Filling Unbound ComboBox From Data Table In Typed Dataset

May 31, 2010

I am designing a form to Enter new City Name list where i accept following fields

CityName, District, State, Country, Pin.

because a State names and Country names can be retrived from earlier entries, i want to allow user to select desired name from a list in combo box or a list in Auto Complete Custom Source for text box, to do this i have added a Table Adapter to underlying DataSet having Query "SELECT DISTICT STATE FROM CITY ORDER BY STATE".

Now, how do i use this Table Adapter to fill the ComboBox List without binding

And also Custom Source List for TextBox.

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Filling SQL View In Typed Dataset Clientside

Mar 22, 2010

I recently updated an app that I wrote to allow the clients to run the app in read only mode disconnected from the database by serializing the typed dataset, and when they are offsite/offline instead of connecting to the database the serialized dataset is loaded. This has been working great and then I hit a major snag.

A majority of the graphs and reports are based on sql views that are typed views in the dataset. Of course offlline the tableadapters cannot run the sql views.

Does anyone know a way to run/fill the view with the already loaded dataset? I can add rows clientside so I'm inclined to believe there must be some way to fill the view clientside but I've been at this for a number of hours now and not making any real progress.

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Filling A ComboBox From A Dataset

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having trouble filling a ComboBox from a dataset. When the program runs, the combobox has the correct number of lines, but they all appear as System.Data.DataRowView.[code]

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Binding A Combobox With Strongly Typed Dataset

Dec 10, 2011

I want to bind a column of a strongly typed dataset to a combobox. But the problem is i have to get only the distinct values from the column and also when a user inserts a value into that column the new value should be showned in the combobox at the same time.And also i want to make the first row of the combobox to be unselectable..[code]how to make this column distinct values

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Get Column Names From Typed Dataset And Display In Combobox?

Jul 31, 2009

I have 2 table in my dataset i want to add both table column names to the combobox.. how can I add the other table to the datacolumncollection?

'gets column names from typed datset and uses as combobox in datagridview
Dim columns As DataColumnCollection = DataSet1.Tables(1).Columns
Dim column As DataColumn


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Cannot Reference A Dataset Table Using The Strongly Typed Name?

Apr 7, 2012

I cannot figure out for the life of me why I cannot reference a dataset table using the strongly typed name. I created a "news" table in a dataset to write out and read in a simple xml.

If you look at the code below this does not work: 'Dim TableFail As ADataSet.NewsDataTable = ds.NewsDataTable 'Does not work

I can access the table by using an untyped name however: Dim NewsTable As ADataSet.NewsDataTable = ds.Tables("News") What is the proper way of accessing the datasets 'typed' datatables name.


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Typed Dataset Binding Fields Of Related Table?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a typed dataset with 2 tables and a relation between the 2 tables. The relation is a 1 to 1 relation.First, who cane help me how to bind both the fields of the parent and the child table to a textbox.And second, in the dataset designer you cane preview the data. There a see for each record 1 row with all fields of the parent and also the fields of the child table. How cane i have the same result in a datagridview?

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Filling Table In DataSet And Filter Information

Apr 6, 2009

When I use a command such as:

I am going out to the database, gathering the requested information and filling the dataset. Therefore, everytime I add a query to a table adapter, it is also going to the database to get the information. So, my question is, how do I fill a table in a data set with all the records in the database table and then, filter the information I've already collected in the dataset without going back out to the database again?

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Master Detail Gridview Using Table Adapter (typed Dataset)?

Jun 9, 2009

i created a type dataset. added two table adapters and made relationship on the key. now i want to show the datagridview with master/detail. how i can do it?

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Add Data To A Typed Dataset?

Jun 25, 2010

I created a dataset in Visual Studio 2010 containing two tables: tblCategories and tblAnswers. tblCategories has two columns: CategoryNumber (AutoNumber and primary key) and CategoryName. tblAnswers has three columns: AnswerNumber (AutoNumber and primary key), Answer, and CategoryNumber. The CategoryNumber columns in each table are related. I have a command button which I want to use to add a record to the CategoryName column in tblCategories with the data typed in a textbox. When I try to access the dataset to add a new row(dataset.tblCategoriesDataTable.NewRow), the NewRow method isn't present. I've done some reading which suggests that I need a TableAdapter, but it seems like that is for connecting to an external file because I have to select a connection. I have no external SQL files or database. I want the user to be able to create a database within my program.

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Change Typed Dataset To Shared Typed Dataset?

Aug 9, 2009

I create one typed dataset by dataset designer in VS2008. How can I change this dataset to shared typed dataset?

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Data Adapter Not Filling A Dataset

Jun 5, 2011

[code]when I run my program and press this button Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exceptionsButton.Click..I have my date range within a time that I know that my dataset should produce a result, but when I put a line break in my code here: adapter.Fill(ds)and look at it in debug, I show a table value of 0. If I run the same query that I have to produce these results in sql analyser, I see 1 result. Can someone see why my query on my form produces a different result than the sql analyser does? [code]I can also verify that the variables are passing the correct values. Can anyone please assist as to why this isnt working?

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Data Adapter Not Filling A Dataset?

Feb 2, 2011

I have the following

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main
Protected WithEvents DataGridView1 As DataGridView


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Data Adapter Not Filling Dataset?

Feb 1, 2011

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main[code]....

and when I run my program, I have my date range within a time that I know that my dataset should produce a result, but when I put a line break in my code here:


and look at it in debug, I show a table value of 0. If I run the same query that I have to produce these results in sql analyser, I see 1 result. Can someone see why my query on my form produces a different result than the sql analyser does? Also here is my schema for my two tables:


employeenumbervarcharno 50 yesnonoSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
exceptiondatedatetime no8 yes(n/a)(n/a)NULL[code]......

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Error Filling Data Adapter With Dataset?

Jul 1, 2011

below is my code:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT VisitorID, VisitorName, Skill FROM tblVisitor LEFT JOIN tblSkill ON tblVisitor.SkillID = tblSkill.SkillID", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)[code]....

then it catch an error as Incorrect Syntax near". which it points to myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "tblVisitor") not the Select command.

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DatagridView Get Data From Other Table To Unbound Textbox

May 9, 2012

I have one DatagridView baed on following TBLSTUDENTS SQL table


In my datagridview i can put a combo but in IDCITY field and the correct city appaers in the view, but what i need is a TEXTBOX, not a combobox

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Filling Combobox With Data From Sql?

Mar 9, 2010

finally given up trying to make it work with my stored procedure.

Sql Server - 2005
Table name - venatio_company
Dim con As New SqlConnection


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IDE :: Datagridview Joined Table With Unbound Columns - Save Data?

Jun 28, 2010

I have common sub to save data from data table to database like this ad.Update(tb) It works fine, but problem comes when i populate Datagridview using a joined query which takes values from more than six tables, for example


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Filling The Datatable From Three Variable Or Putting The Three Table's Data Into One Variable And Then Producing The Data Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have three table and I want to put the three table's data in one variable and from that variable i will produce the datatable and then want to write the data in CSV file.I am Following this step..



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ComboBox In Form - Filling Data Object?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a combobox in a form, I want to fill it with names I have stored in a database. I know I have to use the fill command, but I am not sure what code I need to use. I imagine I need to place this code in the form load event, where I wrote my code to connect to the database. Do I need to create a sql fill command, select Names From Users, then execute that command in the combo box object.

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Filling Existing Unbound Datagridview Column From Sql Express Database?

Jun 28, 2010

I add several unbound columns to datagridview,i've succeeded to copy data from other datagridview to this unbound dgv and also got save database from unbound datagridview to database using tableadapter.insert worked .But i can't figure out how to display the data back into the datagridview with existing column..I've tried using this way :

Dim cn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection_


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DB/Reporting :: Stop Filling Data Table?

Aug 3, 2010

m using backgroundworker to fill my data grid.Here is code:

Public Sub New()
AddHandler DsData.Proba.DataRowChanged, AddressOf table_RowChanged


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VS 2008 Searching Database By Filling Data Table

Jan 9, 2011

I got a problem I need to search by First Name OR Surname. So the user can enter one or the other or BOTH.

So here's what I got I set two primary keys to try and find the row but I'm gettin all sorts of problems, for example when I set FirstName & Surname as primary key which you need to do to use the find method i get an error as it expects two values..

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=UserSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=StudentTeacherDB;Integrated Security=True")


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DataSet Editor - Allows The User To Edit A DataTable In A Strongly-typed DataSet

Mar 15, 2010

When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet. What's the best way to do this?

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VS 2005 Fetch Data From The Database And Filling It To The Combobox Dropdown List At The Form Load Event

Aug 29, 2009

This is the code that i did to fetch data from the database and filling it to the combobox dropdown list at the form load event:


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VS 2005 Typed Dataset Vs UnTyped Dataset

Nov 25, 2009

I want to access data using both the datasets.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


In my code i have dataset name ds and table named Info1,when i write ds after that how tablename is coming,its not possible? How to do that ?

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Combobox Bug - Text Typed In Combobox Appears In Another Control (textbox) On The Form?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a tab control application, each tab loads a particular user control and each of those user controls will then add other user controls that are used amongst other the user controls. For example, I have an "ucQuotes" page and an "ucInventory" page, when the specific tab is selected, the "uc****" user control is loaded on that page, and in the case of "ucQuotes" and "ucInventory" they both use a control called "ucPartNumber"; a user control consisting of a combobox, textbox, and button. I have no issues reusing the shared user controls, in this case. My problem arises with my "ucQuickPrice" control, as it is always present at the bottom of the tab control form (separate from the tabcontrol, but on the same form), and it too uses ucPartnumber.

Here's my issue, as I type into the ucPartnumber combobox, the text I type does not appear in the combobox, it appears in the textbox of the ucPartnumber control that is being used on the tabcontrol page. There are no shared instances of ucPartNumber, nor do I have this issue between typing on one tab page and the text showing on the user control of another tab page.I tried just creating the ucPartNumber controls on the ucQuickPrice control, not adding a new instance of ucPartnumber on the .Load event, and the issue persists.

The combobox(s) in question are bound programmatically with about 40,000 items, ".datasource = dataset.tablename" not to a bindingsource. Autocomplete is set to none, I added code to utilize tool tips and the basic combobox filtering functionality. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm neglecting? I'm about 95% complete with this application, and this just happened today. I made the decision, to just reuse the ucPartNumber control on the ucQuickPrice control (originallly it's size and orientation would not fit, but I added some coding to detect what parent is adding ucPartNumber and to change its appearance accordingly). Before, I made this change, I did not have this problem. And, in trying to go back to how I had things set up before the change, the problem will not go away. if the whole control within a control verbage I used is a bit confusing, let me know and I'll try to better explain what is happening. At this point, I'm going to close and reopen vbexpress, as when I started this ordeal, vb started acting weird and wanted me to save all my work, it usually does this before locking up.

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VS 2010 : Make The Combobox Get Data From One Table And Input It To Another Table?

Jul 7, 2011

I have 1 access database with 3 tables How do I make the combobox get data from one table and input it to another table?ex.I have a table with all my Carriers and another table with jobs that are assigned to Carriers?

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Get Particular Table On Data Grid From Selecting Table Name On Combobox?

Jun 7, 2011

i have a combobox on the form and a datagrid viewer .no i want to display the table which selected on combo box..

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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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