.net - Make Mouse Tilt Horizontal Scrolling Always Repeat?

Jun 12, 2012

I'm designing a form with a horizontal scroll bar docked at the bottom. I wanted to add support for side-scrolling using mouse tilt buttons and found this solution which, after a bit of tinkering, seemed to do the trick - that is, while the form only had GDI graphics drawn on its surface.

However, since then I've added some controls to the form and found that when the mouse is over any of them the tilt operation only fires once-at-a-time instead of repeatedly as it does when the mouse is over any other part of the form.To see what I mean (if you have a mouse with tilt buttons) dock a horizontal scrollbar onto the bottom of a form, add a few other controls and paste in this code:

Public Class Form1
Const WM_MOUSEHWHEEL As Integer = &H20E
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)


You'll see that side-scrolling repeats when the mouse is over a blank part of the form, but only "one-shots" when it's over a control.I'm guessing the solution lies somewhere in the message's .Result value, but I'm at a loss as to what that should be. In fact I'm not even sure I'm returning a correct value anyway because the code in the original solution threw an exception to the DirectCast function so I swapped that for CType, which seemed to work okay. I've tried working it out using Spy++ but I can't see anything obvious.

UPDATE:I've noticed when I include 'Child' windows in Spy++ there are two (0x020E) messages and two return values, 1 then 0. I presume the message is being passed onto the control by the form. So I guess the question now is: can the message be prevented from being passed to the control? Or can the control's return value be intercepted and converted to 1?

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C# - Shift + Mouse Wheel Horizontal Scrolling

Oct 19, 2011

The use of shift + scroll wheel is fairly common for horizontal scrolling.

Both of those are fairly easy to capture. I can use the MouseWheel event with a flag set by the KeyDown, KeyUp events to keep track of when the shift key is pressed.

However, how do I actually trigger the horizontal scrolling? I am aware of WM_MOUSEHWHEEL, can that be used to trigger the event?

Update: For a System.Windows.Form there is a HorizontalScroll property that is of type HScrollProperties. You can manipulate the Value attribute on that object to change the horizontal scrollbar's position. However, so far I haven't spotted any other controls on which that object is available.

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Detect Mouse Wheel Tilt?

Jul 5, 2009

To detect rotation of the mouse wheel in .NET/WinForms, I can override OnMouseWheel. Clicking can be detected by overriding OnMouseDown (it's just the Middle button). But how do I detect tilting of the wheel (tilt to the left/right for horizontal scrolling)? Neither OnMouseWheel, not OnMouseDown is being called when I tilt the mouse wheel.

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Horizontal Scrolling On A DataGridView?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a DataGridView with, say, a half dozen columns on it; the right-most column being the widest (a description that might exceed the window's width). If the user presses the Home/End or PgUp/PgDn keys to navigate thru the data, it will sometimes scroll horizontally to the right, which is annoying. Is there a way to prevent this?

I've tried .ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical(so there's no horiz scrollbar), but that doesn't solve the problem. I'm not sure how to make the 1st column be always visible - but even if I make it visible upon displaying the grid.I guess basically I don't WANT it to scroll horizontally, except when the USER scrolls.

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Any Way To Emulate Mouse Wheel Scrolling Up / Down?

Jan 15, 2009

Is it possible to emulate a mouse wheel scroll up/down with VB?

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Forms :: Application Does Not Detect Scrolling Mouse?

May 16, 2011

I made an application where i used mouse scrool event. On my PC everyting work excellent, but when I try it on different machine scrolling is not detected!? How is that possible?i am using e.delta < 0 and e.delta > 0

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VS 2005 : Disable Mouse Wheel Scrolling?

Oct 7, 2009

how to disable mouse scrolling only in selected combobox..ex. i want only scroll function ius disable only in combobox1 and combobox2

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Basic Mastermind Game - Don't Want Any Colors To Repeat - Values Still Repeat Sometimes

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to make a mastermind game program with visual basic. I started of creating the combination maker for the start of the game. Hoever, in my version i don't want any colors to repeat. I used the random function independently to get numbers from 1 to 6. Each number has a corresponding color. The problem, the values still repeat sometimes.

Here's my code for that part:

a = Fix(Rnd * 6) + 1
txtA = a

If a = 1 Then


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Make The Sound Repeat Itself After It Is Done Playing?

May 10, 2011

Here is the code that I have that plays a certain sound

Dim Alarm As System.Media.SoundPlayer = New System.Media.SoundPlayer(Steven_Anderson_HW5.My.Resources.Alarm)

Well, is there a way to make the sound repeat itself after it is done playing?

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Make A Horizontal Listbox In .NET

Jan 21, 2011

I am working on porting a VB6 application to .NET and one of the desired UI elements is a horizontal listbox.I can't seem to figure out how to replicate this in .NET.


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VS 2008 Make Sure Random Numbers Do Not Repeat?

Oct 14, 2009

I have done this code but what is a smart way to get rid of repeats?

card1 = random.Next(0, 52)
card2 = random.Next(0, 52)
card3 = random.Next(0, 52)


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Make Horizontal Scroll Onto Richtextbox?

Apr 8, 2010

1.how can i resize my project's form1?i mean my form1 only has fixed size.when i'm trying to maximize the form(by click a square on the top right corner of the form) my form remains in the same size even the window has fullfill my screen.

2.how can i make my project to become an installer?

3.how to make exe file from the project?

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Make Report Heading Repeat On Overflow Pages

Jun 1, 2011

I am using report.rdlc components in my application. I have one report where I have a tablix table embedded in a tablix list. The top of the list above the table contains all the group variables, eg customer name, customer address; the table contains the details, eg order details. I need to display the customer information again when there are too many order details to display on one page and I also need to display the order detail column headings again on the new page. So far I have played around with the Tablix properties and the Static row properties but no matter what I have tried I cannot get the headings to repeat.

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Make An Easy Program Which Repeat Some Things And Paste Into The Form?

Aug 23, 2009

I want to make a pretty easy program which repeat some easy things for me

STEP 1: on the first picture I want it will wrote a URL in the form + example [url].....

STEP2: thenI want then the program press on the link Get video

STEP3: and after that will the program "Right click here to download the video"and copy link location

STEP4: finally I want the program will paste paste URL into a new form? is this hard to made?

STEP5: if its possible I want also have a button example name "generate" which add a number of the URL from [url]...10000 to [url]....10001 and the repeat the things and paste into the form>is this hard to wrote a program which made this steps?

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When Mouse Scroll The Datagridview Will Scroll Following Horizontal

Dec 10, 2009

Following default the datagridview will scroll following vertical. How can i do that. I tried :

DataGridView1.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Horizontal but not work

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.net - Key Repeat Delay And Key Repeat Rate?

Jan 5, 2010

How do I (programmatically) find out the key repeat delay and key repeat rate for a system?

A solution that works on any/all .Net capable platforms would be ideal, but the key target OSes would be XP, Vista, and 7.

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Make An Integer Equal The Horizontal Location Of The Cursor On The Form?

Nov 2, 2009

what code is needed in order to make an integer equal the horizontal location of the cursor on the form?

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Find Out The Mouse Coordinate To Make Image Follow Mouse?

Mar 6, 2012

I am try to make a character that follows the mouse, but I cannot find any way in vs 11 to get the mouse coordinates? It is a vb application, could someone please help me out? I tried pointer.location, pointer.margin, but still cannot do it.

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Tab Control Scrolling - Middle Mouse Wheel Doesn't Scroll The Scroll Bar

May 22, 2012

I have a tab control with two tab pages. One page has the auto scroll enabled since there is to much content in the page. The middle mouse wheel doesn't scroll the scroll bar; I have to actually click and hold the scroll bar and drag it down to scroll. Is there a property to allow this?

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Make A Scrolling Background?

Apr 3, 2012

I'm making a Shooter game like "1943" and "Jamestown". I was wondering how I would make the scrolling background to simulate moving forward and How would I make this efficient? I was thinking about using a animated GIF or to make a looping BitMap.

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Make DataGridView Scrolling?

Apr 23, 2011

I have some data in my DataGridView. I want the user to be able to scroll through data but not select any item. If I make enabled=false, even scrolling does not work

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Make Scrolling Text?

May 17, 2012

1: the blinking carat from Form5.Textbox1 is showing up and scrolling along with my text in Form1.Label6 I want to remove the carat as it looks messy! how do I do this?2: Form1.Label6 starts scrolling across the bottom of the form at the speed I want. But then slows down once the last letter has come into view on the right hand side of the form? I have changed some of the settings and got it to be the same all the way across with the timer set at an interval of 50 and the following

scrolling text
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick


View 9 Replies

Get Sentence From Sirf Chipset On An At&t Tilt?

Feb 18, 2009

I am adding a gps function to an existing app, but the only examples that I can find for getting the sentence from the device is through a serial port. How do you get the sentence from the sirf chipset on an at&t tilt?

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Make A Textbox Into A Scrolling Marquee?

Apr 18, 2009

Is there a way to make a textbox into a scrolling marquee? It would need to update it's information every time it ran out of text to display.

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Make Scrolling Text In Form?

May 8, 2009

I wanted to know how to have moving text go across the top of my form, and keep looping.

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Make Side Scrolling Background?

Jul 4, 2010

My problem is that I have two pictures once the first has scrolled to the left with the last bit of the image on the right side of the form I need the next image to start moving from the right, then when the first image is completely of the screen it moves back to the right side of the screen and waits for the end of the second image and then the process repeats.Here is the code I put together so far.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If picBackGround.Left + picBackGround.Width < Me.Width Then


This code does not do what I want it bugs up for some reason if you can change this code or give me entirely differen

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Change Pictureboxes X2 Y2 To Tilt Some Degrees Other Than 90 Degree Angles?

Jan 15, 2011

I dont even know if you can do this in vb.net but, how do you change the pictureboxes x2 y2 to tilt some degrees other than 90 degree angles?

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C# - Get Smartphone Like Scrolling For A Winforms Touchscreen App ( Scrolling Panel )?

Aug 5, 2011

After scouring the articles online I have come up with this design for a winforms based touchscreen app that needs smartphone like scrolling. The app itself will run on a tablet laptop or touchscreen desktop.I put everything I want to scroll on a panel. Set autoscroll to true (which will show scrollbars)Now put this whole panel inside a groupbox.Shrink the groupbox until the scrollbars are hidden (visually hidden, not visible = false)

Now the fun part I am stuck at.I think I have to handle the mousedown, mouseup & mousemove on the panel to set the autoscrollposition so that when someone touches the panel and drags, it does it's scroll magic. Please help fill in the few lines of code in below method stubs. The msdn doc on autoscrollposition is very confusing since it returns negative numbers but needs to be set to positive with abs and what not.

Point mouseDownPoint;
Point mouseUpPoint;
Point mouseDragPoint;[code]......

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Make A Scrolling Text Label At The Bottom Of A Form?

Oct 16, 2008

I'm attempting to make a scrolling text label at the bottom of a form. It is the type of scroll you can see on the weather station when there is a tornado warning out. I was wondering if someone could help me go about doing it?

Basically, I am trying to have a label, which scrolls smoothly. The scroll text will be the contents of a string variable. I was also wondering if it would be possible to have the entire scroll "disappear" as the end of it scrolls onto the left side of the screen, then it pauses for a moment, and starts the scroll again, playing an alert tone each time.

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Scrolling Text: Only Scrolling Certain Song Titles?

Aug 19, 2009

I currently have a label scrolling text, But for some reason it only displays Certain song titles/text. Does Anyone know why?!

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = OpenFileDialog1.FileName


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