.net - "Using The Iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression May Have Unexpected Results"

Jun 27, 2012

Edit: Here is a much more simpler example of this issue (i've deleted my original question):

Dim numbers1 As New List(Of Int32)({1, 2, 3})
Dim numbers2 As New List(Of Int32)({3, 4, 5})
For Each n1 In numbers1
' no warning '
Dim contains = numbers2.Contains(n1)


The local variable number1 is redundant and makes the code less readable as @Meta-Knight already has emphasized. Note: All three ways are safe and give the correct result.

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Get: "iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression May Have Unexpected Results"

Mar 1, 2012

Possible Duplicate:Why is it bad to use a iteration variable in a lambda expression.why do I get: "iteration variable in a lambda expression may have unexpected results"? Suppose I have the following code:


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C# - Using Iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression?

Feb 16, 2012

[URL]..Module Module1


It says the result will always be 5 namely the final value of i. How come?

They don't put the iteration variable in the "closure"?

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How To Suppress VB's "Iteration Variable Shouldn't Been Used In Lambda Expression"?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm working with LINQ in VB.NET and sometimes I get to a query like

For i = 0 To 10
Dim num = (From n In numbers Where n Mod i = 0 Select n).First()


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Set An Indexing Variable In Linq/Lambda Expression?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a lambda expression that builds a list ofanonymous types. I would like to include a property in the anonymous type that is a counter. So the first entry is 1, second 2, third 3, and so on.I thought I recallenyone know the syntax for defining an indexing variable as part of a Linq query or lambda expression?

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.net - Unexpected IQueryable Value After ForEach Iteration?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm flummoxed I'm using VB.Net, Linq, and a DataContext. My DataContext contains a table 'transactions'.

I first declare an IQueryable(Of transaction) and assign it to nothing. I build a predicate in a foreach loop and use a transactions.Where(predicate) to assign the IQueryable a value. If I do an IQueryable.ToList(), I get a number of items in the collection.

However, on the next iteration of the loop, the IQueryable.ToList() gives me 0 items.This is driving me crazy. I tried to use the LINQ to SQL Debug Visualizer with VS2010, (I recompiled the 2008 version with the new reference) but no dice - I can't see the SQl generated or what's inside the IQueryable.


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Delegate 'System.Threading.ThreadStart' Requires An 'AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression As The Only Argument To Its Constructor?

Jan 23, 2010

I got this Error. below is my code.

GenerateTheList is function.Need help
Private Sub buttGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttGenerate.Click
Dim thread1 As New Thread(New ThreadStart(GenerateTheList))
End Sub

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AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression

Feb 22, 2009

From this code


If I put New Action(AddressOf PrivateMesage), then I get the following error: Bounds can be specified only for the top-level array when initializing an array of arrays. on the following code


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Linq To Xml - Unexpected Search Results

Mar 10, 2011

Just when I was thinking that I had Linq To Xml sussed I'm faced with yet another error! I think if I was to understand the linq search process in general better I might have more success, so any good links regarding that are also welcome. To my problem however; using the code below:


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Communications :: Port.BytesToRead Unexpected Results?

Sep 4, 2007

I am writing an app in VB2005 that makes a call to my cars ECU. It sends ok but during the DataReceived event I am getting an unusual result.I am trying to find out how many bytes are in the buffer so I can set up an array to write the data to so I have used the following.

intBTR = _Port.BytesToRead
_Port.Read(bytIncoming, 0, intBTR -1)


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[2005] Unexpected Results With FileSystem.GetFiles

Feb 20, 2009

Consider the following snippet:
Dim Arext() = {"*.ttf","*.ttc"}
For Each foundFile In FileSystem.GetFiles(srcdir, SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, arExt)


The unexpected result is that not all the files specified in arext() are returned by this code. Running the same code twice on the same subset of files does NOT produce consistent results.I'm seeing, probably, 90% of the files with the other 10% not being included?

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C# - Lambda Expression: CS To .Net?

Aug 24, 2011

I am dumb founded at this statement....maybe its just too many hours/days of doing C# to VB.Net conversion but i am drawing a blank on this conversion.

List<string> sColors = new List<string>(this.CustomPaletteValues.Split(','));
try {
List<Color> colors = sColors.ConvertAll<Color>(s => (Color)(new ColorConverter().ConvertFromString(s)));

What i have so far:

Dim colors As List(Of Color) = sColors.ConvertAll(Of Color)(....)

As you can see its the content of the lambda that i am hitting a brick wall with.

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.net - Convert C# Lambda Expression To VB?

Mar 23, 2012

In looking at Fuzzy Date Time Picker Control in C# .NET? Piotr Czaapla's answer to that question is exactly what I need. unfortunately, I'm a VB.NET guy and I'm not that familiar with lambda expresions, so my attempts to convert the code have resulted in hours of misplaced parenthesis and banging my head with a brick.

Any chance some bi-lingual wizard could convert the C# code to VB.net for me?


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.Net Lambda Expression With No Intellisense?

Mar 9, 2011

Using lambda's in VB.Net results in no intellisense. Is this a bug with VS2010 or expected? Note that it works fine in C#

Return Array.TrueForAll(chequeColl, Function(x) x.Number <> "N") 'No intellisense Number does not appear
Return Array.TrueForAll(chequeColl, Function(x As MyClass) x.Number <> "N") 'Now casted intellisense appears

UPDATE: Here's an example

Public Class Cheque
Public Property Id As String
Public Property Status As Byte


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Convert C# Lambda += Expression To VB?

Feb 15, 2011

How should the following C# code be converted to VB.Net? I have tried several code converters and none produce correct results.


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Converting A C# Lambda Expression?

Dec 15, 2011

I will probably sound like a bad developer here, but I am attempting to convert some code from the following page from C# to VB.NET:The code I am having trouble converting is from Step 4 of "Joining a Multicast Group" on the page, and here is the code with the comment lines removed:

private void Join()
_receiveBuffer = new byte[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];


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Extract The Lambda From An Expression?

Aug 9, 2010

I want to implement this function:

Public Function GetFunc(Of TSource, TResult) _
selector As Expression(Of Func(Of TSource, TResult)) _
As Func(Of TSource, TResult)


UPDATE:I have the following issue, it's a part of a function:

Dim obj As Object = value
For Each exp In expressions
If obj Is Nothing Then Return [default]


Exception Details:

ArgumentException:Object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1 [System.Func`3[System.Char,System.Char,System.Char]]'cannot be converted to type 'System.Func`3[System.Char,System.Char,System.Char]'.

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Lambda Expression Not Working?

Jun 12, 2012

If been try to convert some code I have from VB.net to C# but I just cannot get it working!first is the vb code I'm only interested in the line that has the Lambda Expression for the C#[code]......

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Lambda Expression Shorthand

Mar 30, 2010

Currently, I have code similar to this:

xxx, _
If(dr.Table.Columns.Contains("EnterpriseID"), dr.Field(Of Integer)("EnterpriseID"), -1), _

I would like to create a Lamdba expression something like the following (this doesn't work):

Dim xCol As Func(Of DataRow, String, Type, Object, Object) = _
Function(dr, x, t, dflt) _
If(dr.Table.Columns.Contains(x), dr.field(Of t)(x), dflt)

So that I can say something like:

xxx, _
xCol(dr, "EnterpriseID", GetType(System.Integer), -1), _

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Trick Lambda Expression In VB

May 8, 2009

I know in VB Lambda expressions must return a value and can only have one statement. But in my case I just need to execute a Sub that does not return a value. Is there a way to trick it by somehow returning a dummy value yet still call my Sub? If possible what would the syntax be like?

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Using The Vb Equivilant Of The MAX Lambda Expression

Apr 7, 2011

I am having an issue using the vb equivilant of the MAX lambda expression. at foos.Max(function(x) x.id) when I try to intellisense the property ID VS will not show it. But when i run the example it works. Is there something I am doing which is wrong, an i am just lucky it runs? [Code]

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VB Lambda Expression For Sub Delegate?

Nov 29, 2010

There is the code:

Private Sub InsertItemInCache(Of T)(ByVal item As CachedItem(Of T), ByVal dependency As AggregateCacheDependency, _
ByVal key As String, ByVal updateCallBack As CacheItemUpdateCallback)


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Using The Iteration Variable?

Jan 23, 2012

Is the warning I am receiving about using the iteration variable in this line a concern.

Dim reportdataforpage = (From reportvar In reportdata Where reportvar.reportpage = pagenum)

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Creating A Lambda Expression With Delegate?

Jul 16, 2010

I am Creating a Lambda Expression, but it' not getting me the write Out put :

Public Class Form1
Delegate Function GetLastChar(ByVal S As String) As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


I want Send a Name like "Arindam" and its return me "m", the last character.but in messagbox return value shows "fasle" I can't under stand why it's showing "False" instead of "m", the last character.

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Delegate Not Working Instead Of Lambda Expression

May 14, 2010

I am having a generic ListOf-collection holding the self-created User-object, I can filter for users by using lambda-expression like this:
Dim reviewers As List(Of User) = users.Where(Function(u) u.DvRoleID = 2).ToList

Instead of using the lambda expression I can also write the function and call it as argument like this:
Public Function GetReviewer1(ByVal u As User) As Boolean
If u.DvRoleID = 2 Then
Return True
[Code] .....

Now the question: why can't I create a delegate having the same signature as the GetReviewer1 function and use the delegate as argument inside the where-clause like this:
Delegate Function Criteria(ByVal u As User) As Boolean
Public Function GetReviewer1(ByVal u As User) As Boolean
If u.DvRoleID = 2 Then
[Code] .....
The compiler does not accept the crit delegate as argument.

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Getting Exports From Container In MEF (Lambda Expression)

Jun 22, 2012

I am trying to see if the controller class name is the name of the controller name passed in. I think my lambda expression is wrong and that is why it isn't working properly. I am passing in the correct controller names, but the export variable is always null.

Public Function CreateController(requestContext As System.Web.Routing.RequestContext,
controllerName As String)


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Lambda Expression And Validity Of Delegates

May 6, 2010

In MSDN documentation defination about lambda expression is "A lambda expression is a function or subroutine without a name that can be used wherever a delegate is valid ". Here validity of delegate is necessery only when we are passing lambda expression as an argument to a method.


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Lambda Expression With Ternary Operator In VB?

Feb 26, 2010

Lambda expression with ternary operator in VB?

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Linq - Examples Of .NET Lambda Expression?

Feb 3, 2011

Where can I find complex LINQ examples made using VB.NET Lambda Expression syntax?During my searches I always found 101 LINQ Samples but they use the other notation and for me is not always clear how to transform that code into a lambda expression.

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Make Lambda Expression Dynamically?

Jul 13, 2011

In Entity Framework I usually do something like:

modelBuilder.Entity(Of Model).HasKey(Function(item As Model) New With {item.PropertyA, item.PropertyB })

to map a composite primary key

I need to write a generic function like[code]....

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