IDE :: Datagridview Joined Table With Unbound Columns - Save Data?

Jun 28, 2010

I have common sub to save data from data table to database like this ad.Update(tb) It works fine, but problem comes when i populate Datagridview using a joined query which takes values from more than six tables, for example


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Datagridview With ComboBoxColumn Fetching Data From Joined Table

Dec 16, 2009

I am using VB 2005 professional and SQL Server 2005 express edition.

For the last two weeks I have been trying to have a datagridview control on a form that will have datasource from a dataset with two tables that are related. I want child the column to be a ComboBoxColumn where userts can select options and update the other data(from the other table).

I have two tables in an sql server 2005 database named computers:-


Table computers looks like thisID is the primary key column)
ID Location


With the location column being a ComboBoxColumn so that when a user enters a new ID say Computer5,they have a choice of a dropdownmenu for the Location column. In the database table computers the item should be saved as well as the index value(to correspond to the LocationID).

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DatagridView Get Data From Other Table To Unbound Textbox

May 9, 2012

I have one DatagridView baed on following TBLSTUDENTS SQL table


In my datagridview i can put a combo but in IDCITY field and the correct city appaers in the view, but what i need is a TEXTBOX, not a combobox

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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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Update Joined Table In Datagridview?

Feb 6, 2009

database: MySQL i use connector

i have two tables with the following contents:

tbl_user_infouser_id(Primary Key) fname lname tbl_accountaccount_id(Primary Key) user_id(Foreign Key) username password NOW, i want this two tables to be displayed in the datagridview

so i used this codes:


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Adding Unbound Columns To Bound Datagridview?

Aug 12, 2011

I am adding two unbound calculated columns to datagridview. The columns show up but does not have the calculated data.

Private Sub Top10ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Top10ToolStripMenuItem.Click


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IDE :: Add Rows To An Unbound DataGridView That Has Combobox Columns?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a datagridview that has 1 combobox column (it will eventually have between 1 and 3 more) but I can't find anything anywhere on how to add rows to this column. I create the columns:


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VS 2005 Unbound Datagridview With A Whole Bunch Of Columns

Oct 22, 2009

I have an unbound datagridview with a whole bunch of columns.I need to sort based on 4 columns, the first three are simple strings, the fouth is a date string (which in itself presents a problem, since it wants to sort lexically but I need them in date order).

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VS 2008 Datagridview With Unbound Combobox Columns?

Dec 14, 2010

I am working with an Unbound DataGridView. I would like to vary the contents of a second combobox based on what is selected in the first. I have code to add the columns and populate the first combobox, but I can't figure out how to do the second one since it can (and usually will) have a different list for each row AND the list must change when the selection in the first is changed.

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Datagridview With Bound And Unbound Calculated Columns Won't Display

May 4, 2011

DataGridView1 is bound to a sql table. Cells(0) and (1) come from that table. Cells(2) and (3) are calculated. While debugging the code, the calculations and lookup look fine, but the results will not display in the columns. Here is the code:

Dim SeatsUsed As Integer = 0
For Each r As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


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Save Unbound DataGridView To Database?

Jun 14, 2009

For Each row1 as DataGridViewRow In dgvImport.Rows
Dim drv as DataRowView = row1.DataBoundItem ' this results in nothing why?
Dim row2 as DataRow = drv.Row

How do I upload the data to database?

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Save Unbound Datagridview Content To Text File?

Jul 13, 2009

I have 5 column in my unbound datagridview. after user enter all the values i want to save the content to the text file. I want to save one row as one line of text. Then if user open a gridview and enter dataon it then the new data should append with the previous data in text file. Is that posible to do. How can we do this

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Update A Record Database Table From Unbound Datagridview Using Program?

Jun 18, 2011

How to update a record database table from unbound datagridview using

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Select Data From DataGridView And Save To A Different Table In Database?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a form that displays data from a table in a DataGrid.I put an unbound Check Box Column in the DataGrid.Upon a user's selection of the various check boxes within the DataGrid, I need to save this checked data to a different table in the database.

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Manually Save Data From My DataGridView To My SQL Server Database Table?

Sep 13, 2009

Is it possible to manually save data from my dataGridView to my SQL server database table?

if it is possible can some please tell me how to do it because i don't like using the data sets and reader VB has because it doesn't give me full control over the procedure.

please see the code below it all works fine its just the last two line im struggling with, which is where i am trying to save the data from the two columns in my DataGridView [code]...

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VS 2010 : Display All Selected Columns From Multiple Joined Tables?

May 11, 2011

I have multiple tables that I need to pull and display data from. I have created a new query in the TableAdapter of one table to pull data from related tables based on a parameter. In the Query Designer I can run my query and see all of the columns requested in my SELECT statement, however when I bind this table to a DataGridView and call the new query, it only returns the original columns from Table1.How do I see all of the columns I selected in my query?

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Filling Unbound ComboBox From Data Table In Typed Dataset

May 31, 2010

I am designing a form to Enter new City Name list where i accept following fields

CityName, District, State, Country, Pin.

because a State names and Country names can be retrived from earlier entries, i want to allow user to select desired name from a list in combo box or a list in Auto Complete Custom Source for text box, to do this i have added a Table Adapter to underlying DataSet having Query "SELECT DISTICT STATE FROM CITY ORDER BY STATE".

Now, how do i use this Table Adapter to fill the ComboBox List without binding

And also Custom Source List for TextBox.

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Add Data To Predefined Unbound Datagridview?

Mar 7, 2010

I have an unbound datagridview with three columns already setup. I load data into a dataset. I bind the dataset to the datagridview. My issue is that new columns for the dataset is added to my datagridview. I would like to place the datainto the predefined columns. I have tried this:

index As


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How To Transfer Data From Unbound Datagridview To Excel

May 5, 2011

Can anyone help me how to transfer the data from the unbound datagridview to excel and from excel to datagridview...ty

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Unbound Data Column In A Datagridview Moves Position?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a form and in that form is a datagridview listing information from a table in a database. The datagrid is setup as read only and the user is unable to move the columns around. The purpose of the datagrid is to allow the user to select entire records and press a menu button that does some action on them. To make it easier to use the very first column in an unbound data column that I fill with a number representing the row count so 1,2,3,4.... this makes it easier for the user to count how many rows he has selected.

The problem is that the unbound column moves to the last column in the datagrid at random times.This only happens in development not after the application has been deployed. Its annoying because lets say I go in to add a label or change a menu item on the form that has nothing to do with the datagrid I have to make sure that the unbound column hasn't moved.Has anyone else had this problem mixing bound and unbound columns in a datagridview.

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Update Access Database With Data From Unbound Datagridview?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a problem that is bugging the hell out of me..... I need to know how to update an access database from an unbound datagridview using 2008 here is my code but it dont want to work, I need the simplest way.


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Create DataGridView Columns From Table Values?

Apr 22, 2010

I am using data grid view in Windows Form standalone application to display items as excel spread sheet in VB.NET. I got a table named CostTypes with column names [CostTypeID, CostType] and values [1,External] and [2,Internal] (These are constant but more values can be added to table).

I want to create columns with names of the values[External , Internal] in DataGridView. If I use databiding directly I get columns [CostTypeID,CostType] which is not what I am looking for.

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Unbound To Any Database And Has 2 Columns?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a datagridview.. It is unbound to any database and has 2 columns..1 is item name and other is amount/expense, incurred..I want the total of expense incurred be displayed in the textbox on button click ie adding the numbers in amount column..


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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView: Save And Restore Re-ordered Columns?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a utiility that users can re-order DataGridView Columns in to their hearts content. I want them to be able to create a named list so they can have multiple Column Patterns to choose from.When I restore though the re-ordered Columns are not where I saved them.

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Datagridview Has Wrong Number Of Columns When Binding To A Table

Nov 4, 2011

I need to have multiple lines in a cell, so I use DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode =DataGridViewTriState.True. I add columns (datagridviewtextboxcolumn) in designer. Then bound datagridview to a table which has exact the same columns as datagridview. Then I find that datagridview has duplicate columns: the first column is empty (which I guess is added through designer), the second column is filled with data from table. My question is how to correctly allow multi-lines and bound to a table at the same time?

In Designer
Friend WithEvents DGV As New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
Friend WithEvents columnClient As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Friend WithEvents columnAccount As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Me.DGV.Columns.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn()


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Save Data In Access Data Base Using Rows And Columns Value?

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to read and save data into a access Database but using the rows and colunms valeu can

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VS 2008 Referencing Columns In Data Table

Nov 23, 2010

Basically the code below is supposed to load data from a reader into a datatable, then compare a date to the start date and end date in each row of the table.However, I am getting errors on the if statement indicating Overload resolution failed because no accessible '>=' can be called with these arguments.I can probably do this with just the reader but I am playing around with a data table because I know I will have to learn how to cycle through the records and look at them at some point and this is a simple example I can use to do this.[code]

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Insert Data From Data Base With Selected Datagridview Columns?

Feb 15, 2012

how can i insert data from data base with selected Datagridview columns i have insert combobox to Datagridview and it can load data from DB now i need insert data to another columns in Datagridview when i change combobox items?

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Compare The Two Data Table Columns And Find Duplicates?

Feb 15, 2012

i want to compare the two data table columns and find duplicates for example

autoid ponbr polinenbr quantity
1 0001 10 5
2 0002 12 6


in the above two dataTable i would like to compare the ponbr and polinenbr column and find the duplicates and get the autoid..

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Connect To Sage Data, To The Stock Table, And Select Certain Columns Such As SKU?

Mar 29, 2011

I want to connect to Sage Data, to the stock table, and select certain columns such as SKU, title, description, sales price and then select the rows I want and send these to an excel spreadsheet formatted in the style required for upload as product feeds to google shopping, shopzilla, amazon and Ebay etc.Each feed is formatted differently and I have to create these manually all the time so I want to try and automate the process. We would have much better control of our ecommerce if I could do this quickly with custom program.

So far I have managed, after a lot of disappointments, to connect to the sage data through the sage ODBC and populate a datagridview. I've only got this far by luck, with many errors due to me and system and software problems. I thought this would be relatively easy as I once used an app to create a word document programmatically with a very thorough guide, it's not looking so easy now. I have also added a check box column to the datagridview for selecting rows and thats as far as I have got.I was thinking perhaps of passing the selected data to an array and then creating and populating the to get selected rows from DGV.

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