It all compiles ok but when I run and try to execute with active checked, or a department selected I get the following error. [code]

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Linq Query In .net?

May 5, 2009

I have below XML file

xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><
attributegroup name="Search"><


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Put A Sum() In Linq Query?

Apr 18, 2012

I am looking to sum the "Status" field.

Dim _detailRecords As New DataTable


I'm also wanting to keep this as an IEnumerable of DataRow because I will be creating a datatable from it with

Dim yyyyy As DataTable = query8.CopyToDataTable

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Query With Linq To Xm?

Aug 13, 2010

I am Fairly new to Linq and I am trying to write a simple query to return the error messages within my xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Error xmlns="urn:xxxxx">
The following errors were detected:


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.net - Converting Linq To XML Query From C# To .Net?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm converting the Linq query below from C# to VB.Net. Can you spot my error? The query joins 3 XML datasets. C# - This one works great.

List<Course> courses =
(from course in CourseXML.Descendants(ns + "row")
join coursecategory in CourseCategoryXML.Descendants("Table") on (string)course.Attribute("code") equals (string)coursecategory.Element("DATA")


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.net - Dynamic Linq Query?

Mar 14, 2011

I have been trying the following but it returns unexpected results:

Dim xd As XDocument = _
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


The above result returns both 'element' nodes however it should only return the first where element/subelement@id=1/subsubelement@id=3 However if results.Ancestors. is used it returns the correct 'subelement' and if that line is not included it returns a single 'subsubelement' whih is also correct I don't understand why when mvoing to the 'element' it returns both (I realise both have a subelement with id=1 but I thought each further query would filter out the presvious results)?

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.net - LINQ C# Query In VB - Getting An Error

Feb 22, 2012

I have a List of Price Objects (Price contains Date, High, Low) and am trying to extract monthly averages via LINQ. I have this working in C# but we have a few legacy applications that need it in VB.Net and I can't quite seem to figure out the conversion. I've even tried breaking it into two queries to no avail.


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.net - Linq Query If Statement?

Jun 24, 2011

Ok im trying to do a if statement in Linq and was wondering if it was possible to do something like:

Dim loadFriends = From p In db.UserRelationships Where p.aspnet_User.UserName = User.Identity.Name _
Or p.aspnet_User1.UserName = User.Identity.Name And p.Type = 1 _
Select New With {if p.aspnet_user1.user = "a certan username" then .username = _
p.aspnet_user.username else .username = p.aspnet_user1.Username}


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.net - Linq Query To List?

Sep 2, 2011

Dim query = From o In myContainer.MyObjects Select o.MyStringProperty Distinct
Dim myProperties As List(Of String) = query.ToList????? 'no way!!!'
"query" type is IEnumerable(Of String)

I tried to use the query directly as a DataSource of a (infragistic) combobox, but it throws me NullReferenceException, so I decided to convert it to a listof strings, to be a more "classical" datasource.

Dim values As List(Of String) = query.AsQueryable().ToList()
does not work either: Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Linq.IQueryable(Of String))' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)'.

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.net - Linq To AD Query Not Working?

Sep 20, 2011

user.fld_usr_name is a string with the value random name user is an object that is given as a parameter

ByVal user As GUser

this is the linq query that doesn't work

Dim result = (From usr In users Where usr.Name.Contains(user.fld_usr_name) Select usr).ToList()

this is the one that works

Dim result = (From usr In users Where usr.Name.Contains("random name") Select usr).ToList()

this is the error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I am using this in Linq to Active Directory library which probably means it's linq to entities I've tried everything?

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