Save Unbound Datagridview Content To Text File?
Jul 13, 2009
I have 5 column in my unbound datagridview. after user enter all the values i want to save the content to the text file. I want to save one row as one line of text. Then if user open a gridview and enter dataon it then the new data should append with the previous data in text file. Is that posible to do. How can we do this
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Dec 1, 2009
I have got a program with a Rich Text Box, the user enters the data in the RTB which can be super or sub scripted, then saves it in a text file (or any other if text file is not possible). Then another user opens the program and loads that data into the RTB. Would the format still be superscripted or subscripted.
View 7 Replies
Jun 14, 2009
For Each row1 as DataGridViewRow In dgvImport.Rows
Dim drv as DataRowView = row1.DataBoundItem ' this results in nothing why?
Dim row2 as DataRow = drv.Row
How do I upload the data to database?
View 5 Replies
Aug 10, 2011
I am trying to create a console application that does the following:
1) read a text file
2) Save the content over to a SQL Server database
3) Use command line arguments to allow user to specify any delimited file
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Jun 28, 2010
I have common sub to save data from data table to database like this ad.Update(tb) It works fine, but problem comes when i populate Datagridview using a joined query which takes values from more than six tables, for example
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Mar 15, 2011
I have a DataGridView (dgv) on a Windows form (VB.NET) which is bound to a datatable. One of the bound columns is a an ID (Foreign Key) to another datatable. All I want to do is Hide the ID column and populate an unbound column with the Name (ParmName) for the user. I searched the foreign value in the datatable and retrieved the information. I set the Value of the cell in the Datarow. All works well, but does not display. The cell accepts the value...I can even Debug.Print the values to the console. They are there just nothing displaying in DataGridView. Nothing odd about DataGridView. Should be straight forward...
My Code
Dim dtParm As DataTable = MyDataSet.tblParameter
Dim dgv As DataGridView = Me.dgvResultNum_DataGrid
View 2 Replies
Dec 29, 2009
I am creating a form to display data in a DataGrid that is bound to a .mdb Query. I am semi-experienced in VB6 Programming, but relatively new to VS8 and all of the features. I created the form, and have the DataGrid that displays all of the info in the query. I would like to be able to filter the form to only display data that matches what the user would type into a text box on the form (I have a text box created as well as a command button that says "Search by...").
Additional Info - I do not have, nor do I want, the DataGrid Navigator displayed on the form.
I want the user to be able to type a value in the text box (Rack Number), then press the button (Search by Rack Number) to only display the data in the DataGrid that corresponds to the rack that matches the text box.
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Mar 11, 2012
I am trying to sort text (File name and path), by having a listbox with just file name and and a datagridview with two columns filename and path.
The listbox sorts it differently from the datagridview. Mainly this is where there is a ' ie listbox puts "you're" before "you are" where the datagridview puts "you are" before "you're".
I thought I would just sort using datagridview and then read from datagrid and add to a non sorting listbox, but this did not work although the datagridview shows sorted, when you go through and a loop, reading each row to add to listbox they end up the same order they where originally put into the datagridview befrore sorting.
What I want is a sorted list of file names only, which will be obtained from several folders and then when clicked with be able to extract the complete path and filename.
I have code with a listbox and datagridview which works ok if I remove any files with ' in them.
View 6 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I save data from datagridview to text file. I also load the same data from text file into datagridview for edit and update the same thing to text file. Let say this text file i called as Drill.txt. I have another text file called header.txt which need to match its value with the value of Drill.txt file then overwrite value from Drill.txt to header.txt. Now i want to make my Drill.txt in encrypted format to prevent anyone to open that file and modify out of program. They only can modify it through the program
View 3 Replies
Jul 22, 2011
How to save DataGridView content into a database?
View 10 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I save data from datagridview to text file . I also load the same data from text file into datagridview for edit and update the same thing to text file. Let say this text file i called as Drill.txt. I have another text file called header.txt which need to match its value with the value of Drill.txt file then overwrite value from Drill.txt to header.txt.Now i want to make my Drill.txt in encrypted format to prevent anyone to open that file and modify out of program. They only can modify it through the program
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a programme like word and wanna concert the content of the rich text box to pdf and save in the disk?
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May 17, 2012
I'm using VB.Net 2008 application program.I'm using DataGridView. I have a Print Preview option where i need to print the DataGridView.Using "DataGridView1.Rows.Add" i'm adding rows to datagridview.I'm using this code for Print Preview.[code]If you know how i can Save Print Preview inside text file or Excel, please help me.
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May 14, 2012
using VB.Net 2008 application program.Im using Dat
Dim MyDataGridViewPrinter As DataGridViewPrinter
Private Function SetupThePrinting() As Boolean
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Oct 7, 2009
Its a League Organizer, basicly ive started it off with 16 teams and end up with 1(winner) 16 box's on the far left, then 8, then 4, then 2, then 1. the 16 box's have "Team 1" "Team 2" etc... ive put a new/clear/open/save button in that order.
BUT this is my problem..when i save(Save Button) the text file saves all the text wrong it ends up like this...Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Etc...
But i want it to save like this
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
The code is...
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog
Save.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|ALL FILES (*.*)|*.*"
View 3 Replies
Mar 3, 2012
I have a textbox on a form that is set to allow dragdrop operations from txt files.Basically you drag a .txt file onto the txtbox, the content of the text file is displayed in the textbox.All is working fine, however after the textfile is displayed in the textbox, the text box text is for some reason is highlighted.I don't want the text to be highlighted (or selected) after it's being displayed on the textbox.Second issue, after I close the file that I dragged, for some reason even if I didn't make any changes to the file, it is acting as if the file has changed.In another words, if I open a text file using my MenuItem Open item, and if I do not change the file, If I close the file it's fine it closes.However, if I close a file that I draged into the text box and then close the file without changing anything in it, the stringcompare function is telling me that the file has changed... I can't understand why.
View 6 Replies
Dec 16, 2010
I have an Access 2007 (w/ Vista O/S) project where I use an unbound form, to populate the form I use a DAO recordset to pull the data from the backend table. I want to have the ability to load a project and return the attachments that are only for that particular record. Subsequently, I need to be able to save any attachments to that project record when the 'Save' button is clicked (the files to be saved to the record are user-defined, and therefore not in a particular/ constant folder).
I would like to avoid using OLE objects and streams if possible, but not sure if that's doable. I know how to navigate to the given record, but how do I return the attachments? Also, I've read this article [URL] and a bunch more, including other MSDN articles [URL] and their related links and still not sure how to achieve the desired end result. I've also tried changing the attachment object's (located on the unbound form) controlsource, but to no success.
Related Info/ Object names:
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May 7, 2009
The system must read the text file serch for the word 'top' and coby the specic content below 'top'. 'top' is the title of the specific section. Now i can read and serch for the word then i dont know how to copy the the below portion of 'top'.This is my code .Dim File As String = "c:wires.txt" ' file name that suppose to read
Private Sub CheckFile(ByVal theFile As String)
Dim myFileChecker As FileStream = New FileStream(File, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
View 1 Replies
Apr 15, 2012
Is it possible for me to modify this area1.txt format to format as in area_modify.txt file take a look txt file for diffrent.... the area1.txt just simple report.
View 14 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
Is it possible to use FileSave to save a richTextBoxs content with a fixed save path, without needing to go thru the save dialogue to select save location.
View 4 Replies
May 5, 2009
how to read and write the content of text file to application. Now with the following code i can read the file. but the whole file appears in application itself. I want the application to read and write the content of file to textbox that is provided in the application. I don want the user see the file. My code to read the file is :[code...]
View 5 Replies
Jun 12, 2009
I need to load the contents of a text file (itemInfo.txt) into a list box
Public Class MainForm
Private path As String = "L:Visual BasicSequentialHW"
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
View 12 Replies
May 15, 2009
I want to read the text file. But i do not want to read the whole file. i just want to read the content below the specific word. For example:
I want to ask whether the above code is correct and also how should i read only the content below the word "Top".
View 39 Replies
Feb 22, 2011
How can I write in a text file that will not overwrite its content.[code]...
View 4 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
First form has 1 listbox and 2 buttons. Second form has 1 datagridview and 1 button. The first form opens the csv and list the location+filename of the CSV file. When the CSV files are listed in the listbox, the user can edit the selected csv file in listbox through edit button, when edit button is pressed, the second form will show as dialog and automatically opens the CSV files in DataGridView. The user will edit some fields and save and the second form will autoclose. Now here's the problem, when i select another CSV file in the listbox and press the edit button, the previous CSV still shows, even other CSV files I select, still the previous CSV file was showing.
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Apr 19, 2009
here's my nut for the day.. i want to save a file to a folder. here is the code i have:
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Aug 18, 2011
I am trying to create a console application that allows me to read the contents of a text file and saving the data by specific name in a set of files. For example, the text file I am going to read is a tab delimited file. Some content of the file includes full name, school, location, and whatnot. I want to save the content by school name in a set of files that have the school names. In this case, everyone that attends "Central" will be saved in a file named Central.txt.Everyone that attends "Central Park" will be saved in a file named Central Park.txt.These are the sub procedures I came up with so far:
'Use StreamReader
And I think I am on the right track of reading the text file:
Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
Dim strLine As String
'Pass the file path and the file name to the StreamReader constructor.
View 2 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
I'm working on a project where I've loaded a database into a DGV. I also have an additional unbound checkbox column for the users to select entries with. I have code in place to read the selected rows and save them into a CSV string, which is then saved in the usersettings. All this works fine.
I'm trying to reverse this effect so that when the DGV loads, the checkboxes that the user selected previously are checked (and the others left unchecked). I've debugged this extensively, and using watches have confirmed that all the values in the loops are right, and the conditionals are all kicking correctly, but it seems the code I'm using to actually check the boxes doesn't work. I've searched dozens of web pages, msdn white papers, and forums, but no suggestions will check the darned box. Below is some example code.[CODE...]
In debugging, it seems the value for the Cells IS changed, but the checkbox never gets selected. The try/catch was just to pick any error messages (but there are none with this code). What am I doing wrong here?
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Feb 4, 2009
I am trying to display unbound data in a DataGridView.I set up columns already design-time. I am at a loss for creating code that adds a new row using the column schema that was created in the Designer?Something like this?
dim newrow as DataGridViewRownewrow.cells.item("name").value = "text here"datagridview1.rows.add(newrow)
I get an error saying the 'name' column was not found?
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Feb 26, 2012
I have a form created which an unbound datagridview that has three columns. "Position", "ID", "Name". The data is being added at runtime into a database upon the forms completion. (I don't want to add unnecessary rows to the database in the event a person clicks Cancel.) What I need to do is on the deletion of a row in the datagridview, search through the rows "Position" for a "HJ" value. If it's not found, change the "Position" value of the first row to be "HJ".
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