.net - The Intended Purpose For <app Name>.exe.config File In A .NET Forms App?

Sep 21, 2010

I am currently reading up on documentation for a possible assignment I might be put on. In a design document they talk about the .exe.config file. They state that its only purpose is to store constants: "Also note that this file is meant to store constants only, it is not meant to write configuration values to (and the .NET 1.1. framework even prevents this by not offering classes/methods to do so). Therefore, configuration is written to XML files using a..."As far as I understand, this is not true. I don't know about .NET 1.1 preventing this, but I remember in my last project that I did write configuration values to that file (I saved GUI contents there). My project was a small prototype, so maybe I did it wrong, but I do not think so...So what is the intended purpose of this file?

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Determine If The User Intended To Delete A File?

Jan 10, 2009

how i can able to determine if the user intended to delete a file. What im going to do is this application will be placed in a certain folder together with some files. And this program will determine if the user inteded to delete a file within the folder.

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C# :: Validate Dot Net Application Config File(ex, App.exe.config) On Console?

Jan 18, 2010

is there any tool to validate configuration file?

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Forms Authentication With Web.config Works On Dev But Not On Live

Feb 27, 2010

[Code] When I run this on my visual studio 2008 dev server it runs fine and works well. When I publish to IIS I always get Http 403 Forbidden Errors when trying to access any page on the site. There is 1 folder within my site that should be login protected called 'administration'.

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Forms :: Save Data To User.config That Is Not Bound?

Sep 23, 2009

I would like to commit the data put in a checkedlistbox to the user.config. I have found a way to commit them to my.settings but no matter what Save() method I call, it does not commit the new data (that is not bound to a control, through the propertybindings) to the user.config, either immediately or when I shutdown the application. Which means, when I loop through the settings when the application starts back up, the data is not there to be added back to the checkedlistbox. I have put save methods in the formclosing events as well as when the data is created in the my.settings. using my.mysettings, my.settings and my.settings.default. Thank you in advance for your input.

This first method is a called when a button is pushed. it checks the text and then calls the next method (AddProperty) which should add the property to my.settings and save it to user.config, but my understanding is that it is not written to the file till the applicatoin closes.


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Cant Use Better Qualifier As One Intended To Be Used Is A Plain ObjectStore Only

Jul 1, 2009

I have a solution in which I have included three projects, say X Y Z..Now one of the projects X refers to the namespaces A.B.ObjectStore and another namespace ObjectStore..Now when the ObjectStore namespace is used the compiler thinks it is A.B.objectStore.I cant use a better qualifier as the one intended to be used is a plain ObjectStore only.

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Collision Detection Not Operating As Intended?

Apr 7, 2012

I'm designing a system to detect whether a projectile arc impacts a stationary square target. However, the detection is very limited and only seems to work if I use a while loop and a very large area, whereas if possible I'd prefer to animate it using a for loop and have the target somewhat smaller.Here's what I have at present:

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
If (Not errorState2) Then


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DataTable.getChanges() Not Working As Intended?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm currently working on a VB .net project that requires connection to a MySQL table. I've no problems loading data from MySQL table to a datagridview. I'm hoping to allow users to make changes to the datagridview and save those changes back to the MySQL table. Below is the Sub I wrote to save the changes. Before saving, it will check if there were any changes made to the datatable. However, datatable.getchanges() does not seem to detect changes made to datagridview (and hence, datatable; I "bound" the datatable to datagridview by means of bindingsource).


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How To Display Data In Intended Format

May 3, 2011

I am using VB2010 and have a project set up with a DataGridView that is to display a table of data selected from a SQL 2008 database using a pre-defined dataset. My question is simply how to display the data in the intended format as seen in the attachment. I am attempting to merge rows in the first two columns of like-data. Addtionally, if that can be done, I would also like the user to be able to double-click on a name that would open an editing form.

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Method Not Intended For Code Attribute?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a couple of shared methods in my app which are intended to be used with ObjectDataSource's (and other reflection based objects). They handle a lot of automatic parameter checking, filtering, etc. They are, however, all one time use methods (they rebuild everything on every call). It would be much better for someone writing code directly to call the instance methods so that all the filtering, etc, is stored between calls.Is there an attribute I can add to my methods to indicate this? The best would be if it would prevent the method from being called without reflection. Second best would be to issue a warning that the method is being used wrong.[code]

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Where Is The Friend Access Modifier Intended To Be Used

Mar 21, 2012

The only place I've seen the Friend modifier used is in the WinForms designer, as alluded to in Why is the modifier set to Friend in Winforms? and VB.NET: what does the 'friend' modifier do?. The Friend modifier appears to be an almost arbitrarily wide access level that was created to solve some historic architectural problem in VB, I just wonder if anyone has a meaningful continued use for it?

I have had some desires to expose methods only to a given namespace so as to roll the functionalities of a related collection of objects together and manage any of their non-thread-safe methods, while exposing the safe public methods to a wider scope in the same assembly. This access level does not exist yet Friend does. Possibly a corollary question then, is my usage of assemblies and namespaces at odds with what is intended?


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VS 2008 - My.Settings File - Specify The Location For User.config File

Jan 3, 2010

I'm looking for a way to specify the location for the User.config file that is used for storing the My.Settings object. It appears that this is not possible. The problem for me is, I don't want to be responsible for creating several different files on the users computer that really have no use and are difficult to find and clean once an update is released. For most users, this is not a serious problem, as many will probably never update the software, and most will probably only go through a couple of updates. On my system, there are config files for every build of the application, and the same to a lesser extent will be true for my beta testers.

I can understand that MS wants to make sure that no two applications will use the same location for storing application data, but a simple [UserData] [CompanyName][ApplicationName] for storing application data will probably suffice for 99.9999 percent of the legitimate applications in the world. Bogging a user's system down with erroneous files, no matter how small, is an unnecessary drain on system resources and a potential source of problems for the user. It's bad enough that most programs leave bits and pieces of themselves all over a user's system after De-installation - this to me seems only to exaggerate this problem.

Is the only way to get around this problem to write a whole new Settings Class? Is there a way to change the location of the UserConfig file to a more friendly (and more predictable) location that I am not finding for myself? It would seem that having at least the OPTION to specify a location for the User.Config file would be OBVIOUS and easy to implement, so why did they leave this out?

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Loop Function - Iteration Not Working As Intended

Jan 18, 2012

I'm using a DO interation to loop a function I'm using to test for internet connectivity. The code is working fine, except that when one of the tests is satisfied the loop stops. I want this to continue in the background while the program is running. How can I get this to work?

Private Sub checkInternet()
Dim InetChecker As Boolean
InetChecker = CheckForInternetConnection()
Do While LabelCount.Text <> ""
[Code] .....

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Make Application 'single File' And Get Rid Of XML Config File?

Dec 29, 2010

I have this pretty simple application, it uses a webService to transfer data to my servers DataBase. Now it is very important for me to keep this application as one single file, and not having some XML files needed for it to work, but this is the case. I think the XML file holds the information to this webService, so without it the application crashes. Is there a way to get the application to work without this XML file, or a way to put the XML inside the exe archive?

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Asp.net - Getting Configuration Settings From Web.config/app.config Using Class Library

Mar 26, 2009

I have a class library (Named ADI), that needs some configuration settings from the project using it (like connectionstring, filesystem locations etc).

I want to define these settings in my Windows Forms/Web Projects App.Config or Web.Config, like other settings.

Here is part of my app.config for my windows forms application:

<setting name="ADIImageRoot" serializeAs="String">


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Create A User Control Which Is Intended To Be Something Like A Table View?

Sep 26, 2010

I have to develop a small app for which I have to create a user control which is intended to be something like a Table View.On Form Load, the user should be asked about the number of rows of columns required on the form.Once the user sets the number of cells, each cell should have a button and a Text Box inside it (grouped together).

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VS 2008 FileSystemWatcher And Windows Service Behaving Not As Intended

Oct 11, 2010

Ok for some reason I am having multiple problems with this code. The first issue is that one of the lines of code is seemingly ignored. Another issue is that some of the events are firing many times when they are only supposed to fire once. I have attached my code.

By the way, the string stored in AppSettings("WatchPath") in this case is C:Temp

Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Service1


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Edit App.config File - Get File Path?

Dec 6, 2011

I have existing file named myapp.exe.config . What I would like to do is have a little app where user could specify path to app database. I know how to get file path but I dont know how to change existing line in myapp.exe.config file. No changes during runtime. Just simple app to change string in app.config file. I would like to enable user to select path to database and store that path in app.config file. Line which I would to change has a string "|DataDirectory|mydatabase.accdb" and i would like to change it with for ex. "C:Myappmydatabase.accdb" ( if it is selected file's path).


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Use A Config File?

May 22, 2009

What i want to do is use a config file to save the value that a user sets in a Folder browser dialog so that i can use the directory they select to write to files in that directory

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Edit Web.Config File

Aug 18, 2011

I'm attempting to update some values in the web.config file from code during an install process.So far I've found this for updating the connection string,[code]However I need to update another section and I'm not sure how. I have the settings for an email and I'm not sure how to update them. Relevant web.config section below, [code]

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Add App.config File To Project?

Apr 20, 2011

Can anybody tell me how can i add app.config file to the project?

i try add new item in the project but i can not see any app.config template.

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C# - When/How Does My .NET Application Use It's App.Config File

Dec 31, 2011

I've never thought about it before; but I recently learned how I could modify the app.config file to add/remove trace listeners (for example, to redirect all of the Trace.WriteLine output to a text file).But I don't quite understand how it works? I know the corresponding C# code to do the same as the config (in this example) - does that code get generated/executed before my application's entry point?

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Read XML Config File?

Apr 10, 2009

I would like to be able to read the entire document, and make changes to it before run time. I am making a deployment tool for my application, and most of my customers do not want to rename their servers, nor do I want to have to rename the server in the connection string section of the app config file.

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Reading The Config File?

Jun 11, 2009

My configuration file has the following settings for logging. I want to read the Switches value attribute to see if Debug is set to 4 (Debug logging) so that I can retain some temporary files. How to I read the value using configuration manager?


<add name="TraceLevel" value="4" />

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Replacement Of App Config File

Jun 29, 2010

I need to develop an project in VB.Net 2005 or 2008 and SQL 2005 for the database. It is not possible to create an App Config file(To create an connection to the Database).Is it possible to use/create an connection with similar functionality, and what is the replacement of this function.

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Save To Config.ini File?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm using this code:

Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("Config.ini")
For Each line As String In tfLines
Dim arr As String() = line.Split("="c)
If arr(0) = "title" Then textbox1.text = arr(1)

To read from a config file that looks like this this:Quotetitle=this is the text Now is the question, how can I save to the config file?Like, replace "this is the text" with the new text in textbox1.text

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The Concept Of App.config File?

Feb 6, 2012


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Using Own Config File In Application?

Oct 23, 2011

As a practice exercise at my college we have to make a simple room booking system, complete with its own config file. We're not allowed to use the one built into VB.NET (the professor wants us to adapt to not relying on things like that) so I've made my own. This is a sample:

// Config file.
// First column is the variable name that will be used to
// reference the value in the second column. Seperate each


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VS 2005 How To Set App Config File

Oct 23, 2011

How to set app config file so we can set app config file after installation of the software.

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Why Can't Find My App.config File

Oct 11, 2010

I was under the impression Visual Studio 2008 (and probably other versions) already made an app.config file for Forms applications. I've edited the app.config on multiple occasions without creating a new app.config file. However, I just created a new application and I can't find the app.config file.I hit Show All files and it still doesn't show. I know I've seen the answer somewhere before, but I can't remember where.

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