Exception When Building LINQ Query With Multiple Levels Of Delegates Or Lambdas ("Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: Instance")?

Jun 22, 2011

've got a function that takes two parameters (a delegate and an integer) and then creates a LINQ MethodCallExpression, which it uses to gets the results:

Public Delegate Function CompareTwoIntegerFunction(ByVal i1 As Integer, ByVal i2 As Integer) As Boolean
Public Function Test(ByVal pFunc As CompareTwoIntegerFunction, ByVal i1 As Integer, ByVal


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.net - ActiveRecord Linq/NHibernate Linq Not Building Query Completely?

Jul 14, 2011

given this function:

Public Function Search(ByVal StartIndex As Integer, _
ByVal MaxResults As Integer, _
ByVal AccountNumber As String, _
ByVal LastName As String, _


instead of what I expected:

Select count(*) from remitline where lastname = "smith"

What am I doing wrong building up the where clause? I'm using Castle ActiveRecord 2.1

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Building A Dynamic LINQ Query

Mar 16, 2011

I have a listbox which users can select from a list if Towns, I want to be able to build a LINQ query based on the selected items in the list e.g.


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Dynamically Building LINQ Query Using OR Operator In VB

May 22, 2009

I need to build a dynamic linq query with or operators. I have seen PredicateBuilder but that is in C# and my project is in VB. Basically I need to build a WHERE clause similar to this:

Where((this = 1 AND that = 2) OR (this = 1 AND that = 4) OR (this = 2 AND that = 4))

but the problem is the number will have to be determined dynamically at runtime, and added using a loop, like

for each item in myItems
query = query.OR (this = item.a AND this = item.b)

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VS 2010 Dynamically Building LINQ Query To Search Objects

Mar 24, 2011

I am creating a mediaplayer / playlist creator tool that basically imports MP3 songs into playlists (grids). I'm looking to add search functionality where the user can search all open playlists (or a subset of the open playlists). A Playlist is basically a collection of AudioFiles, where an AudioFile is a class that holds the filename of the MP3 file and then exposes the tags (Title, Artist, Album, etc) in public properties.

The idea is that the user can search for a certain expression (for example "the"), and that he can then choose whether to search in the title, in the title and artist, in the title or artist, in the title, artist and/or album, etc. However, I'm having a hard time implementing this and also having it kind of dynamic.

At the moment I am simply gathering all the AudioFiles from the open playlists (or from the subset of playlists the user chooses) and then running a simple LINQ query to find those AudioFiles where the Title contains the search text. Then I display the resulting AudioFiles in a new playlist window:


In case the AND / OR distinguishing is too hard, I would be happy to start with just letting it default to 'OR', so that the user can check Title and Album for example. If he would then search for 'a' then all songs that contain 'a' in their title as well as all songs that contain 'a' in their album should be returned. I guess that makes it easier, but I still wouldn't know how to dynamically create the LINQ query.

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LINQ To Entities .Any() Results In Null Reference Exception?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a simple query as below:

Dim sizings = From a In db.Sizings
Where a.Customer.ID = customer.ID
Select a
If sizings.Any Then

The sizings.Any line is throwing a null reference exception. I thought I was meant to use .Any to determine if there were any rows returned?isnothing(sizings) returns false.

Edit - Resolution:Don't use null objects in the LINQ Query!

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Linq Query Handling Null Values?

Nov 12, 2011

From r In ReceiptLines
r.RECEIPT.RECEIPTDATE >= _reportStartDate
And r.RECEIPT.RECEIPTDATE <= _reportEndDate


I am fetching all departments and their sales, average, count from the ReceiptLine, Receipt, ReceiptDiscount tables. The problem i am facing is, if i remove where discount > 0, I am getting null exception. But if I include that, then I only get sales that has discount. How would I write query that bring all sales less discount (if it has one).

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.net - Linq Query Exception/error

Jul 4, 2011

Following is the code I get to achieve a list of Courses:

Dim Result As New List(Of WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Course)
For Each cat As WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Category In Courses.CoursesOfferedMAIN.Values
For Each c As WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Course In cat.Courses.Values

and it is working fine. However I am trying to attempt to do the same with linq and the code is:

Result.AddRange(From k As WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Category In Courses.CoursesOfferedMAIN.Values Where Not k.CategoryName = "" Select k.Courses.Values.ToList())


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Error Message "Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: Instance"

Apr 12, 2012

I am working on a project which feature many report files and when i click on them within VS 2010 to view them I am prompted the following error message "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: instance". instead of taking into the visual reprot designer. I can also provided the code for the file generating the error within the screen shot if needed.

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Pass A Parameter From The Select List Into A Function For Joining A Linq Query?

May 25, 2010

I have a query that can be summarised in SQL as follows;

StockToCheck As S


Where the S var is a list of strings. This gives the error 'S' is not declared and points to the S in the function call / join (GetPOSStock). So it does not seem possible to do this in Linq, can anyone confirm?

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C# - Joint Query In Linq To SQL To Select All Records Even There Are Some Null In The Columns Of Foreign Keys?

Feb 2, 2011

I'd like to take all suggestion either in C# or VB.NET.I have a DB diagram like the image below. I also include the database script here [URL]In the Students table, CountryId and RoomId column are allowed null. Because some records do not have info about room and country yet.Also, some students do not have essays.I'm doing a joint query with all tables. I want to select all students to project the result like this:Wanted query result.

Here's my current query that gives the result like the image below:

Dim db As New DBDataContext
Dim query = From st In db.Students _
Join c In db.Countries On c.Id Equals st.Id _
Join r In db.Rooms On r.Id Equals st.RoomId _


current query result I got only one result back because I have (2) William NoMan record in every table. But I don't get anything about others, like (3) Sync Master who has everything but RoomId.What do I need to modify the query above so it will give me all students like in the wanted query image above?

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Iterate Through LINQ Query - Results From Multiple Tables

Dec 7, 2010

I have a VB .Net linq query that I want to return values from two tables. I currently have this:
Dim query = (From c In db.Client _
Join u In db.Users _
On u.UserID Equals c.UserID _
Where (c.ClientID = 1)
Select c, u).ToList
query (System.Collections.Generic.List(Of )) returns several rows as expected each item containing a c and a u.
How do I iterate through the queries collection?

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Optimize Linq To SQL Query, Group By Multiple Fields

Jul 26, 2010

My LINQ query contains the following Group By statement:

Group p By Key = New With { _
.Latitude = p.Address.GeoLocations.FirstOrDefault(Function(g) New String() {"ADDRESS", "POINT"}.Contains(g.Granularity)).Latitude, _
.Longitude = p.Address.GeoLocations.FirstOrDefault(Function(g) New String() {"ADDRESS", "POINT"}.Contains(g.Granularity)).Longitude}

The query works, but here is the SQL that the clause above produces

SELECT [t6].[Latitude]
SELECT TOP (1) [t5].[Latitude]


but this produced an error: "A group by expression can only contain non-constant scalars that are comparable by the server."

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LINQ Query With Multiple OrderBy Statements Added In Loop

May 11, 2012

I have a method in a webservice that has parameter with which users can decide how they want to order their results. This is a List(Of String) with the names of the fields in the order they want to sort them. I know I can normally order on multiple columns by doing the following

Dim test = Bars.OrderBy(Function(x) x.Foo) _
.ThenBy(Function(x) x.Bar) _
.ThenBy(Function(x) x.Test)

However in this case this won't work since I can't chain the ThenBy function because I'm adding the sorting orders in a loop. To use ThenBy I need an IOrderedQueryable collection. This is how I would want it to work

Dim sortColumns = {"Foo", "Bar", "Test"}
Dim query = From b in Bars
For each column in sortColumns
Select Case column
Case "Foo"
query = query.Orderby(Function(x) x.Foo)
[Code] .....

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Sql - Creating Treeview With Multiple Levels?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a requirement to create a multi level treeview in ASP.Net (with VB) but I am completely stuck on how to start this. Currently my treeview is a fixed 2 level approach but now I need to rewrite this to be more dynamic and support extra levels being added into our database tables.So this treeview needs to support as many levels as needed without having to rewrite any code each time we want to add new level, Ideally we will just insert the data at the database level.I think I have the database part designed correctly, I created 2 tables Menu and MenuItemsMenu has 2 columns ItemID and ChildIDMenuItems has 2 columns ItemID and Description Doing this query:

menu.Child_ID ,


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Multiple Choice Quiz With Access, Get 3 Levels Of Answers?

Nov 22, 2011

I am working on a multiple choice quiz, admin screen, student login screen where they choose their level of difficulty. I have been able to start the quiz, have the questions and answers filled, user answers question, check if correct or not, if correct then the score is incremented.I am able to set up a variable for 'level' and want to write some code so that whatever is selected then that table / questions will be selected and displayed to the user.

The way I'm thinking at the moment seems very long winded. I think I'll have to write an IF ELSE statement/case statement for each of the 'navigaterecords' and the sql statment for beginners, intermediate and advanced.Assume there is a variable 'LEVEL' - have not actually done this yet. Where the code refers to 'advanced' is where I have been trying it out to select questions from the advanced table.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Random
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Null Reference Exception In Line Checking For Null?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a fairly simple piece of code:

Private _PurchaseDelivery as PurchaseDelivery
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal item As PurchaseDeliveryItem)


Which is inside a class which overrides a custom list base. The code is occassionaly throwing an unhandled exception, System.NullReferenceException, on this line when used in production:

If _PurchaseDelivery IsNot Nothing AndAlso _PurchaseDelivery.DefaultSKUBinID.HasValue Then

DeafultSKUBinID is declared as an Integer? (Nullable Int) in the PurchaseDelivery class. I cannot see what might be causing this error, why would this be returning an error?

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SQL Exception (adding A Null Value To A Non-null Column)

Aug 12, 2009

When I put a break point to the last if clause in the sub ("If (backOrder < 0) Then", see below) it runs until the break point, if I put the break point further below, I get the following error:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'WHM.dbo.OrderDetails'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.

I've discovered first hand that it only happens when prodqty is bigger then qtyOnStock, thus executing the if clause.

The code:

Private Sub NCOSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NCOSubmit.Click
Dim sqlText As String = ""


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Interface Of Multiple Delegates?

Nov 29, 2009

is there a way to create an interface of delegates? Sub dostuff(byval arg1 as dele1)works, problem is that i have 8 delegates, so i will have to give it 8 signatures. that isn't so bad, but the problem is that when there are various combinations of signatures it gets real real bad.

Sub dostuff(byval arg1 as [Delegate])works, but it allows me to accept delegates beyond the 8 that i wanted (it's like declarign arguments with base Object)could i be able to do this:

Sub dostuff(byval arg1 as Idele1to8)

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LINQ Query Is Enumerated - Turn On Some Kind Of Flag That Alerts Me Each Time A LINQ Query Is Enumerated?

Sep 22, 2009

I know that LINQ queries are deferred and only executed when the query is enumerated, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly when that happens.Certainly in a For Each loop, the query would be enumerated.What's the rule of thumb to follow? I don't want to accidentally enumerate over my query twice if it's a huge result.

For example, does System.Linq.Enumerable.First enumerate over the whole query? I ask for performance reasons. I want to pass a LINQ result set to an ASP.NET MVC view, and I also want to pass the First element separately. Enumerating over the results twice would be painful.It would be great to turn on some kind of flag that alerts me each time a LINQ query is enumerated. That way I could catch scenarios when I accidentally enumerate twice.

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Linq To Sql Null - Check Whether A Column Is Null

Jul 15, 2011

How to check whether a column is null i use the following code but I got this error "Input string was not in a correct format."


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Get "levels" Of A Self Referencing Table In LINQ?

Jul 19, 2011

There's a table Category with a pk idCategory and a self-referencing foreign-key fiCategory.That means categories are "main-categories" when fiCategory is null. If fiCategory links to another category, it is a sub-category of it. But it's also valid that this sub-category also has 1-n sub-categories(with fiCategory linking to it's idCategory).Q: How can i get a list of main-categories,sub-categories,"sub-sub-categories", ...etc. with LINQ?I'm using typed DataSets to compare data from Server1/MySQL with data from Server2/MS SQL-Server.After normalizing and cleaning(there are several inconsistencies) i want to import the new data into SQL-Server. First of all i have to import the main-categories, then the sub-categories and so on. Otherwise SQL-Server would throw a constraint exception when i would try to insert a row with a foreign-key to a category that is yet not inserted.

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Building A DNN Module Using Linq To SQL

Oct 26, 2009

I am building a module using linq to SQL and I am running into some problems. I have been following Michal Washington's tutorial on [URL]. The problem is that VB does not recognize my Complaint Class when I try to create new Complaint object. why I am unable to Dim a Complaint object? Here is my code:


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Access Database And Using A Parameter Query With The LIKE Operator To Return All Rows That Match Query?

Apr 28, 2010

I am connecting to an Access database and using a parameter query with the LIKE operator to return all rows that match query. The string to search for is taken from a Textbox

sql =

"Select * FROM Allview WHERE Info Like" &
"*" &
CStr(TextBox1.Text) &
The query does not return any data in vb, but when run from access with same string, there is data returned.The connection to the database is done correctly, as I am able to return data with various other queries.

Partial code :
con As
New OleDb.OleDbConnection[code]....

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Running A Query On Access From VB, Passing Variable Or Function As Query Parameter

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to run a query an Access db from VB. The general query which I want to run is

SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientID = ?
or SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientLname = ?

I tried using an input box which captured the user input and pass that variable to the query, but that failed. Then I read about writing a function and using that, however, I keep getting an error which says Function not defined, but when stepping through the code, it seems to work. Here is my function: [Code]

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Syntax Trouble Building Xml From Linq

Jan 24, 2012

I am building an xml file with the help of Linq queries and I'm not sure why the code below doesn't work.[code]

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Building A Query In A VB Program?

Jan 4, 2011

I am working on a program. I created a database and used it to create a dataGridView in my program. I clicked the table adapter for the program and tried to create a new query. When I did this, I got the following error messages...Error message-the new command text returns data with schema different from schema of the main query check your query's command text if this is not desired Schema returned by the new query differs from the base query I cannot create a query for the database. What is a base query and what can I do to fix this?

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Provlem With Building Query With Xml?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm using the code below to search in XML files depending on the values entered in the text boxes, problem is I don't know how to combine the search statement with an "AND" when the users enter data in both textboxes. Can you please help me solve this problem? I am using VB.NET (VS 2008). Error "column can't be found is on line "Dim DV As New DataView(dt, "Receiver like " & "'" & C1TrueDBGrid1Donor.Columns(1).Value & "'" & "", Nothing, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)"


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Error 'Arguement Null Exception Was Unhandled, Column Arguement Cannot Be Null'?

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to create a treeview in VB.net, the data has to be loaded from MSAccess 2010 database. When I try to run this program I get error : Argument Null Exception was unhandled, 'column' argument cannot be null and the program crashes. I have pasted the code as under:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmRating
Private Sub frmRating_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Key Cannot Be Null Parameter Name Key

Apr 2, 2009

I am getting an error when I write a value to the database. it tells me "Key cannot be null. Parameter name: key". However the key is an auto-increment value and i'm not even writing to that field. I have verified that there is a value being sent to the SQL. I also created a seperate program that writes the same SQL statement to the db and it writes just fine. I also have other places within the same program that write to the database without any problems.[code]

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