.net - Unbound Data Repeater Scroll?

Oct 26, 2010

I Dragged a DataRepeater into my form. Added a TextBox to the DataRepeaterItem.Added A button to the form.Wrote these 2 Lines of Code :

Private Sub Button1_Click(..) Handles Button1.Click
DataRepeater1.VirtualMode = True
End Sub
Run Project
Press Add Button


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Asp.net - Nested Repeater Show Data That Matches Parent Repeater

Mar 15, 2011

I am using a repeater to build a custom table. However, I can't figure out how to make the table show subtotal if the next rows tour does not match the previous rows.

Something similar to that.

row1 tour1
row2 tour 1
tour1 subtotal


but this shows all the data in the nested repeater not the ones that match the parentrepeater fields for example tour,theme,dep7 should match in the child repeater

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Asp.net - Fix Header Of Table With Repeater Control With Vertical Scroll?

Apr 9, 2012

I have to fix header of table when i scroll down i want to see column header till the end of records. i made this but i am facing a problem. i fetch data from database that's a dynamic data so when i display that in table the layout gets odd. because if there is a column with more than 1000 words that will change its width while i mention table cell width with percentage. how i can solve this problem that header remain on the top and the layout will not be disturbed what ever data is. i do not want to use jQuery


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Asp.net - Access A Gridview Inside A Repeater Which Is Inside A Repeater (Nested Repeater)?

Apr 11, 2012

How can I access rep_DataSimilarToBacthid ? I need to bind the GridView and call GridView RowDataBound or InitializeRow


I am using VB.Net with Framework Version 2.0.

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Add Unbound ListView Data To A DB?

Aug 11, 2010

This post is related to my last post using a ListView. Once I've populated my ListView...what is the best way to add it to a SQL Server DB?

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Unbound Data GridView

Oct 31, 2008

am having a little problem with an application form...I have used a DGV to capture data

from textbox and it is unbound from database.I have successfully added some codes and it

works but am having problem when adding new data...Where, when i click on the "Clear"

button to input new data, all the data which was already displayed in the DGV is replaced

by the new data in the first row...all i want is to be able to add data in a new row and

keep the first input...I wanna the app. to display data input in the DGV and then be able

to add new data in a new rowThis is important for me to be able to go to the next step of

the app development.[code...]

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Add Data To Predefined Unbound Datagridview?

Mar 7, 2010

I have an unbound datagridview with three columns already setup. I load data into a dataset. I bind the dataset to the datagridview. My issue is that new columns for the dataset is added to my datagridview. I would like to place the datainto the predefined columns. I have tried this:

index As


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Unbound Populating Data Grid

Jan 27, 2009

tried quite a bit of iterations, not a local admin so i dont want to even bother using the data connection wizard, want to do all of this with unbound controls only the harder way for learning purposes and also so i dont have to keep logging in as local admin and create data sources in the future. Cant really seem to get the table to fill, it appears always with blank fields, and tried many different ways. Currently using vb. net 2005 msvs.[code]

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Using Binding Navigator With Unbound Data?

Apr 23, 2012

I am populating a winForm with invoicing information when the user selects the invoice number and clicks a button the information is displayed. How can i use the binding navigator with unbound data.?

Private Sub btnLookupOrder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLookupOrder.Click


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Rebind Repeater Using Next / Previous Buttons In The ItemTemplate Of The Same Repeater?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a parent repeater with nested repeaters.My problem is I am trying to use 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to rebind my repeater (rptTabContent) and thus the inner repeaters also, but when I try to manipulate the state of these links during the ItemCommand event they are overwritten by the bind.

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DatagridView Get Data From Other Table To Unbound Textbox

May 9, 2012

I have one DatagridView baed on following TBLSTUDENTS SQL table


In my datagridview i can put a combo but in IDCITY field and the correct city appaers in the view, but what i need is a TEXTBOX, not a combobox

View 13 Replies

How To Transfer Data From Unbound Datagridview To Excel

May 5, 2011

Can anyone help me how to transfer the data from the unbound datagridview to excel and from excel to datagridview...ty

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Winforms - Binding Data To A Data Repeater?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm looking for a line or two of code that will bind a DataSet.Datatable column to a textbox on a Datarepeater?

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Add An Unbound Column To A Bound DGV (data Grid View)?

Feb 1, 2011

I have seen multiple examples on google and on these forums about how to do this. It seems there are two approaches:

1 - Add the column directly to the DGV and populate it

2 - Add the column to the underlying dataset


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Create Unbound Column In Data Grid View?

Feb 7, 2010

I want to know how to create unbound column in data grid view and use that column to display the sum of two fields.

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Unbound Data Column In A Datagridview Moves Position?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a form and in that form is a datagridview listing information from a table in a database. The datagrid is setup as read only and the user is unable to move the columns around. The purpose of the datagrid is to allow the user to select entire records and press a menu button that does some action on them. To make it easier to use the very first column in an unbound data column that I fill with a number representing the row count so 1,2,3,4.... this makes it easier for the user to count how many rows he has selected.

The problem is that the unbound column moves to the last column in the datagrid at random times.This only happens in development not after the application has been deployed. Its annoying because lets say I go in to add a label or change a menu item on the form that has nothing to do with the datagrid I have to make sure that the unbound column hasn't moved.Has anyone else had this problem mixing bound and unbound columns in a datagridview.

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Update Access Database With Data From Unbound Datagridview?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a problem that is bugging the hell out of me..... I need to know how to update an access database from an unbound datagridview using vb.net 2008 here is my code but it dont want to work, I need the simplest way.


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VS 2010 Dynamically Write Data To Unbound Gridview

Jan 25, 2012

In my form I have four text boxes (2 in each row); Textbox_FN1, Textbox_LN1 in row 1 and Textbox_FN2,Textbox_LN2 in row 2. When a button is clicked; I want to pass the row number to the following procedure which needs to read values from two text boxes and write to DatagridView. The code below writes the literal "Textbox_FN1.txt" but I need actual value from the textbox control.


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Extract Data In Sql And Use It In Repeater?

Oct 15, 2011

I had using this code to show the alert_value in repeater. But it no output is shown in the column dso. I want to count the number of alert_value which is above than 150 which the alert id is dso.

Dim dso1 As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("dso1"), Label)
If Not IsNothing(dso1) Then
Dim name As String


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Repeater Will Not Show Data?

Jul 3, 2011

I have an ASP.Net Repeater I want to use to show From and Text from a dataset and I want to add it programmically. I have all the data in a dataset and can use that and I have verified the correct number for datarows when it loads so the data is their it is just not showing. What have I missed?.

Dim data As New Data
Dim ds As New DataSet
ds = data.LOADALL()
Dim drMsg() As DataRow = ds.Tables("MESSAGESYSTEM").Select("TOID='101'")
repeatMessages.DatagSource = drMsg


How can I fix this code to show the data in the Message table?

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Filling Unbound ComboBox From Data Table In Typed Dataset

May 31, 2010

I am designing a form to Enter new City Name list where i accept following fields

CityName, District, State, Country, Pin.

because a State names and Country names can be retrived from earlier entries, i want to allow user to select desired name from a list in combo box or a list in Auto Complete Custom Source for text box, to do this i have added a Table Adapter to underlying DataSet having Query "SELECT DISTICT STATE FROM CITY ORDER BY STATE".

Now, how do i use this Table Adapter to fill the ComboBox List without binding

And also Custom Source List for TextBox.

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IDE :: Datagridview Joined Table With Unbound Columns - Save Data?

Jun 28, 2010

I have common sub to save data from data table to database like this ad.Update(tb) It works fine, but problem comes when i populate Datagridview using a joined query which takes values from more than six tables, for example


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Accessing Controls On A Data Repeater?

Mar 24, 2011

I have placed a button on data repeater (called datarepeater1) so that it is repeated with other controls. When I click this button, How do I access/reference the text value of a textbox control called TxtAnimalID on the same row? (This would be something like the current row I am on).

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Asp.net - Avoid Reloading All XML Data For Each Repeater?

Jan 26, 2011

I am trying to place a repeater within a repeater using xml data. I have it working exactly as I want, but the method I have used reloads the data for each repeater. I think I need to cast as an XmlNode but I'll be honest - I have no idea where to start. Here is my code - I'd like to keep everything in the code behind if possible.


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C# - Binding Data To A Button In Repeater?

Apr 30, 2011

I have a repeater which has a hidden field of Parking_ID <asp:HiddenField Value='<%# Eval("Parking_ID") %>' ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" /> and a Button under it.

I tried binding the value to the button from the html, it is giving me an error which indicates binding did not work. The programming language for the form is C# How can I bind the value of Parking_ID with its button in order to pass that value to another form? and how it can be passed to the other form?

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Data Repeater - Detect When The Tab Key Is Pressed?

Aug 10, 2010

Is there a way to detect when the Tab key is pressed?

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Delicate On Data Repeater Control - .Net?

Mar 9, 2011

I have 3 issues on the data repeater control (in VB.net): 1. How can I trap "the event that fires whenever a row (or similarly a textbox) is edited"?.

[I am able to "trap" events in the case when a new record is added with the help of the ItemsAdded" event, and also with the

help of "DeletingItems" event when deleting a row is in progress.]. I need to trap all these events so that I can "write" my own


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Using Data Repeater, Using SQL Statements VB2010?

Dec 28, 2010

I have used a data repeater and linked it with the data source. The program lists all the names of clients from the database with an ID number and also a URL.My first question is how can i make the url that is displayed as a link label, link to the default browser when clicked. I normally use the Shell("c:/program files/internet explorer/iexplore.exe "URL HERE") command but i'm not sure how to make this work with the data repeater?

My second question is to do with starting services, i need to take the ID number from the current data repeater record and then place it within a service name, for example if the service was callled Client_** the two ** represent the client ID. This then needs to start the service when button is clicked on the current record on the data repeater.

My third and final question is how to query a field in a current record of a data repeater, for example if i wanted to query a field called ID for that current record shown, is there a function i need to use to call the information?

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Data Repeater - Anchor Child Controls

Aug 5, 2010

Does datarepeater control has a bug? I tried to anchor a text box control inside the DataRepeater.Item, but it didn't work. At the property window, I set Anchor = Top, Left, Right. Anchor Right doesn't work properly.

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Forms :: Using Data Repeater Control In VS 2010?

Jan 27, 2011

Normally, when populating controls with data from a database I create a connection and then pass a SQL statement to create a DataReader. I then loop through the DataReader and populate the controls. Because I am creating the SQL statement on the fly I can query the database joining on multiple tables to get just the columns and rows I need.

Now I'm trying to use the Data Repeater control in VS 2010. The Data Repeater is part of the Visual Basic Power Pack add on. If you don't have it, it is similar to the Data Grid. I've never used the data grid because I found it lacking. I need more control on how to display the data. The data repeater seems as though it will work in this particular instance.

So, following the numerous on-line tutorials I created a new data source and a new dataset using the wizards. I pointed the dataset to a table in my data source and then bound the dataset to the data repeater. It works but the dataset is bound to a table. I can think of very few instances where I would need to dump the data from a table on to form. I need to be able to query the table.

I need to be able to pass a SQL statement to the dataset at run-time. It needs to be able to retain the bindings to the controls or I need to be able to bind the controls at run-time. No property jumps out at me for changing the dataset SQL statement at run-time. I can't see how to bind controls on the data repeater at time time. I can bind a data set to a data repeater at run-time, but I can figure out how to bind the controls to the dataset fields at run-time.

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