[2005] Unexpected Results With FileSystem.GetFiles

Feb 20, 2009

Consider the following snippet:
Dim Arext() = {"*.ttf","*.ttc"}
For Each foundFile In FileSystem.GetFiles(srcdir, SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, arExt)


The unexpected result is that not all the files specified in arext() are returned by this code. Running the same code twice on the same subset of files does NOT produce consistent results.I'm seeing, probably, 90% of the files with the other 10% not being included?

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FileSystem.GetFiles() + UnauthorizedAccessException Error?

Mar 15, 2010

It seems like FileSystem.GetFiles() is unable to recover from the UnauthorizedAccessException exception that .Net triggers when trying to access an off-limit directory.In this case, does it mean this class/method isn't useful when scanning a whole drive and I should use some other solution (in which case: Which one?)? Here's some code to show the issue:

Private Sub bgrLongProcess_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bgrLongProcess.DoWork
Dim drive As DriveInfo[code]...

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Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles - Bug Or Feature?

Jul 20, 2011

If I have a folder with a bunch of ".htm" & ".html" files in it and I use

My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(myFolder, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.html")it returns all the ".html" files, as expected. But if I useMy.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(myFolder, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.htm")it returns ".htm" & ".html" files, when I would expect it to return only the ".htm" files. Is this a bug?

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Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles Security Exception?

May 30, 2012

My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.ProgramFiles, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "MSAccess.exe")


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.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles Variable - Use The Multifile Option?

Sep 5, 2011

I'm trying to use the following code but also include a variable.. Works...


I'm sure it's an easy fix.. I actually want to use the multifile option ie.. "*.mp3","*.avi" etc..

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Assigning The Collection Returned By Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles To A Variable?

Sep 14, 2010

Do you know how to declare a variable that can hold the result of a call to GetFiles?

I don't know how to do this, so I am using the following verbose/duplicative version:
Dim l_v_String_FoundFile As String
If My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("A:u_Au_W", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories,


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Assigning The Collection Returned By My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles To A Variable

Mar 10, 2012

Do you know how to declare a variable that can hold the result of a call to GetFiles?

I don't know how to do this, so I am using the following verbose/duplicative version:

Dim l_v_String_FoundFile As String
If My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("A:u_Au_W", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, l_v_String_FileMask).Count = 1 Then


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VS 2010 Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles - List Files Without Their Paths?

Feb 15, 2011

This has to be simple, but can't find the answer.I want to display a list of all files from a folder in a listbox. Easy..., but I want to display only the filenames without their paths.

For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C:My Folder")
This gives me list looking like that:
C:My Folderfile1.txt
C:My Folderfile2.txt


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Linq To Xml - Unexpected Search Results

Mar 10, 2011

Just when I was thinking that I had Linq To Xml sussed I'm faced with yet another error! I think if I was to understand the linq search process in general better I might have more success, so any good links regarding that are also welcome. To my problem however; using the code below:


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Communications :: Port.BytesToRead Unexpected Results?

Sep 4, 2007

I am writing an app in VB2005 that makes a call to my cars ECU. It sends ok but during the DataReceived event I am getting an unusual result.I am trying to find out how many bytes are in the buffer so I can set up an array to write the data to so I have used the following.

intBTR = _Port.BytesToRead
_Port.Read(bytIncoming, 0, intBTR -1)


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Why Do Simple Math Operations On Floating Point Return Unexpected (inaccurate) Results In .Net And Python

Oct 20, 2009

x = 4.2 - 0.1
vb.net gives 4.1000000000000005
python gives 4.1000000000000005
Excel gives 4.1
Google calc gives 4.1

What is the reason this happens?

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.net - "Using The Iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression May Have Unexpected Results"

Jun 27, 2012

Edit: Here is a much more simpler example of this issue (i've deleted my original question):

Dim numbers1 As New List(Of Int32)({1, 2, 3})
Dim numbers2 As New List(Of Int32)({3, 4, 5})
For Each n1 In numbers1
' no warning '
Dim contains = numbers2.Contains(n1)


The local variable number1 is redundant and makes the code less readable as @Meta-Knight already has emphasized. Note: All three ways are safe and give the correct result.

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Get: "iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression May Have Unexpected Results"

Mar 1, 2012

Possible Duplicate:Why is it bad to use a iteration variable in a lambda expression.why do I get: "iteration variable in a lambda expression may have unexpected results"? Suppose I have the following code:


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Filtering Directory.GetFiles VB 2005?

Apr 27, 2009

I am wondering if there is a simple method to filter the result returned by Directory.GetFiles(). Basically I am looking to retrive all of the jpg files in a selected folder into an array. My current code works fine if the folder only has jpgs in it which should be the case in operation but I would like to make sure it works correctly when the folder contains other types of files as well. The line I am currently using is..


files = Directory.GetFiles(IMAGE_DIRECTORY) files is defined as an array earlier in the program and as I mentioned my program works fine when the folder has nothing but jpegs within. The problem is that I am creating a listview with thumbnails from these files and run into some indexing issues when there are non jpgs in the target folder. The easiest solution would seem to be a filter on the getfiles method that would return only files witht he given extension.

Anyone know how to do this or will I need to parse the files out of the array in a second process?

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VS 2005 Message Box Dialog Results?

Jun 25, 2009

This is the code I currently created for my program. On the form close event, it checks if any changes were made and asks to save them or not.


I've told it what to do if the dialog result is "Yes." Now, on the "Cancel" dialog result, I only want the message box dialog to close, NOT the program. Whats the command to make only the message box close?

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VS 2005 - Loop Through Results In Textbox (Removing The Last)

Apr 9, 2009

Private Sub CopySelectedNodes(ByVal nodes As TreeNodeCollection)
For Each node As TreeNode In nodes
If node.Checked Then
[Code] .....
This does not work, I want to loop through results so the textbox1 will be like 151,154,3,151, and I want to remove the last.

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VS 2005 : Search XML Display Results In Datagrid?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a program I wrote a few years back and I brought it back to life with a search feature.I am using an XML file to store the data in.I have a search function that will display the first result from the textbox1.text value,it displays it in a messagebox. What I want to do is display all the results in a datagrid.Here is the code I have now.

Imports System.Xml
Public Class search
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim xmlFile As XmlReader


Is there a way to modify this code to show multiple results in a datagrid? For example, you have a locomotive and rolling stock named Santa Fe. I want to return all results for Santa Fe.

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VS 2005 Select Statement Has Mixed Results?

Apr 5, 2011

I can't find what I'm doing wrong. When I execute this code,

Dim dr As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.LOTBindingSource.Current, DataRowView)
'Format variety Text
Dim drV As DataRow()


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VS 2005 Printing Results From The Data Grid View

Jul 4, 2010

I an new to VB.Net as well as this forum. I have a problem in working with printing my results from the Data grid view. Actually I am working on my project "Library Management System" and I have to print the results of the DataGridView. Like if I search for an author in the book catalogue, the results are shown in the datagird, I need to print those results to printer. I may be the selected or the whole page. Please help me it's urgent. And please remeber I am new to it, so wud be gr8 if it is given with example and explanation.

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Count Total Of Column From Datagridview And Show Results In Textbox Using VB 2005?

May 17, 2012

How can I count Total of column from datagridview and show results in textbox Using VB 2005!

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SQL Server 2005 - Select From Multiple DB's & Compile Results As Single Query?

Sep 25, 2009

Ok, the basic situation: Due to a few mixed up starts, a project ends up with not one, but three separate databases, each containing a portion of the overall project data. All three databases are the same, it's just that, say 10% of the project was run into the first, then a new DB was made due to a code update and 15% of the project was run into the new one, then another code change required another new database for the rest of the project. Again, the pertinent tables are all exactly the same across all three databases.

Now, assume I wanted to take all three of those databases - bearing in mind that they can't just be compiled into a single databases due to Primary Key issues and so on - and run a single query that would look through all three of them, select a given set of data from each, then compile those three sets into one single result and return it to the reporting page I'm working on.

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Using GetFiles Into An Array?

Jul 23, 2009

I used the GetFiles function in the following code:

frmConvert.ListBox20.DataSource = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("c: empparse")

I need to do the exact thing as above but into an Array and not using a ListBox.

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Show The Final Results Instead Of The Results Real-time

Sep 28, 2010

I have a form that allows users to select file and then it reads the contents, parses the data and then executes a sql insert statement to add it to a database. What I am having issues with is showing real-time results. Currently, I have the import operation take place on the import form within the OnLoad event. The problem with this is it only shows the final results instead of the results real-time. Is there anyway to do this without creating a seperate thread and delegates?

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System.io.directory.getfiles, How To Use It

Apr 6, 2011

I can't figure out how to use the (because im noob)ystem.io.directory.getfilesIf I try to put it in a textbox for example textbox1.text = system.io.directory.getfiles("my directory") then I just get the error message "Value type of '1-dimensional string of array' cannot be converted to 'string'. First of all I have no idea what the '1-dimensional string of array'thing is.And if I try to put in a msgbox for example sgbox(system.io.directory.getfiles("my directory")) then I can run the program but when I click my button then it says "it can not convert argument prompt to string(google translated)". And second, I don't know what the prompt thing is either

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Using Getfiles With Multiple Extensions?

Nov 17, 2009

i am using the getfiles function to have all the files in a specific path but i want to use the getfiles to find .rar and .mp3 getfiles("c:program files",)

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Files From Resources To Filesystem?

Aug 18, 2009

I have multiple .mp3 files that I have added to the resources of my project, and the thing is, that the mediaplayer won't play .mp3 files from the resources, so I need to extract them to the filesystem in order to play them, but I can't find any way to do this. All the things I've tried have given me the error saying that I don't have access to the folders I try to extract to. And yes, I'm on the Admin account of the computer.

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Filter Using Filesystem Watcher?

Dec 14, 2009

I Want to filter a file using filesystem watcher. In that, I want to filter more than one type. Let it be, *.exe, *.java..

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Using 'Shell' And My.Computer.FileSystem

Dec 30, 2009

i've tried to use SHELL to run an program when i hit "Button1".I reckoned ill use the Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles.To find the File on the Users Computer. And i dont know how to transfer the data Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles obtains to the Shell.[code]

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Asp.net - Bind Repeater To DirectoryInfo.GetFiles?

Mar 23, 2009

If I want to bind the files of a folder to a gridview, I can just do this:

GridView1.DataSource = New DirectoryInfo("C:MyPix").GetFiles
...And this asp.net
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">


...But if I want to bind it to a repeater in stead, I would think I could display the filename like this:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">

...But that gets me the error "No default member found for type 'FileInfo'."

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DirectoryInfo.GetFiles, Sort And Queue?

Jun 24, 2010

How do I (i) sort the array of type FileInfo returned by the DirectoryInfo.GetFiles method by (file) CreationTime in descending order and (ii) once the array is sorted efficiently load it or convert into a Queue object (of type FileInfo) for subsequent processing. I thought of using the queue object as it handles things on a FIFO out basis and I'll be adding to the queue as new files arrive.

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